Surgical treatment of infected bones with vascularised bone grafts is well established as an efficient strategy since several years. Nevertheless orthopaedic and trauma surgeons seem to apply vascularised bone grafts as the last treatment option only.
Two strategies exist for treatment of chronically infected bones with vascularised bone grafts. First: Complete resection of the infected, often non-united part of the bones and reconstruction with large vascularised bone grafts, mostly fibular grafts. Second: Augmentation of the kept and intact parts of the bones with vascularised bone grafts. Two small series of patients are presented to illustrate both techniques and to show the results and outcome.
Resection of big parts of the tibia and reconstruction with mostly ipsilateral fibular grafts – single barrel in children and double barrel in adults – led to uneventful healing in all cases. Augmentation of radius, femur and calcaneus with vascularised grafts from the iliac crest or the scapula was followed by primary healing, too. All patients were disburdened from infection up to now and regained full extremity function.
The presented vascularized bone grafts did not only salvage the extremities but also could maintain their functionality. The procedure is demanding, but reliable and safe at a low rate of complications. Thus vascularised bone grafts should not only be used as ultimative salvage procedures, but as early as possible whenever standard treatments for osteomyelitis fail.
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