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Volume 92-B, Issue SUPP_II May 2010

A longer stay in the hospital after primary total hip replacement is consistent with an increased morbidity and slower recovery for patients. In addition, it is among the more costly aspects of a total joint replacement. A process, which reduces the length of stay following this procedure and synchronically maintains the high standards of safe care would certainly improve the clinical practice and provide financial benefits.

Our objective was to evaluate the efficiency of a holistic perioperative, accelerated recovery programme following this procedure and in particular to assess its impact in the shot term patient’s recovery, morbidity, complications, readmission rate and cost savings for the NHS.

Eighty-nine patients participated in our rapid recovery programme, which is a comprehensive approach to patient care, combining individual pre-operative patient education, pain management, infection control, continuous nursing and medical staff motivation as well as intensive physiotherapy in the ward and the community. Forty-eight male and 41 female patients with an average age of 69 (range-50 to 87) underwent a total hip replacement in an NHS District General Hospital. The average BMI was 28 (range-18 to 39) and the average ASA 2.3 (range-1 to 4). The procedure was performed by 3 different surgeons using the same operative standards. A standardised post-operative protocol was followed and the patients were discharged when they were medically fit and had achieved the ward physiotherapy requirements. They were then daily followed up by a community orthopaedic rehabilitation team in patient’s own environment as long as it was required.

The average length of stay was reduced from 7.8 days to 5. There was no increase in complications–or readmissions rate while there were significant cost savings. The waiting list for this surgery was reduced and the patient’s satisfaction was high.

The rapid recovery programme for primary total hip replacement surgeries has been proved to be an efficient method of reducing the length of stay in hospital and consequently the financial costs while it ensures the safe and effective peri-operative management of patients.

Introduction: Geometry of the proximal femur has been identified as a risk factors for hip fracture. It is also suggested that the geometry of the proximal femur can influence the fracture type.

Aims: To identify if proximal geometry and hip fractures are related in two different population groups. Scotland–Monklands General Hospital, Lanarkshire–and Australia -Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide.

Methods: Retrospective comparison of length and width of the femoral necks in 200 hip fracture patients. 100 patients in the Australian group and 100 patients in the Scottish group were analysed. 50 intracapsular and 50 intertrochanteric fractures were included in each group. All measurements where made from standardised digital anteroposterior radiographs. We attempted to correlate the length and width of the femoral neck with the fracture type.

Results: The populations were matched for age and sex, with the majority of fractures sustained by women. The results for the both populations show that a patient sustaining an intracapsular fracture is more likely to have a longer femoral neck (mean 40.56mm; Scottish population, 39mm; Australian population) than one sustaining an intertrochanteric fracture (mean 31.70mm; Scottish population, 29mm; Australian population) [P < 0.0001]. The femoral neck was also narrower in the intracapsular group. This was significant in Scottish population (mean 38.56mm, P < 0.03), but not in the Australian population (mean 38.3mm, P = 0.067). We also found that men had longer, wider femoral necks (P < 0.0001) compared to the female group.

Discussion: We found that hip fracture pattern is linked to proximal femoral geometry. This relationship is statistically significant in both population groups. Anthropologically, as the human race evolves and people get taller, their femoral neck lengths are increasing. This could translate into a change in the number and type of hip fractures. Intracapsular fractures may predominate and this could have implications on both treatment outcomes and resources for hip fracture patients.

Purpose of the study: Cementless hydroxyapatite-coated prostheses have proven their reliability, but how about their longevity? The intimate contact between the receiver bone and the prosthetic implant, due to the bone ongrowth, allows ‘union’ between the inert and living material. The purpose of this restrospective study was to evaluate the behavior of an anatomic femoral hydroxyapatite-coated stem at long-term follow-up.

Materials and Methods: One hundred and eleven total hip arthroplasties were performed with a ABG 1 HA-Coated hip prosthesis (ABG, Stryker Newbury, England) in 101 patients, by one senior operator. A posterolateral approach was done every time. Average patient age at surgery was 61, 3 years [33–83].

Results: Average follow-up was 13 years [10–17,5]. Seventy five THA were reviewed, 21 were dead and 15 were lost. Clinical outcome have been good. The average preoperative Harris hip score and Postel Merle d’Aubigné score were 56,7 and 11,8, which rose to 87,3 and 16,3 at the longest follow-up. Most patients were satisfied with the outcome, no thigh pain was deplored. There were sixteen revisions: 1 bipolar revision for loosening of both component, 14 cup revisions for osteolysis (11) and loosening (3) and 1 stem revision for periprosthetic fracture. Radiographic changes were consistent with bone remodeling. Osteointegration was achieved in 98,7%. Proximal stress-shielding was noted in 36,4%, osteolysis was developed in 66,7% focused essentially in gruen zones 1a and 7a and never below HA coating. Cancellous densifications were found to be mainly in zones 2, 6, 9 and 13 (92,7%, 94,2%, 91,3% and 85,5%), extending distally in zones 3, 5, 10 and 12 (33,3%, 31,9%, 34,8% and 39,1%). A femoral shaft hypertrophy was noted in 27,5%.

Discussion: In this serie, the global survivorship of ABG 1 THA at 13 years of follow-up was 78,7%. Acetabular cup survivorship was 80%. Failure of acetabular cup was well explained by osteolysis and high wear rate. Stem survivorship was 97,3% and the failure rate of femoral stem due to aseptic loosening was only 1,3%. Excellent results of femoral stem were due to the good osteointegration, cause of the anatomic design of the stem and the hydroxyapatite coating.

Conclusion: The results of our series have proven that anatomic cementless stem with HA coating provide a long term reliability and longevity.

P. Aldinger A. Jung V. Ewerbeck D. Parsch
Full Access

Introduction: Despite improved cementing techniques, the long term survival of hip arthroplasty in younger patients have been disappointing. THA in this group of young and active patients remains a major challenge. Consequently, cementless components have been developed. Longer implant survival, preservation of bone stock and ‘easier’ revisions have been advocated as potential benefits of cementless stems. Up to date there are only few reports in the literature on the long term results of uncemented stems. Like in cemented THA, 10 year survival of at least 90% is required for any THA.

Materials and Methods: We followed 133 implantations of an uncemented, grit blasted straight titanium stem (CLS, Zimmer Inc, Warsaw, USA). The mean follow-up evaluation was 14 (10 – 20) years. The mean age at surgery was 37 (16 – 45) years.

Results: At follow-up, 14 patients (10,5%) had died, and 10 (7,5%) were lost to follow-up. 3 patients under-went femoral revision. One for infection an two for aseptic loosening of the stem. There was no case of clinical or radiographic loosening at the time of follow-up. Overall survival was 96% at 14 years, survival with femoral revision for aseptic loosening as an end point was 97% at 14 years. The mean Harris-Hip-Score at follow-up was 81 points (range 45–100). 96 hips were available for radiolographic evaluation. Radiolucent lines (< 2mm) in Gruen zone 1 were present in 7 hips and in Gruen zone 7 in 2 hips, respectively. Small osteolytic lesions (< 1cm) in Gruen zone 1 were present in one hip and in Gruen zone 7 in 5 hips. Larger lesions (> 1cm) were present in one case in Gruen zone 1 and 7. No osteolysis or radiolucency was found in zones 2 – 6. No case of severe femoral osteolysis was found.

Conclusions: The long-term results with this type uncemented stem in a young and active patient group are encouraging and better than those of cemented stems in this age group. We recommend the uncemented CLS stem for hip arthroplasty in young demanding patients.

P. Giannoudis S. Chaudry R. Dimitriou N. Kanakaris P. Richards S. Matthews
Full Access

Purpose: To evaluate efficacy and outcome of embolisation following pelvic ring injuries in patients presented with ongoing hypovolaemic shock.

Methods: Between 2000 and 2003, 200 poly-trauma patients presented in our institutions following pelvic ring injuries. Those with ongoing hypovolaemic shock who were treated within 24h of admission with embolisation were included in this study. Demographics, mechanism of injury, ISS, type of pelvic ring fracture, arterial source of bleeding, hours from injury to embolisation, and outcome were all recorded prospectively.

Results: Out of the 200 treated in our institutions 17 (8.5%) underwent angio-embolisation. The mean age of the patients was 37 (14–70) and the mean ISS was 29. Distribution of pelvic ring injuries included: 3LC, 7APC, and 7VS. The mean time from injury to embolisation was 15 hours. 8/17 patients were initially treated with an external fixator. The distribution of arterial injuries was: 7 superior gluteal arteries, 8 internal iliac arteries, 1 obturator artery and 1 internal pudental artery. The mean number of units transfused prior to embolisation was 22 (range 6–50). Mortality rate was 4 (23%) out of 17 embolised patients. Angio-embolisation for pelvic ring injuries occurred in 8.5% of our study population. This study indicates that only a small proportion of patients required embolisation secondary to arterial bleeding. The overall survival rate was in accordance to published international experience.

Conclusion and Significance: Embolisation should be considered as a valid adjunct in some selected group of patients with pelvic fractures where ongoing bleeding refractory to other treatment modalities is present.

R. Heikenfeld R. Listringhaus G. Godolias
Full Access

Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results after arthroscopic treatment of traumatic AC joint dislocation using a Bosworth screw.

Method: 18 Patients with acute AC Joint dislocation type Rockwood 3 were arthroscopically treated with temporary transfixation using a 7.0mm cannulated titanium screw of the clavicle to the coracoid process. The coracoid process is arthroscopically visualized and a drill guide for tibial anterior cruciate ligament positioning is used to exactly place the screw into the coracoid process. The screws were removed after 8 weeks. Patients were followed using a prospective study using the Constant Score after 3, 6, 12 and 24 months.

Results: 17 Patients were completely evaluated. One screw slipped out of the coracoid process 3 days after surgery requiring revision surgery. No screw breakage was observed. There were no other operation conditioned complications. Constant score showed a mean of 94,7 at last follow up. At follow up, no patient hat a redislocation without weight bearing. With 10kg weight a mean clavicular elevation of 1,8mm was observed. All remaining patients were satisfied with the functional and cosmetic result.

Discussion: There is some controversy about the surgical treatment of acute traumatic AC joint dislocation type Rockwood 3. Most open surgery techniques have the disadvantage of a poor cosmetic result or a difficult and dangerous hardware removal, because the scar of the AC joint capsule that is supposed to stabilize the clavicle has to be opened. The Bosworth screw technique does not touch the AC joint at all, but the open procedure has poor cosmetic outcome. It is also important to use a large screw to ensure proper hardware stability to avoid hardware failure. Our technique might be an alternative for the operative treatment of acute AC joint instability, because it is safe and all anatomical structures remain intact in case revision surgery with i.e. arthroscopic AC joint resection and ligamentoplasty is necessary.

N. Corte-Real R. Moreira
Full Access

The ‘gold standard’ for treatment of chronic ankle instability is Brostrom-Gould procedure, which is an ‘open’ surgery.

Most authors recommend this type of operation even after an arthroscopic inspection of the joint.

The arthroscopic methods, including thermal shrinkage, propose in the past didn’t received a widely spread support.

We present a method of arthroscopic lateral ligament ‘repair’ with an anchor placed in the fibula.

We used this technique on 31 consecutive patients (28 were available for follow-up).

21 patients were victims of work or traffic accidents and 3 had sport-related lesions.

The patients were evaluated after a 24,5 month follow-up.

The average post-op AOFAS score was 85,3 and average satisfaction was 3,77 (1 to 5)

We had two ‘relapses’ (another sprain without instability on the stress XR). On 3 patients we had some wound healing problems and we had 3 lesions of the superficial peroneal nerve, one of these is persistent. One patient developed a deep vein thrombosis post operatively.

With this method, we achieved good results with relatively few complications, even more considering that most of the patients were work-compensation cases. It’s a simple procedure, less ‘aggressive’ then the traditional one’s, producing an anatomical and functional repair of the lateral ligament.

We report 114 of 117 (97% follow up) consecutive metal-on-metal hip resurfacings in 105 patients with a minimum of 5 years follow up implanted between October 1999 and May 2002. Revision of either the femoral or acetabular component during the study period is defined as failure. No other revisions have been performed or are impending. We had 4 failures giving us survivorship at 5 years of 97% (95% confidence interval (CI) 94 – 100). The mean follow up was 72 months and the mean age at implantation was 54.5 years old (Range 35 – 75). All patients were followed up clinically and radiographically.

The mean Harris hip score at follow up was 96.4. The mean Oxford Hip Score fell from 41.6 preoperatively (Range 16 – 57) to 15.3 postoperatively (Range 12 – 49) p< 0.0001. The UCLA Activity Scale rose from 3.93 preoperatively (Range 1 – 10) to 7.54 postoperatively (Range 4 – 10) p< 0.001.

Radiographic analysis revealed an average stem shaft angle of 130.6 degrees (Range 112 – 148) with average cup alignment of 36 degrees (Range 22 – 47). Neck thinning was present in 12 hips (10%) and we define a technique for measuring thinning. Heterotropic ossification was present in 17 hips and lucent lines around the femoral component in 10 hips.

This study confirms that metal-on-metal resurfacing produces an excellent clinical and functional outcome in the younger patient who requires surgical intervention for hip disease. The results compare favourably with those from the originating centre and confirm that resurfacing is well suited for younger higher demand patients. It is the first study with a minimum 5 year follow up from outside the originating centre.

K. Il Kim Y. Je Cho Y. Soo Chun K. Hyung Rhyu M. Chul Yoo
Full Access

Introduction: The aim of this study is to analyze the mid-term result of cementless total hip arthroplasty(THA) performed in hemophilic arthropathy of the hip.

Materials and Methods: Of the 22 hips (19 patients) that underwent cementless THA under the diagnosis of hemophilic arthropathy from Aug. 1995 to June. 2002, 20 hips (17 patients) that can be followed more than five years were enrolled. The average age was 35.1 years. All of the patients had type A hemophilia. There was no patient who had antibody for factors or positive test for HIV. The mean follow-up period was 99.6 (61–147) months. As a clinical assessment, we evaluated Harris hip score, hip range of motion, amount of transfusion and factor replacement, perioperative bleeding and the problems associated with the use of coagulation factors and the bleeding itself after the surgery. As a radiological assessment, we evaluated the stability and fixation of the components, various bone responses around the implants and complications such as loosening and osteolysis.

Results: The average Harris hip score improved from 62.4 before surgery to 93.6 at the final follow-up. The hip range of motions in all plane significantly increased after the operation. During and after the surgery, an average of 3.2 units of packed RBC was transfused and an average of 46000 units of coagulation factors was injected. All patient obtained significant pain relief and improvement walking ability after the operation. The episode of re-bleeding was observed in four cases. In one of them, severe osteolysis around the pelvis and femoral stem was noted due to a huge pseudotumor. Radiographically, all components except one cup showed stable fixation at the final follow-up. The osteolysis was noted in three cups and three stems each. As a re-operation, one morsellized bone graft for osteolysis and one cup revision for a loosened cup were performed at 134 and 40 months after the index operation. One case of pseudotumor is waiting for the surgery.

Conclusion: Unlike the worrisome results of cemented THA, meticulously performed cementless THA for the moderate or severe hemophilic arthropathy is safe and greatly effective in reducing the pain, increasing the range of hip motion and improving the walking ability. However, special attention should be paid to the possible complications associated with re-bleeding such as pseudotumor around the hip. To obtain best result multidisciplinary team approach is mandatory.

Introduction: Proximal femur fractures are an important cause of morbidity in the elderly and comprise a significant proportion of acute orthopaedic admissions.

Aim: To study the demographics of and factors responsible for prolonged hospital stay following admission with a fractured neck of femur.

Methods: We reviewed of a consecutive series of hip fractures presenting to our unit over a five-year period between 2000 and 2004. A complete patient cohort was obtained from the casualty register, the OT register and from a Hospital In-Patient Enquiry (HIPE) database. Pathological, high energy and peri-prosthetic fractures were excluded. We reviewed records to obtain demographic and clinical data including age, sex, length of stay, time to operation and comorbidities. Those who remained in-patients for greater than 14 days were analysed for reasons responsible for prolonged stay.

Results: 717 low-energy hip fractures treated in the period 2000–2004. The M:F ratio was 1:3.3. The average age for males and females was 73.6 yrs (SD 11.23) and 79.6 yrs (SD 9.74) respectively. The overall average length of stay was 28 days. 351 patients (49%) stayed in hospital > 14 days. For these, the mean length of stay was 48 days (range 15–443). Reasons for prolonged stay included acute medical and surgical issues (32%), social and placement issues (22%), active chronic disease (17%) and post-operative complications (4%).

Conclusion: Hip fractures in the elderly constitute a significant burden on an acute trauma service. Further strategies are needed to address both medical and social reasons for prolonged stay in and delayed discharge from hospital. A national hip fracture audit is required.

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a potentially fatal complication after total hip replacement (THR) and may be associated with a considerable economic burden. In many centres, thromboprophylaxis using a subcutaneous (sc) anticoagulant in patients undergoing THR is restricted to 14 days or less. Rivaroxaban is a once-daily, oral, direct Factor Xa inhibitor in advanced clinical development for thromboprophylaxis after major orthopaedic surgery; it does not require monitoring or dose adjustment. In a phase III study, RECORD2, oral rivaroxaban 10 mg, given once daily for 35±4 days, significantly reduced the incidence of the primary endpoint (deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and all-cause mortality), compared with 40 mg sc enoxaparin, given for 14 days (2.0% vs 9.3%, respectively; relative risk reduction 79%; p< 0.001). The incidence of bleeding was low and similar in both groups, despite extended thromboprophylaxis with rivaroxaban. This analysis demonstrates the economic impact of extended thromboprophylaxis with oral rivaroxaban. The effect of rivaroxaban on healthcare costs was based on the primary efficacy results, and the associated reduced administration and monitoring costs, and includes non-drug costs only. The cost of symptomatic VTE was taken from published sources in the US and the UK 2007 NICE Guidelines. It was assumed that nurses spent 3 mins/day administering enoxaparin and training patients to self-inject for outpatient use. Hospital duration was 5 days. In the UK, full blood counts should be taken every 3 days when receiving enoxaparin. The total US health-care resource cost was $192/patient for enoxaparin and $39 for rivaroxaban (excluding drug costs). This saving of $153 was driven by reduced hospital costs associated with fewer VTEs when using rivaroxaban. In the UK, the total healthcare cost/patient was £44 with enoxaparin and £2 with rivaroxaban – savings driven equally by reduced hospitalization and monitoring costs with rivaroxaban prophylaxis. The different cost savings in the US and UK are due to higher US hospital costs. The costs of post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) were excluded in this analysis. PTS has an estimated 5-year rate of 21% after asymptomatic VTE and 30% after symptomatic VTE, at a total cost/patient of more than $11,000 in the US and £4000 in the UK. Given the reduction in all VTE events with rivaroxaban, there are potential further healthcare cost savings due to reduced PTS. The RECORD2 study showed that extended prophylaxis (35 days) with rivaroxaban was significantly more effective than short-term enoxaparin (14 days) for the prevention of VTE, and was not associated with an increased risk of bleeding. This analysis illustrates an additional benefit of once-daily, oral rivaroxaban in the reduction in healthcare costs related to administration and monitoring.

M. Liebensteiner C. Szubski C. Raschner M. Krismer M. Burtscher H. Platzer M. Deibl E. Dirnberger
Full Access

Background: The role of frontal plane tibiofemoral alignment in subjects with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is controversial and rarely discussed in the literature. As well, little research has been done on the effects of the hamstrings muscles on PFPS. The aim of the current study was to determine whether, in individuals with PFPS, frontal plane tibiofemoral alignment or muscular activity of the index knee’s crossing muscles is altered during maximum eccentric leg press exercise.

Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 19 patients with PFPS and 19 control subjects who were matched according to gender, age, and physical activity. During eccentric leg press action, frontal plane tibiofemoral alignment was assessed with a motion analysis system based on skin markers. Simultaneously, surfaceelectro-myography was used to assess the activity levels of the relevant knee crossing muscles. To assess the activity under functional conditions, a leg press with a footplate having variable stability was used for barefoot testing.

Findings: The PFPS subjects did not have significantly different frontal plane leg alignment compared to controls. On electromyography (EMG), PFPS patients had significantly lower levels of hamstring activity during eccentric leg exercise. The differences between the 2 groups (%; absolute differences normalized EMG) ranged from 19.57% (semitendinosus; stable footplate; p = 0.017) to 20.04% (biceps femoris; unstable foot-plate; p = 0.019) and 32.03% (semitendinosus; unstable footplate; p = 0.002).

Interpretation: PFPS is not linked to altered frontal plane leg alignment during eccentric leg pressing. However, PFPS is associated with eccentric under-activation of the hamstrings, which may be a compensatory strategy that maintains patellofemoral joint pressure within bearable levels.

S. Joshy S. Maripuri K. Mohanty
Full Access

Introduction: Isolated greater trochanter fractures gained clinical importance because of the possibility of their inter-trochanteric extension.

Aim: To assess whether the direction and the extent of the fracture measured on plain radiographs could be used to predict the inter-trochanteric extension.

Materials and Methods: We reviewed plain radiographs and MRI scans of 24 patients who sustained isolated greater trochanter fractures between year 2003 and 2006. We considered two parameters

extent of fracture in percentage along the intertrochanteric line

angle of the fracture line.

Both these parameters were measured on a plain anteroposterior radiograph. To measure the length of fracture we have drawn a straight line along the medial border of femoral shaft extending proximally in to the pelvis. Then we measured the distance between the most superior point of the fracture line on the lateral cortex and the midpoint of lesser trochanter on the first line. Then we measured the length of the fracture starting from the most superior point on the lateral cortex. We estimated the percentage of this fracture length in relation to line.

To estimate the angle, again we have drawn a straight line along the medial border of femoral shaft extending proximally in to the pelvis. We have drawn another line in the direction of fracture staring from most superior point of fracture on the lateral cortex joining the first line. We measured the angle between these two lines (Fig 2). We used our Hospital PACS system to measure the angles and the length of the fracture.

Results: Out of 24 isolated greater trochanteric fractures as diagnosed by plain radiographs, MRI scans revealed intertrochanteric extension in nine (37.5%). On the plain anteroposterior radiograph, the mean angle of the fracture in those with MRI proven intertrochanteric extension was 34º (range 20º–45º). In those with no intertrochanteric extension on MRI scan, the mean angle was 55º (Range 25º–125º). The mean percentage of length of fracture across the intertrochanteric line was 62% (47%–73%) and 40% (27%–62%) respectively. All the fractures with MRI proven intertrochanteric extension had a fracture angle of < 45º and the percentage of fracture length of > 40%. All the 15 fractures with fracture angle more than 45º did not show intertrochanteric extension on MRI scan

Conclusions: We conclude that those isolated greater trochanteric fractures, with fracture angle of more than 45 º are unlikely to have an intertrochanteric extension. These patients could be mobilised without further MRI scans. Those fractures which fulfil the plain radiographic criteria of extension of more than 40% and fracture angle between 20º–40º are likely to show inter trochanteric extension. These patients need further clinical assessment and MRI scans to confirm the intertrochanteric extension.

R. Kakwani D. Chakrabarti R. Khan A. Sinha G. Tawari
Full Access

Introduction: In 1990 an estimated 1.3 million hip fractures occurred worldwide, a figure which is expected to double by 2025 and increase to 4.5 million by 2050.

Clostridium difficile associated diarrhoea (CDAD) has emerged as a healthcare associated infection of great clinical and economic significance especially in the frail and vulnerable group of fracture neck of femur patients. A major risk factor for the development of CDAD in patients who undergo operation for fracture neck of femur is the perioperative antibiotic exposure, with cephalosporins being particularly implicated. The type ‘027’ strains of C. Difficile are multi-resistant and cause severe morbidity and mortality. A retrospective audit was performed to study the effect of C. Difficile infection in operated fracture neck of femur patients.

Material and Methods: All the patients who were diagnosed with C. Difficile after an operated fracture neck of femur at the District general hospital during the three year study period from April 2004 till March 2007 were included in the present study. All patients received the routine peri-operative antibiotic prophylaxis of three doses of intravenous cefuroxime. Data collected included age, sex, duration between operation and the onset of diarrhoea, length of stay and associated mortality.

Results: A total of 1023 patients underwent surgery for fracture neck of femur during the three years of study period. The average age of the patients was 81 years. 80% of the patients were females. A total of 62 patients suffered from C. Difficile diarrhoea (6%) after the arthroplasty procedure, and within this cohort, 29 patients died during the same admission to the hospital (47%). The average length of stay for a patient with fracture neck of femur was increased from 23.4 days to 60 days in those affected with C. Difficile diarrhoea.

Discussion: The patients with fracture neck of femur are generally elderly, frail and with poor body reserves. C.difficile infection in such patients not only adds to the morbidity, but also causes significant increase in the mortality rate. The broad spectrum peri-operative antibiotics used to prevent infection generally render the patient vulnerable to this highly lethal hospital bug. Introduction of simple infection control measures such as hand-washing and isolation, and change of peri-operative antibiotic protocol led to a statistically significant reduction in the incidence of C. Difficile infections after surgery for fracture neck of femur.

R. Madegowda M. Singh P. Draviaraj S. Kirmani
Full Access

Goals: In this study we analysed the patients admitted with orthopaedic problems who had coffee ground vomitus for incidence, risk factors, investigations and the management. This project was to highlight this significant but rather neglected problem and to draw up local guidelines in the prevention.

Methods: This is a prospective study conducted for a period of six months from 1st of July 2005 to 31st of Dec 2005. All patients admitted with Orthopaedic problems who had coffee ground vomitus were included in the study after confirmation with haemoccult test. Their case notes were studied to identify the risk factors, preventive measures that could have been taken and their management.

Results: There were 34 (2.3%) patients who had coffee ground vomitus, out of 1427 orthopaedic admissions during the study period. There were 14 (41%) men and 20 (59%) women. The mean age was 73.7 yrs in men and 82.2 yrs in women. This problem was more common in 8th decade with 15 patients (45.5%). There were 6 patients each in 7th and 9th decade, 5 patients in 6th decade and only 2 patients in 5th decade.

There were 19 (55.5%) trauma admissions with fractures and 15 (45.5%) elective admissions. There were 12 (35.2%) patients with previous gastric problems. There were 20 (59%) patients who were on gastric irritant medications, out of which only 5 (25%) were on gastro protective medications. All 34(100%) patients were on low molecular weight heparin for thromboprophylaxis. There were 2 patients on steroids and 2 patients on warfarin.

Coffee ground vomitus occurred preoperatively in 4 (13.4%) and postoperatively in 26 (86.6%). It happened with in the first six hours after surgery in 25 (96.5%) patients. Only in one patient it happened after 3 weeks.

All patients were kept nil by mouth, started on fluid resuscitation and intravenous ranitidine followed by oral omeprazole. Patients who were haemodynamically unstable were investigated by endoscopy. 17 (50%) patients had oral gastroduodenoscopy. 2 patients had blood transfusion because of significant drop in haemoglobin and one died before the transfusion was started.

There were 5 (14.7%) deaths in our study group. The cause of 2 deaths was directly related to gastrointestinal bleeding and the other three were confirmed to have had concurrent chest infection.

Conclusions: Gastro intestinal bleeding is a neglected but not an uncommon problem in orthopaedic patients. Identification of high-risk patients and implementation of preventive measures could avoid this potential life threatening complication. We recommend withdrawal of gastric irritants and co-prescription of gastro protective medications for high-risk orthopaedic patients.

U. Munzinger T. Guggi B. Kaptein M. Persoon E. Valstar C. Doets
Full Access

Introduction: Cementless press-fit cups are the most widely used acetabular implants in total hip arthroplasty today. Their primary and secondary stability is largely determined by the design and choice of surface coating. Porous titanium coatings are used for the majority of cementless acetabular implants. However, an additional hydroxyapatite (HA) layer has been advocated for superior bone ongrowth. We studied the effect of additional HA coating on early micromotion of a porous titanium plasmasprayed cup with a flattened pole. A secondary objective was to compare the extent of micromotion of this well established cementless cup to data of other press-fit cups.

Methods: A total of 44 female patients (45 hips) undergoing total hip arthroplasty for osteoarthritis consented to participate in this prospective, IRB approved study. They were randomized for either a press-fit cup (EP-FIT PLUS®, Plus Orthopedics AG, Switzerland) with a titanium plasma sprayed surface (Ti-group) or with additional HA coating (HA -group). All cups were used with the same combination of stem, PE liner and ceramic head. Model-based radiostereometry (MBRSA) was used to measure translation and rotation immediately postoperative, at 6 weeks, 3, 6, and 12 months. Statistical analysis of migration was performed utilizing one-sided Mann-Whitney tests and ANOVA.

Results: At one year, mean translation in the HA-group (Ti-group) along the medial-lateral (x), proximal-distal (y) and anterior-posterior (z) axes was −0.01 (0.07), 0.08 (0.09), and 0.03 (−0.06) mm, respectively. Mean rotation around the x-axis (anterior-posterior tilt) was −0.19 (−0.16), the y-axis (anteversion-retroversion) was −0.10 (−0.19), and the zaxis (adduction-abduction) was 0.23 (−0.05) degrees. Our hypothesis that translation and rotation would be different in the two groups was rejected (p< 0.00) for all dimensions except for rotation about the z-axis (p=0.10). The was no evidence for different migration patterns throughout the examined time points. All patients had excellent clinical outcome with a mean Harris Hip Score of 95.4 (HA-group) and 95.3 (Ti-group) (p=0.10). Plain radiographs of the cups showed good osseointegration.

Discussion: With excellent primary stability in both the Ti-group and the HA-group, we conclude, that HA-coating does not significantly increase stability of this flattened pole press-fit cup during the first postoperative year. We were able to show that the early stability of this cup is well comparable to that of the more frequently used hemispherical cups with initial stability being one prerequisite for long-term success. RSA measurements after 2 years will be conducted to confirm the current findings and the cup is also being studied in a long-term observation.

H. Pandit R. Steffen R. Gundle P. Mclardy-Smith B. Marks D. Beard H. Gill D. Murray
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Introduction: Although resurfacing hip replacements are widely used there are few little independent outcome data to support this. The aim of this study was to report the 5 year clinical outcome and 7 year survival of an independent series.

