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1. It is well known that the administration of corticosteroids may result in necrosis and progressive destruction of the femoral head. Identical changes have been found in chronic alcoholics, in South African negroes suffering from iron-overload osteoporosis and in patients with arthritis of the hip treated with non-steroid anti-inflammatory and analgesic preparations. The term "drug-induced arthropathy" is used to describe the common pathological lesion.

2. Seventy-two patients with this complication have been investigated and forty-two femoral heads were available for detailed study. The characteristic change is subchondral fragmentation and osteonecrosis, followed later by reactive bone formation and the typical increased radiographic density.

3. The frequent occurrence of fat occupying the Haversian canals in the affected femoral heads has not been adequately explained and its relationship to the destructive arthropathy remains obscure. The findings presented here do not support the theory that fat emboli are responsible for the subchondral bone changes.

4. More credence is given to the theory of subchondral microfracture in osteoporotic bone. The destructive arthropathy invariably follows the administration of some anti-inflammatory or analgesic preparation. It is postulated that a state of diminished sensibility predisposes to microtrauma in osteoporotic bone resulting in subarticular collapse of the femoral head.

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