The incidence of horizontal cleavage lesions of the menisci was studied in 100 random necropsy examinations. Sixty per cent of subjects had at least one such tear, the incidence being 29 per cent out of the 400 menisci. Eighty-five per cent of the subjects showed changes of osteoarthritis in the patello-femoral or tibio-femoral joint compartments. The coincidence of horizontal cleavage lesion and osteoarthritis was frequent. Horizontal cleavage lesions were commoner in medial or larger menisci and in males. Eighteen per cent of the menisci were calcified and this was twice as common in those menisci with a degenerate tear. Because the horizontal cleavage lesion was so common in the older knee, it must usually remain unrecognised clinically with other factors causing symptoms of night pain and tenderness.