Method: 610 Birmingham hip resurfacings were implanted in 532 patients with an average age of 51.8 years (range 16.5–81.6 years) and were followed for between 2 to 8 years; 120 of this series had minimum five year follow-up. Two patients were lost. There were 23 revisions, giving an overall survival of 95% (95% CI 85–99%) at seven years. Fractured neck of femur (n=13) was the most common reason for revision, followed by aseptic loosening (n=4). There were also 3 patients who had failures that were possibly related to metal debris. At a minimum of 5 year follow-up 93% had excellent or good outcome according to the Harris Hip Score. The mean Oxford Hip Score was 16.1 points (SD 7.7) and the mean UCLA activity score was 6.6 points (SD 1.9). There were no patients with definite evidence of radiographic loosening or greater than 10% of neck narrowing.

Discussion: The results demonstrate that with the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing, implanted using the extended posterior approach, the five year survival is similar or better to the reported survival rates for cemented and hybrid THR’s in young patients.

Conclusions: Considering these patients are young and active these results are good and support the use of resurfacing. However, further study is needed to address the early failures; particularly those related to fracture and metal debris.

We present a retrospective analysis of 50 cases of cuff tear arthropathy, treated over past seven year period by use of reverse geometry shoulder prosthesis. 98% follow-up was achieved with average follow up of 3 years. Mean (SD) age was 81.3 (9.2) years and female to male ratio was 5:1. Six patients had bilateral reverse geometry shoulder replacements. Patients were assessed with preoperative Oxford and American Shoulder and Elbow Scores Society score (pre-op ASES) and post-operative American Shoulder and Elbow Society Score (post-op ASES), Oxford, Constant and SF36 scores. Mean pre-op ASES was 22.29 (95%CI: 9.1 – 37.9) and post-op ASES score was 65.2 (95%CI: 48.5 – 81.9), (P< 0.001, Paired t-test). Mean post operative Oxford score was 27.25 (95% CI: 18.4 – 27.6). Mean post operative Constant score was 63.2 (95% CI: 52.6 – 79.6). X-ray review was performed to assess scapular notching and Sirveaux score was used to grade extent of notching. 11 patients had Sirveaux grade 0, 5 had grade 1, 6 had grade 2, 12 had grade 3 and 8 had grade 4 notching. Intra-operative complications included 2 glenoid fractures. Post-operative complications included 2 acromion fractures and 2 episodes of subsidence with dislocation. None of the patients developed post operative haematoma. There was one episode of infection in one patient that required further surgery. Iteration of approach with increasing experience over the years will be discussed. Ours is the biggest series of reverse geometry prosthesis used for irreparable rotator cuff tear arthropathy published so far in the literature and our results have shown superior results in terms of improvement in function and complications. We conclude reverse geometry shoulder replacement provides reasonable improvement in pain and function in elderly population with massive cuff tear arthropathy of shoulder.

S. Parratte X. Flecher O. Vesin C. Brunet J. Aubaniac J. Argenson
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Introduction: Due to the diversity of the prosthetic implants for hip arthroplasty, a better matching between the implant and the intra and extra-medullary characteristic of the patient anatomy is now possible. This adaptation however requires a perfect understanding of the tridimensional characteristics of the patient hip anatomy. Little data are available in the literature. We aimed to analyze the muscular and bony anatomy of the hip at the time of arthroplasty.

Material and Methods: data acquisition was performed according a standardized CT-scan in the same center for all patients within the standard workup before arthroplasty. Standardized measurements were obtained after automatic tridimensional bone reconstructions using dedicated software. 549 femurs in 469 patients including primitive coxarthrosis (COX), dysplasic development of the hip (DDH) and aseptic osteonecrosis (ONA) were analyzed. Mean age was 58 and 70% of the patients were women. Tridimensional reconstruction of the muscular anatomy of the hip was performed for 30 patients using manual contouring on dedicated software. Characteristics of the bony and muscular anatomy were then analyzed according to the etiology and correlations between bony and muscular anatomy were evaluated.

Results: Concerning the bone analysis, mean offset was 23.2 ±1.5mm in the DDH group, 40.5±1.2 mm in the COX group and 29.6± 0.9mm in the ONA group(p< 0.001). Neck-shaft angle was 132±25º in the DDH group, 130±0.5º in the COX group and 134±1º in the ONA group (p< 0.001). Mean anteversion was 33±3.5º in the DDH group, 25±3.8º in the COX group and 16±3.2º in the ONA group (p< 0.001). Concerning the muscular analysis, gluteus medius and minimus volumes were correlated with the body mass index and with the gender, but not with patient age (p: NS). Location of the muscular insertion of the gluteus medius and minimus on the greater trochanter were correlated with the femoral anteversion.

Discussion: The results of our study demonstrated that bony and muscular anatomical characteristics were correlated with the etiology of the degenerative joint disease, with the patient body mass index and gender. Surgeons should be aware of these characteristics to improve the patient anatomy reconstruction during the arthroplasty.

V. Upadhyay W. Farhan V. Garg R. Sharma T. Kumar
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Background: The British Orthopaedic Association (BOA) guidelines regarding consultation time were published in 1990. There has been a change in the expectation of the patient and the responsibilty of the clinician to provide more information to the patients and more detailed investigation and consent forms to fill with a greater emphasis on clinical governance and increasing awareness of the patients over the years. The decrease in doctor working hours and increase in sub specialisation can not be ignored.

Methods: 55 Orthopaedic clinics were observed and time mapped to the nearest second. 5 clinics observed for each of 11 clinicians (5 Consultants and 6 Registrars). From the time the clinician entered the consultation room to start the clinic till the time he left after finishing the clinic the entire span of time was mapped with a stop watch by an independent observer. The patient factors viz age, sex, mobility, BMI, site of disease were recorded. The clinician factors viz. seniority, sub-specialisation were also recorded.

Results: Of total Clinic time, 45% spent for consulting follow up cases, 26% for new cases and 29% lost in in-between patient transit time. Of the total clinic time, patient time (time spent by clinician with the patient) was 75%, 4% spent on procedures, 3% on investigations, 4% on consent, 13% on dictation, only 1% on teaching. The mean time for consultation was 13 minutes 6 seconds for New patients and 8 minutes 43 seconds for Follow up patients which was significantly less than that recommended by BOA guidelines (15 – 20 minutes for new and 10 –15 minutes for follow up pateints in Orthopaedic clinics).

Conclusion: Despite the clinics over running in time the BOA guidelines are not being adhered to potentially compromising quality consultation and training at the cost of pressures to see the recommended 22 unit patients per clinic. There is a need to revise guidelines to provide for more time in clinics per patient to maintain quality of care and training.

M. Ashraf N. Davarinos P. Ellanti R. Thakral P. Nicholson S. Morris J. Mc elwain
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Introduction: Weber B fractures are one of the most common fractures of the ankle. Unstable fractures are treated with lateral plating and a lag screw. Another method of fixation is antiglide plating, this concept was first introduced by Brunner and Weber in 1982.

Manoli and Schaeffer in 1987, showed that fixation by antiglide plate demonstrated superior static biomechanical properties compared to lateral plating.

However there are some shortcomings in their study and hence we decided to perform our biomechanical study. The shortcomings of the Manoli study are. They did not use an interfragmentary lag screw for lateral plate fixation. It was a cadaveric study where the bone does not accurately represent the live bone. The quality of the bone ranging from normal to osteoporotic bone varies from cadaver to cadaver and hence there is no uniformity between the samples.

Materials and Methods: We used 4th generation composite bone models validated to closely simulate human bone characteristics for fracture toughness, tensile strength, compressive strength, fatigue crack resistance and implant subsidence. 4th generation composite bone model provides uniformity of test samples which is not achievable in cadaveric studies.

These bones were custom made for the experiment. We used two sets of bones, one representative of normal bone (Set A n=10) and the other of osteoporotic bone quality (Set B n=10). Each of the sets A & B will have two types of fixations for artificially created Weber B Fractures.

Lateral plate with interfragmentary lag screw.

Antiglide plate with interfragmentary lag screw.

The strength of the fixation was measured by restressing the bone until the fixation failed using an Instron machine which simultaneously applied torque and compressive forces to the fibular construct. The resulting data was analysed on a computer and statistical analysis was performed.

Results: When the two fixation constructs were stressed to failure, the lateral plate construct demonstrated less stiffness (3–5Nm/degree) and failed at lower energy levels (250Nm). Similar values obtained for the antiglide system were, stiffness of 12–16Nm/degree and energy absorbed to failure 350–450Nm. Antiglide plating was significantly more stable in the osteoporotic fibula.

Conclusion: Antiglide plating with lag screw is much more stable than lateral plating. It is suitable for treatment without plaster cast post operatively. It results in a more stable fixation in osteoporotic bone.

M. Wiewiorski M. Kretzschmar H. Rasch D. Bilecen A. Jacob V. Valderrabano
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Introduction: Determination of the origin of chronic foot pain in osteoarthritis (OA) is challenging since clinical examination of the foot faces a complex anatomy with several joints, osseous, and non-osseous structures contributing to the symptoms. Non-invasive imaging methods (Rx, CT, MRI) show a poor correlation with pain degree. Studies using functional imaging based on the detection of activated osteoblasts with 99mTc-Dicarboxypropandiphosphate (DPD) to indicate painful facet joints show promising results, but so far no evaluation for chronic OA pain conditions in foot joints has been conducted and the diagnostic potential was limited due to poor spatial resolution of the scintigraphic assessment.

Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography – Computed Tomography (SPECT-CT) combines metabolic information with an exact anatomical localization. We hypothesised that diagnostic infiltration with a local anaesthetic of a painful hindfoot or midfoot joint showing 99mTc-DPD-uptake in SPECT-CT, leads to a positive OA pain response.

Methods: 26 patients with chronic OA pain and radiological signs of OA in a hindfoot or midfoot joint (27 feet) were included. Plain radiography was performed to detect degenerative changes and to rule out pathologies different from OA. Pain status was measured by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). AOFAS hindfoot/midfoot score and SF-36–score were documented. All patients received a 99mTc-DPD SPECT-CT (Symbia T2, Siemens). The localisation of 99mTc-DPD-uptake and consequently the site of infiltration were defined. The infiltration was performed with a local anaesthetic (bupivacaine) and iodine solution under CT-guidance with exact documentation of the contrast media deposit by CT. Pain status was assessed directly post-infiltration. Pain relief in responders was defined as reduction of VAS-score > 50% immediately after infiltration, partial response as reduction of < 50%.

Results: Infiltration was performed in 26 hindfoot joints and 5 midfoot as indicated by 99mTc-DPD-uptake in SPECT-CT. Subsequent CT control scans showing contrast media depot confirmed exact successful infiltration in all indicated joints. In 22 patients an immediate significant (p< 0.01) postinterventional pain reduction of VAS more than 50% was observed. Mean VAS before infiltration was 5.77 (range 2–10; SD 2.22) and 0.82 (range 0–4; SD 1.26) immediately after infiltration. Two patients showed a partial response and one patient showed no pain resolution after infiltration.

Conclusion: The results show a significant correlation of uptake and pain resolution after infiltration allowing precise identification of OA hindfoot joints as pain inducing foci. SPECT-CT offers good prediction of outcome after infiltration improving the localisation of the pain inducing joint, thus aiding in pre-operative planning.

Aims: Ulnar nerve compression at the elbow known as cubital tunnel syndrome is the second most common compression neuropathy of the upper limb. There is currently no consensus on the optimal operative treatment approach. The objective of this meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials was to evaluate the efficacy of simple decompression versus anterior transposition of the nerve in the treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome.

Methods: Multiple databases (Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library, Cinahl and several meeting archives) were searched for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) reporting on the outcome of operative treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome in patients with no trauma or previous surgeries. Two reviewers abstracted baseline characteristics, clinical scores and motor nerve conduction velocities independently. Data were pooled across studies, standard mean differences in effect sizes (SMD) weighted by study sample size were calculated and heterogeneity across studies was assessed.

Results: We identified four RCTs comparing simple decompression to anterior ulnar nerve transposition (two submuscular and two subcutaneous). Three studies used a clinical scoring system as the primary clinical outcome (n=261). There were no significant differences between simple decompression and anterior transposition. (SMD= − 0.04, 95%CI: −0.36 to 0.28, p=0.81). We did not find significant heterogeneity across studies (I2=34.2%; p=0.22). Two studies presented postoperative motor nerve conduction velocities (n=100) with no significant differences (SMD=0.24 in favor of simple decompression, 95%CI: −0.22 to 0.57, p=0.23; I2=0%; p=0.9).

Conclusions: The results of this meta-analysis suggests that there is no difference in motor nerve conduction velocities and clinical outcome scores between simple decompression and ulnar nerve transposition for the treatment of moderate to severe ulnar nerve compression at the elbow in patients with no prior trauma or previous surgeries to the affected elbow. Confidence intervals around the points of estimate are narrow probably excluding clinically meaningful differences. Since ulnar nerve transposition is the more invasive of the two procedures, this data supports the use of simple decompression of the ulnar nerve unless a plausible indication for ulnar nerve transposition exists.

J. Tabutin J. Christian Balestro I. Batta P. Cambas F. Vogt
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Periprosthetic humeral fractures are rare but their numbers tend to increase because of the development of shoulder prostheses. We analysed our cases to see if some therapeutic guidelines can be provided.

Material and Methods: Our retrospective monocentric study included 12 patients (11 women, 1 man), with an average age of 76 (49 to 93). 9 were osteoporotic. All fell from their height except a polytrauma. They were operated from 1994 to 2007. 9 fractures were at the tip of the stem. 2 proximal, 1 distal, 10 prostheses were monopolar for previous proximal humeral fractures, 7 were cemented.

Results: Internal fixation was used in 8 cases with difficulties to find a suitable device in the first ones and LCP plates in the last ones. 4 cases had a prosthetic revision (with a humerotomy in one case): 2 monopolar long stems, 2 inverted prostheses (one with a long stem). Several complications were observed: 1 death (polytrauma), 3 radial palsies (which recovered), 1 sepsis (cured), 1 sympathetic dystrophy. The fractures healed at an average of 68 days (60 to 77).

Discussion: These fractures are little mentioned in the literature (15 references), often as case reports; the largest serie comprises 19 cases. The classifications, up to now, are descriptive not orientating the indication. Using a system derived from the SOFCOT 2005 symposium on periprosthetic fractures of the proximal femur seems efficient. A letter for the fracture site (A:metaphyseal, B: at the stem, C: distal) and a figure for the implant fixation (1: fixed, 2:loose, 3: with osteolysis) describe the situation. When reviewing retrospectively our cases we found that types A and C are generally not loose and that this classification gives a good guideline. For internal fixation, previous devices were poorly adapted. Now, LCP plates with locked screws and cables are preferred. In prosthetic revision, the choice between an anatomical or a reversed prothesis depends on the rotator cuff, the glenoid bone stock, and the patient general condition. A long stem is preferable (acting as a ‘nail’).

Conclusion: Regarding periprosthetic fractures, the proximal humerus can be considered as rather similar to the proximal femur. But the glenoid and the cuff may change the type of implant for revision.

Introduction: In orthopaedic surgery, tendon transfers are used routinely. Examples are the correction of deformities due to spasticity in infantile cerebral palsy or clump foot surgery. Aftertreatment is not evidence based but depends mostly on the surgeons personal preferences. This is especially true for the duration of postoperative immobilization. Adhesions between tendon and surrounding tissue are supposedly a key factor for reduced functionality after immobilisation and it appears to be common sense that the amount of scarring depends on the duration of immobilisation.

The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal (im)mobilisation schema, protecting the suture as well as avoiding impairment of the capability of the transferred tendon to slide properly.

Methods: A tendon transfer of the m. flexor digitorum longus to the dorsal talus was performed in 32 New-Zealand rabbits. The tendon was passed through a drill hole and sutured to itself. Animals were randomised into 6 groups. Groups 1 to 3 experienced mobilisation of varying duration (none, 2 and 4 weeks) after two weeks of immobilisation. Groups 4 to 6 received the same time of mobilisation (4 weeks) but after different periods of immobilisation (4, 6, 8 weeks).

Histomorphological examinations including synovial cell coating, appearance of tendon and tissue interface, inflammation and scarring of the site of surgery were done. The results were analyzed statistically (Kruskal-Wallis-test; Jonckheere Terpstra-test).

Results: Except a difference in development of a synovial cell coating of questionable clinical significance there were no significant findings regarding the histomorphology between the different groups.

Conclusion: In opposition to traditional believes, our results suggest that the influence of postoperative mobilisation or immobilisation towards the formation of scarring and adhesions in tendon transfers may by widely overestimated. This implies that the decision for the duration of postoperative immobilisation should be mainly based on safe ingrowths, without the imminent risk of loss of function.

K. Chin N. Gogi G. Fulcher S. Deshmukh D. Shepherd
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Introduction: Fracture of cortical long bone can be treated with open reduction and internal fixation. Although the lag-screw technique would provide a stronger compression across the fracture site, this may not translate directly into a significantly better mechanical stability of the construct. In narrow long bone such as the metacarpus, it may be technically difficult to over-drill the near cortex. In addition, the fracture configuration as well as the presence of soft tissue attachment and neurovascular bundle in such smaller bones may give rise to technical difficulty in fixation with all the screws from the same side.

Hypothesis: We therefore propose to test the hypothesis that there is no difference in the mechanical stability of the construct, in terms of three points bending and axial loading, between fixation with lag screw (L) and cortical screw (1C) in long bone oblique fracture.

Secondly, we proposed that fixation with alternate cortical screws from both sides of the cortices (2C) may confer a stronger mechanical stability than fixation with all screws from one side (1C).

Method: A 12 cm long oblique osteotomy was created along the shaft of tibial saw bone to produce an artificial long oblique fracture. The two fragments were held together and precompressed similarly with reduction clamp. Lag screw technique (L), unilateral (1C) and bilateral (2C) simple cortical screws techniques were used to fix the fracture with a total of four 4.5mm cortical screw in each construct. The test piece was placed into position and compressed under displacement control using a Bose ElectroForce® 3300 Series test instrument (Bose Corporation ElectroForce Systems Group, Minnesota USA). The displacement was applied at a rate of 0.42mm/s. The displacement and load were measured every 0.0586 seconds and recorded using Win-Test Software (Bose Corporation ElectroForce Systems Group, Minnesota USA).

Result: In three-points bending, fixation with unilateral cortical screws (1C) provided the highest mean stiffness values of the three techniques with an average of 27.72 N/mm (standard deviation STD 4.90 N/mm). The lag screw technique (L) had slightly lower mean stiffness values with an average of 26.29 N/mm (STD 3.46 N/ mm). Fixation with opposing screws (2C) had a lowest mean stiffness averaging 18.31 N/mm (STD 14.49 N/ mm). In axial compression, unilateral cortical screws (1C) provided the highest average stiffness at 290.33 N/mm (STD 89.84 N/mm) The opposing pre-compression technique had an average stiffness of 241.24 N/ mm (STD 121.30 N/mm) and the lag screw technique 198.94 N/mm (STD 58.33N/mm).

Conclusion: In conclusion, fixation with unilateral cortical screws (1C) provided a better mechanical stability than lag screw. Fixation with bilateral cortical screws (2C) did not provide a more stable construct than unilateral screw fixation.

M. Ashraf P. Ellanti R. Thakral F. McEvoy J. Sparkes J. Mc Elwain
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Introduction: Traditionally the fixation of choice as recommended by the AO ASIF group for transverse fractures of the Olecranon and the Patella is the tension band wiring technique.

The concept of tension band wiring is based on the fact that the distractive force applied to one surface of the bone will result in compression on the opposite articular surface.

Clinical outcomes of TBW are not equivocal. It is associated with significant morbidity such as non union, failure of fixation, especially in osteoporotic bone and infection which sometimes leads to amputation. Often a second procedure for removal of prominent metal work is required.

In our biomechanical study we investigated this concept as we believe that the forces generated by TBW construct do not generate significant compressive forces required for healing of fracture.

Materials and Methods: We used 4th generation composite bones (Sawbones®, Malmoe, Sweden.). These bone analogues have been validated to closely simulate human bone characteristics for fracture toughness, tensile strength, compressive strength, fatigue crack resistance and implant subsidence.

The advantage of using 4th generation composite bone model is that it provides uniformity which is not achievable in cadaveric studies. Two different bone models representative of Olecranon and patella were used. Transverse fractures were created in the bones and fixed with TBW technique as described in A.O. manual.

Two 0.062-inch Kirschner wires and figure of eight configuration of 18G Stainless steel wire with single knot technique was used. Micro motion transducers (DVRT: MicroStrain, Williston, Vermont) with an accuracy of ± 1μm were placed across the fracture site both anteriorly and posteriorly. Continuous information regarding fracture distraction and compression, as determined by the transducers was recorded from both sites simultaneously during the experiment.

The tension band wire construct was loaded up to a maximum force of 4000 Newtons for patella and 500 for the olecranon. The fractures were subjected to cyclic loading at 1Hz using a servo hydraulic materials-testing system (model 8500; Instron, Canton, Massachusetts). The results were analysed on a computer and statistical analysis performed.

Results: During the application of cyclical loading, we noted a gap at the articular surface ranging from 1.1± 0.4mm and 2.1± 0.6mm for Olecranon and patella constructs respectively. During most of the duration of the experiment no transducer displacements were recorded at the articular surface.

Conclusion: The concept that distractive forces at one end could be converted to compression at the other end through the TBW does not hold true in our biomechanical study. A simpler construct may suffice for fixation of patellar and Olecranon fractures which can reduce the complications associated with TBW fixation.

D. Chissas G. Stamatopoulos D. Verettas K. Kazakos A. Papaeliou P. Ntagiopoulos A. Papalois G. Agrogiannis A. Asimakopoulos
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Introduction: Approximately 15% of fractures account for delayed or impaired healing. The popularity of new

Methods: that enhance fracture healing along with conventional ones is growing. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects, the safety and the efficacy of systemic simvastatin administration to bone healing.

Materials and Methods: Unilateral mid-ulnar osteotomies (approximately 2.0 mm wide) were performed to 56 skeletally mature male rabbits. The limbs were assigned to one of three groups: those treated with 30 mg/kg/day of simvastatin per os, those administered with 10 mg/kg/day of simvastatin orally and the control group. The rabbits were killed at two or four weeks postoperatively after taking blood samples for biochemical analysis to detect drug-induced side effects. After the rabbits were killed, the limbs were scanned with peripheral quantitative computed tomography to assess the area and mineral content of the mineralized callus. The bones were subjected to mechanical bending testing and histomorphometry.

Results: At 2 weeks the total density for the mineralized callus was on average 531.7±32.7 for the control group, 466.05±10.6 for the first group (p< .01) and at 4 weeks the total density was 617.5±12.42 for the control group, 551.26±27.61 for the first group, and 553.72±20.66 for the second group respectively (p< .001). Biomechanical properties were similar to all groups at 2 and 4 weeks. The% cartilage portion area was 17.28±2.61 for the control group, 11.89±1.84 for the first group (p< .001) and 14.06±2.17 for the second group (p< .05).

Discussion: The data show that daily systemic administration of simvastatin in 30 mg/kg/day or 10 mg/kg/day do not seem to produce a clear anabolic effect in fracture healing through the remodeling phase.

Conclusion: The use of simvastatin to promote fracture healing is still under study. The limitations from its use are the side effects from its systematic administration over 30 mg/kg/day. Most likely, alternative ways of administration should be considered for future studies.

P. Giannoudis I. Pountos N. Kanakaris J. Morley H. Pape
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Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate whether growth factors essential for fracture healing are released in the immediate aftermath following fracture and whether reaming of IM cavity causes increased liberation of these autocoids.

Methods: Consecutive adult patients with femoral shaft fractures forming two groups (a group who received unreamed nail (n=10) and a second group who received reamed nail (n=10) were recruited for this study. Peripheral blood samples and samples from the femoral canal before and after reaming and before and after the solid nail insertion were collected. Serum was extracted and using Elisa colorimetric assays the concentration of Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF), Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), Insulin-like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) Transforming Growth Factor beta 1 (TGF-21) and BMP-2 levels was measured.

Results: In total 20 patients were studied. The mean age was 38 years (range 20–63). Reaming substantially increased all studied growth factors locally in the femoral canal. VEGF and PDGF were increased after reaming by 111.2% and 115.6% respectively. IGF-1 was increased by 31.5% and TGF-b1 was increased by 54.2%. In the unreamed group the levels of PDGF-BB, VEGF and TGF-21 were not changed while the levels of IGF-I were decreased by 10%. The levels of these factors in peripheral circulation were not altered despite the technique used. BMP-2 levels during all time points were below the detection limit of the immunoassay.

Conclusion and Significance: This study indicates that reaming of IM Canal is associated with increased liberation of growth factors. The osteogenic effect of reaming could be secondary not only to grafting debris but also to the increased liberation of these molecules.

G. Friedl I. Rehak H. Schmidt G. Kostner E. Stadelmeyer E. Schulz R. Aigner R. Windhager
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The ability of hMSCs to differentiate into several mesenchymal cell lineages including the osteoblast lineage plays a key role in skeletogenesis and bone regeneration. Although the importance of physical factors in the development and maintenance of bone tissue has been recognized for many years and we previously demonstrated that mechanical strain constitutes an inherent stimulus for osteogenic differentiation of undifferentiated hMSCs, there is strong evidence to suggest that obesity is an independent factor in the risk of implant failure due to aseptic loosening or fracture after TJR. While mechanical complications and overload have been widely suggested, we hypothesized that the osteogenic mechanoresponse of hMSCs may be profoundly altered in obese patients.

hMSCs were isolated from bone marrow of 10 donors (BMI ranging from 18.7 to 37.6 kg/m2). The individual response of unidfferentiated hMSCs to cyclic tensile strain (CTS) was determined in a two-armed study design (strained versus unstrained (CTR)) using a 4-point bending device, where strain was restricted to a maximum of 3,000 μstrain. Phenotypic effects were characterized by analyzing cell numbers, cell viability and ALP activity; mRNA levels of marker genes related to early osteogenic differentiation (RUNX2, ALPL, SPARC, SPP1), protein synthesis (COL1A1), and cell cycle (MKI67) were determined by real-time RT-PCR. Possible contributions to anthropomorphometric variables and individual triglycerides, cholesterin, glucose, leptin, adiponectin, resistin, and estradiol levels were evaluated by linear regression analysis.

We found a significant up-regulation of the osteogenic marker genes due to CTS, including RUNX2 (1.9 fold), ALPL (2.4 fold), SPP1 (2.8 fold), and SPARC (4.1 fold), which was accompanied by an increase in cell-based ALP activity from 6.1 ± 1.2 μM/min/106 in CTR to 8.5 ± 1.7 μM/min/106 in CTS (plus 39.6 ± 9.8% SEM, P< 0.05). Cell density was significantly lower following CTS (minus 20.0 ± 4.7%, P< 0.05), which was also found for cell viability (XTT minus 17.8 ± 5.6%, P< 0.05). As a consequence, the phenotypic CTS response (ALP activity w/o normalization) ranged widely between donors (−30.8% to +60.1%) and was highly significant inverse correlated to donor’s BMI (r= −0.91, P< 0.0001). Additionally, leptin and estradiol levels determined within bone marrow plasma were significantly correlated with the phenotypic mechanoresponse (r=−0.71, P=0.028, and r=0.67; P=0.039; respectively).

The findings demonstrate that the osteogenic mechanosensitivity of hMSCs is highly affected by physiological factors related to donor’s BMI. Such an upstream imprinting process within bone marrow may be an important area of further research, since obesity-linked problems constitute increasing concerns in orthopaedic surgery within the western world.

P. Gal L. Planka A. Necas H. Kecova L. Kren P. Krupa J. Hlucilova D. Usvald
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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from bone marrow are multipotent cells capable of forming cartilage, bone, and other connective tissues. The objective of this study was to determine whether the use of allogenic mesenchymal stem cells could functionally heal defect in the distal femoral physis in rabbits without the use of immunosuppressive therapy. An iatrogenic defect was created in the lateral femoral condyle of thirty-two New Zealand white rabbits, 7 weeks old, that weighed 2.25 ? 0.24 kg. Each defect, 3.5 mm in width and 12 mm in length, in the right distal femoral physis was treated with allogenic mesenchymal stem cells in new composite hyaluronate/ collagen type I/fibrin scaffold. The healing response was evaluated radiographically, by MRI (at three weeks and four months after implantation), and also histologically, by Pearls’ reaction and with immunofluorescency (at four months after implantation). The results were compared with the data for the control defects (without stem cell implantation) in left distal femoral physes. In average, right femurs with damaged distal physis and transplanted MSCs grew more in length (0.55? 0.21 cm) as compared with left femurs with physeal defect without stem cell transplantation (0.46? 0.23 cm). Valgus deformity of right femurs with physeal defect and transplanted MSCs was mild (0.2? 0.1°). On the contrary, left femurs with physeal defect without transplantated MSCs showed significant valgus deformity (2.7? 1.6°). For defects treated with allogenic mesenchymal stem cell implants, no adverse immune response and implant rejection were detected in this model. Histologically, no lymphocytic infiltration occurred. At four months after transplantation, hyalinne cartilage had formed throughout the defects treated with allogenic MSCs. Labeled mesenchymal stem cells/diferentiated chondrocytes were detected in the physeal defects based on magnetic resonance imaging and immunofluorescency. The results of this study demonstrated that allogenic mesenchymal stem cells in a new composite hyaluronate/collagen type I/fibrin scaffold repaired iatrogenic defects in the distal femoral physes in rabbits without the use of immunosuppressive therapy. The use of allogenic mesenchymal stem cells for the repair of physeal defects may be an alternative to autologous MSCs transplantation. An allogenic approach would enable mesenchymal stem cells to be isolated from any donor, providing a readily available source of cells for cartilage tissue repair.

M. Erdem T. Gunes B. Bostan C. Sen F. Ozkan H. Ozyurt D. Koseoglu
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Introduction: Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have important roles in the pathogenesis of ischemia reperfusion injury (I/R) of skeletal muscles Melatonin was proved to be an antioxidant agent and many experimental models showed that it reduces I/R injury in many tissues. The objective of present study was to detect protective antioxidant effect of melatonin on I/R injury of skeletal muscles.

Material and Methods: Albimino wistar rats were randomly allocated into 3 groups. There were 8, 10, 10 rats in sham, I/R and I/R + melatonin (Mel) groups respectively. Right hind limb ischemia was achieved by clamping femoral arteries in all groups except for control group. Melatonin (10 mg/kg) was administered intraperitoneally in I/R + Mel group 48, 24, 1 hour before reperfusion. After a period of 2 hour ischemia followed by 1.5 hour reperfusion, muscles and venous blood samples were collected for biochemical analysis and histopathological examination. Plasma antioksidant enzyme activities of süperoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathion peroxidase (GSH-Px), and levels of MDA and NO. were investigated. Enzyme activities of catalase (CAT), protein carbonyl (PC), SOD, GSH-Px and levels of MDA and NO. were analysed in muscle tissues.

