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West of Scotland Orthopaedic Research Society (WOSORS)


Regional anaesthetic for foot surgery has been discussed as a method of post operative analgesia. Ankle block as the sole anaesthetic for foot surgery has not been extensively reviewed in the literature.

We aimed to describe our experience of forefoot surgery under ankle block alone. 21 consecutive forefoot procedures (18 patients) were carried out under ankle block. The blocks were performed by the senior authors. A mixture of 10ml 2% Lidocaine with 10ml 0.5 % Bupivacaine was administered to the superficial peroneal, deep peroneal, sural and saphenous nerves. Ankle tourniquet was employed in all procedures. The patients were contacted post operatively and completed a standardised questionnaire including an incremented pain assessment ranging from 0-10 (0 no pain, 10 severe pain). 17 female and 1 male patients were contacted (age range 33-67y). Procedures included 13 first metatarsal osteotomies, 3 cheilectomies, 2 first MTP joint replacements, and 5 fusions. 14 patients requested a short acting sedative (midazolam). 5 patients (27 %) reported some discomfort during the block procedure (average pain score 1.2). No patients reported any pain during their operation(s). 4 patients (22%) required supplementation of the block. Average pain score at 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours following surgery were 0.66, 2.9, 2.4 and 1.3 respectively. All patients were discharged home and walking on the same day. None complained of nausea or required parenteral analgesia; there were no readmissions. Each patient confirmed they would have surgery under local block rather than general anaesthesia and would recommend this technique to family and friends.

Forefoot surgery under ankle block alone is safe and effective. Anaesthesia obtained permits the majority of forefoot procedures and provides lasting post-operative analgesia. Combined with intraoperative sedation, use of ankle tourniquet and same day discharge, it has very high patient acceptance and satisfaction.