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Bone substitutes have emerged as a promising alternative in surgeries requiring bone grafting, with a large array of materials available for today’s surgeon. Unfortunately, there is currently no definitive method for comparing the potential bone-healing potential of these different materials. We have developed a novel technique for assessing the osteogenic capacity of different bone substitutes in a mechanically-stimulating perfusion bioreactor.

The Zetos(TM) bioreactor system consists of individual flow chambers connected to a low-flow perfusion pump, which recirculates media through samples. The Zetos can be programmed to apply a controlled stress or a controlled strain to each individual sample inside the flow chamber. Since bone formation has been shown to be optimal with short doses of high amplitude strains, test samples were subjected to daily loading corresponding to physiological strain experienced during a jumping exercise (maximum 3000 microStrain).

Three substitute materials representing the range of materials available clinically were tested in the Zetos system; these included collagen, calcium phosphate, and a synthetic polymer. Primary human osteoblasts were seeded onto the substitutes, which were then placed inside the Zetos system and maintained under load or non-load conditions for 14 days. No supplementary osteogenic factors were provided to the cells. The degree of bone formation in the samples was assessed using Von Kossa staining and quantified in terms of the area of new mineral relative to the surface area of the substitute.

No mineralisation was detected in the non-loaded samples. However, in the loaded samples, mineralisa-tion was detected in some of the substitutes. The degree of mineralisation depended on the material: in collagen, an average of 0.22 mm2/mm2 was mineralised; in calcium phosphate, mineralisation averaged 0.0013 mm2/ mm2; but in the loaded polymer samples, no mineralisation was detected.

This indicates that mechanical loading is a sufficient stimulus for bone formation in some materials, even in the absence of other known osteogenic factors. Further, commercial substitutes differ in their ability to support bone formation under conditions of physiological loading. Further development of this technique could allow it to be used as a screening tool for predicting the efficacy of commercial products.

Correspondence should be addressed to Mr Carlos Wigderowitz, Senior Lecturer, University Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee DD1 9SY.