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Absence of metabolic bone disease in the proximal femur in patients with fracture of the femoral neck

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A clinical, radiological and histopathological study of femoral heads from 125 patients with fracture of the neck of the femur and from 30 cadavers was carried out to identify various risk factors. The findings showed that the Singh index was unreliable as a radiological indicator of the bone content of the femoral heads; that the bone content of the femoral head in patients sustaining a fracture of the femoral neck did not differ from that of the controls; that osteomalacia was not found in any of the heads examined; and that the distribution of trabecular microfractures did not support the hypothesis that fracture of the neck was the result of progressive fatigue. It was concluded that the single most important factor leading to fracture in this Australian population was injury caused by falls and that such injury was frequently associated with other disease processes.

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