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Volume 71-B, Issue 3 May 1989

Thirty-three patients with impingement syndrome of the rotator cuff were studied before and at operation. It was shown that the rotator cuff lengthens and twists during elevation of the arm. Elevation is achieved by early glenohumeral abduction and continuous flexion and external rotation. The range of free rotation at the glenohumeral joint diminishes progressively during elevation. Rotator cuff impingement occurs towards the end of the early glenohumeral abduction. Excision arthroplasty of the acromioclavicular joint and anterior acromioplasty is highly effective for impingement under the acromion, but only moderately effective where impingement is under the acromioclavicular joint.

GA Murrell MJ Francis CR Howlett

The fine structure of palmar fascia from patients with Dupuytren's contracture (DC) was compared with that from patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). In contrast to previous assumptions, the ultrastructure of fibroblasts both in vivo and in vitro from DC and CTS appeared identical, indicating that myofibroblasts are not specific to DC. The major differences between DC and CTS were: 1) a sixfold and fortyfold increase in fibroblast density in cord and nodular areas of DC compared with CTS; 2) a more disorganised pattern of collagen fibrils in DC; and 3) markedly narrowed microvessels surrounded by thickened, laminated basal laminae and proliferating fibroblasts in DC compared with CTS. To account for these morphological changes a hypothesis is presented which proposes that oxygen-free radicals cause pericytic necrosis and fibroblastic proliferation. This hypothesis provides a potential avenue for therapy of DC and other fibrotic conditions.

HH de Boer MB Wood

We report a retrospective review of 62 consecutive patients who had a vascularised fibular transfer to reconstruct a large skeletal defect. We were particularly interested in the bone dynamics of the vascularised graft, since fractures occurred in 25% of the cases at an average time of eight months after surgery. Hypertrophy was more common when the limb was mechanically loaded; it was enhanced where the graft was not bypassed by internal fixation. The length of the graft and the use of additional bone graft material had no influence on the incidence of stress fracture or on hypertrophy. We conclude that a vascularised graft should be protected against fatigue fracture during the first year, and that a gradual increase in mechanical loading will enhance remodelling and hypertrophy.

A stump neuroma is caused by the disorganised growth of axon cylinders into proliferating granulation tissue, but this is stopped by an undamaged epineural sleeve. We report experiments in the rat in which the epineural sleeve of the stump of the sciatic nerve was freed from nerve fascicles for about 5 mm and then sealed with a synthetic tissue adhesive. Neuroma formation was largely prevented in comparison with the results of other methods. This new technique has been used to treat 68 painful neuromas in 36 patients. All but three of the patients were cured or improved and none were made worse.

We report the use of a free tendon graft in 70 patients to repair lesions of the capsuloligamentous complex of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb. Of these 37 had a lesion of the ulnar collateral ligament, 18 of the radial collateral and 11 of the volar plate. Four patients had combined lesions. We outline our techniques and review 51 of the patients. Of those 47 (92%) were satisfied, and all but one had regained full stability. Pinch grip strength was normal in 48. About one-third of the patients had some loss of flexion/extension; this was seldom noticed by the patients and caused no significant disability. Free tendon graft reconstruction is indicated for severe fresh lesions, for old lesions with chronic disability and for lesions which have not responded to conservative management.

Ten cases of complete rupture of the collateral ligaments of the metacarpophalangeal finger joints are reported. The nature of this injury, the pre-operative morbidity and the intra-operative pathology are analysed. In all cases surgery was performed with satisfactory results. Operation is indicated for joint stability, grip and pinch strength, pain control and early functional recovery.

M Hamabuchi R Hasegawa T Murase

Teratomas in the spinal cord are rare. We report a case in a 54-year-old man. CT scans revealed tumours of different densities within the spinal canal; this heterogeneity may help to differentiate teratoma from other spinal cord tumours. After resection of the tumours under microscopy, the result was excellent. Histological examination showed a variety of tissues, including elements of all three germinal layers.

