Abstract. Introduction. Choosing a hinged implant in the revision knee arthroplasty (rTKA) setting is challenging and limited data on implant performance exists. We present the survivorship and reason for failure in rTKA performed at our institution using the LINK hinge prosthesis, predominantly the cemented modular Endo-Model prosthesis. Methodology. 260 consecutive revision knee cases performed between 2012 and 2020 were reviewed retrospectively. Mean follow up was 27 months (range 0 to 107). Survivorship was analysed in Stata using a Log Rank test to compare performance in patients stratified according to age (≥80 years old (76 cases), 70–79 years (104 cases) and ≤70 years (80 cases). Results. 53 patients died and 48/207 (23%) cases in 40 patients underwent re-revision. Reasons for re-revision were aseptic loosening (21), infection (12), instability (4), extensor failure (1), stiffness (1), fracture (1) and other (8).
Introduction & Aims. In other medical fields, smart implantable devices are enabling decentralised monitoring of patients and early detection of disease. Despite research-focused smart orthopaedic implants dating back to the 1980s, such implants have not been adopted into regular clinical practice. The hardware footprint and commercial cost of components for sensing, powering, processing, and communicating are too large for mass-market use. However, a low-cost, minimal-modification solution that could detect loosening and infection would have considerable benefits for both patients and healthcare providers. This proof-of-concept study aimed to determine if loosening/infection data could be monitored with only two components inside an implant: a single-element sensor and simple communication element. Methods. The sensor and coil were embedded onto a representative cemented total knee replacement. The implant was then cemented onto synthetic bone using polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). Wireless measurements for loosening and infection were then made across different thicknesses of porcine tissue to characterise the sensor's accuracy for a range of implantation depths.
Introduction. Aseptic loosening of the acetabular cup in total hip replacement (THR) remains a major problem. Current diagnostic imaging techniques are ineffective at detecting early loosening, especially for the acetabular component. The aim of this preliminary study was to assess the viability of using a vibration analysis technique to accurately detect acetabular component loosening. Methods. A simplified acetabular model was constructed using a Sawbones foam block into which an acetabular cup was fitted. Different levels of loosening were simulated by the interposition of thin layer of silicon between the acetabular component and the Sawbones block. This included a simulation of a secure (stable) fixation and various combinations of cup zone loosening. A constant amplitude sinusoidal excitation with a sweep range of 100–1500 Hz was used. Output vibration from the model was measured using an accelerometer and an ultrasound probe.
The incidence of loosening of a cemented glenoid component in total shoulder arthroplasty, detected by means of radiolucent lines or positional shift of the component on true antero-posterior radiographs, has been reported to be between 0% to 44%. These numbers depend on the criteria used for loosening and on the length of follow-up. Radiolucent lines are however difficult to detect and to interpret, because of the mobility of the shoulder girdle and the obliquity of the glenoid, which hinder standardisation of radiographs. After review of radiolucencies around cemented glenoid components with a mean follow-up of 5. 3 years in 48 patients we found progressive changes to be present predominantly at the inferior pole of the component. This may hold a clue for the mechanism behind loosening of this implant. Since loosening is generally defined as a complete radiolucent line around the glenoid component and is difficult to assess as a result of the oblique orientation of the glenoid, an underestimation of the loosening rate using radiological data was suspected. Therefore a pilot study using Roentgen Stereophotogrammatric Analysis (RSA) was performed. In five patients an additional analysis of glenoid component loosening using digital Roentgen Stereophotogrammetric Analysis (RSA) was performed. The relative motion of the glenoid component with respect to the scapula was assessed and the length of this translation vector was used to represent migration.
