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The optimal wrist position between extension and flexion to achieve the highest grip strength, was assessed on the dominant hand of 20 normal female subjects aged 18–25. Seven fixed wrist positions between 60 degrees flexion and 60 degrees extension were assessed as well as a “self selected” position which was chosen by the subjects. Other variables were recorded and analyzed such as hand length, wrist circumference, height and weight of the subjects. Grip strength was recorded using an electrodynamometer. The mean self selected angle was 28 degrees wrist extension, and this position had the highest mean strength of all angles tested. The self selected angle was positively correlated with hand length. Grip strength decreased dramatically in marked wrist flexion compared to extension. The self selected wrist position increased with hand length, height, and weight.

The abstracts were prepared by Professor Jegan Krishnan. Correspondence should be addressed to him at the Flinders Medical Centre, Bedford Park 5047, Australia.