K Fujiwara K Yonenobu S Ebara K Yamashita K Ono

We have studied the morphometry of the spinal cord in 50 patients with cervical compression myelopathy. Computed tomographic myelography (CTM) showed that the transverse area of the cord at the site of maximum compression correlated significantly with the results of surgery. In most patients with less than 30 mm2 of spinal cord area, the results were poor; the cord was unable to survive. Several factors, such as chronicity of disease, age at surgery and multiplicity of involvement are said to influence the results of surgery, but the transverse area of the cord at the level of maximum compression provides the most reliable and comprehensive parameter for their prediction.

We present a method of visualising spinal deformities in three dimensions using conventional radiographs and computer graphics. The shape of the spinal column can be determined from the anteroposterior and lateral radiographs and displayed in any projection. In patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, the fundamental lesion, an abnormal lordosis, can be demonstrated without the need for additional views. The method is applicable to other spinal deformities and may help to elucidate their three-dimensional shape.

We report four children with sternomastoid contracture combined with torticolis secondary to congenital vertebral anomalies. Two had features of Klippel-Feil syndrome and a proximal release of the contracted sternomastoid produced good cosmetic correction initially. Progression of the deformity occurred subsequently without recurrence of sternomastoid contracture. One child had such mild deformity that it was merely observed. The fourth child was born with torticollis without sternomastoid tightness and a vertebral anomaly was later recognised. He slowly developed a sternomastoid contracture and his condition was considerably improved by sternomastoid release. This combination of causes of torticollis has not, as far as we know, been previously reported. The clinician should be aware of it and should also realise that radiographs of the very immature spine may not disclose the bony anomalies.

FR Howell RJ Newman HL Wang AB Nevelos RA Dickson

A new method of recording the three-dimensional anatomy of the proximal femur from a single anteroposterior radiograph is described. This technique shows that in Perthes' disease the femoral head and neck are in significant anteversion and true varus. This anatomical configuration may be important in the pathogenesis and treatment of this disorder.

M Kamegaya H Moriya K Tsuchiya T Akita S Ogata M Someya

Hip arthrography was performed in 19 patients in the initial stage of Perthes' disease. Sphericity and subluxation were measured and it was found that subluxation was independent of the femoral head deformity. We therefore tried to identify the cause of early subluxation: in seven patients a swollen ligamentum teres was thought to be responsible, and was associated with medial pooling of the contrast medium. A swollen ligamentum teres was seen in another seven cases; the other five arthrograms were normal. These findings were further clarified by enhanced CT scans, which confirmed that ligament swelling may be an important cause of early subluxation.

M Heeg HJ Klasen JD Visser

A retrospective study of 23 acetabular fractures in patients up to 17 years of age is presented, with an average follow-up of eight years. Good or excellent functional results were achieved in 21 patients; radiographic results were good or excellent in 16. Conservative treatment gave consistently good results in fractures with minimal initial displacement, stable posterior fracture-dislocations and Salter-Harris type 1 and 2 triradiate cartilage fractures. Less favourable results were seen in type 5 triradiate cartilage fractures and in comminuted fractures, but operation was no better. Unstable posterior fracture-dislocations and irreducible central fracture-dislocations need operative treatment but the results may still be unsatisfactory.

I Stockley MJ Bell WJ Sharrard

We report the results of using 83 expanding intramedullary rods in 24 children with osteogenesis imperfecta after a mean follow-up of five years three months. In all, 62% of the rods have expanded after one primary operation. Thirty-four additional operations were necessary; 11 for the correction of rotation or angulation deformities and 23 for revision of the rod or T-piece. All these revisions were successful. Complications were more frequent in children who required very small rods. Problems with Bailey-Dubow rods led to the development of the Sheffield rod system; 17 bones treated with these rods are included in the series. Before surgery only eight of the 24 children were able to walk but at review 20 children were walking, 15 without walking aids. Elongating intramedullary rods should be available to all children with osteogenesis imperfecta as they improve walking capability, reduce the number of fractures, prevent deformity and allow integration of the child into society.

