Approximately 30% of general practice consultations for musculoskeletal pain are related to tendon disorders, causing substantial personal suffering and enormous related healthcare costs. Treatments are often prone to long rehabilitation times, incomplete functional recovery, and secondary complications following surgical repair. Overall, due to their hypocellular and hypovascular nature, the regenerative capacity of tendons is very poor and intrinsically a disorganized scar tissue with inferior biomechanical properties forms after injury. Therefore, advanced therapeutic modalities need to be developed to enable functional tissue regeneration within a degenerative environment, moving beyond pure mechanical repair and overcoming the natural biological limits of tendon healing.
Our recent studies have focused on developing biologically augmented treatment strategies for tendon injuries, aiming at restoring a physiological microenvironment and boosting endogenous tissue repair. Along these lines, we have demonstrated that the local application of mesenchymal stromal cell-derived small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) has the potential to improve rotator cuff tendon repair by modulating local inflammation and reduce fibrotic scarring. In another approach, we investigated if the local delivery of the tendon ECM protein SPARC, which we previously demonstrated to be essential for tendon maturation and tissue homeostasis, has the potential to enhance tendon healing. Finally, I will present results demonstrating the utility of nanoparticle-delivered, chemically modified mRNAs (cmRNA) to improve tendon repair.