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Multiple-drug chemotherapy for the primary treatment of osteosarcoma of the extremities

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Fifty-five cases of osteosarcoma of the extremities were treated between 1972 and 1976 by combined surgery and chemotherapy (vincristine, adriamycin and methotrexate in medium doses) for 18 months. The follow-up ranges from 30 to 80 months (mean = 48 months). Twenty-six patients remained free from any evidence of disease, two had local recurrences but no metastases and 27 had metastases (four of these also had local recurrences). In 12 patients, the metastases appeared after the end of chemotherapy. Both metastases and local recurrences were more frequent in patients who had segmental bone resection (7/8) than in those treated by more radical surgery (22/47). Comparison with an "historical" group (94 osteosarcoma patients treated by operation alone in our Institute between 1960 and 1971) showed that the percentage of patients free from evidence of disease was higher in the group who receiving chemotherapy. In addition, the appearance of metastases in this group was delayed (mean = 16 months) as compared with the historical controls (mean = 8 months). On the other hand, after the same kind of operative treatment, the rate of local recurrences and the time of their appearance was almost identical in both groups.

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