Failure of union of the tibia with a large defect is difficult to treat, especially in the presence of sepsis and adherent scars. Conventional methods of fixation and bone grafting are not easily applicable. Experiments on Macaca monkeys showed that a vascularised pedicle graft of the shaft of the ipsilateral fibula could be fixed across a defect in the tibia and remain viable, even if it was isolated from surrounding soft tissues. Transfer of part of the shaft of the ipsilateral fibula on a vascular and muscle pedicle was carried out in 11 patients with large tibial defects and sepsis. There was one failure because of severe infection, but the other 10 patients gained sound union in about four months. The tibia was then protected by a caliper for the 18 months of full reconstitution. The bone infection healed and there was no evidence of avascular necrosis. Although the salvaged limbs were scarred, stiff and ugly, none of the patients suffered from pain, recurrent oedema or persistent infection.