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Volume 59-B, Issue 1 February 1977

Chemonucleolysis Pages 1 - 1
RC Connolly

RA Mollan J Piggot

A number of problems in the treatment of acute osteomyelitis have remained unresolved in recent years. The clinical experience of ninety-three patients with proven acute haematogenous osteomyelitis is presented to help resolve these problems. Analysis of the clinical features, the operative, bacteriological and haematological findings is made and discussed in detail. Eighteen patients had continuing bone infection and recommendations are made as to how diagnosis and management might have been improved. Surgery is considered to be an essential part of the diagnostic and therapeutic management of this disease. A combination of cloxacillin and fusidic acid is recommended at the antibiotic treatment.

The results of a long-term review of 102 hips in eighty-seven patients with Perthes' disease are described, the mean follow-up interval being seventeen years. All had been treated by an extremely rigorous conservative regime in which the patients were kept in hospital for an average period of twenty-six months, during which time they were confined to bed with the legs in wide abduction, first in traction and later in "broomstick" plasters to ensure "containment" of the femoral head. The patients were assessed by the joint clincial and radiological method described by Ratliff (1956). The results were very satisfactory, with only 2 per cent poor results and 10 per cent fair. The remaining 88 per cent were good. The radiological results at the end of treatment have also been compared with control series described by Catterall (1972) and with the osteotomy series of Lloyd-Roberts, Catterall and Salamon (1976). From this it appears that the described regime offers no benefit compared with the natural history in Catterall's Groups I and II, and in Group III the results were only marginally better than those following osteotomy. In Group IV cases, however, where the femoral head was totally involved, the benefit was important, and since these are the cases which carry the worst natural prognosis it is suggested that the use of the method described in such instances must be seriously considered in spite of its social disadvantages. The theoretical implications of the findings are considered, and it is concluded that the benefits of the method cannot be ascribed wholly to the application of the "containment" principle.

An operation using either the medial or the lateral meniscus to effect the late repair of torn cruciate ligaments is described. Forty-three patients under fifty years of age who were unable to return to their work because of severe joint laxity have been treated in this way and reviewed after one to thirty years. Sagittal stability was measured by a special apparatus, and a comparison was made between normal knees and affected knees before and after operation. The review of forty-five knees showed normal stability in thirty-one, slight instability in twelve and no improvement in two. Forty-one patients had returned to their former work: twenty-two complained of instability when tired; all had pain-free joints. The use of a meniscus for the reconstruction of either cruciate ligament is considered to be simple, safe and effective.

R Southcott MA Rosman

Fracture of the carpal scaphoid is uncommon in children, but does occur and may fail to unite. Eight patients with established non-union have been reiewed, with an average follow-up of almost four years. All non-unions were grafted with autogenous bone. Excellent clinical and radiological results have been obtained. It is concluded that non-union in children is best managed by bone grafting through the anterior approach. Possible aetiological factors concerned in non-union of scaphoid fractures in this age group are discussed.

An experimental model of osteoarthritis resulting from laxity of the joint was induced in eighteen mature dogs (at least two years old) by sectioning the anterior cruciate ligament of the right knee (stifle) with a stab incision, the left knee providing a control. A sham operation was also performed in three other dogs, in which a stab incision was made but the ligament left intact. The dogs were killed at various intervals from one to forty-eight weeks later. Morphological changes in bone, cartilage, synovial membrane and joint capsule were examined in all the joints and biochemical changes in the cartilage of three dogs killed after two, eight, and sixteen weeks. All the changes resulting from the operation progressed with time and became indistinguishable from those found in three dogs with natural osteoarthritis of the knee. There were no changes in the joints which had sham operations. As the time of onset is known, this experimental model in a larger species enables a study to be made of the biochemical as well as the morphological changes in the early stages of osteoarthritis.

Seventeen femoral fractures occurred in 1,751 operations for total hip replacement. They usually occurred during dislocation of the hip, reaming of the shaft, or insertion of the femoral component, and were common in second operations. The short oblique fracture can be controlled by use of the standard implant, and the long oblique fracture by internal fixation. Fractures well below the implant should probably be treated by continous traction. The eventual results were adequate in all cases. The liability to fracture can be reduced by taking special care during operation in particulary susceptible cases.

Four patients who developed deep infection of six hips, on average three and a half years after total replacement by McKee-Farrar prostheses, are described. In each case there was strong evidence that the source of the infection was a distant focus.

Chemonucleolysis Pages 45 - 52
JA McCulloch

A prospective study of 480 patients who underwent enzymatic dissolution of the nucleus pulposus with chymopapain is reported. Seventy per cent of patients with the clincial criteria for a disc herniation had a favourable response to chemonucleolysis. The commonest cause of failure was persistent back pain. In patients with sequestered discs or lateral recess stenosis surgical intervention was not made more difficult by chemonucleolysis. Those with a previous operation, spinal stenosis or psychogenic components to the disability had very poor results. Complications were few and easily managed.

DH Jenkins IW Forster B McKibbin ZA Ralis

Experiments have been performed on rabbits and sheep which demonstrate that pure carbon, in a flexible and filamentous form of great strength, can be used successfully to induce the formation of new tendons. A concept fundamentally different from that underlying the use of other artificial tendon replacements is involved, in which rapidly developing tendon-like tissue is induced to form around the implant. This gradually takes over the function of the implant. The early results in rabbits and the late results in sheep suggest that filamentous carbon may have a place in the replacement of the calcaneal tendon and the collateral ligaments of the knee.