The painful hip without obvious clinical or radiographic signs of complications is a well-known scenario for surgeons. The clinical tools we have access to currently lack a dynamic test for detecting early signs of motion between implant and bone. A new software, Sectra IMA, has a potential to facilitate diagnosis of early implant loosening by analysis of paired CT exams. In clinical practise the two scans are acquired by endpoint of a possible motion, “a provocation CT”, for example maximal external and internal rotation in a CT hip examination. 20 years of research by Olivecrona and Weidenhielm is the scientific background for the technique. Early results are presented by Sandberg et al 2022. To further validate and create clinical evidence more extensive clinical studies is needed. A proposal for a multicentric, global clinical study will be presented for further discussion. A new technique for diagnosis of acetabular cup loosening using computed tomography: preliminary experience in 10 patients. Henrik Olivecrona, Lotta Olivecrona, Lars Weidenhielm, Marilyn E Noz, Jocelyn Kardos, Gerald Q Maguire Jr, Michael P Zeleznik, Peter Aspelin. Acta Orthop. 2008 Jun;79(3):346-53. doi: 10.1080/17453670710015247. Inducible displacement CT increases the diagnostic accuracy of aseptic loosening in primary total hip arthroplasty. Sandberg O, Carlsson S, Harbom E, Cappelen V, Tholén S, Olivecrona H, Wretenberg P. Acta Orthop. 2022 Oct 31;93:831-836. doi: 10.2340/17453674.2022.5240.PMID: 36314542
Introduction: High-flexion (HF) TKA designs were introduced in order to achieve greater flexion than with conventional TKA designs. Although early clinical results are promising, recent literature raises concerns about fixation and risk for early loosening of the femoral component during high demanding activities. This study’s aim was to measure the loosening force of the femoral component of several PS-TKA designs in a deep flexion configuration. Methods: The loosening force of the femoral component of ten contemporary PS-TKAs, including five HF and five conventional designs from the major orthopaedic companies were evaluated. To simulate a deep flexion configuration, each TKA was implanted in a femoral bone model and placed in a loading frame in 135° of flexion, with the tibia vertically.
The purpose of the present study was to identify risk factors for femoral loosening and neck fracture for Conserve+ metal-on-metal hybrid surface atrhroplasty. The first 500 hips (of over 700 implanted by the senior author) in 436 patients were reviewed. Mean age was 48.6 with 74% of males patients. 16 hips were converted to THR secondary to aseptic failure on the femoral side (11 femoral component loosenings and 5 femoral neck fractures). 14 hips showed radiolucencies around the short metaphyseal stem at last follow-up. A retrieval analysis was performed and analyzed specimens compared with the intra operative photos of the prepared femoral head and the post-op X-rays. The cause of neck fractures is multifactorial. Risk factors include: uncovered reamed bone, leaving the component proud, notching the neck, impingement, osteopenia and cysts, and trauma. Avoidance of technical deficiencies and proper patient selection can eliminate neck fractures.
Pedicle screw loosening in posterior instrumentation of thoracolumbar spine occurs up to 60% in osteoporotic patients. These complications may be alleviated using more flexible implant materials and novel designs that could be optimized with reliable computational modeling. This study aimed to develop and validate non-linear homogenized finite element (hFE) simulations to predict pedicle screw toggling. Ten cadaveric vertebral bodies (L1-L5) from two female and three male elderly donors were scanned with high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT, Scanco Medical) and instrumented with pedicle screws made of carbon fiber-reinforced polyether-etherketone (CF/PEEK). Sample-specific 3D-printed guides ensured standardized instrumentation, embedding, and loading procedures. The samples were biomechanically tested to failure in a toggling setup using an electrodynamic testing machine (Acumen, MTS) applying a quasi-static cyclic testing protocol of three ramps with exponentially increasing peak (1, 2 and 4 mm) and constant valley displacements. Implant-bone kinematics were assessed with a stereographic 3D motion tracking camera system (Aramis SRX, GOM). hFE models with non-linear, homogenized bone material properties including a strain-based damage criterion were developed based on intact HR-pQCT and instrumented 3D C-arm scans. The experimental loading conditions were imposed, the maximum load per cycle was calculated and compared to the experimental results. HR-pQCT-based bone volume fraction (BV/TV) around the screws was correlated with the experimental peak forces at each displacement level.Introduction
Total joint replacement (TJR) was one of the most revolutionary breakthroughs in joint surgery. The majority studies had shown that most implants could last about 25 years, anyway, there is still variation in the longevity of implants. In US, for all the hip revisions from 2012 to 2017 in the United States, 12.0% of the patients were diagnosed as aseptic loosening. Variable studies have showed that any factor that could cause a systemic or partial bone loss, might be the risk of periprosthetic osteolysis and aseptic loosening. Breast cancer is the most frequent malignancy in women, more than 2.1 million women were newly diagnosed with breast cancer, 626,679 women with breast cancer died in 2018. It's been reported that the mean incidence of THA was 0.29% for medicare population with breast cancer in USA, of which the incidence was 3.46% in Norwegian. However, the effects of breast cancer chemotherapy and hormonotherapy, such as aromatase inhibitors (AI), significantly increased the risk of osteoporosis, and had been proved to become a great threat to hip implants survival. In this case, a 46-year-old female undertook chemotherapy and hormonotherapy of breast cancer 3 years after her primary THA, was diagnosed with aseptic loosening of the hip prosthesis. Her treatment was summarized and analyzed. Breast cancer chemotherapy and hormonotherapy might be a threat to the stability of THA prosthesis. More attention should be paid when a THA paitent occurred with breast cancer. More studies about the effect of breast cancer treatments on skeleton are required.