Results: Antioxidant enzyme activities and levels of MDA and NO. in plasma were significantly higher in I/R group compared to control group (p< 0,001). Muscle tissues of I/R groups revealed significant higher antioxidant enzyme activity and MDA, NO. levels with respect to control group (p< 0,001). Levels of these parameters in muscle and plasma revealed significant reduction in I/R + Mel group with respect to I/R group (p< 0.001). Histopathological examination of ischemic muscles in I/R group showed significant degeneration and inflammation compared to control group whereas melatonin administered ischemic muscles showed significant reduction of degeneration and inflammation with respect to I/R group (p< 0.001).

Conclusions: Levels of NO. and MDA and antioxidant enzyme activity were significantly higher and also revealed significant degeneration and inflammation in I/R group. These results support the opinion that ROS is an important factor in the pathogenesis of I/R injury in skeletal muscles. We attribute the increasing enzyme activities in I/R group to a compensatory mechanism against ROS. Levels of NO. and MDA and antioxidant enzyme activity in tissue and plasma of I/R + Mel group were significantly lower and additionally revealed significant improvement in inflammation and degenaration. This proves the potential ROS scavenging effect of melatonin in reduction of I/R injury. In conclusion we suggest that melatonin may be used in the treatment of I/R injury due extremity injuries with vascular compromise, extremity surgery with prolonged tourniquet time and compartment syndrome.

In finite element (FE) analysis of long bones it is now common practice to calculate the material properties based on CT data. Although a unique material property is calculated for each element, assigning each element an individual material property results in excessively large models. To avoid this, it is usual to group the elements based on their material properties and to assign each group a single material property (Zannoni 1998). No study has analysed the effect the number of material properties used in a long bone FE model has on the accuracy of the results.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the variation in the calculated mechanical environment as a function of the number of material properties used in an FE model.

An FE mesh of a cadaveric human tibia containing 47,696 ten-node tetrahedron elements and 75,583 nodes was created using CT scans. Material properties were calculated for each element of the mesh based on previous work (Rho 1995, 1996). Eleven FE models were created by varying the number of groups (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024) the elements were divided into. A single material property was assigned to each group. All models were subject to an axial point load of 300N applied on the medial condyle of the tibial plateau while the distal end was fixed. The variation in maximum and minimum principal strains and deflections, at 17 well distributed surface nodes and at 65 randomly distributed nodes within the bone were plotted against the number of element groups. The total strain energy was also plotted against the number of groups. The errors for strain, deflection, and total strain energy were calculated for each model assuming that the model using 1024 element groups was accurate.

The parameter to converge with the least number of element groups was the total strain energy. At 512 element groups the error was less than 0.001% (0.7% for the two material model). The next to converge were the displacements. Using 512 materials the maximum error in displacement at the surface nodes was 0.001% (4.7% for the 2 material model), while for the internal nodes the maximum error was 0.53% (36.7% for the 2 material model). The least convergence occurred for principal strains. The maximum errors when 512 materials were used were 1.06% (57.7% for the 2 material model) and 3.02% (104.5% for the 2 material model) for the surface and the internal nodes respectively.

This study demonstrates the relationship between the accuracy of calculated mechanical environment and the number of material properties assigned to the model. While this study will allow the analyst to make an informed decision on the number of material properties for modelling the human tibia it also helps examine the validity of previous studies which, usually due to limited resources, used fewer material properties.

M. Kurklu C. Yildiz A. Caferov M. Serdar Ö. Karaçalioglu S. Deveci Ö. Köse M. Basbozkurt
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Objective: The aim of this experimental study was to evaluate the effects of alpha-tocopherol on new bone formation by distraction osteogenesis.

Materials and Methods: Tirthy New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into 2 groups. Bone lengthening was performed in the right tibia through distraction osteogenesis at a rate of 0,5 mm/day for 20 days with circular external fixator (CEF). While the experimental group rabbits were administered i.m. 20mg/kg alpha tocopherol daily starting at the first day of study lasting for 20 days, control group rabbits did not receive any corresponding treatment. Radiographic examination were performed at 20th, 30th and 40th days. Scintigraphic evaluation for osteoblastic activity was at 5th and 20th day of the study. Serum total antioxidant capacity (TAC) was measured at first day and 20th day of the study. All animals were sacrificed at the end of the consolidation period of 40 days. The right tibia of all animals were removed and evaluated by histopathologic examination. Results were compared between groups and statistically analysed. A p value less than 0.05 is considered as significant in 95% confidence interval.

Results: At the 20th day, radiologic scores were statistically similar in both groups. However, at the 30th and 40th days, experimental group demonstrated statistically significant high radiologic scores and visible callus formation, maturation and remodelling. Scintigraphic baseline study at 5th day of study showed statistically similar osteoblastic activity in both groups. However, at the 20th day osteoblastic activity was significantly higher in experimental group. Serum TAC values were also significantly higher in experimental group at 20th day. At necropsy, experimental group rabbits got statistically significant high scores in histopathologic examination and showed the formation of mature bone.

Conclusions: Results of this study showed that alpha-tocopherol had beneficial effects on new bone formation by distraction osteogenesis. Administration of supplemental alpha tocopherol in patients treated with distarction osteogenesis may shorthen the framing time and increase the quality of regenerated bone.

J. Holstein M. Klein P. Garcia T. Histing M. Laschke C. Scheuer C. Meier T. Pohlemann M. Menger
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The immunosuppressive drug rapamycin (RAPA) prevents rejection in organ transplantation by inhibiting interleukin-2-stimulated T-cell division. RAPA has also been suggested to possess strong anti-angiogenic activities linked to a decrease in production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Because VEGF is a key growth factor in fracture healing, the present study was conducted to analyze the effect of RAPA on bone repair.

For the herein introduced study 35 SKH-1Hr mice were treated by a daily intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of RAPA (1.5mg/kg/d) from the day of fracture until sacrifice. Two or five weeks after fracture, animals were killed and bone healing was analyzed using radiological (n=16 at 2 weeks; n=16 at 5 weeks), biomechanical (n=2x8), and histomorphometric (n=2x8)

Methods: At 2 weeks additional animals were studied to achieve tissue for protein biochemical analysis of VEGF and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA; n=3). Additional 34 mice, which received the vehicle only, served as controls. Analyses in controls were similar to those of RAPA-treated animals.

X-ray analyses demonstrated that RAPA treatment inhibits callus formation after 2 weeks of fracture healing. The radiologically observed lack of callus formation after RAPA treatment was confirmed by histomorphometric analyses, which revealed a significantly diminished callus size and a reduced amount of bone formation when compared to vehicle-treated controls. Biomechanical testing further demonstrated that RAPA significantly reduces torsional stiffness of the callus (11.5±5.9% of the contralateral unfractured femur vs. 28.3±13.9% in controls; p< 0.05). Of interest, this was associated with a decrease of callus VEGF and PCNA expression. After 5 weeks of fracture healing, however, the negative impact of RAPA on fracture healing was found blunted and the radiological, histomorphometric and biomechanical differences observed after 2 weeks could not longer be detected.

We demonstrate that RAPA treatment leads to a severe alteration of early fracture healing. The negative action of RAPA on fracture repair at 2 weeks is most probably due to an inhibition of VEGF expression within the callus as suggested by the results of the Western blot analysis, demonstrating during the early phase of fracture healing a significantly reduced expression of VEGF and PCNA after RAPA treatment. This indicates a substantial alteration of cell proliferation and angiogenic vascularization during initial fracture healing. Since T-cells contribute to delayed fracture healing, RAPA may promote bone healing at later stages due to a reduction of interleukin-2-stimulated Tcell division.

A variety of scaffolds, including collagen-based membranes, fleeces and gels are seeded with osteoblasts and applied for the regeneration of bone defects. However, different materials yield different outcomes, despite the fact that they are generated from the same matrix protein, i.e. type I collagen. Recently we showed that in fibroblasts MMP-3 is induced upon attachment to matrix proteins in the presence of TGFbeta.

Aim: To investigate the regulation of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and interleukins (IL) in osteoblasts upon attachment to type I collagen (col-1) in comparison to laminin -1 (LM-111) in the presence or absence of costimulatory signals provided by transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta).

Methods: Osteoblasts were seeded in col-1–and LM-111-coated flasks and activated by the addition of TGFbeta. Mock-treated cells served as controls. The expression of genes was investigated by quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), immunocytochemistry and ELISA.

Results: Attachment of osteoblasts to col-1 or LM-111 failed to activate the expression of MMPs or ILs. In contrast, TGFbeta induced the expression of MMP-3, MMP-9, and MMP-13, IL-6 and IL-16 mRNAs. MMP-3 was found to be elevated in supernatants of activated cells. No difference was found in the expression of MMP-1, IL-8 and IL–18. Interestingly, the expression of IL-1beta mRNA was not activated by TGFbeta alone, but it was activated by attachment of osteoblasts to LM-111 in the presence of TGFbeta.

Conclusion: In contrast to fibroblasts, attachment of osteoblasts to col-1 or LM-111 had no effect on the induction of MMPs and ILs. TGFbeta induced the expression of MMPs and ILs in these cells but only MMP-3 was released. The results show significant differences between osteoblasts and fibroblasts in the effects of attachment to scaffold materials. This may have important consequences for tissue engineering of bone and for wound healing after surgery.

F. Klenke E. Wernike Y. Liu H. Sebald E. Hunziker K. Siebenrock W. Hofstetter
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The reconstruction of bone defects with biomaterials represents a potential alternative to the transplantation of autologous and allogenic bone. Ceramic materials can be combined with growth factors (i.e. BMPs) to render them osteoinductive. Coating of biomaterials with growth factors has mostly been attempted by adsorption onto the material’s surface. The superficial deposition usually results in an immediate passive release of the proteins, thus restricting their temporal availability during bone healing. It was hypothesized that a co-precipitation of proteins onto calcium phosphate ceramics may provide the possibility to achieve a prolonged release of proteins from the material without impairing the biologic activity of growth factors.

Tritium labelled bovine serum albumin ([3H]BSA) and recombinant human BMP2 (rhBMP2) were coated onto biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) ceramics using a coprecipitation technique of proteins together with calcium phosphate (Liu Y et al. 2001). The co-precipitation was compared to conventional adsorption of proteins to ceramic materials. The passive and cell-mediated release of [3H]BSA was investigated during 19 days. To analyze the cell-mediated protein release, murine bone marrow cells were seeded onto ceramics and differentiated to osteoclasts or to monocytes/macrophages. To assess whether rhBMP2 co-precipitated to BCP ceramics retained its biologic activity the growth factor’s ability to induce the differentiation of primary murine osteoblasts was studied.

After 19 days 71.7±5.3% of the adsorbed [3H]BSA was passively released (63.0±6.0% within 4 days). The passive liberation of [3H]BSA was effectively reduced using the coprecipitation technique (12.5±2.0% within 19 days, 10.1±2.3% within 4 days, p< 0.001). Further analysis demonstrated a sustained, osteoclast-mediated release of coprecipitated [3H]BSA from calcium phosphate ceramics which was blocked by the addition of calcitonin. Passive release of adsorbed and co-precipitated BMP2 led to a temporally restricted stimulation of murine osteoblasts. Cell-mediated liberation of co-precipitated BMP2 induced a sustained stimulation of the differentiation of osteoblasts.

The successful application of exogenously added growth factors depends critically on the mode of delivery. It has been shown that a sustained availability of BMP2 is beneficial for bone healing. Application of the co-precipitation technique resulted in a long-term release of proteins from BCP ceramics mediated by active resorbing osteoclasts without impairing the biologic activity of rhBMP2. Co-precipitating growth factors onto BCP ceramics provides a potential to shift the initial extensive liberation to a sustained release of bioactive proteins. This method of protein delivery may represent a possibility to achieve a more physiological availability of growth factors during bone regeneration.

M. Lòpez-Franco O. Lòpez-Franco M. Aranzau Murciano-Antòn E. Gòmez-Barrena O. Sánchez-Pernaute M. Cañamero G. Herrero-Beaumont
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Aim: Osteoarthritis can be a progressive disabling disease, which results from the pathological imbalance of degradative and reparative processes. The synovium, bone, and cartilage are each well established sites involved in the pathophysiological mechanisms that lead to progressive joint degeneration. However, the role of meniscus is not known enough. We studied the distribution of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) in man menisci and its changes in osteoarthritis

Patients and Methods: We studied 30 internal menisci from patients with knee osteoarthritis that underwent a total knee arthroplasty and meniscal tissue get from partial arthroscopic meniscectomy in 5 young patients that suffered internal meniscus tear within three months after the damage.

Meniscal samples were processed for histology, immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization, for assessment of cell density, cells actively dividing as well as apoptotic cells, distribution of COMP and estimate the proteoglycan content.

Results: Osteoarthritic meniscus demonstrated areas depleted of cells and significant decrease in COMP immunostaining. Cell clusters were found around meniscal tears. We did not find cells activity dividing in the osteoarthritic group, but there were dividing cells in meniscectomy group. Proteoglycan staining was decreased in meniscus from osteoarthritis group.

Conclusions: Osteoarthritis leads to decrease cell population in menisci, loose of COMP as well as altered matrix organization. The role of meniscus in osteoarthritis of the knee is no clear but our results demonstrate changes in COMP and cells in osteoarthritis menisci. These changes reveal an altered scaffold and changes in the meniscus function. Perhaps these alterations have influence on development of knee osteoarthritis.

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The main mode of failure of the acetabular component in total hip arthroplasty is aseptic loosening. Successive generations of cementation techniques have evolved to alleviate this problem.

This paper evaluates one such method, Negative Pressure Intrusion cementation. Two groups of machined bovine cancellous bone samples were created; experimental (n = 26) and control (n = 26). The experimental group was cemented using the negative pressure technique and control group was cemented in the absence of negative pressure. The relative cement intrusion depths were then assessed for each group using MicroCT. These samples were then further machined and tested to failure in torsion to estimate their mechanical properties.

Results show mean cement intrusion depth for the negative pressure group to be 8676μm and 6042 μm for the control group (p = 0.078). Mechanical testing also revealed a greater mean torque in the negative pressure group (1.6223Nm vs 1.2063Nm) (p = 0.095).

This work quantifies the effect of negative intra-osseous pressure on cement intrusion depth in cancellous bone and for the first time relates this to increased mechanical strength.

Physeal cartilage is known to have poor self-repair capacity after injury. Evaluation of the ability of cultured mesenchymal stem cells to repair damaged physis is the actual research topics. In 10 immature New Zealand white rabbits autogenous mesenchymal stem cells were transplanted into iatrogenic physeal defect in lateral portion of distal growth plate of the right femur. The same defect without stem cells transplantation in the left femoral distal physis served as a control. In our study, we used our own technique of implantation of MSCs with a newly modified gel scaffold (New Composite Hyaluronate/Collagen Type I/Fibrin Scaffold). The rabbits were euthanized 4 months after transplantation. Bone length discrepancy and valgus deformity were measured from femoral radiographs. Healing of the defect was investigated histologically. The ability of mesenchymal stem cells to survive and promote cartilage healing in the physeal defect was assessed by immunofluorescence. Average difference in femur length measured from surgery to euthanasia (4 months) was 0.61? 0.19 cm after preventive transplantation of MSCs in right femur, but only 0.11 ? 0.07 cm in left femur. Average angular (valgus) deformity of right femur with MSCs preventively transplanted to iatrogenically damaged distal femoral physis was 1.2? 0.72°. Valgus deformity in left femur was 5.4? 2.5°. Prophylactic transplantation of autogenous mesenchymal stem cells to iatrogenically damaged distal growth plate of rabbit femur prevented bone bridge formation and resulted in healing of the physeal defect with hyaline cartilage. Immunofluorescence examination showed that the chondrocytes newly formed in growth zone are the result of implanted MSCs differentiation. Femur growth in traumatized physis was maintained even after transplantation of autogenous MSCs. As compared with the opposite femur (with physeal defect but without transplanted MSCs), the bone showed no significant shortening or valgus deformity (p=0.018).

Introduction: Patients who are prescribed bisphosphonates are still at risk to endure a fracture from weak and brittle bones. The question is what pharmacologic strategy should be taken to accelerate fracture healing when the patient is currently taking a bisphosphonate. Ibandronate, was tested in an osteoporotic rat model to determine how it modified the callus healing and resistance to torsion after a transverse fracture was produced in a femur.

Materials and Methods: 36 female rats were divided into 3 groups; ovariectomized (OVX) placebo control, non-OVX control and Ibandronate. Prior to the osteotomy, the Ibandronate treatment group was injected with the drug over 21 days healing. Each sample was scanned by the SCANCO uCT 80 to measure volume of the callus and quality of the trabeculae in the proximal femur. Instron testing recorded the modulus of rigidity and torque until failure. Yield point and toughness were also calculated.

Results: uCT images taken over the fracture gap showed that the Ibandronate rats had greater bone volume fraction of woven callus by ANOVA compared to control groups (p< 0.05). Significant in total callus volume for Ibandronate, were shown to be 32% larger than the non-OVX control group and 45% larger than the placebo group. Ibandronate also increased BMD of woven bone in the callus by 14%. Ibandronate showed the highest polar moment of inertia as well.

The torsion testing in Ibandronate had 51% greater toughness than placebo and 69% greater than the non-OVX group. Ibandronate increased trabecular number significantly over the placebo and was not significantly different from the non-OVX group. Trabecular separation was less in Ibandronate compared to the placebo group. Volume in the trabecular neck increased by 35% for the Ibandronate over the placebo.

Discussion: Ibandronate had an anabolic effect to produce more callus tissue at the fracture site, most likely by suppressing osteoclast remodelling activity. A large callus with more bone would increase fracture stability and reduce risk of non union. This is supported by a larger polar moment of inertia. Ibandronate had greater resistance to torsion, which could indicate better healing. However increased rigidity would not entirely benefit the healing unless the bone could handle load plastically. The toughness results showed that Ibandronate can absorb more energy than the control groups before refracturing. Continued treatment with this drug after a fracture could form a larger callus with greater mechanical toughness while also treating the disease of osteoporosis in other fracture risk sites of the body.

Background: Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) is a potent stimulant of inflammatory response. This study investigated the role of Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), Platelet activating factor (PAF) and histamine and their specific antagonists in bone changes.

Materials: 120 white-male-wistar rats were divided into ten groups. Using sterile technique, a 2mm drill hole was made in the tibia 1cm distal to the knee joint bilaterally. The left tibia was filled with Simplex particulate cement polymer (PMMA) and the right tibia was used as control. The first nine groups respectively received terfenadine 1mg/kg, 10mg/kg and 25mg/kg, alprazolam 0.08mg/kg, 0.32mg/kg and 0.64mg/kg, and naproxen 1mg/kg, 5mg/kg and 25mg/kg; however, the tenth group received no drug and served as control. The animals were killed after 16 weeks and implant areas were harvested aseptically and studied by one pathologist.

Results: Our study revealed that the cellular reaction in the left side was statistically more than the right one in all cases (p< 0.05). Also, a significant decrease in histiocytes and giant cells was seen just in those groups that had received 10mg/kg and 25mg/kg of terfenadine, 0.32mg/kg and 0.64mg/kg of alprazolam and 5mg/kg and 25mg/kg of naproxen (P< 0.05) while administration of 1mg/kg naproxen resulted in significant decrease only in giant cells (P< 0.05) but not in histiocytes.

Discussion: Previous studies have suggested that particulate debris, PGE2 production and inflammatory response are associated with arthroplasty loosening. This experiment has demonstrated that the increased cellular reaction by the membrane surrounding particulate cement polymer can be suppressed by administration of PGE2, PAF and histamine specific inhibitors. The use of these agents may be indicated in retarding the bone loss associated with early prosthetic loosening.

Background: The literature on description and management of advanced fungating soft tissue tumours (FSST) is limited because of the rarity of cases. Recent advances in diagnostic resources and an increased awareness of the disease has made early recognition easier. Manchester Royal Infirmary is a Regional Sarcoma Centre in the North West of England. We describe our experiences in managing patients with FSST of the extremities.

Patients and Methods: Between 1997 and 2007, 18 patients presented with FSST of the extremities (13 involving the lower limb, and 5 involving the upper limb), and 1 patient with a sarcoma involving the scapular region (limb girdle). The cohort included 14 males and 5 females with a mean average age of 68.5 ± 13.7 years. Follow-up ranged from a minimum of 6 months to 10 years from the initial referral.

Results: The histological diagnosis was sarcoma in 15 patients, subclassified into spindle cell sarcoma (4), fibrous histiocytoma (2), pleomorphic sarcoma (3), liposarcoma (2), leiomyosarcoma (2), fibrosarcoma (1) and round cell sarcoma (1). In the remaining 3 patients immunohistochemistry studies confirmed a metastatic squamous cell sarcoma, a metastatic malignant melanoma and a metastasis from a poorly differentiated upper gastrointestinal malignancy. Lung metastases were present at the time of referral in 6 patients and developed later during follow-up in 4 patients.

For patients where curative surgery was an option, primary wide local excision (15 patients) or primary amputation (2 patients) was performed. The remaining 2 patients presented with unresectable disease due to the location and localised spread; an embolisation was performed for palliation in both cases. Revision surgery was needed in 9 patients for either a positive resection margin confirmed by histology, or a recurrence; these included 3 secondary amputations. A histologically proven recurrence occurred in 6 patients after an average of 15.8 (4 to 41) months. Local adjuvant radiotherapy was administered to 7 patients and a combination of radio–and chemotherapy was used in 2 patients for metastases. Mortality was 53% (9 patients) by the end of 36 months follow-up period.

Conclusion: Fungation in soft tissue tumours is a rare phenomenon and often a sign of locally advanced disease with a high grade nature. Patients present with either systemic spread, or have a tendency to develop metastases despite good local disease control. Primary wide local excision is difficult with a high chance of a positive margin; hence primary amputation may be better for local clearance. Tumour recurrence and revision surgery, however, is common. We report a mortality rate of > 50% at the end of 3 years from presentation to treatment.

Background. Achieving full flexion is critical for total knee arthroplasty patients in the Middle East and Asia, where activities of daily living require a full range of motion. Published kinematic data for these populations is limited. The objective of this study was to compare the normal knee kinematics of Muslim subjects with those of Muslim total knee arthroplasty (TKA) patients with high flexion arthroplasties.

Methods: An electromagnetic tracking system was used to record the motion of the lower limb segments of 14 normal Muslim subjects and 10 Muslim TKA patients. Subjects performed high flexion activities of daily living such as kneeling, Muslim prayer, sitting cross-legged and squatting.

Results. For most activities, the range of motion and maximum angles in three dimensions did not significantly differ between the normal and TKA groups. A statistically significant difference in the mean range of flexion/ extension (but not the mean maximum flexion or mean maximum extension values) was found for the prayer activity only. The majority of normal subjects exhibited an internal rotation pattern with two distinct inflection points and a parabolic abduction pattern over the range of flexion. Fewer TKA patients exhibited these patterns.

Conclusions: Overall, the range of motion and ability to perform activities of daily living did not differ between normal Muslim subjects and Muslim TKA patients with a high flexion mobile bearing total knee arthroplasty. However, patterns of internal rotation and abduction that were exhibited by the majority of normal subjects were evident in fewer TKA patients. Therefore, although the range of motion was not significantly affected by the prosthesis, the patterns of motion for some subjects may have changed.

M. Schmitt-Sody P. Metz O. Gottschalk B. Schulze H. Bohnenkamp U. Michaelis E. Guenzi M. Funk V. Jansson
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Introduction: Inflammation and angiogenesis are hallmarks of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) that contribute largely to the formation of pannus tissue and joint destruction in patients suffering from RA. We have recently shown that intravenously applied cationic liposomes target efficiently angiogenic endothelial cells in the synovial vasculature of rheumatoid joints and therefore may also serve as potent vehicles for systemic drug delivery and therapy in RA. Therefore the aim of our study was to quantify the antiangiogenic and antiinflammatory properties of EndoTAG-1® (paclitaxel formulated in cationic liposomes) in the inflamed joints of murine models of RA and to compare the therapeutical efficacy of EndoTAG-1® to Taxol® (paclitaxel in Cremophor EL).

Materials and Methods: Targeting of fluorescently labelled cationic liposomes to the synovial vasculature in mice with antigen-induced arthritis (AIA) was analysed by intravital microscopy. Density of functional vessels and adhesion of fluorescently labelled platelets or leukocytes were determined after treatment with EndoTAG-1®. Knees were subjected to clinical scoring and histopathological analysis.

Results: EndoTAG-1® treatment of AIA mice with developing or in established disease showed a strong attenuation of the course of the disease as well as a potent anti-inflammatory effect. Histological analysis of knee sections demonstrated a dramatic reduction of the pannus and infiltration of inflammatory cells. Enrichment of EndoTAG at the synovial vasculature of AIA mice was observed when compared with healthy mice. Treatment of AIA mice with EndoTAG-1® concomitant to disease induction showed a complete remission of the course of the disease as shown by a significant decrease of clinical scores compared to both control and Taxol® treated groups. A complete inhibition (98%) of neo-vascularisation was observed in the synovial vasculature of mice with AIA that were treated with EndoTAG-1® whereas Taxol® alone showed only 50% inhibitory effect. Rolling and adhesion of platelets were reduced to 53% (paclitaxel 5%) and 98% (paclitaxel 57%), respectively.

Discussion: Our in vivo data clearly demonstrates that anti-angiogenic and anti-inflammatory activity of Endo-TAG-1® contribute to the therapeutical efficacy of this drug in RA. Notably, therapeutic efficacy with Endo-TAG-1® was superior to Taxol®. This strongly suggests that systemic delivery of cationic liposomes is very well suited to enrich compounds to rheumatoid joints for therapy and could be a promising treatment option for RA.

Introduction: Two second generation highly crosslinked UHMWPEs have been cleared by the FDA for clinical use in the United States: sequentially crosslinked UHMWPE (X3™ UHMWPE, Stryker Inc., Mahwah, NJ, USA) and α-tocopherol stabilized UHMWPE (E-Poly™ UHMWPE, Biomet, Inc., Warsaw, IN, USA). Both have been shown to be oxidatively stable under standardized aging methods (ASTM F2003); however, these conventional aging methods did not consider the effect of mechanical loading on the oxidative behavior of the materials. By coupling the adverse effects of thermal aging and mechanical stress, we sought to investigate if either material was prone to environmental stress cracking (ESC). We hypothesize that the residual free radicals remaining in sequentially crosslinked PE will lead to oxidative degradation in this adverse test; furthermore, we hypothesized that the α-tocopherol infused in E-Poly™ will continue to protect the highly crosslinked PE even under such unfavorable conditions.

Materials and Methods: Three materials were tested:

Conventional: UHMWPE gamma sterilized in inert,

SXL: sequentially irradiated and annealed UHMWPE irradiated to a cumulative dose of 100kGy (33 kGy irradiation + 8 hour annealing in air, repeated 3 times) and gas plasma sterilized, and

E-Poly: UHMWPE irradiated to 100kGy, stabilized with α-tocopherol, and gamma sterilized in inert.

Four specimens from each group were subjected to a reciprocating mechanical stress of 10 MPa at a frequency of 0.5 Hz in an environmental chamber maintained at 80°C. Control samples were placed in the chamber but not subjected to cyclic mechanical stress. When a visible crack was observed on a sample’s surface or when a sample fractured, it and its corresponding control sample were analyzed by FTIR to quantify oxidation.

Results: All conventional specimens, half (2 of 4) of the SXL specimens, and none of the E-Poly specimens failed prior to the completion of 1,530,000 cycles (5 weeks of testing at 0.5 Hz). Cyclic loading had an adverse effect on the oxidation of the conventional and the SXL groups; the peak oxidation levels were higher in the cyclically loaded samples as compared to the control samples removed at the same time which were not loaded, likely due to an increase in chain scission induced by the mechanical load. The E-Poly specimens did not fail during the 5 weeks of testing, and FTIR did not reveal detectable oxidation in either control or loaded samples.

Discusssion and conclusion: Though the sequential processing of SXL creates a material with a lower free radical content compared to once-annealed material, it still yields a material prone to oxidation under extreme conditions, raising questions about its long-term oxidative stability. E-Poly™, protected by α-tocopherol, continues to exhibit high oxidation resistance even under adverse conditions.

F. Lintz A. Moreau E. Cassagnau D. Waast E. Bompas F. Gouin
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Purpose of the study: Planning resection margins for soft tissue sarcomas is a compromise between functional sacrifice and therapeutic safety. In practice, the histological analysis of the resection margins often shows that the preoperative objective has not been achieved. We defined this as anatomo-surgical discordance and studied its prevalence and factors of risk.

Materials and Methods: This was a prospective mono-centric study of 133 patients. The resection objectives, pathological results and operative reports were examined. Margins were classified according to the UICC (R0, R1, R2). Data were included in a grid which also included patient related and tumour related preoperative information. Discordance was noted as planned R0 with R1 or R2 outcome. Statistical analysis was performed with Statview 5.0.

Results: The prevalence of anatomo-surgical discordance was 25.2%. Among the factors analysed, the aspect of the margins was significantly related to poor surgical results (odds ration 2.85 [1.47–5.52], p=0.0031). No other significant risk factor could be identified. Margins greater than 2mm were associated with adequate surgery in every case.

Discussion: No preoperative risk factor predictive of inadequate resection margins was clearly identified in this study. Postoperatively, the microscopic aspect of the proliferation margins at the final pathology examination is for us significantly associated with inadequate resection. But the current classification of resection margins (R0 and R1), especially for poorly delimited tumours lacks precision. This appears to be the source of the difficulties encountered in interpreting pathology samples and therefore in choosing the right treatment. Further follow-up is needed to clarify such questions.

Conclusion: We were unable to identify any preoperative factor predictive of inadequate resection. A poorly-defined microscopic aspect of the tumour is significantly associated with inadequate resection but the current classification system raises certain interpretation problems for resections with margins less than 2 mm. Concerning these cases, the definition of margins must be clarified to optimize patient care.

Fibula autograft reconstruction, both vascularised (v) and non-vascularised (nv), has been established as a standard method in limb salvage surgery of bone and soft tissue tumours of the extremities. This study retrospectively analyses the results of fibula autograft procedures in general and in relation to vascular reconstruction or simple bone grafting.

