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The muscles in club foot--a histological histochemical and electron microscopic study

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In talipes equino-varus the diminished bulk of the calf muscle suggests a neuromuscular defect. Accordingly, biopsies were taken from the postero-medial and peroneal muscle groups, and occasionally from abductor hallucis, in sixty patients mostly under the age of five years; 111 were studied histochemically and histologically, and a further fifty-three by electron-microscopy. Histochemical anomalies were revealed in ninety-two specimens; the muscle fibres in the other nineteen varied in size but were abnormal at the ultramicroscopic level, as were all specimens examined with the electron microscope. Evidence of neurogenic disease was seen in most instances and was more obvious in the older patients. The pattern of abnormality was similar in both muscle groups. It is thought that shortening of the postero-medial muscles may result from a small increase of fibrosis due to minor innervation changes occurring in intra-uterine life. There is evidence that immobilisation, stretching or relaxation of muscles does not account for the anomalies observed. This study of the extrinsic muscles in talipes equino-varus indicates a dominant neurogenic factor in its causation.

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