Previous experimental studies of the pelvis have been carried out on cadaveric samples stripped of soft tissue. Investigations of the stress concentrations present in the pelvis due to the application of force through the hip joint have been conducted with the superior iliac crests cast in resin or cement. Thus stress concentrations are observed towards the superior iliac crests, and to some extent the pubic symphysis (these being the areas in which force transfer can occur). Due to the rigid fixing of the pelvis in these experiments, the pelvic bone has become viewed as a ‘sandwich beam’ acting between the sacro-iliac and the pubic joints. Numerical models employing similar fixed conditions have shown good agreement with the experimental studies.
However it is clear that these experiments, and the accompanying computational models are not representative of the in-vivo situation, in which the muscles and ligaments of the pelvis and hip joint provide resistance to movement, and in the case of muscles place additional forces on the pelvis, not addressed in the experimental studies. This study presents a finite element model of the pelvis in which novel techniques have been used to include the pelvic ligaments, and hip joint muscles using realistic attachment areas on the cortex, providing a more realistic comparison to the in-vivo environment. Joint interactions at the pubic symphysis and sacro-iliac joints are also simulated. A fixed boundary condition model is also presented for comparison.
The resulting stress concentrations in the pelvis for single leg stance observed in the in-vivo boundary condition model are dramatically different to those presented in studies in which the pelvis is rigidly fixed in place. The abductor muscles are seen to play a significant role in reducing stress concentrations towards the sacro-iliac joints and superior to the acetabulum, in comparison to fixed boundary condition analyses. Stress reductions away from the acetabulum are also observed in the underlying trabecular bone for the in-vivo boundary condition model. Similar stresses are observed within the acetabular region for the fixed, and in-vivo boundary condition models.
Correspondence should be addressed to Mr Carlos Wigderowitz, Senior Lecturer, University Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee DD1 9SY.