Aim. To investigate the effect of intraoperative wound irrigation with
Aims. Although low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) combined with disinfectants has been shown to effectively eliminate portions of biofilm in vitro, its efficacy in vivo remains uncertain. Our objective was to assess the antibiofilm potential and safety of LIPUS combined with 0.35%
Purpose: Biomaterial-related infections continue to hamper the success of reconstructive and arthroplasty procedures in orthopaedic surgery. Staphylococci are the most common etiologic agents, with biofilm formation representing a major virulence factor. Environmental stress factors and sub-inhibitory concentration of some antibiotics have been identified to trigger staphylococcal biofilm formation through increased icaADBC expression. In staphylococci, production of polysaccharide intercellular adhesin (PIA) by the enzyme products of the icaADBC operon is the best understood mechanism of biofilm development, making the ica genes a potential target for biofilm inhibitors. Aims of the current study were. Determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of
Aim. Polypropylene (PPE) synthetic mesh is increasingly used in knee arthroplasty surgery to salvage a disrupted extensor mechanism. Despite its clinical success, it is associated with a high rate of periprosthetic joint infection (PJI), which is hypothesized to be caused by bacterial biofilm. The purpose of the current study is to describe the progression of PPE-based biofilm formation over time and to determine if intraoperative antiseptic solutions could be used to effectively remove biofilm when treating PJI. Method. Commercially available knotted monofilament PPE mesh. 1. was cut into 10mm circular shape, immersed in tryptic soy broth (TSB) with methicillin-sensitive staphylococcus aureus and cultured individually in 48-well plates for 10 days to elucidate the biofilm grown on mesh over time. At every 24 hours, a triplicate of samples was retrieved and biofilm on the mesh was dislodged by sonicating at 52 kHz for 15 minutes and quantified by counting colony-forming units (CFUs) after overnight growth. The biofilm growth was also verified using scanning electron microscopy. The effect of saline and antiseptic solutions was verified by exposing 1) 0.05% chlorohexidine gluconate. 2. , 2) acetic acid-based mixture. 3. , 3) diluted
Summary. A meta-analysis was performed to compare rate of SSI after application of chlorhexidine vs. iodine in total joint arthroplasty. Chlorhexidine had significantly lower odds of SSI. Introduction. Surgical site infections (SSI) are a significant source of morbidity and mortality. The optimal preoperative skin preparation in lower extremity total joint arthroplasty (TJA) remains debatable between chlorhexidine and iodine-containing solutions. This meta-analysis sought compare SSI rates between chlorhexidine cloth application the night before surgery plus povidone-iodine-alcohol (povidone-iodine) solution at surgery or only
Aim. The efficacy of various irrigation solutions in removing microbial contamination of a surgical wound and reducing the rate of subsequent surgical site infection (SSI), has been demonstrated extensively. However, it is not known if irrigation solutions have any activity against established biofilm. This issue is pertinent as successful management of patients with periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) includes the ability to remove biofilm established on the surface of implants and necrotic tissues. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of various irrigation solutions in eradicating established biofilm, as opposed to planktonic bacteria, in a validated in vitro model. Method. Established biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli were exposed to different irrigation solutions that included Polymyxin 500,000U/L plus bacitracin 50,000U/L, Vancomycin 1g/L, Gentamicin 80mg/L, Normal saline 0.9%, off-the-shelf Betadine 0.3%, Chlorhexidine 0.05%, Benzalkonium 1.3g/L, Sodium hypochlorite 0.125%, and
Aims. Despite recent literature questioning their use, vancomycin and clindamycin often substitute cefazolin as the preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis in primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA), especially in the setting of documented allergy to penicillin. Topical
Introduction. The use of irrigation solution during surgical procedures is a common and effective practice in reduction of bioburden and the risk of subsequent infection. The optimal irrigation solution to accomplish this feat remains unknown. Many surgeons commonly add topical antibiotics to irrigation solutions assuming this has topical effect and eliminates bacteria. The latter reasoning has never been proven. In fact a few prior studies suggest addition of antibiotics to irrigation solution confers no added benefit. Furthermore, this practice adds to cost, has the potential for anaphylactic reactions, and may also contribute to the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. We therefore sought to compare the antimicrobial efficacy and cytotoxicity of irrigation solution containing polymyxin-bacitracin versus other commonly used irrigation solutions. Methods. Using two in vitro breakpoint assays of Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC#25923) and Escherichia coli (ATCC#25922), we examined the efficacy of a panel of irrigation solutions containing topical antibiotics (500,000U/L Polymyxin-Bacitracin 50,000U/L; Vancomycin 1g/L; Gentamicin 80mg/L), as well as commonly used irrigation solutions (Normal saline 0.9%;
