Fretting corrosion at the taper interface has been implicated as a possible cause of implant failure. Using in-vitro testing, fretting wear observed at tapers of retrieved implants may be reproduced (Marriott, EORS-2014). In order to reduce time and cost associated with experimental testing, a validated finite element method (FE) can be employed to study the mechanics at the taper. In this study we compared experimental and representative FE simulations of an accelerated fretting test set-up. Comparison was made by between the FE wear score and volumetric material loss from the testing.
Experimental test set-up: An accelerated wear test was developed that consistently reproduced fretting wear features observed in retrievals. Biomet stems with smooth 4° Type-1 tapers were combined with Ti6Al4V Magnum +9 mm adaptors using a 2 or 15 kN assembly force. The head was replaced with a custom head fixture to increase the offset and apply a torque at the taper interface. The stems were potted according to ISO 7206-6:2013. The set-up was submerged in a test medium containing PBS and 90gl-1 NaCl. The solution was pH adjusted to 3 using HCl and maintained at 37°C throughout the tests. For each assembly case, n=3 tests were cyclically loaded between 0.4–4 kN for 10 Million cycles. Volumetric wear measurements were performed using a Talyrond-365 roundness measurement machine. The FE model was created to replicate the experimental set up. Geometries and experimental material data were obtained from the manufacturer (Biomet). The same assembly forces of 2 and 15 kN were applied, and the same head fixture was used for similar offset and loading conditions. The 4 kN load was applied at the same angles in accordance with ISO 7206-6:2013. Micromotions and contact pressures were calculated, and based on these a wear score was determined by summation over all contact points.
The FE wear score showed a significant drop after an assembly force of 15 kN has been applied. The micromotion scores were similar, and the contact pressure was higher due to the larger assembly force. The volumetric wear measurements did not show a significant difference between the two assembly cases due to the large variation in measured values. A downward trend can be observed when applying higher assembly forces, similar to the trend seen at the FE wear score (figure 1, table1).
This study shows a correlation between experimental and FE simulation, however highlights the difficulty in validating a FE model with complex in-vitro experiments. Due to the nature of experimental testing, it is impossible to remove all sources of error associated with the set-up. The use of a single static load and the absence of fluids and corrosion processes means that the full mechanics of the wear process could not be fully replicated. Despite these deficiencies the general trends and wear patterns observed in the experimental setup were reproduced. Further studies will focus on including the interplay between the aforementioned properties, to provide a better simulation of the fretting processes occurring at the taper junction.