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Fasciae represent a very interesting source of thin, well vascularized soft tissue, which allows gliding of the underlying tendons, especially for coverage of particular anatomical zones, such as the dorsal aspect of the hand and fingers. Some fasciae (such as the fascia temporalis free fiap) have already been used in this way as free fiaps for the coverage of the extremities. The aim of this study was to investigate the blood supply of the posterior brachial fascia (PBF), in order to precise the anatomical bases of a new free fascial fiap.

Our study was based on dissections of 18 cadaveric specimens from 10 formalin preserved corpses. Six upper limbs were used to fictively harvest this fiap

The PBF was thin; its surface was broad, easily separable of the overlying subcutaneous and underlying muscular planes in its upper two thirds. It was richly blood supplied by two main pedicles:

  1. the posterior brachial neurocutaneous branch and

  2. the fascial branch of the upper ulnar collateral artery.

The well vascularized area was 115mm long and 54mm broad in average. These two pedicles were quite constant (respectively 17 cases and 14 cases out of the 18 specimens) and of sufficient caliber to allow microsurgical anastomoses in good conditions. A rich venous network, satellite of the arteries, was always present. An arterial by-pass between both arterial pedicles could spare venous sutures when both arterial pedicles are present and communicating within the fascial depth (13 cases out of 18). Harvesting the fiap was easy through a posteromedial approach in a patient in supine position. The donor site could always be closed and its scare was well acceptable.

The first clinical case is presented in a patient suffering from recurrent tendinous adhesions at the dorsum of the hand after a close trauma with extensive hematoma, after failure of 2 previous tenolyses. After a third tenolysis, the free PBF fiap was performed. The fascia was covered with a free skin graft at day 6. The coverage was nice and the outcome of the tenolysis at 6 month was -15/80 (active motion) and +20/100 (passive motion).

Correspondence should be addressed to: EFORT Central Office, Technoparkstrasse 1, CH – 8005 Zürich, Switzerland. Tel: +41 44 448 44 00; Email:

Author: Christian Fontaine, France