Prosthetic joint infection (PJI) is a serious complication following joint replacement. Antiseptic solutions are often used for intraoperative wound irrigation particularly in cases of revision for PJI. Antiseptic irrigation is intended to eradicate residual bacteria which may be either free floating or in residual biofilm although there is no clear clinical efficacy for its use. Also, reviewing the scientific literature there is discordance in in vitro results where some studies questions antiseptic efficacy whilst others suggest that even at low concentration antiseptic agents are effective at eradicating bacterial biofilms. The aim of this in vitro study was to establish the efficacy of undiluted antiseptic agents at eradication of a typical PJI forming biofilm and determine the importance of an antiseptic neutralisation step in this assessment. Mature Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms grown on TiAl6V4 discs were submerged in chlorohexidine (CHL) gluconate 4%,
Aim. Irrigation and debridement with an irrigation solution are essential components of the surgical management of acute and chronic periprosthetic joint infection (PJI). Nevertheless, there is a lack of agreement regarding the most effective solution to use. The aim of the study was to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of the current literature concerning the efficacy of different irrigation solutions over bacterial biofilm. Method. This study was conducted in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis extension for Network meta-analysis (PRISMA-NMA) checklist for systematic reviews and meta-analyses. A comprehensive literature search of PubMed, Cochrane Library, Web of Science and Scopus databases from inception to September 1, 2023. We combined terms related to PJI, biofilm and irrigation solutions studied in vitro. We performed a network meta-analysis to analyze which irrigation solution achieved a higher reduction of colony forming units (CFU) after specific exposure times, always with a maximum of five minutes, replicating intraoperative conditions. Effect-size was summarized with logarithmic response ratio (logRR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). The rank probability for each treatment was calculated using the p-scores. Results. We screened 233 potential sources. Following deduplication, screening and full-text review, four studies with ten irrigation solutions for different duration of exposures were included, always less than five minutes, replicating intraoperative conditions. Solutions were studied over mature biofilms of most frequent bacteria grown over metal, bone cement or polyethylene surfaces. The highest effect was achieved with povidone iodine 10% during 5 minutes (logRR: −12.02; 95% CI: −14.04, −9.99). The best ranked solutions were povidone iodine 10% during five, three and one minute (respective p-scores: 0.977, 0.932, 0.887) and its combination with hydrogen peroxide for 3 minutes (p-score: 0.836). Povidone iodine 0.3% acting for 5 minutes completed the top 5 best ranked solutions in this study (p-score: 0.761). We assumed that there were no inconsistencies in our network because after examining both scenarios, with and without inconsistencies, the results were not significantly different. Conclusions. Our results show that 10%
Periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) occurs in 0.2-2% of primary hip and knee arthroplasty and is a leading cause of revision surgery, impaired function, and increased morbidity and mortality. Topical, intrawound vancomycin administration allows for high local drug concentrations at the surgical site and has demonstrated good results in prevention of surgical site infection after spinal surgery. It is a promising treatment to prevent infection following hip and knee arthroplasty. Prior studies have been limited by small sample sizes and the low incidence of PJI. This systematic review and meta-analysis was performed to determine the effectiveness of topical vancomycin for the primary prevention of PJI in hip and knee arthroplasty. A search of Embase, MEDLINE, and PubMed databases as of June 2020 was performed according to PRISMA guidelines. Studies comparing topical vancomycin to standard perioperative intravenous antibiotics in primary THA and TKA with a minimum of three months follow-up were identified. The results from applicable studies were meta-analysed to determine the impact of topical vancomycin on PJI rates as well as wound-related and overall complications. Results were expressed as odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals. Nine comparative observational studies were eligible for inclusion. 3371 patients treated with 0.5-2g of topical vancomycin were compared to 2884 patients treated with standard care. Only one of nine studies found a significantly lower rate of PJI after primary THA or TKA (OR 0.09-1.97, p=0.04 for one study, p>0.05 for eight of nine studies), though meta-analysis showed a significant benefit, with vancomycin lowering PJI rates from 1.6% in controls to 0.7% in the experimental group (OR 0.47, p=0.02, Figure 1). Individually, only one of five studies showed a significant benefit to topical vancomycin in THA, while none of seven studies investigating PJI after TKA showed a benefit to topical vancomycin. In meta-analysis of our subgroups, there was a significant reduction in PJI with vancomycin in THA (OR 0.34, p=0.04), but there was no significant difference in PJI after TKA (OR 0.60, p = 0.13). In six studies which reported complication rates other than PJI, there were no significant differences in overall complication rates with vancomycin administration for any study individually (OR 0.48-0.94, p>0.05 for all studies), but meta-analysis found a significant difference in complications, with a 6.7% overall complication rate in controls compared to 4.8% after topical vancomycin, largely driven by a lower PJI incidence (OR 0.76, p=0.04). Topical vancomycin is protective against PJI after hip and knee arthroplasty. No increase in wound-related or overall complication rates was found with topical vancomycin. This meta-analysis is the largest to date and includes multiple recent comparative studies while excluding other confounding interventions (such as
