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European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT) - 12th Congress



Radiolucencies beneath the tibial component are well recognized in knee arthroplasty; the aetiology and significance are poorly understood. Non-progressive narrow radiolucencies with a sclerotic margin are thought not to be indicative of loosening. Factors which decrease the incidence of radiolucencies include cementless fixation and the use of pulse lavage. Leg/component alignment or BMI do not influence radiolucency. We are not aware of any studies that have looked at the effect of load type on radiolucency.

The Oxford domed lateral tibial component was introduced to decrease the bearing dislocation rate that was unacceptably high with the flat tibial tray. However, the introduction of the domed tibial component alters the forces transmitted through the implant-cement-bone interface. As the Oxford UKR uses a fully congruent mobile bearing, the forces transmitted through the interface with a flat tray are compressive, except for the effect of friction. However, with the domed tibial component shear forces are introduced. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of radiolucency beneath the previous flat design and the new domed tibial tray.

Patients and methods

A consecutive series of 248 cemented lateral UKRs (1999–2009) at a single institution were assessed. The first 55 were with a flat tibia and the subsequent 193 with a domed component. One year post-op radiographs were assessed, by two observers, for the presence (full or partial) and distribution of radiolucency. The distribution and thickness of each radiolucency. Cases were excluded for missing or poorly aligned radiographs.


In the flat group there were 42 patients (17 male, 25 female) with 42 joints. In the domed group there were 139 patients (44 male, 95 female) with 146 joints. There was a statistical significant difference between groups for the presence and extent of radiolucency (p<0.001). In the flat group, 6 (14%) had a full radiolucency and 18 (43%) had a partial radiolucency. 14 of the 18 partial radiolucencies involved the far lateral zones (1&2) and 3 partial radiolucencies involved the keel. In the domed group 6, (4.1%) had a full radiolucency and 13 (8.9%) had a partial radiolucency. All radiolucencies observed were less than 1 mm thick. Intra-class correlation for inter-observer agreement for assessment of radiolucency was 0.679.


The introduction the domed lateral tibial component results in a reduction in prevalence of radiolucency compared to a flat component. This suggests, as the mode of fixation is identical, that the forces across the tibial-cement-bone interface have a significant effect on the development of the tissue at that interface. In particular it suggests that compressive forces alone tend to cause soft tissue to be formed at the interface, whereas shear force causes bone.