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The aim of this study is to present guidelines for treatment of acquired adult flat foot (AAFF) and review the results of a series of patients consecutively treated. 180 patients (215 feet), mean age 54? 12 years affected by AAFF were evaluated clinically, radiographically and by MRI to chose the adequate surgical strategy. Tibialis posterior dysfunctions grade 1 were treated by tenolysis and tendon repair (48 cases), grade 2 by removal of degenerated tissue and tendon augmentation (41 cases), grade 3 by flexor digitorum longus tendon transfer (23 cases); in these cases subtalar pronation without arthritis was corrected by addictional procedures consisting of either calcaneal osteotomy (66 cases), subtalar athroereisis (25 cases) or Evans procedure (21 cases) in case of severe midfoot abduction. Subtalar arthrodesis (82 cases) or triple arthrodesis (21 cases) were performed in case of subtalar arthritis isolated or associated with midtarsal arthritis respectively. Postoperatively plastercast without weight-bearing for 4 weeks followed by walking boot for 4 weeks was advised. All patients were followed up to 5 years. Before surgery the mean AOFAS score was 48+\−11, while it was 89+\−10 at follow-up (p< 0.005). Mean heel valgus deviation at rest was 15°+\−5° preoperatively and 8°+\−4° at follow-up (p< 0.005). Mean angulation of Meary’s line at talonavicular joint level was 165°+\−12° preoperatively and 175°+\6 at follow-up. Surgical strategy in AAFF should include adequate treatment of tibialis posterior disfunction and osteotomies for correction of the skeletal deformities if joints are arthritis free; arthrodesis should be considered in case of severe joint degeneration

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