Aim: To assess the effectiveness of
Aim. Periprosthetic joint infections (PJI) are increasing due to our elderly population with the need of a joint prosthesis. These infections are difficult to treat, because bacteria form biofilms within one day on the orthopedic implant surface. Notably, most of the current available antibiotics do not penetrate the biofilm or are not active against the sessile forms of bacteria. Therefore, prevention is key. In the current paradigm, bacteria from the skin surface or dermis - such as Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative staphylococci, or Cutibacterium sp. – contaminate the periimplant tissue during surgery. Cutibacterium avidum, which has increasingly been reported in hip PJIs, colonizes the skin in the groin area in 32.3%. We were wondering if standard skin antisepsis before hip arthroplasty is effective to eliminate C. avidum colonization in the surgical field. Method. In a single-center, prospective study, we preoperatively screened all patients undergoing a hip arthroplasty through a direct anterior approach for different skin bacteria in the groin area. Only in patients colonized with C. avidum, we intraoperatively searched for persistent bacterial growth during and after triple skin antisepsis with
Among the most critical factors to reducing the risk of infection include the use of pre-incisional antibiotics, appropriate skin preparation with clippers (as opposed to a razor for hair removal) and the use of an alcohol-based skin preparation. Host factors are also likewise critically important including obesity, diabetes, inflammatory arthritis, renal insufficiency, skin disorders and patients who are otherwise immune-compromised. If modifiable risk factors are identified, it would seem reasonable to delay elective surgery until these can be optimised. One other factor to consider is the nutritional status of the patient. In a study of 501 consecutive revisions, we found that serological markers suggestive of malnutrition (albumin, transferrin or total lymphocyte count) were extremely common. Specifically, 53% of patients who presented for treatment of a chronic infection had at least one marker for malnutrition, compared to 33% in the group of patients undergoing revision for an aseptic reason. Malnutrition was found to be an independent risk factor for septic failure (p < 0.001 and OR 2.1). Interestingly, malnutrition was most common among patients of normal weight but was also common among obese patients (so-called “paradoxical” malnutrition). What was more disturbing, however, was that of those patients undergoing an aseptic revision, serum markers of malnutrition were associated with a 6× risk of acute post-operative infection complicating the patient's aseptic revision. We have confirmed this association using the NSQIP database where hypoalbuminemia was associated with a higher risk of infection, pneumonia and readmission. At our center, we also have studied the use of dilute betadine at the end of the case, prior to wound closure, in an attempt to decrease the load of bacteria in the wound. In a retrospective review the prevalence of acute post-operative infection was reduced from just under 1% (18/1862) to 0.15% (1 of 688; p = 0.04). It is critical that the betadine utilised be STERILE and the dilution we use is 0.35% made by diluting 17.5cc of 10%
Minimizing the risk of periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is of interest to all surgeons performing hip and knee arthroplasty. Among the most critical factors to reducing the risk of infection include the use of pre-incisional antibiotics, appropriate skin preparation with clippers (as opposed to a razor for hair removal) and the use of an alcohol-based skin preparation. Host factors are also likewise critically important including obesity, diabetes, inflammatory arthritis, renal insufficiency, skin disorders and patients who are otherwise immune-compromised. If modifiable risk factors are identified, it would seem reasonable to delay elective surgery until these can be optimised. One other factor to consider is the nutritional status of the patient. In a study of 501 consecutive revisions, we found that serological markers suggestive of malnutrition (albumin, transferrin or total lymphocyte count) were extremely common in the revision population. Specifically, among patients who presented for treatment of a chronic infection, 53% (67 of 126) had at least one marker for malnutrition. The prevalence of serological markers of malnutrition was lower (33%) in the group of patients undergoing revision for an aseptic reason suggesting that malnutrition was a risk factor for septic failure (p < 0.001 and OR 2.1). Interestingly, malnutrition was most common among patients of normal weight but was also common among obese patients (so-called “paradoxical” malnutrition). What was more disturbing, however, that of those patients undergoing an aseptic revision, serum markers of malnutrition were associated with a 6x risk of acute postoperative infection complicating the patient's aseptic revision. At our center, we also have studied the use of dilute betadine at the end of the case, prior to wound closure, in an attempt to decrease the load of bacteria in the wound. In a retrospective review the prevalence of acute postoperative infection was reduced from just under 1% (18/1862) to 0.15% (1 of 688; p = 0.04). It is critical that the betadine utilised be STERILE and the dilution we use is 0.35% made by diluting 17.5cc of 10%