Since the implementation of the Vienna Tumour Registry in 1969, 26 vascularised and 27 non-vascularised fibula transfers have been performed at our institution in 53 patients, 26 males and 27 females with an average age of 21 years (range 4 to 62 years). Indications included osteosarcoma in 18, Ewing’s Sarcoma in 15, adamantinoma in 5, leiomyosarcoma in 3 and others in 12. Thirty patients were operated for reconstruction of the tibia (8v/22 nv), 7 for the femur (6v/1nv), 7 for defects of the forearm (4v/3nv), 5 for metarsal defects (all v), 3 for the humerus (1v/2nv) and one patient was treated for a pelvic defect (nv).

Average follow-up was 63 months (range 2 to 259 months). 43 patients showed successful primary bony union of the autograft. In 12 cases pseudarthrosis indicated further surgical revision, 9 of these patients were primarily reconstructed by use of a nv autograft. 4 patients, 2 with v and 2 with nv reconstruction, suffered a fracture of the transplant and were operated for secondary osteosynthesis. 10 patients with v bone graft developed wound healing disturbances which led to surgery, 2 patients with nv grafts suffered such complications. In 2 patients recurrent infection of a nv and a v fibula transfer led to the implantation of a modular tumour prostheses or amputation, retrospectively. Function of all patients with primary bone healing was rated satisfactory.

The use of fibula autograft in limb-salvage surgery under oncological conditions allows biological reconstruction with good functional outcome, especially when primary bone healing is achieved. Vascularised bone grafting seems to have a better outcome in terms of primary bone healing than simple fibula bone grafting, and thus represents a feasible choice in the reconstruction of bone defects from tumour resection.

A. Peirò I. Gracia B. Oller R. Pellejero S. Cortés E. Moya R. Rodriguez A. Doncel J. Majò
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Goals: Sarcomatous degeneration of giant cell tumours (GCT) occurs rarely. It occurs in less than 1% of the cases, and most of them are GCT previously treated with radiotherapy. The goal of this presentation is to review the CGT cases treated at our unit that have evolved towards malignization.

Methods: Retrospective study of 96 GCT treated at our Hospital between 1983 and 2005. 5 presented sarcomatous degeneration in their evolution. These were the cases of 3 men and 2 women with a mean age of malignization of 42 years (32 years – 54 years). The median follow-up period was 155 months (5 months – 209 months). 3 cases affected the distal femur, one case affected distal radius and one case affected proximal humerus, with a slight tendency to the right hemibody. The primary treatment for GCT in these patients was curettage and bone graft. Only one case had received previous radiotherapy. In the same period of time we had two cases of lung dissemination of CGT with typical histology, without previous malignization of tumour.

Results: Malignization takes place, on average, at the 1.8th recurrence (1.3). Histologically, we find 3 osteosarcomas and 2 indifferentiated tumours. Three patients developed distant dissemination; 2 patients died due to lung metastases, with a mean time between the first surgery and the sarcomatous degeneration of 90 months (40 monts – 183 months) and a mean time between malignization and mestastases of 22.3 months (9 months – 34 months) The treatment, once the malignization was diagnosed, consisted in wide resection and substitution with mega-arthroplasty in cases of distal femur and osteoarticular graft at the shoulder. 2 cases required amputation of the affected limb due to irresecable recurrence in soft tissues.

Conclusions: There is no predictive criteria of which type of primary typical CGT will evolve into sarcoma. The malignization always has as a result high grade sarcomas, with a high tendency to hematogenous dissemination. When lung metastases appear the survival prognosis is a number of months. We must suspect malignization of a benign CGT when one of the relapses shows a very rapid growth with radiologic aggressive characteristics; in these cases we prefer wide resection of the tumour instead of curettage and thus we prevent the possible sarcomatous degeneration.

The study was designed to assess the reproducibility and reliability of Mirels scoring system and the conventional scoring system for impending pathological fractures. The results of both classification systems influence the choice of therapeutic procedures offered to these patients.

Blinded plain antero-posterior radiographs from forty-seven patients with bone metastases were scored by eight independent observers (four orthopaedic surgeons and four radiologists with varying clinical experience). Each observer scored the radiographs as per the Mirels and the conventional systems. After twelve weeks, the radiographs were scored again by the same observers. Inter– and intra-observer agreement was assessed based on the weighted kappa coefficient values for both systems.

For intra-observer reproducibility, kappa values for the conventional system had a mean of 0.495 (SD 0.12) showing a moderate agreement, while Mirels scoring system had a mean of 0.386 (SD 0.143) showing a fair agreement. For inter-observer reliability, kappa values for the conventional scoring system were 0.322 for the first test and 0.47 for the second test giving fair and moderate agreements respectively. For Mirels’ scoring system, kappa coefficient for inter-observer reliability was 0.183 for the first test and 0.218 for the second giving poor and fair agreements respectively.

The conventional scoring system showed a better inter and intra-observer agreement compared to Mirels’ scoring system. Consultants had a better intra-observer agreement compared to their registrars. We also found that radiologists, in our study, had better intra-observer agreement compared to orthopaedic surgeons. Radiographs should be scored cautiously by experienced doctors in a multi-disciplinary setting to achieve the best decision of whether to proceed with a prophylactic surgery or not.

Purpose of this paper was to review the Rizzoli experience in prosthetic reconstruction of the knee after resection of bone tumors with special attention to major complications and functional outcome.

Material: 669 knee modular uncemented prostheses were implanted between 1983 and 2006 after resection of the distal femur, total femur or proximal tibia. These prostheses include 126 first generation Kotz prosthesis (KMFTR) and 543 second generation HMRS prostheses.

Methods: All patients are followed periodically in the clinic. Data for this study was obtained from clinical charts; imaging studies were reviewed with special attention to prosthesis related major complications requiring revision surgery. Revision for polyethylene wear was considered a minor complications, since it does not imply change of main prosthetic components, thus failure of the implant. Functional results were assessed according to the MSTS system.

Since abrupt data could be misleading due to the oncologic population and related deaths (although 2/3 of the patients were cured or long survivors), to censore the implant unrelated events a statistical analysis of the implant survival was performed and Kaplan-Meyer curves of implant survival were studied.

Results: In the 126 KMFTR group major complications included infection 13%, breakage of the stems 12%, aseptic loosening 8.7%, while revision for polyethylene wear rated 45%.

In 543 HMRS prostheses major complications were infection 8%, stem breakage 2%, aseptic loosening 4%, while revision for polyethylene wear components rated 7.4%.

Techniques of revisions were analyzed, as well as the outcome of revised cases, which showed that about 2/3 of the patients treated for major complications do well, although the risk for further complications is significantly incresed in revised implants.

Functional results were evaluated according to the MSTS system: in KMFTR prostheses were good or excellent in 80% of the patients, while in HMRS were good or excellent in 90% of the patients.

Discussion: The reduction of major complication rate with the newer designs of the modular prosthesis was statistically significant and this seems to confirm that newer materials and a modified stem design positively affected the implant survival. Also the wear of polyethylene component was dramatically decreased in the newer prosthetic design. Functional results were satisfactory in most of the patients that did not experience major complications, with a trend to improvement in the newer design. Revision surgery is technically demanding and sometimes newer ‘hybrid’ techniques are suggested, implying the use of bone allografts.

Appropriate timing of revisions is crucial. An early treatment of complications can improve the final outcome.

F. Adib M. Kazemi A. Esmailijah
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Background: Injuries to ankle joint consist 12% of visits to emergency departments. In spite of the common occurrence of ankle sprain, syndesmosis injuries are rare, but very debilitating and frequently misdiagnosed.

Methods: Among 100 patients with ankle sprain we evaluated the incidence of syndesmosis sprain by MRI of the ankle. Adults who had acute ankle sprain with no fracture and examined on the same day that injury had took place were being included in the survey.

Results: Out of 100 patients with ankle injury, four had syndesmosis sprain. Three patients had partial tear of syndesmotic complex and one had complete tear. All injuries occurred in sports except one which had happened in an accident, and two of the patients were athletes. Anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament was the most common ruptured ligament.

Conclusions: We reported a four-percent incidence of this injury. Our high rate of this injury emphasized on the fact that all suspicious cases should go under more accurate investigation not to miss this diagnosis.

M. Sabourin D. Biau V. Dumaine A. Babinet P. Anract
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Purpose of the study: Primary bone tumors of the sacroiliac joint are difficult to diagnose. We present the procedure used to resect these tumors and reconstruct the pelvic ring, and the carcinological and functional outcome.

Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of a consecutive series of patients treated for a tumor of the iliac bone or of the sacrum which involved the sacroiliac joint. Tumor grading was based on the Enneking classification and the functional outcome on the MSTS score.

Results: From 1986 to 2003, 24 patients were treated for a a tumor involving the sacroiliac joint. Six with invasion of the sacral body. The histology was osteosarcoma (n=8), chondrosarcoma (n=8), malignant hystiocytofibroma (n=3), Ewing’s sarcoma (n=2), schwannoma (n=1), leiomysarcoma (n=1) and haemangiopericytoma (n=1). Seventeen patients were given neoadjuvant chemotherapy. A wide crest approach was used to access both aspects of the pelvic ring. Neurological sacrifice was required in six patients. Operative time was 5.27 hours on average. Reconstruction was achieved with an autograft and instrumentation. The resection was wide in 11 cases, marginal in 12, and contaminated in one. The mean follow-up was 4.77 years. Ten patients died from their disease. Survival was correlated with the quality of the resection and with the initial tumor stage. Hemisacrectomy did not affect survival. Bone healing was achieved in 13 patient, ten who survived. The mean MSTS score was 48% at last follow-up in 14 survivors. For the nine patients who did not require neurological sacrifice, the mean score was 58%. For the five other patients, the mean score was 38% This score was 65% in patients with bone healing and 8% in those with nonunion.

Discussion: The survival of patients with a tumor of the sacroiliac joint is basically related to the histological diagnosis and the quality of the resection. If the disease can be controlled, the method of the reconstruction proposed here enables bone healing with a satisfactory functional result when neurological sacrifice can be avoided.

B. Youssef L. Jeys B. George A. Abudu S. Carter R. Tillman R. Grimer
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Introduction: Limb salvage reconstruction evolved from the treatment of primary bone tumours. Endoprosthetic replacements (EPR) were originally designed for this purpose, but the versatility of these implants has resulted in an extension in the indications for their use. Severe bone loss, failed revision surgery and persistent deep infection present similar challenges and when a salvage procedure is required, EPR are occasionally used. The aim of our study was to assess the medium term survival and functional outcome of EPR.

Materials and Methods: 38 patients (23 females and 15 males), who underwent EPR for non-neoplastic conditions were identified from a prospectively kept database of all patient seen at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital Oncology Service. The indications for replacement included failed joint replacement, fracture non-union, failed internal fixation and periprosthetic fractures.

The 38 procedures were identified from September 1995 to June 2007 and included 17 distal femoral replacements, 12 proximal femoral replacements, 4 proximal humeral replacements, 2 distal humeral replacements, 2 hemi-pelvic replacements and 1 total femoral replacement. EPR survivorship was calculated using a Kaplan-Meier survival curve. The quality of patients’ mobility and performance of activities of daily living was used to assess functional outcome.

Results: Patients had a mean age of 60 years (range 15–85 years) at surgery and had between 0 and 4 previous operations prior to EPR. Seven out of 38 patients had recorded deep infection prior to surgery (18%). The Kaplan-Meier implant survival was 91.3% at 5 years, 68.5% at 10 years and 45.7% at 20 years. The limb salvage survival for all reconstructions was 75% at 10 years.

87.4% of patients who underwent a lower limb EPR achieved a satisfactory or very satisfactory functional outcome. 100% of patients achieved a satisfactory or very satisfactory functional outcome in the upper limb EPR group.

3 implants failed, 2 as a result of infection and required staged revisions, 1 eventually requiring amputation, and 1 failed as a result of aseptic loosening. 2 patients dislocated their proximal femoral replacements, both were treated successfully by closed reduction. Despite the salvage surgery subsequent amputation was only required in one patient.

Conclusion: EPR appears to be effective and the medium term survival is encouraging. The aim of a pain free functional limb is achievable with this technique. The complication rates are acceptable considering the salvage nature of these patients. We recommend referral of complex cases to a tertiary centre with expertise in this type of surgery.

Introduction: Revitalizing of the necrotic subchondral bone is the therapeutic paradigm in OCL/OD of the talus. Bone-marrow stimulation includes K-wire drilling or open debridement and cancellous bone grafting. Our results presented here are based on retrograde core-drilling and autologous cancellous bone-grafting of the talar dome guided by fluoroscopy and arthroscopy. Performed as a minimal-invasive technique, no additional harvesting site for bone-grafting is necessary.

Methods: 38 patients (16 female, 25 male) with 41 symptomatic focal osteochondral lesions (ICRS I–III°) of the talus (3 bilateral) were treated by fluoroscopicguided retrograde coredrilling and autologous cancellous bone-grafting from the drilling cylinder. The results were evaluated retrospectively by use of the Ogilvie-Harris-Score (OHS), subjective clinical ratings on a visual analogue scale (VAS (0–10 max.)) and MRI. The patient’s mean age was 33.2 (±15.4) years. 27 patients (66%) reported a trauma history (sprain, compression). Most defects were located in the medial talus (36/41), 4 were lateral and 1 central. 34 cases were primary interventions. In 14 cases the growth plate of the distal tibial epiphysis was detectable.

Results: The follow-up was 7–54 months with a mean of 29 (±13) months. The arthroscopic findings according to ICRS classified 12/41 as I°, 22/41 as II° and 7/41 as III° lesions. Preoperatively there were 11 poor, 25 fair, 4 good and 1 excellent ratings in the OHS-score turning into 1/9/13/18 postoperatively. There were 75.6% (31/41) overall good/excellent results. Good or excellent results were predominantly seen in grade I with 91.6% (11/12) and in grade II with 77.3% (17/22), whereas grade III showed success only in 42.8% (3/7). Open growth plates resulted good or excellent results in 85.7% (12/14 cases). First-line treatments showed a markedly better outcome of 82.3% (28/34) of good/ excellent results compared to 42.8% (3/7) of second-line treatments. Gender or trauma history did not influence the score results. Pain intensity on a VAS significantly reduced from 7.5 (±1.5) to 3.7 (±2.6). The subjective functional status on the VAS revealed a remarkable increase from 4.6 (±2.3) to 8.2 (±2.0), (p< 0.01). In MRI controls two patients showed a progression into demarcation (IV°) associated with a fair or poor score result.

Conclusion: Our results indicate that fluoroscopic-guided retrograde core-drilling and autologous cancellous bone grafting is an appropriate operative option for talar OCL in minor grades I + II. Performed as a minimal-invasive technique, the subchondral necrosectomy and combined bone-grafting provide extended revitalization properties for OCL healing. Tending to success rates of only 42% in lesions III°, this technique can not generally be recommended here.

D. Suva N. Riggi M. Suva L. Cironi P. Provero V. Kindler I. Stamenkovic
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Ewing’s sarcoma family tumors (ESFT) express the EWS-FLI1 fusion gene generated by the chromosomal translocation t(11;22)(q24;q12). Expression of the EWS-FLI-1 fusion protein in a permissive cellular environment is believed to play a key role in ESFT pathogenesis. However, EWS-FLI1 induces growth arrest or apoptosis in differentiated primary cells and the identity of permissive primary human cells that can support its expression and function has until now remained elusive. Here we show that expression of EWS-FLI1 in primary human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) is not only stably maintained without inhibiting proliferation, but that it induces a gene expression profile bearing striking similarity to that of ESFT, including genes that are among the highest ESFT discriminators.

Expression of EWS-FLI-1 in MSCs may recapitulate the initial steps of Ewing’s sarcoma development, allowing identification of genes that play an important role early in its pathogenesis. These observations are consistent with our recent findings using mouse mesenchymal progenitor cells and provide compelling evidence that hMSCs are candidate cells of origin of ESFT.

G. Cheung J. Arbuthnot G. Higgins B. Balain T. Dennehy M. Trevett
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We prospectively assessed a consecutive series of patients undergoing MTPJ arthroplasty with the MOJE prosthesis. All patients entered into the study were assessed preoperatively with the AOFAS 100-point Hallux Meta-tarsophalangeal-Interphalangeal Joint Scale and the range of motion was recorded. Patients were assessed on table postoperatively for range of motion (ROM) and then at 3, 12 and 24 months with AOFAS scores and ROM.

Forty-two toes (40 patients) were recruited into the study. There were 24 women and 16 men. The mean patient age on the day of surgery was 59 (range 37 to 73). 18 operations were carried out on the left hallux and 24 on the right. All operations were carried out for a diagnosis of hallux rigidus (although one patient also had hallux valgus, with an intermetatarsal angle of 24° and a hallux valgus angle of 40°).

The mean pre-op AOFAS score increased from 36.0 to 82.2 at 3 months (p< 0.001) and was 87.0 at 12 months and 84.2 at 24 months. There was no significant change in scores from 3 months onwards. Only 2 patients had a follow-up of 36 months; both of them had AOFAS scores of 95.

The mean arc of motion reduced from 70.8° on-table to 33.3° by 24 months (p< 0.001). The difference in arc of motion from 3 months to 12 months was a decrease from 45.6 to 40.0 which was borderline significant.

In 4 radiographs there was evidence of progressive loosening (figure 4). This was at 24 months in all 4 cases. For 3 of the patients the AOFAS score was 85. For the 4th patient the AOFAS score was 65

One patient had a spontaneous fusion of the toe. There were also three episodes of wound breakdown, one patient had intra-operative division of the EHL tendon that was repaired. We also noted post-operatively that: three feet developed Morton’s neuromata; one patient developed tarsometatarsal joint osteoarthritis of the great toe, one sesamoid osteoarthritis and one plantar fasciitis.

At the most recent follow-up appointment 33 out of 40 patients (82.5%) were satisfied with the results of their operation, 2 were dissatisfied (5%) and results regarding satisfaction were not available for 5 patients.

The results obtained in this paper demonstrate good, prospective, short-term results with the press-fit zirconium ceramic Moje implant. We believe that in the correct patient group good short term results can be achieved in the treatment of 1st MTPJ osteoarthritis as an alternative to fusion, particularly in those patients who are unwilling to have permanent stiffness in this joint for cosmetic or functional reasons

S. Chokkalingam S. Ranjitkar K. Dasari D. Prakash
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Introduction: Rotational forces in ankle injuries can present as isolated lateral malleolus fracture with talar shift or ankle subluxation. It results in medial joint space [clear space] widening, and more than 4 mm is considered significant. The extent of medial soft tissue injury and exploration as a routine is always a debate.

Aim: To see if medial clear space widening correlate with medial soft tissue injury. Also to evaluate the out come of these fracture fixation.

Materials and Methods: Retrospective study on the management of isolated lateral malleolus fractures with significant medial clear space widening. N=40. Patient group A [25] under went only lateral side fixation and in group B [15] had additional medial side soft tissue exploration as a routine based on medial clear space widening.

Fractures were Classified based on the Weber’s system. Pre-operative medial clear space measurement was done by 2 independent observer using PACS measurement tool. Intraoperative details for the method of fixation and the medial soft tissue were analysed.

Most common method of fixation is Neutralisation plate for the lateral side. In Weber B type 1/3 rd of the cases had both plate on the lateral side and syndesmotic screw fixation. 2/3rd of them had only plate fixation.

In Webers C type, only syndesmotic screw in n=3, Plate and screw n=4, only plate in n=9 cases

Radiological measurement of medial clear space average = 9.08mm, range= 5 –22 mm

Less than 50% of the patients only had medial clinical signs.

26.6% had soft tissue (periosteal injury) and only 6.6% had deltoid ligament injury Out come assessment criterias:

The failure of fixation or any on going medial symptoms in group A. – one case of failure of fixation.

Final clinical assessment with ankle score (Olerud and Molander score.) at 6 months average (between 3–18 months). No significant difference in the score, on follow up.


Medial clear space does not correlate with any degree of medial soft tissue injury.

Exploration is indicated if widening persist after lateral side fixation.

Routine exploration of the medial side has no long term impact on the clinical outcome.

A. Dinah S. Mears T. Knight S. Soin J. Campbell S. Belkoff
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Aim: While ankle fractures are not thought of as osteoporotic fractures, poor bone quality presents difficulties in fracture fixation of the distal fibula. We measured the relation between bone density of the distal fibula and the insertional and stripping torques of screws used for fibular plating using two different plate configurations.

Methods: Ten paired fresh cadaveric ankles (average age: 81.7 years) were used for the study. Computed tomography scanning with phantoms of known density was used to determine the bone density along the distal fibula. A standard small fragment seven-hole one-third tubular plate was applied to the lateral surface of the fibula, with three proximal bicortical cortical screws and two distal unicortical cancellous screws. A posterior plate in which all five screws were cortical and achieved bi-cortical purchase was subsequently applied to the same bones such that the screw holes did not overlap. A torque sensor was used to measure the torque of each screw during insertion (Ti) and then stripping (Ts).

Results: Mean bone density of the distal fibula is significantly less than in the shaft (p< 0.01). There was a moderate positive correlation between torque and bone density for the lateral plates (r2=0.6 for Ti and r2=0.7 for Ts), and a weak correlation for the posterior plates (r2=0.4 for Ti and Ts). For the proximal three screws, there was no significant difference in average Ti and Ts between lateral and posterior plates. For the distal two screws, posterior plates had significantly higher values for both Ti and Ts than the lateral plates (p< 0.01).

Conclusions: The insertion and stripping torques of the screws in the distal fibula were significantly higher and less dependent on bone density with a posterior plate than with a lateral plate.

Objectives: To investigate

if subjects with medial tibial stress syndrome demonstrate increased navicular drop and medial longitudinal-arch deformation during quiet standing and gait compared to healthy subjects,

the relationship between medial longitudinal-arch deformation during quiet standing and gait.

Methods: Thirty subjects aged 20–32 yrs were included (15 with medial tibial stress syndrome and 15 controls). Navicular drop and medial longitudinal-arch deformation were measured during quiet standing with neutral and loaded foot using a ruler and digital photography. Medial longitudinal-arch deformation was measured during walking gait using 3-dimensional gait analysis.

Results: Subjects with medial tibial stress syndrome demonstrated a significantly larger navicular drop (mean ± 1 SD, 7.7 ± 3.1 mm) and medial longitudinal-arch deformation (5.9 ± 3.2 deg) during quiet standing compared to controls (5.0 ± 2.2 mm and 3.5 ± 2.6 deg, P < 0.05). Subjects with medial tibial stress syndrome also demonstrated significantly larger medial longitudinal-arch deformation (8.8 ± 1.8 deg) during gait compared to controls (7.1 ± 1.7 deg, P = 0.015). There was no correlation between medial longitudinal-arch deformation during quiet standing and gait in either of the two groups (r < 0.127, P > 0.653).

Conclusion: The subjects with medial tibial stress syndrome in this study demonstrated increased navicular drop and medial longitudinal-arch deformation during quiet standing and increased medial longitudinal-arch deformation during gait compared to healthy subjects. Medial longitudinal-arch deformation during quiet standing did not correlate with medial longitudinal-arch deformation during gait in either of the two groups.

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Distal tibial bone loss involving the ankle is a devastating injury with few options for reconstruction. The purpose of our study was to look at the long term results of ilizarov technique used to achieve lengthening of tibia and fusion at the ankle.

17 cases (16 post traumatic and one post tumor resection) admitted to one institution between 1994 and 2003. 13 cases were done in bifocal and four in trifocal mode.

The duration of follow up was 12 to 84 months The average age was 33 years (Range 7–71). The mean length of the defect was 4.5 cm (Range 1–12).

Union of the fusion site occurred in 88% (15/17) of the patients with mean duration to docking and union being 8 months. The mean time in fixator was 13 months (Range 5 to 29).

Average number of surgeries per patient was 3.2. Five patients required free vascularised grafts before the index procedure and 4 patients required realignment at the docking site. Functional results – Fourteen (77.5%) of the patients could walk without support or bracing and twelve patients (71%) returned to same or modified occupation.

Complications – Two non-union.

Deformity – Fusion site equinus deformity occurred with non union after re-fracture in one case. There were 2 cases of residual fore-foot equinus.

Residual low grade infection with discharging sinus was present in two patients. One patient needed change of wires for Pin tract infection.

Our study showed 76% good and excellent scores on functional scoring but also demonstrates the high morbidity associated with this procedure. In spite of the steep learning curve and high complication rates the procedure can be undertaken in specialised centers for highly motivated patients to achieve good functional results.

Between January 1996 and December 2006, 130 patients were operated on for acquired varus equinus foot deformity. The most frequent aetiologies were stroke or brain damage due to head trauma. The primary indications for surgery included pain, caused by pressure of the foot or toes on the floor or in shoes, ankle instability due to varus deformity, or difficulty wearing orthopaedic shoes or braces. Split anterior tibial transfer was generally done after lengthening of Achillis tendon and tenotomy of long and short toe flexors during the same session. The author did compare preoperative and postoperative autonomy, and shoe or orthosis requirements. The results of this study include significant improvement in patient autonomy demonstrated by an improved ability to ambulate independently and a decreased need to wear orthopedic shoes and orthoses, as well as an increased ability to wear normal shoes, or the ability to ambulate bare foot. Adequate knee flexion during swing phase of the stride was the best indicator for better result. This procedure is safe and yields good results with minimal complications. The indications are very common, inasmuch as the number of young hemiplegic patients surviving after a stroke or head injury is increasing. This procedure can result in definite improvement for these disabled patients and can increase their autonomy.

S. Giannini R. Buda F. Vannini F. Di Caprio M. Cavallo A. Gabriele B. Grigolo
Full Access

Objective: Different

Methods: have been proposed to date to achieve the regeneration of hyaline cartilage in osteochondral lesions of the talus (OLT). The aim of this study was to present a new one-step arthroscopic procedure with the use of mesenchimal stem cells (MSC) supported on a collagen scaffold and Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF).

Methods: 14 patients with a diagnosis of OLT underwent this procedure. The MSC were harvested from the posterior iliac crest and concentrated directly in the operating room. An ankle arthroscopy was performed with lesion detection and curettage. The cell concentrate was mixed with a collagen paste as scaffold and with PRF as a pool of growth factors in order to have a final composite to fill the lesion site. Partial weight bearing for 2 months and early ROM was advised postoperatively.

Results: According to the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Score (AOFAS) system the patients had a preoperative score of 65.1 (range 35–79), a postoperative of 69.4 (range 61–97) at 6 months and of 83.6 (range 65–100) at 12 months follow up. MRI control at 6 and 12 months showed a progression of the reparative process in the osteochondral lesions. Histological and immuno-hystochemical analysis on a sample biopsed during a control arthroscopy at 12 months confirmed the hyaline quality of the regenerated cartilage.

Conclusions: This one-step technique demonstrated to be capable to regenerate hyaline cartilage, with the advantages of a reduced surgical time, lower costs and lower patient’s morbidity.

Purpose: To evaluate the appropriateness of posterior blade plate ankle arthrodesis as a salvage procedure, in a complex subgroup of ankle trauma patients.

Methods: We retrospectively identified all patients who underwent an ankle arthrodesis from our prospectively collected trauma database at Vancouver General hospital from 1997 to 2005. We then extracted those who had blade plate arthrodesis via the posterior approach for previous failed fracture fixation or failed previous fusion. Demographics, pre arthrodesis diagnosis, previous surgeries, deformity and complications were recorded. Clinical examination was based on outpatient evaluation and physical evaluation. This was supplemented with radiological follow up to confirm union and outcome scoring using the AOFAS and SF36 systems.

Results: Sixteen patients were identified from the trauma database who had undergone posterior blade plate ankle arthrodesis. Of these thirteen were available for follow up. There average age was 47 years (range 23–63 years). The male to female ratio was 3:1. Three cases were for failed previous ankle fusion by other means. Of the remaining ten patients with post traumatic osteoarthritis, seven had previous pilon fractures, two talar fractures and one fracture dislocated ankle. All cases went onto bony union. Patient satisfaction was good although functional outcome scoring was not normal

Conclusion: We have found this procedure to have several excellent benefits. It allows the surgeon to operate through virgin skin, reducing potential wound complications, and achieve good soft tissue coverage. The blade plate allows reconstitution of a normal plantar grade ankle and distal tibial orientation, when secured appropriately to bone. Excellent compression and union can be achieved with the AO compression device, but it’s important to have a second screw in the talus to prevent blade pull out. The procedure has good satisfaction among patients following previous failed surgery, as a salvage procedure.

B. Ferre M. Maestro T. Leemrijse J. Rivet
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Introduction: There are very few data on baropodometric semiology in hallux valgus. Based on the analysis of fore-foot cases, we will try to show if there are early baropodometric signs of perturbation of support by the first ray.

Material: We compared clinical, radiological and baropodometric data from 105 feet (35 women, 18 men, average age: 55). The MT1/MT2 angle measured 1.26° to 22.02°, with an average of 11.94°, standard deviation 3.65. The MT1/MT5 angle was 15.04° to 39.56° with an average of 28.13°, standard deviation 4.76.

Methods: We recorded angles and differences in the lengths of metatarsi on anteroposterior X-rays. A Novel platform and its Emed software (Munich, Germany) enabled to record ground forces. We divided into ten weight-bearings zones: rear and mid-foot, the five metatarsi, the hallux, the second toe and the lateral toes. For each zone, we studied the distribution of the integral force time (IFT) and the instant of the step when the greatest force and pressure occurred. We compared those three criteria with the MT1/MT2 angle and the type of functional complaint from the patient.

Results: For the metatarsal zones, we identified four types of « baropodometric » populations depending on the radiological and clinical analysis. The asymptomatic population had maximal IFT on the medium metatarsi, and the instant of greatest simultaneous force and pressure was in the last quarter of the weight-bearing phase. The second population was the asymptomatic population with maximal IFT on the head of the first metatarsi, but the chronology of maximal force and pressure had no perturbation. The third type was a very symptomatic population with a higher IFT on MT1, for which the greatest ground force occurred very early compared with the other metatarsi (at about the middle of the weight-bearing phase). The fourth population had no systematic pattern for IFT or maximal ground forces phases.

Discussion: The development of a hallux valgus leads to an increase in the load of the head of MT1 (increase in the IFT). Then, as the deformity worsens and the meta-tarsosesamoid dislocates, weight-bearing on the first ray occurs earlier, with the diaphysis of MT1 before leading to a total disorganisation of the chronological phases of the forefoot.

Conclusion: Dynamic baropodometric study of the fore-foot can predict if a hallux valgus will worsen, and if our correction will remain stable.

Clinical Problen: the avulsion fracture of the MT V bone and the Jones fractures are typical fractures under tenssion and therefore often require osteosynthesis.