Elderly patients with a high mortality risk for revision surgery are severely handicapped by a loosened hip prosthesis.
It has been suggested that occult infection of joint prostheses contributes to a proportion of aseptic loosening. The aims of the study were to determine the incidence of occult infection in a sample of patients undergoing revision surgery for aseptic loosening and examine the role of ultrasound sonication in its detection. A prospective trial was conducted at Christchurch and Burwood Hospitals. At the time of revision surgery, intra-operative tissue and fluid samples were taken. The removed prosthesis was immersed in saline solution in a sterile plastic container, and then sonicated. The sonicate fluid underwent prolonged routine cultures (14 days) to increase the rate of detection of slow growing organisms. The cases were patients undergoing revision surgery for aseptic loosening or infection. The control group was comprised of patients having revision surgery for any other indication. These implants were subjected to the same protocol as the study group. A total of 122 patients were included in the study; 54 in the Aseptic
Up to 20% of patients can remain dissatisfied following TKR. A proportion of TKRs will need early revision with aseptic loosening the most common. The ATTUNE TKR was introduced in 2011 as successor to its predicate design The PFC Sigma (DePuy Synthes, Warsaw, In). However, following reports of early failures of the tibial component there have been ongoing concerns of increased loosening rates with the ATTUNE TKR. In 2017 a redesigned tibial baseplate (S+) was introduced, which included cement pockets and an increased surface roughness to improve cement bonding. Given the concerns of early tibial loosening with the ATTUNE knee system, this study aimed to compare revision rates and those specific to aseptic loosening of the ATTUNE implant in comparison to an established predicate as well as other implant designs used in a high-volume arthroplasty centre. The Attune TKR was introduced to our unit in December 2011. Prior to this we routinely used a predicate design with an excellent long-term track record (PFC Sigma) which remains in use. In addition, other designs were available and used as per surgeon preference. Using a prospectively maintained database, we identified 10,202 patients who underwent primary cemented TKR at our institution between 01/04/2003–31/03/2022 with a minimum of 1 year follow-up (Mean 8.4years, range 1–20years): 1) 2406 with ATTUNE TKR (of which 557 were S+) 2) 4652 with PFC TKR 3) 3154 with other cemented designs. All implants were cemented using high viscosity cement. The primary outcome measures were all-cause revision, revision for aseptic loosening, and revision for tibial loosening. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and Cox regression models were used to compare the primary outcomes between groups. Matched cohorts were selected from the ATTUNE subsets (original and S+) and PFC groups using the nearest neighbor method for radiographic analysis. Radiographs were assessed to compare the presence of radiolucent lines in the Attune S+, standard Attune, and PFC implants.Abstract
The goal of the study was to describe the features of the aseptic loosening of the cup in CoC THR and to determine factors that affect the time to revision. It is a retrospective study including all patients who had a revision of CoC THR for aseptic failure fixation of the cup, between 2007 and 2017. 55 patients (27 women, 28 men) (56 hips) were included in the study. Eight hips (13 %) had also a stem exchange. At the primary T HR, the mean age of the patients was 47.9 years (17–72), 28 press fit cups had screws, the mean diameter of the cup was 51.2 mm (46–62) and the mean inclination was 52° (37–67). Clinical and radiological data were retrospectively recorded by an observer different to the initial operators. The mean age of the patients at the revision was 55.4 years (26–84). The mean time to revision was 90.1 months (14–240), and was significantly greater in patients aged less than 52 years, in cups without screws and with a 28mm head. The trend curve of the time to cup revision showed a bimodal distribution at three and ten years. 20 cups had migrated (33%). Bone loss was rated type 1 in 41 hips (73.0%), type 2 in 12 hips and type 3 in three hips). The mean diameter of the new cup was 52.3 mm (46–64). It was inferior to that of the initial cup in 26 hips (46.4%). 31 cups were impacted (55.5%) and 25 needed to be cemented (45.5%). No macroscopic wear was detected on the ceramic implant. Aseptic loosening of the cup in CoC THA does not appear to increase over time, supporting the fact that the failure is unrelated to wear and is not due to a biological mechanism. The occurrence of two peaks of frequency over time may suggest that different mechanisms occur.