Electromagnetic induction heating has demonstrated in vitro antibacterial efficacy over biofilms on metallic biomaterials, although no in vivo studies have been published. Assessment of side effects, including thermal necrosis of adjacent tissue, would determine transferability into clinical practice. Our goal was to assess bone necrosis and antibacterial efficacy of induction heating on biofilm-infected implants in an in vivo setting. Titanium-aluminium-vanadium (Ti6Al4V) screws were implanted in medial condyle of New Zealand giant rabbit knee. Study intervention consisted of induction heating of the screw head up to 70°C for 3.5 minutes after implantation using a portable device. Both knees were implanted, and induction heating was applied unilaterally keeping contralateral knee as paired control. Sterile screws were implanted in six rabbits, while the other six received screws coated with Aims
Minimizing the risk of periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is of interest to all surgeons performing hip and knee arthroplasty. Among the most critical factors to reducing the risk of infection include the use of pre-incisional antibiotics, appropriate skin preparation with clippers (as opposed to a razor for hair removal) and the use of an alcohol-based skin preparation. Host factors are also likewise critically important including obesity, diabetes, inflammatory arthritis, renal insufficiency, skin disorders and patients who are otherwise immune-compromised. If modifiable risk factors are identified, it would seem reasonable to delay elective surgery until these can be optimised. One other factor to consider is the nutritional status of the patient. In a study of 501 consecutive revisions, we found that serological markers suggestive of malnutrition (albumin, transferrin or total lymphocyte count) were extremely common in the revision population. Specifically, among patients who presented for treatment of a chronic infection, 53% (67 of 126) had at least one marker for malnutrition. The prevalence of serological markers of malnutrition was lower (33%) in the group of patients undergoing revision for an aseptic reason suggesting that malnutrition was a risk factor for septic failure (p < 0.001 and OR 2.1). Interestingly, malnutrition was most common among patients of normal weight but was also common among obese patients (so-called “paradoxical” malnutrition). What was more disturbing, however, that of those patients undergoing an aseptic revision, serum markers of malnutrition were associated with a 6× risk of acute post-operative infection complicating the patient's aseptic revision. At our center, we also have studied the use of dilute betadine at the end of the case, prior to wound closure, in an attempt to decrease the load of bacteria in the wound. In a retrospective review the prevalence of acute post-operative infection was reduced from just under 1% (18/1862) to 0.15% (1 of 688; p = 0.04). It is critical that the betadine utilised be STERILE and the dilution we use is 0.35% made by diluting 17.5 cc of 10%
Hand trauma, consisting of injuries to both the hand and the wrist, are a common injury seen worldwide. The global age-standardized incidence of hand trauma exceeds 179 per 100,000. Hand trauma may require surgical management and therefore result in significant costs to both healthcare systems and society. Surgical site infections (SSIs) are common following all surgical interventions, and within hand surgery the risk of SSI is at least 5%. SSI following hand trauma surgery results in significant costs to healthcare systems with estimations of over £450 per patient. The World Health Organization (WHO) have produced international guidelines to help prevent SSIs. However, it is unclear what variability exists in the adherence to these guidelines within hand trauma. The aim is to assess compliance to the WHO global guidelines in prevention of SSI in hand trauma. This will be an international, multicentre audit comparing antimicrobial practices in hand trauma to the standards outlined by WHO. Through the Reconstructive Surgery Trials Network (RSTN), hand surgeons across the globe will be invited to participate in the study. Consultant surgeons/associate specialists managing hand trauma and members of the multidisciplinary team will be identified at participating sites. Teams will be asked to collect data prospectively on a minimum of 20 consecutive patients. The audit will run for eight months. Data collected will include injury details, initial management, hand trauma team management, operation details, postoperative care, and antimicrobial techniques used throughout. Adherence to WHO global guidelines for SSI will be summarized using descriptive statistics across each criteria.Aims
This study aimed to assess the risk of acute kidney injury (AKI) associated with combined intravenous (IV) and topical antibiotic therapy in patients undergoing treatment for periprosthetic joint infections (PJIs) following total knee arthroplasty (TKA), utilizing the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria for classification. We conducted a retrospective analysis of 162 knees (162 patients) that received treatment for PJI post-TKA with combined IV and topical antibiotic infusions at a single academic hospital from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2022. The incidence of AKI was evaluated using the KDIGO criteria, focussing on the identification of significant predictors and the temporal pattern of AKI development.Aims