Materials and Methods: to avoid soft tissue problems due to the open reduction and implant on the bone surface on the lateral foot a percutaneus technique with a 3,5mm XXS locked compression nail was developed. The fracture is reduced with the gide wire witch is also used for the canulated 3,5mm drill wich prepares the canal for the nail. The locking is performed on both sides of the fracture with one 2mm threated wire and the dynamic compression of the Fracture of the fracture is performed with a set screw in the nail. All patients are allowed to walk free with normal foot wear

From Jul 1999 to Jan.2006 77 patients were treated according to the above technique.

Results: Tha OAFAS of the patients preoperativ was 22 and postoperative 96. No pseudarthrosis or implant failures occured but in 53 patients (69%) implant removal was necessary because patients had discomfort due to the implant.

Conclusion: the XXS nail is a new method for minimal invasive and stable fixation of MTV fractures with full weight bearing capacity in low complication rate. However in most cases implant removal is indicated.

A. Karantana S. Hobson S. Dhar
Full Access

Introduction: Few intermediate term studies have presented data on modern total ankle replacement designs. This independent, prospective study provides clinical and radiographic results for 50 Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacements with at least 5 years follow up.

Methods: 50 consecutive STAR total ankle replacements were performed in 46 patients, aged 33–79 (mean 63) between 1999 and 2002 by a single surgeon. These were prospectively followed up on annually for a mean of 6 years (5–8 years).

Results: 34 replacements were performed for osteoarthritis, the remainder for inflammatory arthropathy. 13 ankles had a preoperative varus or valgus deformity of more than 10 degrees. There were 3 deaths, therefore 47 ankles reviewed.

5 revisions were performed; 2 for stiffness (1 tibial component, 1 insert), 2 for stress fractures (tibial component only) and 1 insert fracture. 3 of these cases required further surgery following their first revision (1 fusion for deep infection, 1 insert exchange for edge loading and one arthoscopic debridement plus calcaneal osteotomy for painful varus deformity).

There were no primary revisions for aseptic loosening or deep infection. 3 radiographs demonstrated non-progressive lucent lines behind the tibial component.

Further surgery was required in 8 other ankles (6 calcaneal osteotomies and 2 arthroscopic debridements). Complete correction of pre-operative deformity was ultimately achieved in all but 4 ankles.

The mean postoperative American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society Score was 77.

Discussion: At a minimum follow up of 5 years after Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacement, all but one of our ankles have well functioning prostheses in situ. However, 13/47 ankles required further surgery of some kind, including 5 component revisions (90% survival).

Conclusion: Total ankle arthroplasty is a reliable procedure for ankle arthrosis at intermediate term follow up. It provides good functional results and symptomatic benefit, although additional operative procedures may be required.

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Introduction: Non-union is a potential complication following hindfoot arthrodesis and occurs at a rate of 5–10% as reported in the literature. Following the procedure, patients are usually kept non-weight bearing (NWB) for 6–8 weeks followed by protected full weight bearing (FWB) for further 6 weeks. Based on radiological and clinical evidence of bony union at 12 weeks patients are allowed to mobilise FWB without protection.

Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of early post operative weight bearing on the union rate, following hindfoot arthrodesis.

Method: In this retrospective study data was collected on patients who had hindfoot arthrodesis from 2003 to 2008 by a single surgeon. Two post operative mobilisation protocols were used and the union rates were compared.

Protocol 1: 6 weeks NWB, 3 weeks partial weight bearing (PWB), 3 weeks FWB in plaster.

Protocol 2: 2 weeks NWB, 4 weeks PWB, 6 weeks FWB in plaster.

Results: 128 hindfoot joint arthrodesis were performed in 73 patients. Non-union rate was 2%(1 in 44) in early weight bearing group and 20% (4 in 16) in late weight bearing group. Union rate following the revision surgery with bone graft was 100% in both groups.

Conclusion: The union rate following hindfoot surgery significantly improves (p=0.01) with early post-operative weight bearing.

Introduction: Traditionally flexion deformities in Proximal Interphalangeal joints of lesser toes like hammer toes and curly toes are treated with fusing the PIP joint with a single Large Kwire. We describe a new technique of fusing PIP joints using two 1.1mm K wires.

The advantages of this technique over single K wire are:

Less post operative complications like pain and pin tract infection.

Achieving normal biomechanics of the foot by fixing the PIP joint at 15–20 degrees of flexion.

Using two K wires gives more rotational stability of the toes and reduces the complications of over riding, under riding and hyperextension of the toes.

15–20 degrees flexion at PIP joint will give good digital purchase and push off in stance phase.

As the K wire engages the cortex of proximal phalanx, there is almost negligible chance of loosening of K wires which is a common problem in large single K wire which usually is driven in to the medullary cavity of proximal phalanx.

Aim: To compare the clinical and radiological outcomes in two pin fusions with standard single pin fusions described by Coughlin. To prove that this is a technically and biomechanical better procedure.

Materials and Methods: Two pin technique was used for 36 PIP joint fusions in 25 patients with a mean age of 58 years (range–42 to 87 years) and female preponderance. Results were analysed using foot function scale, AOFAS (American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society) lesser metatarsophalageal-Interphalageal scale. Post operative complications were documented.

Technique: Dorsal skin incision was used to approach the PIP joint. Articular surfaces were prepared and two 1.1mm K wires were inserted from the tip of the toe and joint fixed in 15 – 20 degrees of flexion which is optimal functional position of PIP joint. Patients were mobilised non weight bearing for 6 weeks when K wires were removed and weight bearing started.

Results: The results were analysed at 3–6 months post operatively. The foot function scores and objective parameters of AOFAS scores are slightly better in two pin fusions compared with single pin fusions.

Objective parameters of AOFAS scale like adduction/ abduction, flexion, rotational deformities are significantly less with two wire fusions compared with single wire procedures (Coughlin et al). Radiological analysis of the foot showed that 97% had bony union compared 81% with single pin, and only 3% had fibrous union compared to 19% with single wire. Both the procedures didn’t have any non-unions. Only one patient had superficial wound infection, and surprisingly none had pin tract infection.

Conclusion: Two pin PIP Joint fusion is relatively easy procedure with many technical advantages over single pin technique. The clinical and radiological outcomes are good. Results of the biomechanical studies should be available soon.

C. Matzaroglou D. Kouzoudis E. Lambiris A. Kallivokas E. Athanaselis E. Panagiotopoulos
Full Access

Introduction: The chevron osteotomy is an accepted method for the correction of mild and moderate hallux valgus and generally advocated for patients younger than the age of sixty years. In the current work the finite element analysis applied to calculate the stress (force per unit area) on different cuts in the metatarsal bone model of the first ray in the human foot.

Material and Methods: The cuts have the form of a simple angle with 90 degrees ‘modified chevron osteotomy’, 60 ‘typical chevron osteotomy’ 70, 50 and 30, openings correspondingly, and share a common corner C, which is at the centre of a circle that fits the head of the metatarsal. In order to calculate the maximum stresses on the cuts, the bone is assumed to be with a 150 angle to the floor, which is the angle that it takes during the push-off phase.

Results: The calculations show a considerable difference on the stress distribution on the differnt cuts. In particular in the ‘90 degrees cut’ the normal (to the cut) stress is much larger than the shear stress. The opposite is true for the 60 cut. Since shear stresses are the ones that cause material failure, it is predicted that the 90 cut will heal much faster than the 60 cut. The nodes along the cuts where the normal and the shear stress were calculated in different osteotomies.

Conclusion: The FEM analysis confirm our clinical results of this modified chevron osteotomy of 90 degrees. The osteotomy site is firmly secured, avoiding early displacement of the lateral fragment and give earlier fusion.

K. Mader C. Verheyen J. Dargel D. Pennig
Full Access

Background: To correct deformity and achieve fusion after failed fusion a retrograde nail with posterior-to-anterior (PA) locking into os calcis, talus and tibia was used.

Methods: A variety of Methods: have been published to achieve union of the ankle and subtalar joint in a failed fusion situation. We have studied a retrograde locking nail technique through a 2.5 cm incision in the non-weigthbearing part of the sole of the foot. Remaining cartilage in the ankle joint, where necessary, was percutaneously removed through an anterior approach and the locking nail was inserted after reaming of os calcis, talus and tibia. Locking screw insertion was in the sagittal plane (p.a. direction), in talus os calcis and tibial diaphysis using a nail mounted jig. Ten patients were entered in the study (age 27–60 years). The initial aetiology for attempted fusion was posttraumatic in nine cases and rheumatic in one case. There were 25 previous operations in the cohort not leading to fusion. An additional temporary external fixator was used in four cases to reach and maintain the optimum position for the procedure. The intervention time was 30–75 minutes. Dynamization of the nail was performed after four months under local anaesthesia.

Results: The mean duration of follow-up was 4 years (3 to 5,5 years). Radiologically and clinically, fusion was achieved in 16 weeks (range, 12 to 20 weeks). There was no loosening of the implant nor implant failure. A leg length discrepancy was avoided using this technique. There was one complication with varus malunion in a heavy smoker which united after corrective osteotomy, revision nailing and bone grafting. Patient satisfaction was measured on a scale (not visual analog) of 0 (not satisfied) to 10 (completely satisfied), overall satisfaction averaged 9.5 points (range, 6 to 10 points). The postoperative ankle-hindfoot score of the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society averaged 73,5 points (range, 61 to 81 points).

Conclusion: Retrograde locked nailing with locking in the sagittal plane is a reliable minimally invasive procedure to achieve fusion of the ankle and the subtalar joint after failed fusion.

C. Matzaroglou A. Saridis D. Trousas S. Syggelos A. Kravvas S. Maragos E. Lambiris
Full Access

Purpose: Our aim was to evaluate the use of Ilizarov external fixator for ankle arthrodesis in severe post-traumatic or other ankle arthritis.

Patients and Methods: In the period of 8 years, 19 patients underwent ankle arthrodesis with the Ilizarov external fixator for severe ankle arthritis. In four patients the indication for arthrodesis was infection following failed surgical management of tibia plafond fractures, four patients had failed prior ankle arthrodesis and the rest suffered severe ankle arthritis. Eleven patients were male, eight female, with a mean age of 52 years (range 30–71 years). Seven patients had deformities greater then 10°. All had painful stiff ankle joints and 12 patients had disorder of ankle joint anatomy with significant limp. Anterior approach to the ankle joint was preferred, associated with distal fibular osteotomy. Secondary gradual corrections of postoperative deformity and additional compression at the arthrodesis site were performed with the Ilizarov system by closed manipulation. Following frame removal the arthrodesis was immobilised in a cast for a mean of 4 weeks.

Results: The mean follow-up period was 3,9 years. A solid ankle arthrodesis was achieved in 18 of the 19 cases. Failure of solid arthrodesis was detected in one patient with insufficient arthroscopic removal of articular cartilage and internal fixation was performed. In one case with major pin tract infection at the distal talus ring distal expansion of the frame was required. According to the Mazur rating system in 12 patients the results were good, in 5 patients fair and in 2 patients poor.

Conclusion: The use of Ilizarov external fixator for ankle arthrodesis provides significant interfragmentary compression forces, allows early weight bearing and post-operative adjustment of alignment of arthrodesis. This method should be considered as the treatment of choice in ankle arthrodesis, especially in revision cases and in the cases with infection around of the ankle joint.

R. Maheshwari P. Hadjikakou J. Redden
Full Access

The long term results of Total Ankle Arthroplasty still remain largely unsatisfactory and Ankle Arthrodesis remains the gold standard treatment for severe degenerative ankle joint disease resulting from trauma and other causes. We describe the method and results of ankle fusion performed with a single anterior midline incision using the standard AO T-Plate.

18 patients underwent fusion of the tibio-talar joint with this technique over the past 5 years with a follow up range of 10 months to 5 years (mean-19 months). Though the commonest indication was post-traumatic degenerative joint disease (this included 6 patients who had previous internal fixation), other causes included primary osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, neuro-pathic joint (Charcot’s) and failed arthrodesis with other

Methods: The mean age was 65.5 yrs (range 37–91). The patients were assessed clinically and radiologically. Mazur’s criteria was used to assess function and serial radiographs were reviewed to assess union.

There was radiological union in all 18 patients. Excellent clinical results were finally achieved in 16 (89%). Complications included persistent pain(1), delayed union(2), infection(2, including one deep) and 2 under-went removal of plate with good final result.

This technique is a modification of that described previously by Rowan and Davey. In our practice the plate is contoured to the surface of talus and the distal screws are directed more vertically towards the sustenaculum talus. We found it helpful to obtain more compression of adjacent surfaces.

With the use of an anterior T-plate not only a better stability in biomechanical terms is achieved, less dissection and better soft tissue cover of the metalwork help in overall patient satisfaction. Though we have performed ankle arthrodesis with different

Methods: with satisfactory results, with this particular technique we have achieved excellent results and radiological union in all our patients.

R. Meizer N. Aigner E. Meizer F. Landsiedl G. Steinboeck
Full Access

Hallux varus is a rare cause of pain in the foot mostly occurring after failed hallux valgus surgery. We reviewed 12 patients with unilateral hallux varus treated with soft tissue techniques (4x), arthrodesis of the first metatarso-phalangeal joint (3x) or with a distal chevron osteotomy (5x) with medial transposition of the first metatarsal head and reconstruction of the soft tissues on the lateral side of the metatarsophalangeal joint. 10 patients had previous hallux valgus surgery, in 2 cases the deformities were of unknown origin. 1 male and 11 female patients were followed up on average 26.4 months postoperatively. AOFAS hallux score improved from 46 (range 10–75) to 86 (range 72–95) points. The metatarsophalangeal angle measured with the center-head to center-base method was reduced from −16.1° (range −35° to −8°) to 5.1° (range −15° to 21°). The intermetatarsal angle increased from 5.8° (0–11°) t o 10.5° (0–19°). All patients were subjectively satisfied with the procedure. Our results indicate that joint preserving operation techniques are viable methods in the correction of mild and moderate symptomatic hallux varus deformities. Mild remaining varus deformities are well tolerated.

In case of severe varus deformity or major signs of osteoarthritis in the first metatarsophalangeal joint MTP arthrodesis provides good results.

U. Nagare F. Attar A. Sen R. Asirvatham
Full Access

Twenty-five Regnauld’s procedures were performed in 20 patients with painful hallux valgus. This procedure involves the removal of proximal one-third of the proximal phalanx which is fashioned into a ‘hat-shaped graft’ and replaced as an osteochondral autogenous graft. The average age at operation was 56 years (range 39–76). After a mean follow-up of 3 years, 4 months (range 2.5–5.7 years), all the patients were assessed clinically and radiologically. The mean hallux valgus angle preoperatively was 29.3° (range 20–50°). At follow-up, a mean correction of 16.9° was obtained. In our study, 92% of patients were satisfied with the operation, but 8 patients (40%) showed progression of osteoarthritis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint. At 10 year follow up all these patient are satisfied with procedure and doing well. In view of the high incidence of degenerative changes in the first metatarsophalangeal joint, this procedure should be reserved for those patients over the age of 65 years or those with early osteoarthritic changes in the first metatarsophalangeal joint.

Purpose of the study: The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of the repeated soft tissue release for recurrent postoperative idiopathic congenital talipes equinovarus. There is no real consensus on the appropriate therapeutic option.

Materials and Methods: Fifty two patients (74 feet) underwent revision surgery performed by our senior surgeon between 1974 and 2001. One, two or three soft tissue release procedures were performed on 59, 12 and 3 feet respectively. Mean age at the time of the revision surgery was 5.7 years (range 15m-14y). Triple deformity (varus, equinus, adductus) was found in 46 feet, while 28 feet had one dominant deformity. The operation consisted of complete release of the soft tissues in 26 feet and partial release in 48. Subtalar release was indicated in 21 feet. Lichtblau osteotomy was performed in 48 feet. The clinical and radiological outcome was assessed using the Ghanem and Seringe scores recorded before surgery and at last follow-up.

Results: Mean follow-up was 11 years (range 4–30). Complications included overcorrection in valgus (n=6) and recurrence (n=8). The anatomic correction was highly significant. Dorsoplantar X-rays show the improvements in the mean talocalcaneal divergence (18–21°), the mean talus-first metatarsal angle (reduced from 28° to 4°), and the calcaneus-fifth metatarsal angle (reduced from 20° to 2°). The average of tibiocalcaneal angle in lateral view increased from 1° to 10° and the average of calcaneal incidence from 6° to 9°. At last follow-up, outcome was considered as ‘excellent’ in 29% and ‘good’ in 42% of the cases. We had ‘fair’ results in 14 feet (19%) because of poor functional results in one third and anatomical defects in two-thirds of them. The outcome was considered ‘poor’ in seven feet (10%), which was due to significant anatomical defects. Triple arthrodesis was needed in seven feet after skeletal maturity.

Discussion and Conclusion. Repeated soft tissue release provides an effective means for correcting anatomical anomalies caused by recurrent postoperative talipes equinovarus. The mid-term results are however affected by functional limitations characterised by decreased range of motion and joint pain, particularly in ankle joint. Excessive subtalar release raises the risk of valgus overcorrection. A splint worn at night may be helpful for preventing the recurrence.

Background: Previous studies have demonstrated higher infection rates following elective procedures on the foot and ankle as compared with procedures involving other area of the body. Previous studies also have documented the difficulty of eliminating bacteria from the forefoot prior to surgery. The purpose of the present study was to ascertain that preoperative chlorhexidine bathing provide significant local flora reduction than placebo in elective foot and ankle surgery.

Methods: From October 2005 to October 2006, a prospective study was undertaken to evaluate 50 consecutive patients undergoing planned, elective surgery of the foot and ankle. 50 patients were prospectively enrolled and randomly assigned to have preoperative footbath with Chlorhexidine Gluconate (Hibitane) (Group 1) or placebo (Group 2). Culture swabs were taken from all web spaces, nail folds, toe surfaces and proposed surgical incision sites before the preoperative antiseptics bath, during the procedures and immediately completion of surgery.

Results: 50 patients were enrolled (mean age: 42.6 years; range: 19 –85; F: M = 29:21). 25 patients are assigned to each groups. 100% bacterial isolation preoperatively in both groups prior to antiseptics bathing. In group 1, bacteria grew on intraoperative culture in 60% cases and 0% in immediate post-operative culture. In group 2, 96% in intraoperative swab culture and 16% in postoperative swab culture. The intraoperative swab culture bacterial count is statistically significant (p= 0.002). The postoperative swab culture bacterial count is marginally significant (p=0.055) when comparing 2 groups. No complications were recorded in both groups.

Conclusions: These data indicate that chlorhexidine provides better reduction in skin flora than placebo. Based of these data, we recommend the use of chlorhexidine footbath as well as the surgical preparatory agent for the foot and ankle surgery.

S. Rajkumar S. Shahzad C. Clark R. Dega
Full Access

Between October 2006 and September 2007, eight consecutive patients with syndesmotic diastasis of the ankle had Tight Rope suture –endobutton fixation. We present our early results following this fixation. There were 3 males and 5 females with a mean age of 42 years (range 21 – 67). All were followed up for a mean of 7 months. Five patients had right side involvement. Majority were twisting injuries. These patients were compared with a cohort group (10 patients) who had diastasis screw fixation for similar fractures during the same period.

Results: The mean post operative Olerud & Molander ankle subjective score was 86 points. The tourniquet time was significantly less in endobutton group compared to the diastasis screw group(mean of 56 minutes vs. 72 minutes). There was some difference in time to mobilisation between the two groups (mean of 10 days). The endobutton group patients were able to return to work and leisure activities earlier (mean of 4 weeks) compared to the diastasis group. Range of motion was similar in both groups. There were fewer complications in both groups with superficial infection and stiffness being the most common. Both groups were satisfied with the fixation.

Advantages of Tight rope fixation: The tourniquet time was reduced; there was no need for 2nd operation with its attendant risks. Earlier mobilisation was possible leading to early return to work and leisure activities.

We recommend the use of this new suture endobutton fixation for ankle diastasis with promising early functional results. Further prospective studies are needed to evaluate this new type of fixation device.

Hallux rigidus is a common condition involving the first Metatarsophalyngeal (MTP) joint. Total joint arthroplasty is an acceptable modality of treatment. A number of different prosthesis have been used. Our study aims to evaluate the outcome of uncemented ceramic on ceramic (MOJE) prosthesis, in the treatment of painful hallux rigidus.

Between March 2000 and June 2005, 38 patients (53 feet) with painful hallux rigidus were treated with uncemented ceramic on ceramic (MOJE) prosthesis. There were 30 female and 8 male patients. The hallux meta-tarsophalangeal-interphalangeal scoring scale, by the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, was used to assess these patients, pre-operatively and at follow up. A total score of 100 is possible in a patient with no pain, full range of MTP joint movement and good alignment.

The average follow up was for 34 months (range 12–68 months). Three revisions were carried out in three patients, 2 for deep infection, and 2 for persisting pain. Five patients showed radiological signs of osteolysis but had no symptoms. There was one late subluxation after 32 months. One patient developed a superficial infection, which was treated successfully.

The average AOFAS score pre-operatively was 45, compared to 91 post-operatively (p< 0.05). 23 patients (36 feet) classed the outcome as excellent to good. Ten of the patients subjectively described the out come of the procedure as excellent.

The preop range of movement (combined dorsiflex-ion and plantarflexion) was improved from a mean of 22 degrees to 68 degrees postoperatively.

The ceramic/ceramic (MOJE) total arthroplasty gave excellent results in 77% of patients. The early outcome is encouraging. We ewcommend continued use of this prosthesis for painful hallux rigidus.

A. Schulz S. Hillbricht N. Bahri P. Andreas C. Jürgens J. Kiene
Full Access

Introduction: In the last ten years there is a clear favour toward internal fixation. We evaluated the technique and the clinical long term results of external fixation in a triangular frame.

Patients and Methods: From 1994 to 2001 a consecutive series of 95 patients with end stage arthritis of the ankle joint were treated. Retrospectively the case notes were evaluated. Mean age at the index procedure was 45.4 years (18–82), 67 patients were male (70.5%). In all cases the arthritic deformity was due to a posttraumatic condition. The index procedure took place on average 129 months (6–516 months) after trauma. Preoperatively 43 patients had a relevant mal-alignment. In 41 patients the range of motion (ROM) was decreased with a remaining ROM of < 20°, in further 37 cases the remaining ROM was < 10° ROM. Via a bilateral approach the malleoli and the joint surfaces were resected. An AO fixator was applied with four Steinmann-nails inserted. Follow up examination at mean 4.4 years included a standardised questionnaire and a clinical examination including the criteria of the AOFAS-Score and radiographs.

Results: In all cases the index procedure was possible although in 2 cases soft tissue contracture meant that a pes equinus position of approximately 15° was required. After mean 12.3 (8–16) weeks radiographs confirmed satisfactory union and the fixator was removed. There were no cases of DVT or PE detected in the postoperative period. In 9 cases (10.1%) we saw a reversible irritation of the dorsal cutaneous nerve. In 18 cases a pin tract infection developed (20.2%) which healed under conservative measures. In one case (1.1%) a bony infection around a pin site developed, one patient suffered a fracture of the tibia at the site of the former proximal tibial pin site due to a minor trauma. In 4 patients a non-union of the ankle arthrodesis developed (4.5%). The mean AOFAS score improved from 20.8 (Std. dev.16.2) to 69.3 at F/U ( 21.5, p = 0,004–30, T-test). The largest improvements were found regarding to pain and walking distance. Whilst preoperatively only one patient had mild pain, at follow up 54 patients had no or only mild pain. The maximal walking distance improved from mean 675 metres to mean 3245 m (T-test, p < 0,025 –18). Analysis of the insurance status showed patients that patients insured under a workers injury compensation scheme had a mean score of 63.6 compared to 75.1 for the remaining (T-test, p=0,027).

Discussion: Non-union rates and clinical results of arthrodesis by triangular external fixation of the ankle joint do not differ to internal fixation

Methods: The complication rate and the reduced patient comfort reserve this method mainly for infected arthritis and complicated soft tissue situations.

A. Seyahi S. Uludag L. Koyuncu M. Taube A. Atalar M. Demirhan
Full Access

Introduction: Identifying normal ranges for calcaneal angles is important for the assessment of morbidity after calcaneal fractures. We have evaluated the distribution and normal ranges of calcaneal angles.

Method: A retrospective study was performed to review 105 lateral radiographs of 87 patients (62 female, 43 male). Radiographs with fractures, deformities and fusion were excluded. The mean age was 42.6 (18–79). Böhler and Gissane angles were measured by the same surgeon with the macros of the Hipax program. T test and Pearson correlation coefficients were used for statistical analysis with SPSS software with a significance level of P< 0.05.

Results: The mean Böhler angle was 34.4±4.12º (range 23–44), the Gissane angle was 116.4±6.23º (range 103–133). There was no statistically significant difference between the mean Böhler angles of women (34.9º±4.5) and men (33.9º±3.79) (t test: p> 0.05). There was no correlation between the two angles (r=−0.044; p> 0.05). There was a negative correlation between the Böhler angle and age (R=−0.36; P< 0.01). The regression equation of this correlation was y=−0.01x+38.51. There was no significant correlation between the Gissane angle and age (r=−0.046; p> 0.05).

Discussion: The reported ranges for Böhler and Gissane angles are widely spread (14–50 and 95–130, respectively). Our results were consistent with 4 (Hauser; Loucks; Didia; Igbigbi) of the 5 previous studies. However, unlike the other studies Böhler angle results did not show sex dimorphism and revealed a negative correlation with aging. Posterior facet collapse may be the cause of this correlation.

Introduction: Hallux valgus is a common presentation at the elective orthopaedic clinics. Patients complain of pain and deformity of the big toe. Treatment is aimed at improving the cosmesis and alleviating pain in the fore foot.

This study assesses the pre and post-operative pedal pressures during stance phase of dynamic gait cycle to identify objective biomechanical factors which influence the final outcome.

Materials and Methods: This is a prospective study, approved by the local research and ethics committee, in which 17 feet were assessed with moderate to severe hallux valgus. Distal-L and Scarf osteotomies were performed for moderate and severe deformities, respectively.

Pedobarography was performed before and 8 months after surgery, on an average. Sole was divided into eight segments i.e. heel, midfoot, lateral forefoot, central forefoot, medial forefoot, II–V toes, hallux and total sole area. Variables compared were contact area, peak pressure, mean pressure and contact time. Manchester-Oxford foot questionnaire (MOXFQ) was used to assess the clinical disability. The inter-metatarsal and metatarso-phalengeal angles were measured radiographically. Both clinical and radiological assessments were performed pre and post-operatively.

Results: 11 had distal-L and 6 had Scarf osteotomies. There were significant improvements in all the three domains of the subjective MOXFQ questionnaire i.e. walking/standing (p 0.013), pain (p 0.001) and social limitation (p 0.002).

The inter-metatarsal angle reduced from 15 to 7 (p 0.001) and the metatarso-phalengeal angle reduced from 32 to 9 (p 0.001).

There was significant reduction in heel contact area (p 0.002), the medial forefoot (p 0.030) and II – V toes (p 0.048) contact time.

Conclusion: Both distal-L and Scarf osteotomies resulted in significant improvements in clinical and radiographic outcome. Although there was reduction in heel contact area and medial forefoot contact time, there were no significant changes in pedal pressures at 8 months postoperatively.

L. Weil L. Weil W. Weil D. Bergman B. Kuruvilla
Full Access

We prospectively enrolled and evaluated 30 patients with unilateral or bilateral hallux valgus. At the time of our preliminary follow-up, 8 patients (14 feet) with unilateral or bilateral hallux valgus who had either a Scarf or a combined Scarf-Akin procedure from June 2006 to December 2006 were evaluated. Three surgeons practicing within one practice performed the procedures. Exclusion criteria for this study included concomitant forefoot pathology, such as hammertoes, clawtoes, and transfer metatarsalgia, which required concomitant surgery. We also excluded patients with excessive first ray instability which would have required 1st metatarsal-cuneiform fusion. The average age of the patients at surgery was 37.8 years (range, 14–76 years).

Average follow-up time was 6.5 months. Four of the eight patients (8/14 feet) required an Akin osteotomy in addition to the Scarf procedure. Patients showed an average improvement of AOFAS score from 65.7 to 86.3. The ACFAS 1st ray score improved from 63.2 to 86.8. The intermetatarsal and hallux valgus angles improved from mean pre-operative values of 14.3° and 25.9° to 9.5° and 10.2°, respectively. Similarly, the 1st metatarsal declination angle also improved from a mean of 38.7° pre-operatively to 20.9° post–operatively. There was no significant change in first metatarsal dorsiflexion before and after surgery (64.5 to 68.7). Pre op and post op plantarflexion was also assessed. The mean hallux plantarflexion remained virtually identical at 11.3 degrees of motion. Pedobarographic analysis showed medialization of peak plantar pressure following surgery. Peak plantar pressure increased under the hallux (Increasing from 91.5 kPa to 144.6 kPa) and first metatarsal while decreasing under the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th metatarsals following surgery. Average time to return to work and to activities of daily living were 2.6 weeks and 3 weeks respectively.

We conclude that the Scarf osteotomy and Akin closing wedge osteotomy of the proximal phalanx of the great toe appear to be safe and effective for the treatment of hallux valgus and restoration of normal forefoot pressure. Our data suggest the Scarf osteotomy normalizes the function of the hallux during the propulsive phase of the gait cycle. This was reflected in the increased peak pressure under the first metatarsal head and the reduction of peak pressure under the second metatarsal head. We have found pedobarography to be useful as a pre-operative tool and to assess outcomes in forefoot surgery.

Many studies have evaluated bilateral versus unilateral surgery in large joints, however, limited research is available to compare outcomes of bilateral-staged foot surgeries versus synchronous-bilateral foot surgery. 186 consecutive cases of first metatarsophalangeal joint surgery were prospectively included in this study; 252 procedures were performed: 120 were unilateral or staged-bilateral, and 66 were synchronous-bilateral operations. Patients were evaluated at 6–and 12-weeks for specific early complications, and surveyed about there return to work, activities of daily living, shoe gear requirements, satisfaction, and reasons for choosing staged or synchronous surgery. Additionally, a cost analysis was performed on all surgical scenarios. Student-t test showed no statistical significance between groups in all clinical settings to a 95% confidence level. Complication rates were similar and few in all situations. Patients were very satisfied when choosing bilateral-synchronous surgery and would elect to repeat it the same way 97% of the time. The economic costs to the health system average 25% greater when patients undergoing first metatarsophalangeal joint surgery have the procedure performed one foot at a time. Combined with the time lost from work, this reveals a significant economic cost to both society and patient.

