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The 27th annual ACM SI/GUCCS conference


Background and purpose

The musculoskeletal system is recognized as a possible source of pain in patients with chest pain. The objectives of the present study were (1) to investigate the interobserver reliability of an overall diagnosis of musculoskeletal chest pain using a standardized examination protocol in a cohort of patients with chest pain suspected to be of non-cardiac origin, (2) to investigate the interobserver reliability of the single components of the protocol, and finally, (3) to investigate the importance of clinical experience on the level of interobserver reliability.

Methods and results

Eighty patients with acute chest pain were recruited from a cardiology department. Four observers (two chiropractors and two chiropractic students) performed a physical examination and an extended manual examination of the spine and chest wall. Percentage agreement, Cohen's Kappa and ICC were calculated for observer pairs and overall. Musculoskeletal chest pain was diagnosed in 44.0 % of patients. Interobserver kappa values were substantial for the chiropractors and overall, and moderate for the students. For single items of the protocol, both pairs showed fair to substantial agreement regarding pain provocation tests and poor to fair agreement regarding spinal segmental dysfunction tests.


Suspected musculoskeletal chest pain can be identified with substantial interobserver reliability using this standardized protocol if used by experienced and trained observers. Agreement for individual components of the protocol showed, however, considerable variation. Provided training of observers, the examination protocol can be used in selected patients and can be implemented in pre- and post-graduate clinical training.

Conflicts of interest: None

Sources of funding: Foundation of Chiropractic Research and Postgraduate Education, Denmark. The funding body had no role in designing the study, collection, analysing and interpreting of data, in writing or decision to submit this abstract.