DH Edwards G Bentley

Six cases of osteochondritis dissecans patellae have been studied in five patients in an attempt to clarify the aetiology and prognosis. Assessment of the results of treatment was performed using a standard protocol. The thirty-four previous case reports in the literature are reviewed. In four of the five patients symptoms began after flexing the knee under load and three showed patellar subluxation on tangential radiographs. Thus, repetitive shearing stress on the patellar surface is thought to be an important aetiological factor. The indication for operation is a loose osteochondral fragment either wholly or partly detached from the articular surface of the patella. Vertical excision of the affected area of articular cartilage with drilling of the underlying bone gave two "good" and two "excellent" results. Healing of the drilled area and maintenance of the cartilage space was seen in radiographs of all four cases so treated. This simple method of treatment, which probably causes filling of the defect in the surface by fibrocartilage, is recommended.

A multi-centre clinical trial of ICLH (Freeman-Swanson) arthroplasty has been in progress since 1971. In this paper the results up to two years after operation are reported in seventy-one knees displaying at least 30 degrees of fixed flexion, 25 degrees of valgus or 20 degrees of varus, before operation. It has been found that knees displaying 70 degrees of fixed flexion, 70 degrees of valgus, 30 degrees of varus or 50 degrees of valgus/varus instability can be satisfactorily aligned and stabilised with acceptable function. Three knees required revision. The other complications are listed and were unremarkable in nature. These results depend upon the prosthesis and upon the operative technique. The latter avoids damage to healthy bone but does involve the replacement of the tissues in the midline of the knee.

G Pistevos T Duckworth

Forty-nine patients treated by epiphysial stapling for idiopathic genu valgum are reviewed. The children were aged from eleven to fourteen and a half years. The severity of the condition and subsequent correction were assessed by measuring the inter-malleolar distance. Results show that femoral stapling is the treatment of choice for most patients with inter-malleolar separation of up to 12-5 centimetres. The optimum age for stapling for both boys and girls is eleven and a half years. Stapling of both epiphyses is advised for those patients presenting late, for example, between thirteen and fourteen and a half years, or where the deformity is greater than 12-5 centimetres of separation. Correction rarely takes more than one year, and was cosmetically satisfactory in all cases. The operation is virtually free from complication except for a tendency for the scars to be broad and conspicuous. Stapling has proved to be a safe, effective and predicatable operation for idiopathic genu valgum.

A method is described by which an artificial limb can be fitted as soon as an above-knee or below-knee amputation wound is healed, by using preformed sockets which enable the prosthetist to fit the limb within the hour. The method has been found safe, and better than other methods previously described to facilitate the early mobilisation and rehabilitation of the amputee.

CR Weatherley PJ Gregg DN Walder I Rannie

This paper reports a detailed examination of three lesions of aseptic necrosis of bone occurring in a man who had worked in compressed air eleven years previously. Although two of the lesions were juxta-articular, in neither had the bone collapsed. Histology of only one similar lesion is reported in the literature (McCallum et al. 1966). Necropsy material is considered, together with radiographs and bone scans of the same lesions taken four years earlier. Similar changes have been shown to occur in commercial divers. On the evidence of this case it becomes clear that radiography is limited in its use and that bone scans as an indicator of repair may be open to misinterpretation. There may be a place for operation before the onset of symptoms in these cases of aseptic bone necrosis.

F Arguelles F Gomar A Garcia J Esquerdo

The effects of gamma irradiation on the growth plate have been studied in nineteen rabbits with a 1,000 rads/skin dose. The rabbits were killed after one to ninety days. The growth plates were studied by microscopic examination, thymidine-H3 autoradiography, and fluorescence with radiographic measurement. Changes were already detected after twenty-four hours at the cell mitosis level, which showed the sensitiveness of the chondrocyte itself. The lesions were clearly seen with the optical microscope after seven days, and they were most advanced between the fourteenth and twenty-first day after irradiation. Regeneration of the cartilage began in the fourth week and the histological appearance became normal after seventy days. Fluorescence with tetracycline showed a temporary retardation of growth, with consequent shortening of the affected limb.

Five cases of syphilitic aortic aneurysm with erosion of the spinal column are reviewed. Four patients underwent operation. When erosion of the spine was mild or moderate, the aortic lesion only was treated. Aneurysm associated with extensive vertebral erosion was treated in two cases by anterior spinal fusion combined with replacement of the disc and part of the aorta. In one of these cases the spine was later reinforced by a posterior spinal fusion. One patient so treated died a week after operation. The patient who refused operation later developed a complete paraplegia.

The case is reported of an elderly man with asymptomatic cervical spondylosis who sustained a minor hyperextension injury of the cervical spine when the brakes of a car were applied suddenly to avoid a collision. Within six hours marked swelling of the neck and severe dyspnoea developed, and a lateral radiograph showed the pharyngeal shadow displaced far forwards and a crack fracture of an anterior osteophyte. Tracheostomy and evacuation of a massive prevertebral haematoma were performed, with immediate relief. The case draws attention to the possibility of this serious complication of a "whiplash" type of injury.

S Sheikholeslamzadeh B Aalami-Harandi H Fateh

Spondylolisthesis of the fourth cervical vertebra is reported in a thirty-four-year-old woman. Only one other case at this level has been found in the literature, but others have been recorded of the sixth cervical vertebra.