We review the case of a 58-year-old man with a benign osteoblastic lesion. This originated in the base of the right second metacarpal and eventually involved several adjacent bones, persisting for at least 27 years despite 11 operations. It was originally reported in the literature as a recurrent osteoid osteoma, but we believe it is more properly diagnosed as an aggressive osteoblastoma, since the histological pattern did not change over the years. The lesion has remained locally aggressive with no evidence of malignant characteristics.

E Exarchou J Maris A Assimakopoulos

We report a case of osteoclastoma of the distal radius originally treated by curettage, then by resection and bone replacement. There was a soft tissue recurrence of the tumor 13 years later.

AH Simpson TS Creasy DM Williamson DJ Wilson JS Spivey

An area of fibrous dysplasia of bone may undergo rapid enlargement which may be due to either cystic degeneration or malignant transformation. These complications may be clinically and radiologically indistinguishable and, unless both are borne in mind, incorrect management may follow. Magnetic resonance imaging was used in one of our cases and was the only imaging modality to demonstrate the true nature of the condition.

Hallux varus Pages 437 - 440
JA Mills MB Menelaus

We reviewed 12 patients with congenital hallux varus who had had operations on 20 feet to enable them to wear normal shoes and to improve the appearance. After an average follow-up of 12.7 years the results of soft tissue procedures were satisfactory in 12 of 17 feet. Arthrodesis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint, performed primarily in one foot and secondarily in two others was also satisfactory, but metatarsal osteotomy in two feet gave unsatisfactory results leading to local amputation. The unsatisfactory results were generally due to the appearance of shortness of the first metatarsal and rarely because of symptoms or recurrent deformity.

To determine the natural history of dislocation of the hip in cerebral palsy, and to evolve methods to predict dislocation, the notes and radiographs of 462 patients with cerebral palsy were reviewed. Dislocation occurred in 10% of patients by progressive migration and subluxation of the proximal femur in the presence of acetabular dysplasia. Statistical analysis identified the radiographic features that helped to predict dislocation. Measurement of acetabular index, by a method that allows for rotation of the acetabulum, was the most powerful single predictor. Measurement of this index at two and four years of age could identify patients who would dislocate unless effective treatment was undertaken, those at risk of dislocation only if scoliosis developed, and those who would not dislocate. On the basis of this method of screening for dislocation, a logical system of surgical prophylaxis is proposed.

Using dried bones which could be tilted and rotated, we assessed the accuracy of published radiographic methods for measuring the migration of prosthetic acetabular components and compared the results with a new method. The new line linking acetabular margins was significantly more accurate for proximal migration than the teardrop, the sacroiliac line or the sacroiliac-symphysis line. For medial migration, a new line tangential to the brim and through the horizontal mid-point of the obturator foramen was more accurate than Kohler's line, the ilio-ischial line or the iliopubic line. In combination, the two new lines can give a more accurate assessment of acetabular erosion than previous methods, since they are less affected by the differences in rotation commonly found in a series of radiographs.

Torsional instability of femoral components has not received much attention, and is difficult to detect in conventional radiographs. To test this we designed a system to apply a load in an anteroposterior direction to the head of a femoral component, implanted into a cadaveric femur. Rotation within the bone was measured, using a purpose built transducer, with and without preservation of the neck, with and without cement, and with longitudinal ridges but no cement. The results show that torsional instability may be a problem in uncemented replacement. Preservation of the femoral neck and the use of a ridged prosthesis increases resistance to rotation. Rotational movements occurring in vivo during such activities as climbing stairs and rising from the seated position may contribute to mechanical loosening.