P. Wood P. Rippstein
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Material: 100 consecutively performed Total Ankle Arthroplasties (TAA) of the Mobility design carried out at Schultess Clinic Zurich and 100 from Wrightington Hospital Wigan were entered into the study. The male: female ratio was 1:1. Age 62 (range 24 to 95 years). The diagnosis was primary OA (59%), OA resulting from a major injury in the past (20%) and rheumatoid arthritis (21%). We considered more than 20 degrees varus or valgus to be a contraindication to TAA.

Methods: The Mobility TAA is three component, cobalt chrome uncemented design. The tibial component has a stem and the talar component has two fins for secure bony incorporation. At the time of TAA ancillary procedures such as gastrocnemius lengthening were performed if required.

Results: The follow-up was 36 months (24 to 50). The most frequently performed ancillary procedure was gastro-soleus lengthening and this was carried out in 20% of cases. Osteotomy of os calcis and talo-navicular or other hindfoot fusion was performed in approximately 8%. The severity of pain was measured on the visual analogue scale before and at follow-up and this improved from 8.5 to 1.6. The average range of motion measured radiographically improved from 25 deg to 30 deg. The most frequent persistent complaint was that of occasional troublesome antero-medial pain. 92% patients were satisfied with the outcome. Complications were 6% intra-operative malleolar fractures. These did not lead to long term problems. Delayed wound healing occurred in 4% but all healed fully by three months. Late medial malleolar fractures occurred in 2%. Early infection occurred in one patient and was successfully treated by washout and antibiotics. Revision to fusion or change of tibilal and/or talar implant was required in 2.5% (5 patients) due to aseptic loosening and a technical error in one further patient treated three years ago led to subluxation of the insert. This was changed for an 11mm insert with a successful outcome to present time.

Conclusion: These results are an improvement on those acheived by the same surgeons prior to this study using other types of implant. We believe this is due to improved instrumentation and implant design and a better understanding of the indications particularly the need to be very cautious in recommending replacement to patients with severe varus or valgus deformities.

B. Eriksson L. Borris R. Friedman S. Haas M. Huisman A. Kakkar T. Bandel E. Muehlhofer W. Geerts
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Introduction: After total hip replacement (THR), thromboprophylaxis for at least 10 days and for up to 35 days is recommended – yet a convenient, oral anticoagulant is not currently available. Rivaroxaban – a once-daily, oral, direct Factor Xa inhibitor with a predictable clinical profile – is in advanced clinical development. RECORD1, a multinational, randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, phase III study, compared once-daily oral rivaroxaban with subcutaneous enoxaparin for 5 weeks following THR.

Methods: In total, 4541 patients were randomized to receive oral rivaroxaban 10 mg (6–8 hours after surgery and once daily thereafter), or 40 mg enoxaparin (administered subcutaneously the evening before surgery, resumed 6–8 hours after surgery, and continued once daily). Thromboprophylaxis was administered for 35±4 days; mandatory, bilateral venography was conducted the next day. The primary efficacy endpoint was the composite of any deep vein thrombosis (DVT), nonfatal pulmonary embolism (PE), and all-cause mortality. Safety endpoints included major and non-major bleeding during the active treatment period.

Results: The incidence of the composite of DVT, PE, and all-cause mortality was significantly lower for rivaroxaban compared with enoxaparin (1.1% vs 3.7%, respectively; p< 0.001; relative risk reduction [RRR] 70%). The incidence of major VTE was also significantly lower for rivaroxaban compared with enoxaparin (0.2% vs 2.0%, respectively; p< 0.001; RRR 88%). There were no significant differences in the incidence of major bleeding (0.3% vs 0.1%; p=0.178) or non-major bleeding (5.8% vs 5.8%; p=1.000) between rivaroxaban and enoxaparin, respectively. There was no evidence of cardiac or liver safety issues.

Conclusions: Following THR, thromboprophylaxis with once-daily, oral rivaroxaban was shown to be significantly more effective than subcutaneous, once-daily enoxaparin – without an increased risk of bleeding. This trial demonstrates the efficacy and safety of oral rivaroxaban using a fixed, unmonitored, once-daily dose for extended thromboprophylaxis after THR.

F. Azam A. Isola D. Lami L. Lecoz I. Farhat G. Curvale A. Rochwerger
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Introduction: Intraoperative femoral fractures occurring in cementless total hip replacement are not frequent. In a series of in 350 consecutive hip replacements 15 cases of fractures were recognized and included for this study.

Materials and Methods: The fractures mainly occured during the femoral preparation rather than during the definitive stem impaction. Accurate reduction and stable internal fixation were considered necessary intraoperatively. Nevertheless in 4 cases the fixation of the stem was converted into a conventional cemented one. Postoperatively the patients were allowed to have an immediat full weight bearing on the operated side in 5 cases.

The remainders (10 patients) had a delayed reloading on the lower limb.

In this study the clinical and radiological results of the fracture group were compared to those of a control group of 15 patients.

Results: One year after surgery the Harris Hip score was no significantly different between the groups.

Postoperative complication rate (deep venous thrombosis, infection, dislocation) were not different between the groups.

There was a significant increase of duration of the stay of the patient in the rehabilitation center (p=0.007) in the fracture group and the patient spend more time with the physiotherapist (p=0.001)as they left the center.

The fracture rate was lower when the patients were operated by a senior surgeon (p=0.021).

Discussion: These results are comparable to those of the literature. Nevertheless intraoperative fractures of the proximal femur occurring in cementless total hip replacement do not jeopardize the clinical final outcome. This study emphasizes the importance of the learning–curve in cementless THR. Additional studies could assess the real costs for the medical care of such fractures.

M. Erdem C. Sen L. Eralp V. Ozden M. Kocaoglu
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Background: The occurrence of congenitally short metatarsals is associated with an abnormal gait and an aesthetically displeasing appearance. Similarly, short metacarpals result in severe cosmetic disfigurement, particularly in young female patients.

Methods: We examined and performed bone lengthening surgery in 13 female and 2 male patients. Of these, procedures were conducted on 12 metatarsals of 8 patients, 4 metacarpals and 1 metatarsal of a single patient, 1 metacarpal and 1 metatarsal of a single patient and 7 metacarpals of 5 patients. The mean age of the patients who underwent metacarpal procedures was 14.5 (10–21) years while the mean age of those who underwent metatarsal procedures was 17.5 (10–25) years. The callotasis method was employed for these procedures and we used either a unilateral external fixator and/or a circular external fixator.

Results: The mean healing index and increase in metacarpal length was 1.6 (1.1–2.3) months/cm and 17.6 (13–26) mm, respectively. The mean follow-up period for patients who underwent metacarpal lengthening was 57.5 (12–96) months. The mean healing index and increase in metatarsal length was 1.6 (1.0–2.0) months/cm and 24.3 (20–30) mm respectively. The mean follow-up period for patients who underwent metatarsal lengthening was 48.3 (12–72) months. The preoperative AOFAS (American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society) scores were good in 5 and excellent in 9 cases. The functional scores of metatarso-phalangial (MTP) joint of lengthened metatarsals for the lesser toe were excellent in 12 and good in 2 cases based on the AOFAS scoring system. All patients who underwent metacarpal lengthening reported that they were satisfied and could conduct their daily activities with good functional and aesthetic results. Complications included 4 angulations, 1 subluxation and 1 non-union and were seen in 6 of the metatarsal lengthening cases that exceeded 40% (or > 20 mm) of the total length of the original bone.

Interpretation: There are recommendations in the literature that allow for the avoidance of severe complications and for the shortening of the consolidation period. We conclude that the periosteum must be protected with percutaneus osteotomy and lengthening should be performed at a rate of 0.25 mm twice a day, should not exceeding 40% of the original bone length (or > 20 mm). If the anticipated lengthening exceeds these predefined values then we suggest that the procedure should be performed using a circular external fixator with temporary fixation of the MCP or the MTP joint and the inclusion of the proximal phalanx in the frame.

F. Federico R. Viso M. Cedeño B. Apsara S. Arlette B. Norma
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One of the best procedures to prevent haemarthrosis in haemophilia has been radioactive synovectomy (synoviorthesis). Since the first report of radioactive synovectomy in haemophilia of Ahlberg in 1971, (7) many centers adopted this procedure as the one of choice to, through fibrosing the synovial membrane, prevent further haemarthrosis.

Since 1976 we have performed 119 such radioactive synoviorthesis in 110 patients with age from 3 to 40 years with a mean of 10 years of age, 71 of these patients were under 12 years of age. The knees were injected in 71 cases, elbow in 29 cases, ankles in 16 and shoulders in 3 cases. The clinical results of this procedure gives an 80% of excellent results with no further bleeding. In case of failure a new injection can be given in the same joint at a 6 month interval, or an injection for the same purpose in other joint. One of the criticisms against this method is the possible chromosomal damage induced by the radioactive material.

In our center, 4 studies have been made in order to see whether these changes, in case of appearance, are everlasting and all have demonstrated that chromosomal changes are reversible. The radioactive material used in the 2 first studies was 189 Au. In 1978, 354 metaphases were studied with 61 ruptures, 17.23%, (non premalign) and 6 structural changes -considered premalign-, 1.69%. Any number below 2% is considered non dangerous. A further study was done in 1982, in the same group of patients with a result of 21 ruptures, 3.34% and no structural changes. This demonstrated that the possible premalign changes disappeared with time. A third study was performed in a series of 13 patients that sustained radioactive synoviorthesis with Re 186 in November 1991. We performed for comparison a chromosomal study just before and 6 months after the radioactive material injection and the results confirmed that changes that could be blamed to the radiation, appears equally in non irradiated patients and those due to the radiation disappear with time, never reaching the dangerous zone of 2%. In these group treated with 186 Re we studied an additional number of 130 metaphases with identical results and NO structural changes. In the study on patients that had 90Y as radiocolloid performed before and after the synoviorthesis no premalign change was found in neither. It seems, in view of these results, than radioactive synovectomy is safe and gives great benefits to the haemophilic patients.

Introduction: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a common, potentially fatal complication of major orthopaedic surgery. Although pharmacological thromboprophylaxis is recommended following total hip replacement (THR) for a minimum of 10 days, and up to 35 days, its extended use is not universally accepted – an effective, safe and convenient, oral anticoagulant would improve implementation of these recommendations. This trial compared short-term thromboprophylaxis using enoxaparin with extended thromboprophylaxis using rivaroxaban – a once-daily, oral, direct Factor Xa inhibitor – after THR, in the largest, prospective, randomized clinical trial conducted to date for the evaluation of the risk/benefit of extended prophylaxis.

Method: In this global, double-blind trial, 2509 patients undergoing THR were randomized to receive either subcutaneous enoxaparin 40 mg once daily (od), started the evening before surgery and continued for 10–14 days, followed by placebo until day 35±4 (short-term prophylaxis), or oral rivaroxaban 10 mg od, started 6–8 hours after surgery and continuing for 35±4 days (extended prophylaxis). Mandatory, bilateral venography was conducted on day 36±4. The primary efficacy endpoint was the composite of any deep vein thrombosis (DVT), non-fatal pulmonary embolism (PE), and all-cause mortality. The main secondary efficacy endpoint was major VTE (the composite of proximal DVT, non-fatal PE, and VTE-related death). Safety endpoints included the incidence of major and non-major bleeding.

Results: The incidence of the primary efficacy endpoint was significantly reduced with extended thromboprophylaxis with rivaroxaban compared with short-term enoxaparin (2.0% and 9.3%, respectively; p< 0.001; relative risk reduction [RRR] 79%), as was major VTE (0.6% versus 5.1%; p< 0.001; RRR 88%). The incidence of major bleeding was the same in both groups (0.1%). Non-major bleeding was reported in 6.5% of patients who received extended thromboprophylaxis with rivaroxaban and in 5.5% of those treated with short-term enoxaparin.

Conclusion: Extended duration thromboprophylaxis with rivaroxaban is both significantly more effective and adds no disadvantage, in terms of bleeding, when compared with short-term prophylaxis. These data suggest that extended thromboprophylaxis provides substantial benefits to patients undergoing THR and rivaroxaban provides a safe and effective option for this strategy.

J. Laffosse V. Minville A. Colombani C. Gris C. Chassery J. Pourrut B. Eychenne K. Saami P. Chiron
Full Access

Purpose of the study: Earlier studies have demonstrated that the use of synthetic alpha-erythropoeitin can reduce the need for perioperative transfusions in orthopaedic surgery. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the effect of administering synthetic beta erythropoeitin (betaEPO) on the preoperative serum haemoglobin level in patients scheduled for total hip replacement (THR).

Material and Methods: Three groups of patients were studied. In the EPO group (15 patients) the haemoglobin level 30 days before surgery was 13 g/dl. If there were no contraindications, patients in this group were given a subcutaneous injection of betaEPO (Néorecormon® 30,000 units in prefilled syringes) four times (days -21, -14, -7, -1). In group C the haemoglobin level was greater than 13 g/dl and no betaEPO was administered. In the third group (control group), 42 patients had a serum haemoglobin level less than 13 g/dl but were not given betaEPO. The patients were not randomised. The serum haemoglobin level was measured the day before surgery (day -1), the day after surgery (day +1), and the fifth postoperative day (day +5). Data collected were body mass index (BMI), operative time, and number of blood transfusions (cell-saver, auto-, allo-transfusion). Total red cell loss was calculated thanks to a standardized method. P< 0.05 was considered significant.

Results: The three groups were comparable preoperatively for age, gender and BMI and operatively for operative time and blood loss. Haemoglobin level was significantly higher in group C and EPO at day -1 and day +1 compared with the control group. Increase in haemoglobin level was 2.76 g/dl in the EPO group versus 0.05 and 0.04 in group C and controls (p< 0.001). Significantly fewer patients were transfused in group EPO (7%) and group C (12%) compared with controls (60%, p< 0.001). Similarly fewer packed cell units transfused was required in groups C and EPO versus the controls. The duration of the hospital stay was shorter in group C than in group EPO, which in turn was shorter than for the control group (p=0.02).

Discusssion and conclusion: A low haemoglobin level preoperatively is a risk factor for perioperative transfusion in patients undergoing THR. Preoperative administration of beta EPO, by increasing the haemoglobin level just before surgery, significantly reduces the need for blood transfusions and thus reduces the risk of complications related to such transfusions. This method can also avoid the use of autotransfusions which can favour pre and postoperative anaemia. Broader indications in orthopaedic surgery or in traumatology for the use of EPO should be implemented in order to reduce the number of operated patients requiring transfusion.

Rivaroxaban is a novel, oral, once-daily, direct Factor Xa inhibitor in advanced development for the prevention and treatment of venous thromboembolism (VTE). This study analysed the potential economic benefit attributable to the use of oral rivaroxaban relative to subcutaneous enoxaparin for extended VTE prophylaxis (35±4 days) after total hip replacement (THR). In RECORD1, rivaroxaban reduced the incidence of the composite primary efficacy endpoint (total VTE, including all-cause mortality) by 70%, compared with enoxaparin (p< 0.001). Symptomatic VTE occurred in 0.3% and 0.5% (p=0.22) of patients receiving rivaroxaban and enoxaparin, respectively. Major bleeding was low and similar in both groups: 0.3% and 0.1% (p=0.18), respectively.

Potential savings associated with oral rivaroxaban were based on any reduction in the incidence of symptomatic VTE events, and reduced administration and monitoring costs. Analyses for both the US and the UK included only non-drug costs incurred by the healthcare sector. It was assumed that nurses spent 3 minutes/day administering enoxaparin and training patients to self-inject; assumed duration of hospital stay was 5 days. UK costs (based on the 2007 NICE Guidelines) also included full blood counts (FBCs) every 3 days, for up to 14 days, in patients receiving enoxaparin.

Two analyses were performed: one assumed no difference in the occurrence of symptomatic VTE between treatments; the other assumed that the observed difference was real, but did not reach statistical significance.

In the first analysis, assuming no difference in symptomatic VTE incidence, the total resource cost in the US was $46/patient for enoxaparin and $42.5/patient for rivaroxaban: a saving of $3.5/patient. For the UK, the total resource cost was £33/patient for enoxaparin and £7.5/per patient for rivaroxaban: a saving of £25.5/ patient. Savings were driven by reduced monitoring (FBCs) and administration costs.

In the second analysis, assuming the observed difference in symptomatic VTE incidence was real, the US total resource cost was $57/patient for enoxaparin and $42.5/patient for rivaroxaban: a saving of $14.5/patient. For the UK, the total resource cost was £30/patients for enoxaparin and £7.5/patient for rivaroxaban: a saving of £22.5/patient. Savings were again driven by reduced monitoring and administration costs, and also reduced VTE incidence.

Over 400,000 US patients undergo THR, and ~60,000 patients in England and Wales undergo THR annually. Thus, the potential cumulative cost savings with rivaroxaban are considerable.

M. Lassen W. Ageno T. Bandel L. Borris J. Lieberman F. Misselwitz N. Rosencher A. Turpie
Full Access

Introduction: Rivaroxaban is a novel, oral, direct Factor Xa inhibitor in advanced clinical development for the prevention and treatment of thromboembolic disorders. In this phase III trial, the efficacy and safety of thromboprophylaxis with rivaroxaban was compared with enoxaparin in patients undergoing total knee replacement (TKR).

Methods: In RECORD3 – a randomized, double-blind trial – patients received rivaroxaban 10 mg 6–8 hours after surgery and once daily (od) thereafter, or enoxaparin 40 mg od beginning the evening before surgery; both were continued for 10–14 days. The primary efficacy outcome was the composite of any deep vein thrombosis (DVT), non-fatal pulmonary embolism (PE) and all-cause mortality. Secondary efficacy outcomes included major venous thromboembolism (VTE; the composite of proximal DVT, PE and VTE -related death) and symptomatic VTE. The primary safety outcome was major bleeding, and other safety outcomes included any on-treatment bleeding and haemorrhagic wound complications (the composite of excessive wound haematoma and surgical-site bleeding).

Results: A total of 2531 patients were randomized; 2459 were eligible for inclusion in the safety population and 1702 for the modified intention-to-treat population. The primary efficacy outcome was reported in 9.6% of patients receiving rivaroxaban and 18.9% of patients receiving enoxaparin. This equated to a relative risk reduction of 49% (p< 0.001) with rivaroxaban compared with enoxaparin. The incidence of major VTE was also significantly reduced with rivaroxaban compared with enoxaparin (relative risk reduction 62%, p=0.016). The incidence of symptomatic VTE was significantly lower in the rivaroxaban group than in the enoxaparin group (p=0.005). Major bleeding rates were 0.6% and 0.5% in the rivaroxaban and enoxaparin groups, respectively, and rates of any on-treatment bleeding were 4.9% and 4.8%, respectively. The incidence of haemorrhagic wound complications was 2.1% in the rivaroxaban group and 1.9% in the enoxaparin group.

Conclusions: Rivaroxaban was significantly more effective than enoxaparin for the prevention of VTE after TKR, with a similar safety profile. The oral, direct Factor Xa inhibitor rivaroxaban, given as a fixed, unmonitored dose, may have the potential to change clinical practice for thromboprophylaxis after TKR.

S. Gurdezi M. Raglan N. Mohan
Full Access

Recent changes in health care policy relating to pre hospital triage and closure of acute services in district general hospitals have placed unanticipated strains on financially challenged larger trusts in London. The financial implications for the presumed ‘designated’ regional trauma centre have previously not been scrutinised. Our study investigates how these changes and the resultant ‘out of area’ trauma has impacted on workload at our London teaching hospital and looks at the financial implications for the Trauma and Orthopaedics department.

A retrospective analysis of all attendances to the A& E department over a four month period (July – October) in 2006 was compared to a similar period in 2005. All admitted, major orthopaedic trauma cases bought in by ambulance or HEMS services were included. Review of case notes and phone interviews were used to ascertain how many of the incidents had occurred outside our region of referral.

An 83% increase in major trauma admissions was observed (32 cases in 2005, 53 cases in 2006; P value = 0.03). Of these cases, 27/32 and 46/53 could be assessed. Two patients in 2005 (7%) and twelve patients in 2006 (26%) were out of area (P value = 0.07). As these patients were bought in as ‘local’ cases, and not as regional referrals for treatment, the Trust was not reimbursed appropriately. Fiscal analysis of the out of area trauma cases was carried out to ascertain the shortfall incurred by the department.

I. Mcnamara D. Leivadiotou N. Cole J. Chitnavis
Full Access

Background: A common question asked by patients who have undergone knee arthroplasty is whether they will activate the security scanners at airports. This has become a greater issue for the patient in the post 9/11 era.

This study surveys our patients to determine their experiences at airport security, establishes the detectability of common orthopaedic implants in an airport security scanner

Materials and Methods: A survey of a single surgeon series of knee arthroplasty patients was conducted to ascertain the frequency with which they activated airport security scanners. Their experiences were documented and their preferences for identification were ascertained.

A volunteer with metal implants strapped on and patients with implants in-situ walked through a gate scanner at a UK airport. Also, standard operating procedures at UK airports were ascertained.

Results: 150 patients were surveyed. 61 male, 89 female with an average age of 71 years.

There were 111 total knee replacements (TKR), 20 unicompartmental knee replacements (UKR), 2 bilateral UKR replacements, 17 bilateral TKR.

Unlike previous studies from the U.K., virtually all patients with a TKR activated the gate scanner. Conversely, those with unicompartmental replacements did not.

Patients are concerned about this possibility but are not informed at time of surgery and do not know what the procedures are if their implant is detected.

The patient with the bilateral UKR did not set off the scanners where as the patient with the TKR did.

A variety of surprisingly large trauma implants escaped detection.

Conclusion: In contrast to previous work this study demonstrates that patients with TKR do activate the scanner, possibly due to heightened security. Other implants do to a variable extent. Patients are concerned about this possibility and should be made aware both of this and the further checks to which they will be exposed. Our survey demonstrated differences in how passengers with metal implants are screened by airport security around the World and particularly in the United States. In line with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) we propose the development of a more harmonised approach to screen international travellers.

V. Paliotta G. Martelli A. Tucciarone N. Alessandro L. Alessandro
Full Access

Background: Authors used a new bipolar sealer system (TissueLink Medical Inc., Dover, New Hampshire) for electrocoagulation in major orthopaedic surgery such as total hip and knee arthroplasty and spinal surgery. The bipolar sealer is an electrosurgical device which delivers radiofrequency energy to saline for haemostatic sealing and coagulation of soft tissue at the operative site providing haemostasis at much lower temperatures than conventional electrocautery (< 100°C).

Materials and Methods: Since October 2004 through June 2007 the authors conducted a randomized study on 800 patients – total hip or Knee arthroplasty or spinal surgery–to compare the clinical outcomes in two groups. In the study cohort the bipolar sealer device was used, in the matching group conventional electrocautery. Both cohorts were evaluated for intraoperative blood loss, transfusion rate, postoperative drainage, number of transfusions and haemoglobin levels. Patients with known coagulation and peripheral circulation disorders were excluded. No preoperative autologous blood donation was utilized.

Results: All patients recovered without complications and no re-operations became necessary in both groups. A significant reduction in post-operative and total blood loss (p=0.05 and p=0.02, respectively) occurred, as well as absence of tissue charring and smoke production in the bipolar sealer group. The mean decline in haemoglobin was significantly lower for the treatment group compared to the control group. The allogenic blood transfusion rates were extremely low in both groups (4.4% control vs. 0% treatment group). The mean volume of post-operative drainage was 451 milliliters (range, 1500 to 815 milliliters) for the standard electrocautery group and 256 milliliters (range, 0 to 743 milliliters) for the bipolar sealer group (p=0.002).

Discusssion and conclusion: Results suggest that use of this bipolar sealing device is at least as effective as standard cautery devices and may reduce blood loss, tissue damage and smoke production in major orthopaedic surgery without affecting outcome. Lesser bleeding results in faster recovery of the patient, better wound healing and lower complication rates

Mechanical prophylaxis with foot-pumps provides an interesting alternative to chemical agents in the prevention of thomboembolic disease following major orthopaedic surgery procedures. Recent studies have suggested that simultaneous use of graduated compression stockings (GCS) may hinder the pneumatic compression effect of foot pumps. The hypothesis of this prospective study was that the use of foot-pumps without GCS does not affect the efficacy of DVT prophylaxis, and improves patient compliance. 846 consecutive patients admitted at a single institution undergoing total hip (THR) or knee replacement (TKR) were included in the study. The A-V Impulse System® foot-pump units (Orthofix Vascular Novamedix, Andover, UK) was used in all patients. Forty-six patients discontinued the use of foot-pumps, leaving 400 patients who received foot-pumps in combination with GCS and 400 patients with foot pumps alone. Eleven patients of the stocking group (2.7%) and 9 patients of the no-stockings group (2.3%) developed postoperative symptomatic DVT (p=0.07). DVT was more frequent in TKR (10 of 364; 2.7%) than in THR (10 of 436; 2.3%). Non-fatal pulmonary embolism occurred in 4 patients out of 20 with symptomatic DVT, 2 each of the stockings and no stockings groups. The foot pump discontinuation rate of patients treated with stockings was 7%, versus 4% of patients treated without stockings (p< 0.05). In conclusion, management of patients with foot-pumps without GCS does not reduce efficacy of DVT prophylaxis after THR and TKR, and improves patient compliance.

Y. Matsuda Y. Ishii H. Noguchi M. Takeda K. Hirakawa I. Tatsumi
Full Access

Introduction: This study prospectively measured fifty consecutive patients who had the preoperative diagnosis of osteoarthritis undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA) to evaluate the change of the bone mineral density (BMD) of the calcaneus.

Materials & Methods: Broadband ultrasound attenuation through the calcaneus was measured to assess the BMD of patients. The BMD was measured preoperatively and 1 month (M), 3M, 6M, 1 year, and 2 years after TKA.

Results: The mean BUA at each stage was 47.1, 45.8, 46.7, 46.7, 47.8 and 53.1, respectively. During the first 6 months, the BUA declined inconsistently in most patients, but by 1 year, the BUA recovered to the initial BUA before surgery and by 2 years, the BUA increased than the initial BUA, although there ware not satisfactory different. Despite a predicted age-related loss of 4% during 2 years, 78% of the calcaneus on the operative side had BMD higher than preoperative levels and 85% had BMD that was within the expected 4% age-related loss.

Discussion: These results indicated that TKA might contribute to decrease the age-related BMD loss. The increase with TKA in patient mobility and the increased heel loading may be a mechanism whereby the calcaneus BMD increases.

Conclusion: It is very important for surgeons to recognize the objection beneficial effects of TKA in addition to pain relief.

Introduction: We examined the risk of blood transfusion in patients undergoing THA at 21 different orthopaedic departments in Denmark.

Material and Methods: Patients with primary THA (n=21,773) registered in the Danish Hip Arthroplasty Registry between 1999 and 2006 were identified. Data on use of blood transfusion was collected from the Danish Transfusion Data Base (DTDB). The outcome was defined as red blood cell transfusion (yes/no) within 7 days after surgery. Modified Poisson regression analyses were used to estimate the risk of red blood cells transfusion (RR) and a 95% confidence interval (CI) adjusting for possible confounding factors including patient related factors (age, gender, comorbidity and diagnosis for primary THA) and surgery related factors (type of anestesia, type of osiffication prophylaxis type of operation, duration of surgery, and duration of admission. The risk of blood transfusion for each department was compared with the general risk of blood transfusion for all departments.

Results: Overall, red blood cells transfusion was given to 8,162 of 21,773 patients (37%) (range between 16% and 64%, depending on department). After adjusting for different patient–and surgery-related factors, the adjusted RRs differed from 1.24 (95% CI, 2.07–3.43) to 0.52 (95% CI, 0.4–0.69) using all departments as reference. Coefficient of variation was 23%.

Conclusions: Substantial differences in the risk of red blood cells transfusion among THA patients were found when comparing a sample of Danish orthopaedic departments. The differences in use of transfusions appeared not to be explained by a range of patient – and surgery – related factors and may thus reflect true differences in transfusion practice.

C. Rud-Sørensen A. Pedersen S. Johnsen A. Riis S. Overgaard
Full Access

Introduction: We studied the survival of primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) in patients undergoing surgery because of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and compared our results to the survival of primary THA in patients undergoing surgery because of osteoarthritis (OA). Furthermore, we evaluated the effect of primary THA-survival in RA-patients concerning multiple confounders such as age, gender, comorbidity, and cemented/uncemented prosthesis.

Material and Methods: Using the Danish Hip Arthroplasty Register we gathered info concerning 1.302 primary THA’s in 1.106 RA-patients and 41.848 primary THA’s in 35.729 OA-patients. These patients underwent surgery from 1995 to 2004. Using the Cox regression model we estimated the relative risk (RR) for revision due to aseptic loosening, other reasons, and all reasons and adjusted for above mentioned confounders.

Results: The adjusted RR’s for cup-revision of primary THA’s in patients with RA (compared to OA) were 1.22 (aseptic loosening − 95% Confidence Interval (CI) 0.75–1.99), 0.90 (other causes for revision − 95% CI 0.61–1.32), and 1.00 (all revisions − 95% CI 0.74–1.35). For the stem the RR’s were 0.50 (aseptic loosening − 95% CI 0.25–0.99), 0.58 (other causes for revision − 95% CI 0.35–0.95), and 0.54 (all revisions − 95% CI 0.36–0.80). RR for all revisions (both cup and stem) was 0.83 (95% CI 0.64–1.09). The RAsubanalysis showed an increased RR (all revisions) for men compared to women (RR 2.60; 95% CI 1.19–5.66). No significant result concerning all revisions for age, comorbidity, and cemented/ uncemented prosthesis was found. The mean follow-up was 5,4 years for RA and 4,8 years for OA.

Conclusion: The survival of primary THA’s in RA could not be associated with any clearly overall increased risk of revision when compared to OA. However, male gender seems to be a risk factor for undergoing revision-THA in the RA-subgroup.

D. Rouleau D. Feldman S. Parent
Full Access

Object: Smoking is a negative prognostic factor in the outcome of some fractures. We evaluated whether smoking is associated with primary care quality and referral to orthopedic surgeons for an isolated injury.

Materials and Methods: We enrolled all new ambulatory cases with an isolated injury to an extremity referred to an orthopedic trauma clinic. Data were analyzed concerning: type of trauma, prior medical consultations, quality of initial management, patient characteristics and smoking status.

