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A subjective health indicator for follow-up. A randomised trial after treatment of displaced intracapsular hip fractures

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We report a randomised prospective trial of the early results of three types of treatment for displaced intracapsular hip fractures. We used a questionnaire sent to patients at about six months (Nottingham Health Profile, NHP) in addition to clinical assessments. There was a 67.4% usable response to the questionnaire, similar to that in other studies using the NHP. There were more responders from younger patients, those walking independently before injury and those with higher mental test scores on admission. In the younger group (65 to 79 years) we found a trend for better scores in most NHP indices after the use of a bipolar prosthesis rather than a unipolar prosthesis or internal fixation, particularly for social function, pain and physical mobility. Postal assessment using the NHP gave a satisfactory response rate even in the elderly, and can provide an extra assessment to complement or replace hospital follow-up in some circumstances.

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