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The Knee Society (TKS) 2018 Members Meeting, Saint Louis, MO, USA, September 2018.



In recent years, online patient portals have been developed to offer the potential of an enhanced recovery experience. By offering videos, communication tools and patient-reported outcomes collection, online portals encourage patient's engagement in their care. In the total joint arthroplasty population, portals may also offer online physical therapy, allowing TJA patients to reach functional goals while reducing costs. Although technology may offer the potential of an enhanced recovery experience, disparities may exist between the comfort level of use and communication preferences of different patient populations. Our study aimed to analyze the utilization of an internet based patient portal, and quantify the impact of usage on patient reported outcome measures.


4,458 patients who underwent TJA across 8 major academic centers within one healthcare system were analyzed. Patients who scheduled surgery were registered for the online portal by the surgical coordinator. Upon registration, patients opt-in by signing a license agreement, and data is collected on their utilization of the portal including logins, exercise and educational videos watched, messages sent and PROs completed. Age was compared to utilization, opt-in rates, total videos watched, and messages sent. Two separate patient cohorts were identified to distinguish between active and non-active users. Anyone who opted-in and viewed over 5 preoperative videos or had at least 5 preoperative logins were considered active users. Patients’ postoperative KOOS-JR and HOOS-JR score improvements from baseline were compared between the active vs. non-active groups.


Of 4,458 total TJA patients, TKA and THA comprised 2670 and 1788, respectively, with an average age of 65.9 years (range 16–96 years). On average, patients logged into the portal 3.7 times preoperatively and 6.8 times postoperatively, and sent 2.29 messages. On average, 13 videos were watched preoperatively and 17 videos were watched postoperatively. Of all TJA patients, 72% opted-in to the portal. When looking solely at the TKA cohort, there was a significant difference in age between those patients that provided an email and those who didn't. The mean age of those who did provide an email was 66.3 years old, patients who didn't were on average 69.7 years old (p =.001). There was no significant impact of age on total preoperative or postoperative logins when considering both TKA and THA patients. There was a significant difference between age and preoperative or postoperative logins in the TKA group, with older patients tending to log in less (p =.001) and send fewer messages to the care team (p =.0001). Total videos watched preoperatively and postoperatively as well as preoperative logins did not impact change of HOOS JR scores at 6 weeks, 12 weeks, 6 months or 1 year. In the TKA cohort, the active user cohort correlated to greater improvement in KOOS-JR scores at 6 weeks, and 12 weeks postoperatively (p=.02, .018 respectively)


While older TKA patients tended to be less engaged, the usage of the online portal overall was not impacted by age in the TJA population. As the average age of patients undergoing TKA continues to decrease, surgeons will be faced with a younger patient population that communicates heavily through technology. Previously published literature has proven online PT is as effective as traditional PT, making online portals a promising option to improve care while decreasing costs. As seen in our TKA population, patients experienced greater improvement in KOOS-Jr scores with greater activity and use of the portal.