Increasing femoral offset in total hip replacement (THR) has several benefits including improved hip abductor strength and enhanced range of motion. Biomechanical studies have suggested that this may negatively impact on stem stability. However, it is unclear whether this has a clinical impact. Using data from the Australian Orthopaedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry (AOANJRR), the aim of this study was to determine the impact of stem offset and stem size for the three most common cementless THR prostheses revised for aseptic loosening. The study period was September 1999 to December 2020. The study population included all primary procedures for osteoarthritis with a cementless THR using the Corail, Quadra-H and Polarstem. Procedures were divided into small and large stem sizes and by standard and high stem offset for each stem system. Hazard ratios (HR) from Cox proportional hazards models, adjusting for age and gender, were performed to compare revision for aseptic loosening for offset and stem size for each of the three femoral stems. There were 55,194 Corail stems, 13,642 Quadra-H stem, and 13,736 Polarstem prostheses included in this study. For the Corail stem, offset had an impact only when small stems were used (sizes 8-11). Revision for aseptic loosening was increased for the high offset stem (HR=1.90;95% CI 1.53–2.37;p<0.001). There was also a higher revision risk for aseptic loosening for high offset small size Quadra-H stems (sizes 0-3). Similar to the Corail stem, offset did not impact on the revision risk for larger stems (Corail sizes 12-20, Quadra-H sizes 4-7). The Polarstem did not show any difference in aseptic loosening revision risk when high and standard offset stems were compared, and this was irrespective of stem size. High offset may be associated with increased revision for aseptic loosening, but this is both stem size and prosthesis specific.
Prosthetic joint infection (PJI) is a complex disease that causes significant damage to the peri-implant tissue. Developing an animal model that is clinically relevant in depicting this disease process is an important step towards developing novel successful therapies. In this study, we have performed a thorough histologic analysis of peri-implant tissue harvested post Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) infection of a cemented 3D-printed titanium hip implant in rats. Sprague-Dawley rats underwent left hip cemented 3D-printed titanium hemiarthroplasty via posterior approach under general anesthesia. Four surgeries were performed for the control group and another four for the infected group. The hip joint was inoculated with 5×109 CFU/mL of The histologic analysis revealed strong resemblance to tissue changes in the clinical setting of chronic PJI. IHC demonstrated the extent of bacterial spread within the peri-implant tissue away from the site of infection. The H&E and MT stains showed 5 main features in infected bone: 1) increased PMNs, 2) fibrovascular inflammation, 3) bone necrosis, and 4) increased osteoclasts 5) fibrosis of muscular tissue and cartilage. Micro CT data showed significantly more osteolysis present around the infected prosthesis compared to control (surgery with no infection). This is the first clinically relevant PJI animal model with detailed histologic analysis that strongly resembles the clinical tissue pathology of chronic PJI. This model can provide a better understanding of how various PJI therapies can halt or reverse peri-implant tissue damage caused by infection.
The aim of this study is to report the implant survival and factors associated with revision of total elbow arthroplasty (TEA) using data from the Dutch national registry. All TEAs recorded in the Dutch national registry between 2014 and 2020 were included. The Kaplan-Meier method was used for survival analysis, and a logistic regression model was used to assess the factors associated with revision.Aims
For patients who took joint replacement, one of the complications, aseptic joint loosening, could cause a high risk of revision surgery. Studies have shown that MSCs have the ability of homing and differentiating, and also have highly effective immune regulation and anti-inflammatory effects. However, few studies had focused on the stem cells in preventing the occurrence and development of aseptic loosening. In this research, we aimed to clarify whether human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells could inhibited the aseptic joint loosening caused by wear particles. A Cranial osteolysis mice model was established on mice to examine the effect of hUC-MSCs on the Titanium particles injection area through micro-CT. The amount of stem cells injected was 2 × 10 5 cells. One week later, the mouse Cranial were obtained for micro-CT scan, and then stained with HE analysis immunohistochemical analysis of TNF-α, CD68, CCL3 and Il-1β. All mice were free of fever and other adverse reactions, and there was no death occurred. Titanium particles caused the osteolysis at the mice cranial, while local injection of hUC-MSCs did inhibit the cranial osteolysis, with a lower BV/TV and a higher porosity. Immunohistochemical results suggested that the expression of TNF-α, CD68, CCL3 and Il-1β in the cranial in Titanium particles mice increased significantly, but was significantly reduced in mice injected with hUC-MSCs. The inhibited CD68 expression indicated that the number of macrophage was lower, which might be a result of the inhibition of CCL3. According to the studies above, HUC-MSCs treatment of mouse cranial osteolysis model can significantly reduce osteolysis, inhibit macrophage recruitment, alleviate inflammatory response, without causing adverse reactions. It may become a promising treatment of aseptic joint loosening.
