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Objective: To demonstrate possible advantages of combined (motor and sensory) versus single modality (either motor or sensory) intraoperative spinal cord monitoring

Design: Retrospective and prospective clinical study

Materials and Methods: One hundred and twenty-six consecutive operations in 97 patients had peroperative monitoring the lower limb motor evoked potentials (MEPs) to multi- pulse transcranial electrical stimulation (TES), and tibial nerve somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs). Seventy-nine patients had spinal deformity surgery, and eighteen had surgery for trauma, tumor or disc herniation

Results: Combined motor and sensory monitoring was successfully achieved in 104 of 126 (82%) operations. Monitoring was limited to MEPs alone in two, and SEPs alone in eighteen cases. Neither MEPs nor SEPs were obtainable in two cases with Friedreich’s ataxia. Significant evoked potentials (EP) changes occurred in one or both modalities in 16 patients, in association with instrumentation (10) or systemic changes (6). After appropriate remedial measures, SEPs recovered either fully or partially in all cases (8/8) and MEPs in 10/15. New neurodeficits developed post-operatively in six of the sixteen patients with abnormal EPs, including two in whom SEPs had either not changed or recovered fully after remedial measures. One patient developed S3–5 sensory loss despite full recovery of both SEPs and MEPs. Two patients without neurological consequences had persistent MEP changes. Normal MEPs (but not SEPs) at the end of the operation correctly predicted the absence of new motor deficits. There were no false negative MEP changes.

Conclusion: MEPs are more sensitive than SEPs, but may rarely raise false positive alarm. SEPs are unaffected by anaesthetics and can be monitored more frequently. Combined monitoring is safe, complimentary to each other, and increases sensitivity and predictivity of adverse neorological consequences. True incidence of false positive MEP or SEP changes are difficult to define. Remedial measures after monitoring changes may help cord ischaemia to recover and absence of neurological deficit, therefore, may not indicate a false positive monitoring change.

Abstracts prepared by Mr. A. J. Stirling, FRCS, and Miss A. Weaver. Correspondence should be addressed to Miss A. Weaver at the Research and Teaching Centre, Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Northfield, Birmingham, B31 2AP, UK

BritSpine 2002, the second combined meeting of the British Association of Spinal Surgeons, the British Cervical Spine Society, The British Scoliosis Society and the Society for Back Pain Research, took place at the International Convention Centre in Birmingham UK between 27th February and 1st March 2002. The following presentations and posters were given and displayed.