Results: Among 166 consecutive patients referred, 45 were smokers. Family income was under $30 000 for 44% of smokers compared to 27% for non-smokers (p< 0,05). Smokers were younger (43 y.o. vs 50 y.o.; p< 0,05) and used illegal drugs more often (16% vs 5%; p< 0,05). Smokers were more likely to have been injured at work while non -smokers reported their injury as a sport accident. Injury severity, type of injury and ethnic characteristics were not different. Smokers were twice as likely to receive an unacceptable immobilization for their injury than non-smokers (52% vs 25%; p< 0,05) and received inadequate walking aids (26% vs 9%;0< 0,05). Delay from first primary care consultation to orthopedic appointment was almost 2 times longer for smokers (93hrs vs 58hrs; p< 0,05).

Discussion and Conclusion: Injured smokers received a lower standard of care and had longer delays for orthopedic consultations. Primary care quality and efficiency were associated with smoking status, possibly due to medical bias or incorrect use of health service by patients. Relevance: Smoking is a risk factor for complications in orthopedic surgery. Our results suggest that biology may not be the only explanation.

P. Delgado A. Fuentes J. Abad J. de Felipe F. Forriol F. Lopez-Oliva
Full Access

Aim: Total Wrist fusion is the main procedure for treatment of postraumatic and degenerative wrist osteoarthritis. During the last decade, midcarpal fusion has become more and more popular as it preserves motion. The purpose of this study was to compare the functional and workers compensation results of both treatments on active workers.

Material and Methods: A prospective study to evaluate 77 patients (76 male and 1 female) who underwent wrist fusion, between 2002 to 2006, with an average of 28 months of follow-up (range, 12–58 months) were made. The mean age were 32 years (range, 25–48 years) and all patients were medium or high level workers with postraumatic and degenerative wrist osteoarthritis. The aethiology in 67% of the patients was SNAC wrist. Right hand was involved in 65% of the patients.

Thirty-eight patients were treated with scaphoid excision and 4-corner fusion using dorsal circular plate. Thirty-nine patients were treated with total wrist fusion using one single, dorsal, precontoured and tapered plate for osteosynthesis and third carpometacarpal joint (CMCJ-3) was included. All patients were immobilised in a cast for 4 weeks after surgery.

Postoperative complications, pain (visual analogue scale), clinical and functional outcome based on Green and O’Brien score, grip strength, X-ray evaluation, time to return to work and activity level were evaluated and compared.

Results: Consolidation was obtained in all cases at 10 weeks. Pain evaluation score was 19,2 (4-corner) and 13,8 (total fusion) on post-op time. The mean modified Mayo wrist score was 70,4 (4-corner) and 69 (total wrist). Average lost of pinch strength was 43% (4corner) and 21% (total fusion). 2 patients with 4-corner fusion required total wrist arthrodesis. Three cases who had a total wrist fusion, required implant removal.

The average time to return to work was 17 weeks (4-corner) and 16,2 weeks (total fusion). All patients return to work. Twelve percent of four-corner fusion and 72% of total wrist fusion return to the same work level with restrictions (until 33% of activity). Twenty-two percent of 4-corner fusion and 28% of total wrist fusion were unable to return to their previous activity level, performing lower intensity work activities. Overall satisfaction was high in both groups with 85% (4corner) and 93% (total fusion).

Conclusion: Both fusion techniques allows an effective stabilization, maintaining the bone stock and eliminate wrist pain with fast return to work.

Total wrist fusion had less surgical failures, better level of satisfaction, lesser lost of force than 4-corner fusion, with less potential for further deterioration with time. However, 4-corner fusion allows return to work with a similar activity level and preserve a functional range of motion in patients with high levels of activity.

Introduction: Venous thromboembolism is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in hospitalised patients and patients undergoing major orthopaedic surgery are at high risk from venous thromboembolism. Thromboprophylaxis, both mechanical and chemical, is commonly administrated to reduce fatality from thromboembolism after surgery. However, there is no convincing evidence in the literature demonstrating that routine chemothromboprophylaxis reduces death rates from pulmonary embolus. Furthermore, it is unclear from the literature which thromboprophylactic agent, if any, should be used.

Recent NICE guidelines have recommended that heparin should be routinely administered to patients under-going THR to prevent thromboembolism, although it is unclear from the existing evidence if heparin is the most effective. However, research has suggested that aspirin, which is a low cost prophylactic agent, is effective in preventing DVT and PE after orthopaedic surgery. The aim of this study was to determine the 90-day mortality rate after THR using aspirin as a prophylactic agent.

Patients and Methods: Between 2003–2006, 2,286 patients underwent primary THR and 372 patients underwent revision hip replacement (RHR). Routine chemothromboprophylaxis consisting of aspirin 75mg daily for 6 weeks. In addition all patients were treated with anti-thromboembolic stockings. 40mg of subcutaneous clexane, in lieu of aspirin, was given daily to all patients who had previously suffered from a pulmonary embolus or deep venous thrombosis. Patients who died within 90 days of surgery had their death certificates examined. Retrieval at 90 days with regard to death was 100%.


Primary THR

One patient (0.04%) died within 30 days of surgery and a further 3 (0.13%) died between day 30 and day 90, giving a total mortality at 90 days of 0.17% (4/2,286). One patient (0.04%) died from PE and the other 3 patients (0.13%) died from non-vascular causes.

Revision hip replacement

One patient (0.27%) died within 30 days of surgery and a further 1 patient (0.27%) died between day 30 and day 90, giving a total mortality at 90 days of 0.54% (2/367). Both patients died from non-vascular causes.

Discussion: This study found that the 30-day mortality rate for primary THR and RHR was 0.08% and the 90-day mortality rate was 0.23%. In this study, there was only one death from PE and no deaths from arterial complications. Therefore, although NICE guidelines suggest the use of heparin, this study found that routine aspirin administration is beneficial in protecting against early death after THR because of both thromboembolism and adverse arterial events.

K. Hirpara N. Quinn P. Sullivan M. O’sullivan
Full Access

Introduction: Flexor tendon repair in the hand often results in a poor functional outcome due to adhesion formation between the tendon repair and the surrounding tissues. The most effective method of minimizing adhesions is immediate postoperative mobilization; however this results in an increased rate of repair failure. Many suture techniques have been developed that increase the repair strength at the expense of increased complexity, requiring a high level of skill, excessive handling of the tendon and wide exposure.

Aim: To develop an intra-tendinous device for repair of the flexor tendons of the hand that is quick to perform and provides a tendon repair equivalent in strength to commonly used suture techniques.

Materials and Methods: A device was designed and machined out of Shape Memory Alloy (NiTiNOL) with barbs facing in opposite directions, such that when introduced into tendon substance the barbs hold the tendon ends opposed. The device is drawn into the tendon ends using a length of suture and requires only one passage of the needle in each free tendon end.

80 porcine deep flexor tendons were harvested from adult porcine forelimbs and randomized into four groups of twenty tendons. Three groups were repaired using either a two, four or six strand repair, and the remaining group was repaired with the new device. Half of each group was repaired using a core technique alone; the remainders were supplemented with a Silfverskiöld Peripheral Cross Stitch.

The repairs were pre-loaded to 1N in a Zwick Linear Tensiometer, with subsequent distraction to failure at 10mm/min. When preloaded the tendon dimensions were measured at the repair site as well as above and below in order to assess repair site bulk. During loading the Force to Produce 3mm Gap (FPG) was recorded as was the Ultimate Strength (US) following failure.

Statistical Methods: Data was illustrated diagrammatically using box and whisker plots in order to aid comparison of the new device to the traditional suture techniques. The data was also analyzed using one-way ANOVA.

Results: The three traditional suture techniques showed a significant increase in FPG and US with increasing numbers of strands for both core repairs alone and those with supplemental peripheral repair.

The FPG of the new device was superior to the Cruciate when used alone and was equivalent to the Savage when augmented with a peripheral repair. The US of the new device was superior to the Cruciate both with and without a peripheral repair.

Conclusion: We present a new device for flexor tendon repair which is very simple to use, yet performs as well as traditional suture techniques.

We plan to continue development of the device to optimize its hold on the tendon. We also plan to perform cyclical testing in physiological conditions

Introduction: The aim of this study is to correlate the long-term functional outcome of the wrist joint to the establishment of radiological osteoarthritic disfigurements that develop after treating comminuted intrarticular fractures of the distal radial epiphysis with external fixation.

Materials and Methods: Forty patients (22 male and 18 female) aging between 19 and 72 y.o who suffered a comminuted intrarticular fracture of the distal radial epiphysis from 1996 to 2002 and were treated with external fixation. The follow up started in 1996 and ended in 2007 (m.t 8 years). The fracture pattern was classified according to the Melone classification, the osteoarthritis stage according to the radiological findings and the functional outcome according to PRWE and UEFS forms.

Results: From 40 overall patients, twenty seven (67,5%) were classified as Melone II fracture pattern, nine (22,5%) as Melone III and four (10%) as Melone IV. In addition, 15% (6 pts) developed stage I osteoarthritic disfigurements, 45% (18 pts) stage II, 25% (10 pts) stage III and 15% (6 pts) stage IV. It’s quite remarkable the fact that among the patients with Melone II fracture pattern, 22,2% developed stage I osteoarthritis, 55,5% stage II and 11,1% stage III and IV respectively. The patients with Melone III fracture pattern developed stage II, III and IV osteoarthritis in a percentage of 33,33%. All the patients with Melone IV fracture pattern developed stage III osteoarthritis. The PRWE wrist evaluation form showed that 77,5% of the patients scored equal or less than 10/150 and 22,5% between 11/150 and 30/150. The UEFS wrist evaluation form showed similar results with 62,5% score of 8/80 and 27,5% score between 9/80 and 14/80. As final result, it seems that the development of osteoarthritis does not affect the functional outcome of the wrist in 95% of the patients whereas the rest 5% experienced minor or moderate wrist joint impairment.

Discussion and Conclusions: Fractures that are either unstable and/or involve the articular surfaces can jeopardize the integrity of the articular congruence and/or the kinematics of these articulations. However, the limitation of external fixation to achieve articular congruity in the comminuted intra-articular fractures of the distal radius has been documented in the literature. The fracture pattern, the degree of displacement, the stability of the fracture and the age and physical demands of the patient determine the best treatment option.

In addition, it seems that the radiological findings do not walk along with the clinical features and the wrist functionality in a major percentage. Our results indicate the importance of anatomical reduction and especially the restoration of radial length in order to obtain good functional future outcome.

Aim: Subtle intra-articular screw penetration of the distal radius during fracture fixation is difficult to determine using standard PA and lateral radiographs. The purpose of our study was to determine which radiographs most reliably identify penetration into the joint.

Methods: A distal volar locking plate was applied to an isolated cadaveric radius bone and a series of plain radiographs taken. The radius, fixed along its long axis, was allowed to rotate through 180 degrees and inclined, in increments, to 40 degrees. In the control group the distal screws did not breach the articular surface. In the study group the screws penetrated the articular surface by 1mm. In each group 65 plain radiographs were taken and the presence or absence of screw penetration scored by two blinded observers.

Results: Using Weighted Kappa analysis the overall inter-observer agreement for all views was 0.5 (CI 0.39 –0.63). However in 7 radiographs there was complete inter-observer agreement correctly identifying screw penetration of the articular surface. The articular surface was correctly identified as intact in 13 views. Only a 75 degrees pronated view, without inclination, was 100% sensitive and specific for identifying the absence or presence of screw penetration through the articular surface.

Conclusion: The intra-operative use of a 75 degrees pronated view may reduce the need for repeated use of the image intensifier and excessive irradiation during plate fixation of distal radius fractures.

Aim: The carpal bone arrangement can be described as a matrix of two rows and three columns. There a various theories as to how the bones within the matrix move during ulna to radial deviation. One theory suggests that there are two types of wrist movement, namely Row & Column1.

The aim of this study was to investigation how the rotational axis of the wrist moves as the hand goes from full ulna to full radial deviation.

Materials and Methods: Ulna to radial deviation was assessed in 50 normal wrists in 25 normal subjects aged 19 to 57. Movement was measured with a Polhemus Fastrak (TM) magnetic tracking system. The system has translational and rotational measurement accuracies of 1 mm and 1 degree respectively. Subjects placed their palms on a flat wooded stool and had movement sensors attached over their 3rd metcarpal and distal radius. These sensors then recorded movement as the hand moved from full ulna to full radial deviation.

Results: The mean range of movement was 45 degrees (SD 7). In full ulna deviation the wrist rotational axis was in the region of the lunate. As the hand moved towards radial deviation, the axis moved distally. At the end of the movement the mean distal displacement was 21 mm (SD 15). In 32 wrists the distal displacement was accompanied by mean displacement towards the ulna of 12 mm (SD 8). In 18 wrists the distal displacement was accompanied by a mean displacement towards the radius of 8 mm (SD 5).

Conclusion: The rotational axis position indicates how the wrist is moving during radial deviation. In early movement, when the axis is proximal, there is a high degree of sideways translation. In later movement, when the axis is distal, there is more rotational movement. In some cases the axis moved distally and toward the radius, whereas in other cases it moved distally and toward the ulna. This spectrum of movement may support the theory of 2 types of carpal movement. i.e. Column movers and row movers1.

Introduction: We report on our experience of using a vascularised bone graft harvested from the volar face of the radius in the treatment of Kienböck’s disease, with an average follow up of 79 months and a minimum of 5 years.

Materials: We treated 22 patients with Kienböck’s disease. There were 8 women and 14 men whose average age was 31.4 years old (range 18–63 years). Pain was always present and incapacitating in 19 cases. All patients underwent pre-operative tomodensitometry and an MRI, based on LICHTMAN’s classification there were 8 stage II, 10 stage IIIA and 4 stage IIIB.

Methods: The volar carpal artery of the carpus originates from the radial artery and vascularises medial part of the radial epiphysis. Using the same anterior surgical approach it was possible to harvest the pedicled bone graft from this artery and to place it into the lunate for revascularisation. Shortening of the radius was carried out in all cases, as was immobilisation until union of the radius.

Results: Our average follow up is 79 months (range 60–138 months). Pain disappeared completely in 20 cases, and was moderate and tolerable in 2 cases. The average active range of motion was higher than 71°. The average period for return to work was 3.5 months. Post-operative MRI at an average of more than 8 months showed 16 complete revascularisations of the lunate, 5 stabilizations of lesions and one failure which necessitated secondary palliative treatment. There were 4 delayed unions of the radius and one Südeck’s dystrophy. There was a clear correlation between the stage of Kienböck’s disease and the final outcome of surgery.

Discussion: The use of a vascularised bone graft harvested from the anterior face of the radius for the revascularisation of the lunate associated with shortening of the radius has given encouraging results. A longer-term study is necessary.

E. Ntouvali S. Deftereos T. Filippidis M. Sideris G. Panagopoulos A. Papalois P. Kinnas
Full Access

Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the results of end-to-side neurorraphy of the common peroneal nerve (CPN) to the tibial nerve (TN) in rats, after administration of bFGF or NGF. Materials: Five (5) groups of adult male Wistar rats, each comprising 25 animals, were studied:

End-to-side neurorraphy (4 groups) Group A bFGF (20ng) Group B NGF (25ng) Group C (normal saline) Group X [bFGF (20ng) + NGF (25ng)]

Negative control group (G) Animal keeping was conform to standard conditions set by the NIH (appropriate cages for housing; standard rat chow and water ad libitum; 12h – light/darkness exposure).

All experimental procedures were performed under the supervision of a veterinarian and were prospectively approved by the Animal Experimental Ethics Committee.

Methods: In groups A, B and X, the CPN was sharply divided at a distance of 7mm distal to its origin from the rat sciatic nerve; the proximal CPN stump was then sutured into the thigh muscles, whereas the distal CPN stump was sutured terminolaterally to the ipsilateral TN. Sub sequently, a total volume of fifty microliters (50μl) of the corresponding solution of growth factor(s) was administered in each case beneath the epineurium, proximal to the CPN/TN coaptation site, with the aid of a microsyringe. The same surgical procedure was carried out in group C (positive control group), as well, but an equal volume (i.e. 50μl) of normal saline was administered instead. Finally, in each of the animals of the remaining group G, both the proximal and the distal stump of the CPN were carefully sutured into the neighbouring muscles; hence, the latter would constitute a negative control group, thanks to the resulting atrophy of the CPN – innervated musculature. All surgical procedures took place with the animals under dissociative anaesthesia and were performed under sterile conditions, using the operating microscope and applying microsurgical techniques. In each case, the right CPN was operated upon; the contralateral (left) CPN remained intact, thus serving as control. Euthanasia was achieved by means of intracardiac administration of high – dose sodium pentobarbital.

Results: The evaluation of the outcome four (4) months postoperatively was based on clinical examination, walking-track analysis, electromyographic and histomorphometric studies. Our data indicate that the administration of the growth factors under investigation has a favorable effect on the outcome of CPN repair; the administration of bFGF, in particular, seems to improve the results of terminolateral neurorraphy in the time span studied.

Conclusions: In rats, CPN repair via end-to-side neurorraphy to the TN can be enhanced by the administration of bFGF or NGF.

T. Aulakh J. Kuiper E. Robinson J. Richardson
Full Access

Introduction: Hip resurfacing is a renaissance of metal on metal hip arthroplasty. It preserves bone stock and a large head allows greater range of motion. This new technique is gaining popularity among patients and surgeons alike. We present a nine year follow up in the context of survival, function and complications.

Methods: We analysed follow up data of 4778 patients who have had hip resurfacing using Birmingham Hip resurfacing (Smith & Nephew, UK) in 37 countries. Patients were followed up annually using Oswestry hip score and any revisions were updated on the database at the Oswestry Outcome Centre. Function was analysed using multilevel modelling and Kaplan-Meier method used for survival analysis.

Results: There were 3193 males and 1585 females operated by 138 surgeons in 37 countries. The mean age was 52.8 years (13 – 87.8). Using hierarchical regression the annual hip scores were analysed. Overall function was significantly affected by pre op score and gender (p< 0.01). Age at operation had no effect on outcome score (p =.462).

We observed similar effect in individual domains of pain, mobility and range of motion. Survival of the implant at nine years with revision due to any reason was 93.5%. We observed a significant difference in survival of procedures done by pioneer surgeons and by non pioneering surgeons (p < 0.01) (log rank test). There were 119 complications of which there were 30 fractures, 21 occurring within the first six months of operation.

Conclusion: Nine year results of hip resurfacing arthroplasty look promising and are comparable to traditional hip arthroplasty. The difference between two surgeon groups could be due to a learning curve in the technique. Further follow up would be necessary to ascertain the long-term clinical effectiveness of this technique.

Objective: The main treatment for unstable distal radius fracture in Québec consists in pinning and cast, with secondary shortening and displacement responsible for lack of motion. The goal of the study is to compare clinical and radiological results after treatment with non-bridging external fixator compared to pinning and cast, with restoration of grip strength as main clinical outcome.

Method: Between June 2003 and June 2005, 120 consecutive patients admitted for unstable extra-articular distal radius fracture were randomized in the 2 groups. Early mobilisation was allowed in the group with external fixator, and patients in the other group had pins and cast for 6 weeks. Follow-up was completed after 6 months with determination of clinical and radiological data for the both wrists.

110 patients completed the study, with 2 comparative groups for epidemiologic and radiological criteria (n = 63 for pins and 57 for external fixator).

Results: Grip strength was significantly better in the fixator group at 3 months (68,36%;p< 0,001) and 6 months (98,26%;p< 0,001). Active ROM was better and obtained earlier in the fixator group in all directions (p< 0,001). Fixator prevent shortening and secondary displacement in a highly significant way (p< 0,001). No difference in pain medication, but fixator group could begin occupation earlier (p< 0,001).

Conclusion: Non-bridging external fixator is a treatment of choice for unstable extra-articular distal radius fractures. The immediate stability allows in all patients (without influence of age, bone quality or fracture displacement) early mobilisation, prevent secondary displacement, and gives earlier and better functional results.

J. Ong J. Chan G. Avalos P. Regan J. Mccann A. Groake J. Kelly
Full Access

Introduction: Patients can vary widely in their illness perceptions and subsequently, the manner in which they respond and adapt to health threats. A patient’s perception about his/her hand injury may explain their health behaviours such as adherence to post-operative therapy, coping, emotional response and eventual clinical outcome.

Aims: To examine illness beliefs in patients with hand injuries in the acute trauma setting.

Methods: The disability and severity of injury were determined using the DASH questionnaire and HISS score. The revised Illness Perception Questionnaire(IPQR) was used to explore the patient’s illness perception.

Results: Fifty seven patients were recruited. There was no correlation between the DASH and HISS scores, or their correlation with the different components of the IPQ-R scores. The cohort was optimistic about their treatment and duration of recovery. There was some evidence to suggest that patients with more severe injury were over-optimistic about recovery. Beliefs of negative consequences, chronic, cyclical duration and low illness coherence were linked with negative emotional response. Female patients and dominant hand injuries reported higher subjective disability.

Conclusions: The lack of correlations suggests that illness perceptions were not influenced by the severity of the injury. Patients in this cohort were optimistic about recovery, particularly in those with more severe injury (over-optimistic). These findings suggest that there could be a role for psychological intervention in hand injury. Longitudinal research is needed to evaluate illness beliefs in hand injury during the post-operative period.

P. Aldinger A. Jung M. Thomsen V. Ewerbeck D. Parsch
Full Access

Introduction: THA in young and active patients remains a major challenge. Uncemented femoral components have been advocated in young patients, but there are only few reports with more than 10 years follow-up.

Materials and Methods: We followed the first 153 consecutive implantations of an uncemented, straight femoral stem (CLS, Zimmer Inc, Warsaw, USA) in 141 patients. Mean time of follow-up evaluation was 17 years (range, 15–20 years), mean age at surgery was 47 years (23–55).

Results: At follow-up, 20 patients (20 hips) had died, and 7 (7 hips) were lost to follow-up. 10 patients (10 hips) underwent femoral revision–1 for infection, 4 for periprosthetic fracture, and 5 for aseptic loosening of the stem. Overall survival was 91% at 17 years (95%-confidence limits, 88%-94%), survival with femoral revision for aseptic loosening as an end point was 95% (95%-confidence limits, 93%–98%). The mean Harris-Hip-Score at follow-up evaluation was 84 points. 116 hips were available for radiolographic evaluation. Radiolucent lines (< 2mm) in Gruen zones 1 and 7 were present in 12,9% (15 hips) and 13,8% (16 hips), respectively. Radiolucencies in zones 2–6 were found in 0,9% (1 hip) – 2,6% (3 hips) on ap x-rays. Only one case of distal osteolysis was found after a previous Wagner resurfacing. No case of severe femoral osteolysis was found at follow-up.

Conclusions: The long-term results with this type of uncemented femoral component are encouraging and compare favorably with those achieved in primary cemented total hip arthroplasty in this group of young and active patients.

Introduction: Operative treatment of secondary osteoarthritis due to congenital hip disease (CHD) in adults presents a challenging issue. Various classifications have been proposed for congenital hip disease in search for the best treatment option. Aim of this prospective study is to find measurements important in preoperative planning and their correlation with postoperative results.

Materials and Methods: We have included 64 patients (70 hips) with CHD consecutively scheduled for operation. Preoperatively congenital hip disease was classified according to Crowe, Hartofilakidis and Eftekhar and center of rotation was determined using Ranawat’s method. Distance between ideal and actual center rotation was measured. Further, distance between medial acetabular wall and medial pelvic rim (medial bone bulk) in the line of ideal center of rotation was measured. Another measurement was distance between ideal acetabular roof point and medial pelvic rim. On the postoperative radiographs centre of the femoral head was recorded.

Correlation between Crowe, Hartofilakidis and Eftekhar classifications with distance between ideal and postoperative center rotation and medial bone bulk were calculated using Pearson correlation. Correlation was also analyzed using information about distance between ideal acetabular roof point and medial pelvic rim.

Results: Data analysis showed that there is the strongest connection between degree of CHD determined using Eftaker classification and distance between ideal and actual rotation center (r=0.417, p=0.011). Crowe and Hartofilakidis classifications also shows statistically significant connection, however not that strong (r= 0.384, p=0.021 for Crowe and r=0.373, p=0.025 for Hartofilakidis). Eftaker classification shows the strongest correlation with medial bone bulk r=0.425, a p=0.010. Similar is Crowe classification (r=0.341, p=0.042), while there is no statistically significant correlation with Hartofilakidis classification. Results also shows that when there is higher degree of congenital hip disease there is thinner bone bulk in line of ideal acetabular roof (for Crowe r= −0.360, p=0.031, for Hartofilakidis r= −0.354, p=0.34).

Conclusion: Results show that severity of dysplasia according to Crowe, Hartofilakidis and Eftekhar correlates with postoperative position of rotation center. Eftekhar classification gives the best insight to how much medial bone bulk is available. For bone bulk on the acetabular roof predictions can be made using both Crowe and Hartofilakidis system. However, one classification still does not provide with all information we found important for correct endoprothesis placement in relation to center of rotation especially about acetabular depth, and bone mass on the medial acetabular wall and acetabular roof.

T. Aulakh E. Robinson J. Richardson
Full Access

Introduction: Total hip replacement in one of the most commonly performed operation in orthopaedics in the UK with similar numbers being operated in other parts of the world (2). The main reasons for this magnitude are marked improvement in function and the quality of life. The hip prosthesis has evolved significantly over half a century and better prostheses are available today. These newer implants are required to have a survival of 90% for a minimum of 10 years. The improved survival of the implant tends to have effect on the quality of life as well as the life expectancy. There has been a continuous attempt to quantify this increased life expectancy and survival following total hip arthroplasty.

Materials and Methods: We compared the mortality figures of 3947 patients who had hip resurfacing arthroplasty with the national mortality figures of the UK. The cause of death was determined by telephone call to the next of kin and from the national death register.

Results: The average standardized mortality ratio of hip resurfacing patients compared to national figures over the nine year period was 0.524(99 percent C.I. 0.39 to 0.69). Individual SMR for each year is shown in Table. The number of observed deaths were 86 as compared to the expected deaths number 164. Out of the total 86 deaths over a nine year period, 36 deaths were due to cancer, 25 due to cardiovascular causes, eight due to respiratory conditions, four following accidents and 13 due to other causes such as suicide, old age. In the cancer group 7 patients died of lung cancer and 8 died of blood cell neoplasms. National figures for year 2007 were not yet compiled so SIR for cancer was not calculated.

Conclusion: The results of this study are comparable to other follow up studies on mortality following total hip replacement. This indicates that increased activity following hip resurfacing may help the patients maintain better fitness.

The incidence of cancer needs to be interpreted with caution and can only be ascertained by a prospective study.

Background: The Rangeuil orthopaedics surgical team has developed a special installation using a rigid corset for the combine Kocher Languenbeck and ilioinguinal surgical treatment of complex acetabular fractures. The purpose of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the results of 53 complex acetabular fractures treated by open reduction and internal fixation with a combined double approach facilitated by this particular operative installation.

Methods: A retrospective review of the cases was performed. The functional outcome, operative times, blood loss were recorded. Pre-operative, post-operative and last follow-up radiographs were assessed for fracture classification and adequacy of reduction. The development of heterotopic ossification, the presence of infection, avascular necrosis and post-traumatic osteoarthritis were also noted.

Results: The mean follow-up was 5.2 years. The clinical outcome at the time of final follow-up was graded as excellent in 16 patients, good in 22, fair in 7 and poor in 8 The reduction of the fracture, as determined with plain radiography, was graded as anatomic in 32 patients, unperfect in 15 and unsatisfactory in 6. Bony union was achieved in all cases. 6 patients had Brooker 3 or 4 heterotopic ossifications. 9 patients developed osteoarthritis. 4 patients developed avascular necrosis. An arthroplasty was necessary for 10 patients. 3 patients had a delayed wound infection.

Conclusions: The combined simultaneous approach remains a reliable surgical solution in selected complex acetabular fractures. The installation using the corset we developed considerably simplifies the operation and access to the operated site.

Metal-on-metal articulations are increasingly used in THR. Hypersensitivity reactions to the metal ions can occur. The symptoms and signs are similar to a patient presenting with an infected prosthesis. Correct diagnosis before revision surgery is crucial to implant selection and operation planning. We present a practical approach to this diagnostic problem.

The history, clinical findings, hip scores, radiology, serum metal ions, ESR, C-RP, hip arthroscopy and aspirate results, synovial fluid metal ion levels, labelled white cell/colloid scan, 99m-technetium scan, revision hip findings and histology of a typical patient who had an allergic response to a metal-on-metal hip articulation are presented, and how the findings differ from a patient with an infected implant. Clinical examination, hip scores and serum metal ion levels were repeated one year after revision of the metal-on-metal hip articulation to a ceramic-on-ceramic.

In hypersensitivity, the periarticular tissues undergo lymphocyte-dominated infiltration, the histology differs from that found in infection. The white cell labelled/colloid scan also uses this difference for diagnosis. Hip aspiration is the single best investigation for infection.

Conclusion: There is no single investigation available in most hospitals that will reliably differentiate infection from allergy in the painful THR. Hip aspiration, labelled white cell/colloid scan and histology obtained from hip arthroscopy biopsy are the most useful investigations.

L. Biant W. Bruce J. Assini P. Walker W. Walsh
Full Access

Intro: Anatomical abnormality associated with severe developmental dysplasia of the hip presents technical difficulties at THR. Patients often present at a younger age and may have had previous surgery.

We report the difficulties encountered during surgery, and the long term results of patients who had Crowe 3 or 4 DDH and a technically difficult primary hip arthroplasty using the modular S-ROM stem.

Method: 28 patients were entered into the prospective trial. The average age of the patient at surgery was 45 (range 23–74 years). All patients underwent surgery by the senior author using the S-ROM femoral stem. They were followed up for an average of 10 years (range 5–16 years), clinical scores recorded by a clinician other than the surgeon and radiographs were examined by an independent radiologist.

Results: 21 patients required a significant autologous bone graft, one patient had a large allograft and six patients required femoral shortening at the time of their THR.

4 patients had a technical complication during surgery. The average pre-op Harris Hip Score was 37, at 5 years it was 83, and at 10 years 81. The SF12 measure of physical and mental wellbeing was 43.90 physical/54.48 mental at 5 years, and 41.64 physical/54.03 mental at 10 years. The WOMAC average score (the lower the score the better the outcome) was 27 at 5 years and 23 at 10 years.

None of the S-ROM stems had been revised, 2 hips had undergone acetabular revision and one hip had a liner exchange. None of the S-ROM stems were loose at latest follow-up. Four hips had osteolysis in Gruen zone 1, one hip had osteolysis in zone 7, and one hip had osteolysis in zone 1 and 7. There was no evidence of osteolysis around or distal to the sleeve.

Conclusion: The S-ROM stem used in primary THR shows excellent results at 10 years in patients with anatomical abnormality related to severe DDH.