Mortality following revision hip surgery for periprosthetic fracture (PPF) has been reported to be as high as 60% at 5 years. The aim of this study was to determine the mortality rate for PPF revisions, compared to revision for aseptic loosening or infection at our tertiary referral centre. Revision arthroplasty procedures performed for PPF, aseptic loosening or infection between January 2014 and December 2015 at our institution were identified using a prospectively collected PPF referral database and locally collected NJR data. Comparisons were made between the 3 groups for baseline demographics, admission to higher-level care, length of stay, complications, and Kaplan-Meier failure (mortality) at 1 & 5 years post-operative (with log-rank test for equality). There were 37 PPF, 71 infected and 221 aseptic revisions. PPF had a higher proportion of females (65% vs. 39% in infection and 53% in aseptic; p = 0.031) and grade 3 and 4 ASA patients (p = 0.006). Median time to surgery from injury for PPF was 8 days (95% CI, 6–16). Single-stage procedures were performed in 84% of PPF, 42% of infection and 99% of aseptic revisions (p < 0.001). 19% of PPF revisions required HDU admission, 1% in the aseptic group and none in the infection group (p<0.001). Median length of stay was significantly different (PPF 10; infection 14; aseptic 8 days (p < 0.001). The Kaplan-Meier estimate of 1-year mortality were: PPF = 0%; infection = 2.8% (0.7–11.1%); aseptic = 0.9% (0.2–3.5%). 5-year mortality estimates were: PPF = 17.1% (8–34%), infection = 8.7% (4–18.3%), aseptic = 12% (8.4–17%). Log-rank test of equality was not significant, p=0.833. Despite the PPF group having an average delay to surgery of 8 days, higher ASA grades and more admissions to HDU there was no significant difference in mortality rates between the groups at 1 and 5 years postoperatively. Using a coherent MDT approach with dedicated healthcare professionals this service demonstrates a low post operative mortality rate which merits further investment and development.
This study evaluates the association between consultant and hospital volume and the risk of re-revision and 90-day mortality following first-time revision of primary hip replacement for aseptic loosening. We conducted a cohort study of first-time, single-stage revision hip replacements (RHR) performed for aseptic loosening and recorded in the National Joint Registry (NJR) data for England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the Isle of Man between 2003 and 2019. Patient identifiers were used to link records to national mortality data, and to NJR data to identify subsequent re-revision procedures. Multivariable Cox proportional hazard models with restricted cubic splines were used to define associations between volume and outcome. Among 12,676 RHR there were 513 re-revisions within two years, and 95 deaths within 90 days of surgery. The risk of re-revision was highest for a consultant's first RHR (Hazard Ratio (HR) 1·58 (95%CI 1·16 to 2·15)) and remained significantly elevated for their first 26 cases (HR 1·26 (95%CI 1·00 to 1·58)). Annual consultant volumes of five/year were associated with an almost 30% greater risk of re-revision (HR 1·28 (95%CI 1·00 to 1·64)) and 80% greater risk of 90-day mortality (HR 1·81 (95%CI 1·02 to 3·21)) compared to volumes of 20/year. RHR performed at hospitals which had cumulatively undertaken fewer than 168 RHR were at up to 70% greater risk of re-revision (HR 1·70 (95% CI 1·12 to 2·60)), and those having undertaken fewer than 309 RHR were at up to three times greater risk of 90-day mortality (HR 3·06 (95% CI 1·19 to 7·86)). This study found a significantly higher risk of re-revision and early postoperative mortality following first-time single-stage RHR for aseptic loosening when performed by lower-volume consultants and at lower-volume institutions, supporting the move towards the centralisation of such cases towards higher-volume units and surgeons.