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Aims: to present a new classification of haematogenous chronic osteomyelitis based on the clinical and radiographic presentation so that a reliable post-surgery prognosis can be done.

Methods: between January 2002 and December 2008, 864 children underwent 1632 surgeries for haematogenous osteomyelitis. The clinical and surgical notes were reviewed. Three groups were identified based on clinical and radiographic findings: the first consisting of 565 patients with “ordinary” osteomyelitis requiring treatment of the infection through a sequestrectomy. The second group, classified as “difficult” osteomyelitis, included 134 patients who needed more than one surgery to cure the bone infection. The third group consisted of 165 patients with “complex” osteomyelitis in need of treatment of the infection and its complications, such as pathological fractures, bone loss, and septic arthritis. In the latter group techniques of bone transport, bone graft and radio-ulna/fibula-tibia fusion were used.

Results: all the cases of haematogenous osteomyelitis in our series could be classified in one of the following categories and the prognosis and the length of treatment needed to cure this condition appear to be closely related to these. The first group in the CoRSU classification is “Ordinary Osteomyelitis”. The sequestrum is clearly defined and there is a good involucrum on X-ray film. Surgery under tourniquet is possible. In most cases the surgical treatment achieves the healing of the bone and recurrence is uncommon.

The second group is classified as “Difficul osteomyelitis”. The bone involved presents with multiple erosions-cavities and there is no clear sequestrum on X-ray film. This category also includes those cases where surgery under tourniquet is impossible. Blood for transfusion must be available. Despite treatment, this type of osteomyelitis often recurs and further surgeries are often needed. All the cases of multiple osteomyelitis are included in this group as well. The third category covers “Complex Osteomyelitis”, whereby chronic osteomyelitis is associated with a pathological fracture or septic arthritis. There is axial deformity, bone loss and non-union. Some sort of reconstruction is always required.

Conclusions: Haematogenous chronic osteomyelitis in African children accounts for about 30% of the total number of orthopaedic surgeries performed in our Unit. The classification that is presented here facilitates the planning of the surgery, predicting the prognosis and the length of treatment needed to cure this condition.

Correspondence should be addressed to Vienna Medical Academy, Alser Strasse 4, A-1090 Vienna, Austria. Phone: +43 1 4051383 0, Fax: +43 1 4078274, Email: