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How long have you been on the board?
I have been on the editorial board of BJJ since 2023.
How did you first get involved with The Bone & Joint Journal?
My involvement with BJJ started through several publications I had in the field of knee surgery. I have been immensely proud of these, as the journal is very selective in what they deem to be of importance and of a high standard. Being involved as an author and a regular reviewer gave me a greater understanding of what is required to develop a well-constructed manuscript. I now represent the Australian Orthopaedic Association on the editorial board.
What is the best thing about being on the board?
I enjoy discussing articles that are potentially suitable for publication at the editorial team’s meetings. Many of these submissions that are reviewed have the potential to change orthopaedic practice. Appraising studies with other experts, not just in field of orthopaedics but also biomechanics and statistics has significantly broadened my knowledge. I also get to glean what others are up to in research, what new discoveries have occurred before they hit the press, whilst being able to improve the quality of publications along the way.
What one piece of advice would you give to others who might like to get more involved with The Bone & Joint Journal?
Whether it's reviewing papers, being involved in social media initiatives or demonstrating an interest in joining the board, it is definitely worth getting involved. It will help improve your scientific acumen.
What song is top of your operating room playlist?
Flame Trees by Cold Chisel. For non-Australians, you need to check out this band out. But most of the time, my staff rule the Spotify mix.