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From 1985 metal-on-metal (MOM) designs of resurfacing (RSA) and total hip arthroplasties (THR) have been available over a large diameter range (28–60mm). In-vitro studies indicated satisfactory low wear performance for all designs and diameters tested (wear = 0.1 to 7 mm3). While reports from many centers have been encouraging, some have reported adverse effects. We reviewed clinical and metal ion studies in large diameter retrievals and compared these to 28mm MOM cases. Patients with the latter THR ranged 36–76 years of age and were followed 9–11 years. Main finding in our revisions was osteolysis and pain. The 28mm ball was represented 86% of cases; 71% balls had stripe wear. For liners, 25% had circumferential stripe wear and impingement was evident in 64% cases. Seven cemented stems were recovered with impingement marks; 26 stems were undamaged and therefore not revised. Using the concept of ‘damage modes’ from McKellop, normal wear mode #1 was evident in only 14% of 28mm retrievals whereas incidence of ‘abnormal’ modes #2-4 approached 30% each. Thus the 28mm MOM appeared susceptible to impingement risks with CoCr liners. Summarizing MOM retrievals, damage modes 2–4 were most likely implicated in revisions. The performance of such ‘small diameter’ THRs will be contrasted to our large diameter THR and RSA experience. The questions to be reviewed include, how much of the reported MOM adversity was predictable and how much risk was due to

  1. wear of small diameter MOM,

  2. adverse cup positioning and hip instability,

  3. cup-stem impingement issues or

  4. design conformity issues?

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