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The International Hip Society (IHS) Closed Meeting 2023, Boston, MA, USA, 17–20 May 2023.


The aim of the study was to evaluate radiological and clinical outcomes of surgical treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) with Periacetabular Osteotomy (PAO) and to determine the values of radiological parameters allowing us to obtain an optimal clinical result.

Radiological evaluation included a standardized AP digital radiograph of the hip joints. Centre edge angle (CEA), medialization, distalization, femoral head coverage (FHC) and ilioischial angle were measured. Clinical evaluation based on HHS, WOMAC, Merle d'Aubigne-Postel scales and Hip Lag Sign. Radiological and clinical evaluation was performed preoperatively and approximately 12 months after the surgery.

Statistically significant (p<0.05) differences in radiological measurements and all clinical scales have been observed pre- and postoperatively for all of the parameters. The results of PAO presented decreased medialization by 3.4mm (range: 3 to 3.7), distalization by 3.5mm (range: 3.2 to 3.8) and the ilioischial angle by 2.7° (range: 2.2 to 3.7). There was also an improvement in the femoral head bone coverage: CEA increased by 16.3° (range: 12.1˚ to 20.5˚) and FHC by 15.2% (range: 10.8 to 19.8). Clinically we observed an increase in HHS by 22 points (range: 15.8 to 28.2) and M. Postel d'Aubigne by 3.5 points (range: 2.0 to 4.4) and a decrease in WOMAC by 24% (range: 22.6 to 25.8). HLS improvement of gluteal muscles’ efficiency has been observed in 67% of patients postoperatively.

This study revealed that the qualification of patients with DDH for an elective PAO is more justified due to the predicted optimal clinical outcomes based on three parameters: CEA <25 degrees, FHC <75%, and ilioischial angle >85.9 degrees. Accordingly, to achieve better clinical results for all scales, it is necessary to increase the average CEA value by 11˚, the average FHC by 11%, and reduce the average ilioischial angle by 3˚.