S-ROM stem/sleeve modularity allows femoral component anteversion independent of the position of best fit in the proximal femur, and helps overcome the technical difficulty in these patients.

T. Aulakh E. Robinson J. Richardson
Full Access

Objective: Assessment of hip function is done by surgeon and few patient based tools. These patient assessed scores do not measure range of motion. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons has outlined pain, mobility and range of motion as three fundamental aspects of joint assessment. We aimed to validate Oswestry hip score which was developed as a patient-completed self-assessment to provide both Harris hip score and Merle d’Aubigne hip score with added content to estimate hip range of motion.

Methods: 144 patients completed the Oswestry hip score, WOMAC Index and the Oxford hip score at two different occasions. The patients were seen two weeks later and filled the Oswestry hip score and a surgeon filled the Harris hip score. The study included 80 females and 64 males with a mean age of 62 years range (32–91). We assessed the reliability, validity and responsiveness of this new tool by comparing the individual domains of the Oswestry hip score to similar domains of the WOMAC, Harris hip score and Oxford hip score.

Results: The reliability of this new score was established by the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient. Internal consistency was measured by Cronbach’s alpha. The Cronbach’s alpha was 0.7, which is considered a good measure of internal consistency. Content validity of the Oswestry hip score was established by the validated domains of pain, function and range of motion of the Harris hip score. Analysis of frequency of response distribution showed normal floor and ceiling effect for any of the domains of the Oswestry hip score. Multi-method multitrait matrix analysis was used to establish the construct validity of the Oswestry hip score. There was good correlation between pain and function domains (p< 0.001). Moderate correlation was found among clinical assessment of hip movement and movement domains of Oswestry hip score (Pearson’s r=0.55; p0.001). The responsiveness of the Oswestry hip score was measured with Cohen’s effect size. An effect size of > 0.8 is considered large. The mean effect size was 2.06 (1.36–2.97).

Conclusion: A positive construct validity and high correlation with WOMAC, Oxford Hip Score and Harris hip score shows that the Oswestry hip score can give an adequate measure of hip joint function. An effect size of 2.0 shows good responsiveness of the Oswestry hip score. The Oswestry hip score can be completed by patients themselves and is therefore ideal for long-term and large scale collection of clinical outcome data.

C. Bragdon M. Greene D. Goldvasser A. Freiberg H. Malchau
Full Access

Introduction: Electron beam irradiated highly cros-slinked polyethylene has been used in total hip arthroplasty for over 8 years. Due to its low wear characteristics, the use of femoral heads that are greater than 32mm in diameter is now available, allowing for an increase in range of motion and increased stability against dislocation when necessary. The purpose of this study is to provide a summary report on the radiographic analysis of the longest term data available on primary THR patients receiving highly cross-linked polyethylene and to compare the results of two methods of measuring femoral head penetration.

Methods: Three prospective clinical studies involving electron beam irradiated highly cross-linked polyethylene have been initiated at our center. To date, the results of: 200 hips with a minimum of 6 year follow-up with conventional sized femoral heads (primarily 28 and 32mm); 45 hips with minimum 5 year follow-up with larger sized femoral heads (primarily 36 and 38mm); and 30 hips with 5 year follow-up enrolled in a Radiostereometric analysis (RSA) study (15 patients with 28mm and 15 patients with 36mm diameter femoral heads); were available for this summary report. Data from patient administered questionnaires (Harris Hip score, UCLA activity score, and WOMAC), radiographic review, and wear analysis using RSA or the Martell Hip Analysis Suite™. In addition, for comparative purposes, wear was measured in a subset of patients using the Devane Polyware™ program.

Results: All hips had good clinical outcome at longest follow-up regardless of which femoral head size was used. There were no revisions due to polyethylene wear and no evidence of peri-prosthetic osteolysis. In general, after the bedding in period, there was no significant increase in femoral head penetration regardless of head size.

For RSA, the wear rate for the 28mm femoral head group was 0.05±0.02 while the 36mm femoral head group was 0.03±0.02, p=0.13.

For the Martell analysis, the average steady-state wear rate was −0.002 ± 0.01 mm per year and −0.026 ± 0.13 mm per year for 28mm and 32mm head sizes, respectively, p=0.62. There was no correlation between wear and time in situ or femoral head size for any of the clinical studies.

In comparing the Martell and Devane programs, the total average wear rates were significantly different, 0.07±0.05 and 0.03±0.06mm/year respectively, p=0.01. However, when the absolute values of the Martell results were used, there was no difference, p=0.22.

Conclusion: The mid-term follow-up of a large group of primary THR patients receiving highly cross-linked polyethylene components have shown no problems related to the new bearing material. Extremely low wear and lack of peri-prosthetic osteolysis are encouraging results requiring further long-term study.

In 2006 the standard prosthesis for hip hemiarthroplasty in our unit was changed from the traditional Thompson prosthesis used for over 20 years to the monobloc Exeter Trauma Stem (ETS). The principle anticipated advantages were ease of stem implantation, improvement of orientation positioning and a consistency with modern proven femoral THR stem design.

All patients selected for hemiarthroplasty replacement for a displaced subcapital fracture of the hip were eligible for inclusion. Failed previous surgical cases were excluded.

The last 100 Thompson’s prostheses used before and the first 100 Exeter Trauma Stems undertaken after the changeover date were studied. Outcomes measured included surgical complications including infection, dislocation, fracture, necessity to ream etc. and technical adequacy of implant positioning based upon post-operative radiographs. Surgeon grade was recorded. There were no changes in surgical personnel.

206 consecutive patients were included in the study (age range 76–96); 67 men and 139 women. Data were collected prospectively as part of a comprehensive hip fracture audit.

Initial results show that the rate of surgical complications is similar in both prosthesis groups. Radiographs demonstrate the presence of a learning curve in the use of the new prosthesis. On six occasions after December 2006 the Thompson prosthesis was used – this was due to unavailability of ETS prosthesis or where a very large femoral head (56mm) was required.

The introduction of the ETS for hip hemiarthroplasty was successful. Initial conversion problems involved maintaining sufficient stock of the most commonly used size of prosthesis. Advantages were a low dislocation rate despite the greater potential for erroneous implant version and a reduction in the amount of femoral preparation required including reaming. Limitations of this study are the lack functional outcome and long term survivorship analysis.

R. Bitsch T. Loidolt M. Lürssen S. Jäger C. Heisel T. Schmalzried
Full Access

Introduction: In recent retrieval studies over-penetration of cement, incomplete seating of the prosthesis with a resultant polar cement mass, or both, have been associated with femoral failures of current generation resurfacing arthroplasties. We developed a laboratory model to analyze differences in cement penetration, cement pressures and interface temperatures for hip resurfacing arthroplasty.

Materials and Methods: A carbon foam was demonstrated to closely simulate human femoral heads. Custom aluminum shells were made by DePuy with the same inner geometry as the femoral resurfacing components. (ASR™ system, Size 49, DePuy; Leeds, England).

Analyses of six different cementing techniques (cemtech) were performed using high viscosity (HVC) (Smart Set GHV, DePuy, Blackpool, England) and low viscosity cement (LVC) (Endurance, DePuy, Blackpool, England):

Manual application HVC

¼filling of the component with LVC and manual appl.

¼filling HVC and manual appl.

½filling LVC

½filling HVC

Complete filling with LVC

A force of 150N was used to press five shells in each cemtech group on foam specimens. During seating cement pressures and polymerization heat 5 mm under the foam surface were measured.

Specimens were cut into quarters, surfaces were digitalized and cement penetration areas and depths were quantified using a pixel-analysis-software. The effects of the cemtech were examined by Kruscal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney-U-tests (two-sided, p-value< 0.05, SPSS)

Results: The mean cement pressures increased going from cemtech A to E. HVC cemtech C and E showed higher pressures than the comparable LVC cemtech B and D.

Maximum temperatures were A) 36.0± 4.1°C, B) 45.0±5.7°C, C) 36.2±4.2°C, D) 53.5±2.5°C, E) 48.3±6.5°C and F) 53.2±12.6°C. D, E and F exceeded 50°C.

A provided even cement penetration over the available fixation area without involvement of the internal area and the stem. Cemtech that used LVC cement (B, D and F) showed higher interior area cement contents than HVC (A, E and C). The cement content in the interior area was A) 39.3±26.4mm2, B) 72.1±16.9mm2, C) 37.7±10.5mm2, D) 99.0±24.6mm2, E) 67.5±15.6mm2 and F) 121.0±29.0mm2.

A showed mainly complete seating with a cement mantle thickness of 0.5±0.7 mm. All other cemtech had incomplete seating in all specimens with significantly thicker polar cement mantles (p=0.032) up to a maximum of 4.6±1.2mm for E.

Discussion: Component filling cemtech and LVC resulted in variable degrees of over-penetration, exposure to high temperatures or a risk for incomplete seating, which have been associated with bone necrosis and early fracture. The use of the manual application and HVC cement showed clear advantages in our model. It was possible to utilize all of the available fixation area without negative effects.

Metal-metal hip resurfacing offers the advantage of conservation of femoral bone stock. In addition, the implant may offer enhanced resistance to dislocation in comparison with conventional total hip arthroplasty.

We present a series of 32 female patients with one to 4 year follow up (mean age 57 ranges 50–70 at time of surgery)

All patients required hip arthroplasty. Careful preoperative selection was carried out with particular attention paid to estimation of bone density. A standard resurfacing operation was carried out. Patients had pre and postoperative WOMAC and SF36 scoring. All patients were followed closely in the post operative period. No significant complications were noted at follow up.

In our study we have shown that given careful patient selection Birmingham hip resurfacing can be safe and reliable form of arthroplasty.

Aim: To prospectively compare the quantity of bone removed from the acetabulum in hip resurfacing arthroplasty and uncemented total hip replacements.

Methods: Sixty four patients were prospectively enrolled in the study. We compared 32 birmingham hip resurfacing acetabular components with 32 trident uncemented acetabular cups. To assess the pre-reaming size of the acetabulum, and to allow comparison between acetabular sizes, the size of the femoral head was assessed to the nearest millimetre intraoperatively with the use of a measuring calliper. The reamings from the acetabulum were collected. This bone was then dehydrated and defatted with five washes of acetone followed by five washes of diethyl ether. The bone was then placed in a furnace at 200 degrees Celsius until a consistent dry weight was achieved. The size of acetabular component used was recorded in all cases.

Results: The mean weight of bone removed from the acetubulum of the resurfacing group was 13.79 g. The corresponding mean weight of bone removed from the acetabulum of the total hip replacement group was 11.71g. Using a non-parametric analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to account for the covariate of acetabular size, regression analysis indicated no evidence of a difference between the mean bone weight removed in the two groups (p-value of 0.57).

Conclusions: Close attention to surgical technique in preparing the femoral head during resurfacing will allow the use of an appropriately small femoral component. If performed accurately this will avoid oversizing the acetabular component and removal of excess bone stock.

We developed a mathematical model of the pelvis to evaluate the influence of the pelvis movements on anteversion and inclination of an acetabular cup arbitrarily implanted with 10° of anteversion and 45° of abduction. Measurment were particularly focused on evaluating the influence of a −15 to 15 degrees pelvic rotation around the three space axes.

When considering the anteroposterior axis, the ranges of variation are almost 30° for abduction and 6° for anteversion. When considering vertical and mediolateral axes, the magnitude of variation is 30° for anteversion and 3° for abduction

We demonstrate a close relationship between acetabular cup anteversion and pelvic rotations in all planes. In contrast, acetabular cup abduction is mainly related to the rotation around the anteroposterior axis. The influence of the pelvic position on the evaluation of acetabular cup alignement requires very precise CT measurement protocols to make the evaluation accurate and reproductible.

Purpose of the study: Two principle angles describe the orientation of the acetabular reconstruction of hip arthroplsty: lateral inclination and anteversion. Lateal inclination is easily determined on the plain x-ray but the measurement of anteversion generally requires axial computed tomography (CT). The values measured for acetabular anteversion depend on the planes chosen as reference. Similarly the measurement of acetabular inclination using conventional radiographs is often considered imprecise due to the large number of variables involved. Several reference planes are described in the literature. The purpose of this work was to characterise the values obtained using two reference planes, the anterior pelvic plan (APP) used for navigation and the pelvic axis (proposed by other authors).

Materials and Methods: We used the Hip-Plane-Sympios® software to determine lateral inclination and anteversions using each reference plane. The APP was defined by three points: the anterosuperior border of the pubic symphysis, the anterior border of the two antero-superior iliac spines. The pelvic axis was defined by three points: the centre of the S1 plateau and the centres of the two femoral heads. A control reference plane (the plane of the CT table which corresponds to the conventional radiographic plane) was also used. Seventy-six patients scheduled for total hip arthroplasty for osteoarthritis were included in this protocol.

Results: Values measured for the APP were: mean acetabular inclination 52.5°± 4.1° (40–62°), mean acetabular anteversion 24.1°±5.8° (14–35°). Values measured for the pelvic axis were: mean acetabular inclination 47.6°± 4.5° (37–59°), mean acetabular anteversion 12.9°±7° (2–31°). In the plane of the CT table: mean acetabular inclination was 50.6°±4.2° (38–57°) and mean acetabular anteversion 20.2°±702° (1–40°). All of these values were significantly different from the others (p< 0.001). Use of the APP yields values higher than conventional values and those obtained using the pelvic axis, yet the distributions remained identical.

Discussion: The APP is used for total hip arthroplasty navigation systems. It is important to recognised that the angles measured in reference to this plane are greater than the classical radiographic values measured for acetabular inclination. The pelvic plane produces angles closer to the generally accepted anatomic values. Angles measured relative to the radiographic table are intermediary.

W. Dandachli A. Nakhla F. Iranpour V. Kannan A. Amis J. Cobb
Full Access

Acetabular centre positioning in the pelvis has a profound effect on hip joint function. The force–and moment-generating capacities of the hip muscles are highly sensitive to the location of the hip centre. We describe a novel 3D CT-based system that provides a scaled frame of reference (FOR) defining the hip centre coordinates in relation to easily identifiable pelvic anatomic landmarks. This FOR is more specific than the anterior pelvic plane (APP) alone, giving depth, height and width to the pelvis for both men and women under-going hip surgery.

CT scans of 22 normal hips were analysed. There were 14 female and 8 male hips. The APP was used as the basis of the coordinate system with the origin set at the right anterior superior iliac spine. After aligning the pelvis with the APP, the pelvic horizontal dimension (Dx) was defined as the distance between the most lateral points on the iliac crests, and its vertical dimension (Dy) was the distance between the highest point on the iliac wing and the lowest point on ischial tuberosity. The pelvic depth (Dz) was defined as the horizontal distance between the posterior superior iliac spine and the ipsilateral ASIS. The ratios of the hip centre’s x, y, and z coordinates to their corresponding pelvic dimensions (Cx/Dx, Cy/Dy, Cz,Dz) were calculated. The results were analysed for men and women.

For a given individual the hip centre coordinates can be derived from pelvic landmarks. We have found that the mean Cx/Dx measured 0.09 ± 0.02 (0.10 for males, 0.08 for females), Cy/Dy was 0.33 ± 0.02 (0.30 for males, 0.35 for females), and Cz/Dz was 0.37 ± 0.02 (0.39 for males and 0.36 for females). There was a statistically significant gender difference in Cy/Dy (p=0.0001) and Cz/Dz (p=0.03), but not in Cx/Dx (p=0.17). Anteversion for the male hips averaged 19° ± 3°, and for the female hips it was 26° ± 5°. Inclination measured 56° ± 1° for the males and 55° ± 4° for the females. Reliability testing showed a mean intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.95. Bland-Altman plots showed a good inter-observer agreement.

This method relies on a small number of anatomical points that are easily identifiable. The fairly constant relationship between the centre coordinates and pelvic dimensions allows derivation of the hip centre position from those dimensions. Even in this small group, it is apparent that there is a difference between the sexes in all three dimensions. Without the need for detailed imaging, the pelvic points allow the surgeon to scale the patient’s pelvis and thereby know within a few millimetres the ‘normal’ position of the acetabulum for both men and women. This knowledge may be of benefit when planning or undertaking reconstructive hip surgery especially in patients with hip dysplasia or bilateral hip disease where there is no reference available for planning the surgery.

Background: Total hip arthroplasty (THR) is a commonly performed procedure to treat displaced fractures of the femoral neck, either as a primary procedure, or as a secondary procedure after failed healing of internal fixation. Dislocation of the prosthesis remains as a problem, and controversies still exist regarding the optimal surgical approach and its influence on stability of the THR. The main issue is whether to use an anterolateral or a posterolateral surgical approach. Repair of the posterior soft tissue structures when performing a posterolateral approach has been proposed to increase the stability. Other factors such as age, gender, indication for surgery (primary, secondary), caput size and the experience of the surgeon may also influence the stability, but are not well documented.

Material and Methods: Between January 1 1999, and December 31 2005, 532 consecutive THR’s in 523 patients were performed at our institution as a primary, or a secondary, procedure after fracture of the femoral neck. The patients have been followed with a prospective 6 week questionnaire, and after that via the clinics journal database. Finally, thanks to the Swedish personal identification number, a search has been done in a national registry by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare. For all patients, all dislocations and related reoperations until December 31 2006, or death, were registered and analyzed. Logistic regression analyse was performed in order to evaluate factors associated with prosthetic dislocation. Age, gender, indication for surgery, the surgeon’s experience, caput size and surgical approach were tested as independent variables in the model.

Results: Dislocation of the THR occurred in 27 patients. In the multivariate regression analyze the posterolateral surgical approach performed without posterior repair was associated with a significant higher risk of dislocation compared with the anterolateral approach (OR 4.7, 95% CI 1.1–19.6). The 28 mm caput size was associated with a significant lower risk of dislocation compared with the 22 mm (OR 0.3, 95% CI 0.1–0.99). There was a strong, but not significant, trend of higher risk for dislocation with a posterolateral approach performed with posterior repair compared with the anterolateral approach (OR 3.3, 95% CI 0.9–11.4). Age, gender, indication for surgery or the experience of the surgeon did not affect the risk for dislocation.

Interpretations: We recommend the anterolateral surgical approach and 28 mm caput size for THR after femoral neck fracture.

We report the results of cementless total hip arthroplasty using the Bi-metric titanium femoral stem at a minimum follow up of 10 years and a mean of 12.2 years (range 10–17).

64 hips (43 male/21 female) were implanted consecutively into 54 patients between 1988 and 1995. The mean age at operation was 54.3 years (range 42–65). All patients had a Bi-metric uncemented stem (Biomet UK). The first 13 patients received a metal backed screw in acetabular cup (TTAP-ST, Biomet UK) with the remainder receiving metal backed pressfit cups (Universal, Biomet UK).

All patients were followed up annually and assessed using the Hip Society Score (HSS; max 40 points) to record pain, function and mobility. Survivorship was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method.

57 hips were followed up for a minimum of ten years. There were 4 deaths (6 hips) before completion of follow up and 1 patient was lost to follow up.

Using revision for any reason as the end point of the study; survivorship for the total hips at 10 years was 89.5% (95% confidence interval: 78.1–96.1%) with a mean Hip Society Score of 34.9 (range 20–40) compared to 14.5 (range 8–24) pre-operatively (p< 0.01 student t test).

Survivorship for the femoral stem in isolation was 100% at 10 years (95% CI 93.7–100%) and there continues to be no revisions to date at a mean follow up of 12.2 years.

The screw fix cup performed poorly with 3 acetabular revisions (including 1 liner change) before the 10 year follow up, a failure rate of 23.1%. There has sub-sequently been a further 4 acetabular revisions.

Ten year survivorship for the pressfit cup is 93.5% (95% CI 82.0–98.8%) with 3 revisions (including 2 liner changes) at ten years. There has subsequently been one further acetabular revision and 9 further liner changes (29.5% failure rate).

There have been no recorded infections and no instances of thigh pain.

Radiographs at ten years showed all the femoral stems were stable with no evidence of migration. Two stems had small radiolucent lines at the bone-implant interface but no signs of loosening. One stem had an area of osteolysis in Gruen zone 7 but didn’t require revision. Rates of osteolysis were extremely low given the large amounts of particulate debris in the hip from the worn acetabular liners.

In conclusion, although neither cup has proved to be particularly successful the Bi-metric stem has performed well at 10 year follow up and continues to do so. This is inspite of the fact they were implanted into a young and active group of patients.

Introduction: Minimally Invasive Hip surgery has been described using several different surgical techniques. These can be divided into two broad groups, those that utilise smaller incision version of a conventional approach (mini-posterior) and those that use a muscle-sparing technique (direct anterior). The muscle-sparing technique has been promoted as the only true Minimally-invasive Total Hip Replacement (MISTHR) as it intuitively appears more minimally invasive with less soft tissue disruption. We have therefore carried out a prospective analysis of 60 consecutive direct anterior MISTHRs case-matched to 60 mini-posterior MISTHRs.

Materials and Methods: We prospectively analysed 60 consecutive, direct anterior approach patients with case-matched mini-posterior approach patients. Functional outcome was assessed with the Visual Analogue Pain Score (VAS), Merle d’Aubigne Postel (MDP), the Oxford Hip (OHQ) and SF-36 questionnaires at 6 weeks and 6 months post-operatively. Peri-operative blood loss, length of surgery and length of stay were recorded.

Results: (table removed)

Conclusions: Our conclusions are that both approaches are safe, with low complication rates and offer excellent clinical outcomes. However, there is no significant difference between the two approaches justifying the more technically difficult, but muscle-sparing anterior approach.

A clinical and radiographic study was conducted on 97 total hip arthroplasties (79 patients) performed for congenital hip dislocation using three-dimensional custom cementless stem. The mean age was 48 years (17 to 72). The mean follow up was 123 months (83 to 182).

According to Crowe, there were 37 class 1, 28 class 2, 13 class 3 and 19 class 4. The average lengthening was 25 mm (5 to 58 mm), the mean femoral anteversion 38.6° (2° to 86°) and the correction in the prosthetic neck −23.6° (71° to 13°). The average Harris hip score improved from 58 to 93 points. Six hips (6.2%) required a revision. The survival rate was 97.7% ± 0.3% at 13 years.

Custom cementless stem allows anatomical reconstruction and good functional results in a young and active population with disturbed anatomy, while avoiding a femoral osteotomy.

Introduction: Less invasive hip arthroplasty has been promoted since 2002 but with few reports having follow-up data. Existing information is often from developer-surgeons, selecting patients and investigating only the immediate post-operative course. More complete and less biased information is needed.

Methods: This prospective series, 275 hips done consecutively beginning April 2003, by a single surgeon using the direct anterior approach first described by Robert Judet, is entirely unselected: 31% obese, 16% over 80, but 22% Charnley category A. Follow-up is at least 2 years. Standardized hip scores and radiographic measurements were obtained regularly.

Result: Nine re-operations (3.5%) were required: 2 infections (0.8%), 6 component failures (2%) and 2 superficial wound infections (1%). There were 3 dislocations (1.2%). Charnley Merle d’Aubigne, WOMAC and Harris Hip Scores improved significantly (p=0.001 for each) and component positioning was reproducible. Over 80% of these patients were discharged directly home after an average length of stay 2.2 days. Walking without assistance averaged 4 weeks; return to work 6 weeks. Surgical time and hospital stay decreased significantly during the time of study (p = 0.001 for each).

Discussion: Given the excellent result from conventional hip arthroplasty, a change in technique might, at best, slightly benefit most patients at the risk of greatly harming a few. This report suggests that the single incision direct anterior approach is applicable to all THA patients, early recovery is acceptable, and a reasonable learning curve exists; but early complications may be increased when compared to the best experience using traditional approaches.

Introduction: It has been stated that less invasive total hip arthroplasty requires patient selection to lessen complications and to promote a successful outcome. However, it is unknown if certain patients risk an increase in complications, or if unselected patients benefit from these operations. This prospective study addresses these questions.

Methods: Two patient groups, from a larger series, were studied: BMI over 30 (71 patients); Age over 80 (41 patients). The average BMI was 34 (highest 46); the average age, 84 (oldest 91). A single incision direct anterior approach was used universally. At regular follow-up WOMAC, Charnley modified Merle D’Aubigne, Harris Hip Scores and x-rays were obtained.

RESULT: Hip Scores showed significant improvement (p = 0.001 for each), component positioning was reproducible; length of hospital stay and return to full function were acceptable. However, compared to non-obese, younger patients having the same operation, the very elderly were less likely to go directly home (45% compared to 80% overall), the risk of medical complications was increased for these patients (4% of the obese and 6% of the elderly); and there was a disproportionately high incidence of mechanical complications (6% for the obese; 2.5% for the elderly).

Discussion: These data indicate that lesser invasive hip arthroplasty using a single incision anterior approach can benefit obese and elderly patients. However, the incidence of complications may be elevated. Information derived from a selected MIS series should be considered sceptically before applying it to our practices.

G. Gavras G. Babis A. Zoubos P. Soucacos
Full Access

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical and radiological findings in patients with avascular necrosis of the femoral head after implantation of a porous tantalum implant combined with autologous growth factors (AGF).

The study included 40 hips in 30 patients. Of the 40 hips, 1 hip was stage I, 9 hips were stage II, 22 hips were stage III, and 8 hips were stage IV, according to the Steinberg classification system. Follow-up was 2 to 4 years. The porous tantalum (diameter of 10 mm, length ranging from 70 –110 mm) was implanted in the center of the necrotic area under fluoroscopic control.

Clinical evaluation using the Harris hip score showed an increase from 66 to 96 points preoperatively to postoperatively in hips with stage II disease, from 60 to 85 points in hips with stage III, and from 60 to 80 points in hips with stage IV (p< 0,001). Of the 40 hips, the radiological stage in 20 hips (50%) remained stable, 17 (42.5%) progressed to an advanced stage and 3 hips (7.5%) underwent total hip arthroplasty (p< 0,001). Of the 17 hips that progressed, 7 were stage II, 7 were stage III, and 3 were stage IV. No material damage or implant migration was observed.

Although failures are still observed with the use of porous tantalum, the minimal invasive technique and short operative time make tantalum a reasonable alternative in the treatment of AVN of the femoral head.

Introduction: Whereas in traumatic avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ANFH) loss of the femoral head’s blood supply is due to a mechanical event, in non-traumatic AFNH it is the result of a wide variety of etiologies (e.g. alcoholism, hypercortisonism, etc.), which have in common that they lead to an intravascular complication with subsequent malperfusion of the femoral head. Additionally, for part of non-traumatic ANFH no causative factors are known, why they are called idiopathic. A mechanical cause for nontraumatic ANFH – as e.g. a repetitive trauma of the femoral head supplying deep branch of the medial femoral circumflex artery and its terminal branches by abutment of the femur against the acetabulum as in femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) – has not been discussed so far.

Methods: The anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of 118 hips in 77 patients, who were operated in our institution between January 1995 and December 2005 because of nontraumatic ANFH, were evaluated with respect to the configuration of the head-neck junction.

In a qualitative analysis the head-neck contour of all femora was assigned to one of the following four groups: regular waisting, mildly reduced waisting, reduced to distinctly reduced waisting or completely lacking waisting.

In a quantitative analysis, angle alpha according to Nötzli et al. (2002) was measured. Furthermore, the CCD angle was measured to assess the orientation of the femoral neck in the frontal plane as well as the LCE-angle according to Wiberg and the acetabular index of the weightbearing zone to rule out any acetabular anomalies.

Results: In this retrospective analysis, for 44.1% of the hip joints hypercortisonism, for 40.7% alcoholism, for 12.7% hypercholesterinemia and for 11.0% no risk factors were found documented in the patients’ files. In AP and lateral radiographs a regular waisting was found in 60.2% and 9.3%, a mildly reduced waisting in 32.2% and 37.3%, a reduced waisting or distinctly reduced waisting in 7.6% and 35.6%, and a completely lacking waisting in 0% and 16.9%, respectively, and the mean angle alpha was 63° ± 18° and 67° ± 14°, respectively. On average, the (frontally projected) CCD angle was 133° ± 6°, the LCE angle 30° ± 7° and the acetabular index of the weightbearing zone 4° ± 5°.

Conclusion: Nötzli et al. found an angle alpha of 42° ± 2° for healthy individuals. A markedly increased angle alpha in both radiographic planes of the 118 investigated hips with nontraumatic ANFH was found, demonstrating a reduced shape of their head-neck junction in the anterior and lateral aspect. Together with the fact that no gross pathological deviations for the orientation of the femoral neck and the acetabulum were found, this may hint at cam-type FAI to occur in this hips and thus potentially at a mechanical (co-) factor in developing non-traumatic ANFH.

Introduction: High ion release along with bone resorption at the bone/implant interface is still a problem, leading to pain, poor function and the possibility of bone fracture. Treatment of a loose implant is not easy and can lead to less than satisfactory revision surgery. The reason for ion release, loosening or periprosthetic fracture of an implant is multifactorial. One factor for ion release that has been reported is inclination angle. Another can be the version angle of the implant and subjecting it to an abnormal loading environment. Few studies have been reported in the literature on hip resurfacing performance based on implant orientation. More studies are required into investigating the use of this predictive technique in orthopaedics to investigate the bearing behaviour and potential ion release due to implant surgical positioning. In this study we modeled a number of different version angles and investigated the contact area, stress and wear characteristics using the finite element method.

Methods: CT scans were used to reconstruct the part of the femur and pelvic geometry. A 3D finite element mesh was created using PATRAN (MSC Software, Santa Ana, CA). The femur loading was taken at peak load position of the gait cycle. The loading was applied to the femur and pelvis was fixed. Material properties were applied using the Hounsfield units from the CT file. Two models were generated, a preoperative and a postoperative state model. The post operative model was reconstructed using the Birmingham Hip Replacement (BHR) system (Smith & Nephew Inc, Memphis, TN). The BHR acetabular cup was oriented at different anteversion angles (5°, 30° & 45° to the saggital plane) to investigate the contact mechanics between the head and cup. Serum ion levels were taken from 12 patients and the change in ion levels over the first 12 month period were analysed statistical to investigate the correlation with anteversion angle. Radiographs from the same patients were analysed to determine the cup anteversion angle using image analysis and edge matching techniques.

Results: The contact areas increased with increasing anteversion angle, 137.3, 165.3 and 169.9mm2 respectively. As a consequence, the contact pressure decreased. The change in ion levels for the patients over the first 12 month period correlated significantly (p< .05) with the anteversion angle using Pearson’s r test.

Discussion: Statistical analysis showed a good Pearson’s correlation of anteversion angle to a change in serum ion levels, 0.867 and 0.734 with p values of 0.001and 0.012 respectively. Acetabular version angle appe