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British Hip Society meeting (BHS) March 2017


In patients with primary hip replacement for previous infective arthritis the risk of recurrence of infection is of major concern. In addition, the safe time interval post infective arthritis for primary hip replacement is not known.

Clinical & radiological results of consecutive series of 80 primary hip replacements performed for septic / tuberculous arthritis at Wrightington hospital from 1970 to 2008. Data was collected till latest follow up. Re-infection or revision for any reason was considered as primary end point for survivorship.

Average age at primary hip replacement was 55.55 years (24 – 75). Mean follow up was 14.47 years (2–41). Twelve patients in septic hip group (n=42) needed revision out of which 6 (14%) were for infection. The survival rate for recent septic arthritis group (<10 years) was 60% at 7.5 years, whereas in old septic arthritis group (>10 years) it was 94.45% at 15.3 years, considering infection as end point. The survival rate was 60% for recent septic arthritis and 78.13% for old septic arthritis group over the same period of time considering revision for any reason as end point. In tuberculous group (n=38), the survival rate was 76.32% at 14.5 years of follow up, considering revision for any reason as end point.

Significantly high re-infection rate in patients with recent septic arthritis was noted. No recurrence of infection in patients with old septic arthritis. No reactivation of tuberculosis in tuberculous arthritis group.

This is the largest series with longest follow-up on primary total hip replacement for infective arthritis till date. Recent septic arthritis (<10Y) was a statistically high risk factor for recurrence of infection. Old septic arthritis is reasonably safe with 94.45% success rate at 15 years follow up. Old tuberculous arthritis is not a risk factor for hip replacement
