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The 28th Annual Meeting of the European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS), held online, 17–18 September 2020.



The ankle cartilage has an important function in walking movements, mainly in sports; for active young people, between 20 and 30 years old, the incidence of osteochondral lesions is more frequent. They are also more frequent in men, affecting around 21,000 patients per year in USA with 6.5% of ankle injuries generating osteochondral lesions. The lesion is a result of ankle sprain and is most frequently found in the medial location, in 53% of cases.

The main objective of this work was to develop an experimental and finite element models to study the effect of the ankle osteochondral lesion on the cartilage behavior.

Materials and Methods

The right ankle joint was reconstructed from an axial CT scan presenting an osteochondral lesion in the medial position with 8mm diameter in size. An experimental model was developed, to analyze the strains and influence of lesion size and location similar to the patient. The experimental model includes two cartilages constructed by Polyjet™ 3D printing from rubber material (young modulus similar to cartilage) and bone structures from a rigid polymer. The cartilage was instrumented with two rosettes in the medial and lateral regions, near the osteochondral region. The fluid considered was water at room temperature and the experimental test was run at 1mm/s. The Finite element model (FE) includes all the components considered in the experimental apparatus and was assigned the material properties of bone as isotropic and linear elastic materials; and the cartilage the same properties of rubber material. The fluid was simulated as hyper-elastic one with a Mooney-Rivlin behavior, with constants c1=0.07506 and c2=0.00834MPa. The load applied was 680N in three positions, 15º extension, neutral and 10º flexion.


The experimental strain measured in the cartilage in the rosettes presents similar behavior in all experiments and repetitions. The maximum value observed near the osteochondral lesion was 3014(±5.6)µε in comparison with the intact condition it was 468 (±1.95)µε. The osteochondral lesion increases the strains around 6.5 times and the synovial liquid reduces the intensity of strain distribution. The numerical model presents a good correlation with the experiments (R2 0.944), but the FE model underestimates the values.

Discussion and conclusion

As a first conclusion, the size of the osteochondral lesion is important for the strains developed in cartilage. The size of lesion greater than 10mm is critical for the strains concentration. The synovial fluid present an important aspect in the strains measured, it reduces the strains in the external surface of cartilage and induces an increase in the lower part. This phenomenon should be addressed in more studies to evaluate this effect.