1. Nine hundred and fourteen cases of tuberculosis of the spine are analysed and the late results ascertained three or more years after discharge from hospital.
2. The relative frequency with which the various segments of the spine are involved has been found. Cervical disease was present in 3·5 per cent of cases, thoracic in 43·l per cent, lumbar in 32·9 per cent, thoraco-lumbar in 16· 7 per cent and lumbo-sacral in 3·8 per cent.
3. The mortality rate was 16·7 per cent. In patients with multiple lesions 25·5 per cent died, compared with 12·3 per cent in the group without complications. When chronic secondarily infected abscesses and sinuses were present the mortality rate was 19·1 per cent, and of patients with paraplegia 24·8 per cent died.
4. In the late results the working capacity of 390 patients was ascertained. It was full in 86 per cent, partial in 5·8 per cent and nil in 8·2 per cent.
5. An attempt has been made to determine the site of the primary bone focus from the radiograph. Early "epiphysial" changes were present in 33 per cent ; the central focus beginning in the spongy tissue of a vertebral body was present in 11·6 per cent; subperiosteal lesions were present in 2·1 per cent; and infection of the neural arch was present in only 0·5 per cent. In 52·8 per cent, however, widespread destruction had taken place when the patient first came under observation.
6. The ill effect of complications upon the prognosis is stressedâespecially in the cases of multiple foci of active tuberculosis, secondarily infected abscesses and sinuses, and paraplegia. Paraplegia occurred in 31·2 per cent of the cases of thoracic disease.
7. An attempt has been made to determine the frequency with which tuberculosis of the spine heals by spontaneous bony fusion of the affected vertebral bodies. It was found in 27·3 per cent of the cases in the present series.
8. Reasons for further treatment after the initial discharge of the patient are examined.