Quality measures play a substantial role in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' hospital payment and public reporting programs. The purpose of this study was to assess whether public measurement of total hip and knee arthroplasty risk-standardized readmission (RSRRs) and complication rates (RSCRs) was temporally associated with decreasing rates of adverse outcomes among Medicare beneficiaries.
We evaluated annual trends in hospital-level risk-standardized complication and readmission rates in the fiscal years 2010–11 and 2016–17 for patients undergoing hospital-based inpatient hip/knee replacement procedures. We calculated hospital-level rates using the same measures and methodology used in public reporting. We examined annual trends in the distribution of hospital-level outcomes through density plots (similar to histograms).
Both rates of and variation in the complication and readmission outcomes declined steadily between 2010–11 and 2016–17. We noted a 33% relative reduction in hospital-level risk-standardized complication rates (RSCRs) and 25% relative reduction in hospital-level risk-standardized readmission rates (RSRRs). The interquartile range of RSCRs decreased by 18% (relative reduction) and of RSRRs decreased by 34% (relative reduction). Risk variable frequency in complication and readmission models did not systematically change over time, suggesting no evidence of widespread bias or up-coding.
This study demonstrates that hospital-level complication and readmission rates after hip/knee replacements and variation in hospital-level performance declined following the start of public reporting and financial incentives associated with measurement. The consistent decreasing trend in rates of and variation outcomes suggests steady improvements and greater consistency among hospitals in clinical outcomes for hip/knee replacement patients in the years 2016–17 compared to 2010–11. While improvements in surgical practices and care coordination may partially account for these findings, the precise influence of measure public reporting on clinical outcomes is difficult to ascertain. Interactions between public reporting, payment, and hospital coding practices are complex and require continued study.