PJ Radford A Doran RA Greatorex N Rushton

Osteonecrosis of the femoral head is a severely disabling complication of steroid immunosuppression in renal transplant patients. We report 31 total hip arthroplasties in 21 renal transplant recipients with an average follow-up of six years. There were no problems with wound healing or infection despite full immunosuppression. Four hips developed symptomatic loosening but the other results were excellent, comparing well with other methods of treatment for osteonecrosis. Ten patients died during the follow-up period. Total hip replacement is a safe and effective treatment for transplant recipients and, in view of their limited life expectancy, should be considered at an early stage in their treatment.

We report the results of acetabular reconstruction using a bipolar prosthesis bearing on cancellous bone graft in 37 patients after a minimum of five years. There was a satisfactory clinical outcome in 58% when assessed by pain, range of movement and stability, with greater improvement in the pain score than of the other parameters. Radiological migration of the prosthesis was a frequent finding although this did not always correlate with symptoms. Better results were obtained in cases of primary or secondary protrusio acetabuli than after the revision of previous total arthroplasties.

HJ Clarke RH Jinnah AF Brooker JD Michaelson

Total hip replacement was performed in 27 hips of patients who had sickle cell anaemia with avascular necrosis of the femoral head. The disease was bilateral in 11 patients. Considerable medical problems were encountered although most of the patients had exchange transfusion before surgery (86%), which prevented postoperative sickle cell crises in all but two cases. At the primary operation hard sclerotic bone was seen in nine femora with complete obliteration of the femoral canal. There were four femoral fractures, three following perforation of the shaft due to this hard bone. There was a very high morbidity due to loosening in both cemented and uncemented prostheses. With a rate of 59% over a cumulative 5.5 year period, revision was being performed at an average of only 43 months. Surgeons should be aware of these problems.

The rehabilitation of elderly patients after hip fractures is important: we report a prospective study which compares supported home rehabilitation with management in hospital in two similar groups of patients. Our results show that early discharge from hospital and home rehabilitation produces substantial savings in bed days, and also provides quicker and more effective recovery.

BD Ferris C Kennedy M Bhamra W Muirhead-Allwood

We studied the morphology of the contralateral femur in 10 patients with subcapital fractures, 10 with trochanteric fractures and 10 with unilateral osteoarthritis. We found that the patients with trochanteric fractures had a significantly shorter femoral neck (4.5 +/- 0.5 cm) than patients with subcapital fractures or osteoarthritis (5.4 +/- 0.4 cm). It may be that this difference in femoral neck length is related to the site at which a proximal femoral fracture occurs.

PJ Rae JP Hodgkinson TH Meadows DR Davies EJ Hargadon

Between December 1982 and June 1986, 98 displaced subcapital femoral neck fractures were treated using the Charnley-Hastings bipolar hemiarthroplasty. Although the patients were elderly, often with associated medical problems, the operation was well tolerated and the mortality at one and six months was 14.4% and 24.5% respectively. Fifty-four hips were reviewed after an average follow-up of 33 months; 64.8% of patients had a good or excellent result. The fair or poor results were seen mainly in patients with poor pre-operative mobility and multiple medical problems. A significant cause of morbidity was dislocation (two interprosthetic) which occurred in six hips. There were two cases of deep sepsis but neither patient was fit for further surgery. There were no cases of acetabular erosion requiring revision surgery.

M Berg BR Bergman J Hoborn

We have evaluated the effect of shortwave ultraviolet radiation on bacterial levels in an operating theatre, both in experimental conditions and during 20 hip operations. When compared with the use of sham blue light, there was a significant reduction in the number of bacteria. The reduced level was comparable with that suggested for ultraclean air ventilation systems.

A new method of repair of the calcaneal tendon, which uses a small transverse skin incision, is described. In 41 patients, there was only one minor wound problem and the clinical results were satisfactory.

Surgeons are at risk from both hepatitis B and human immunodeficiency viruses. While vaccines have been developed against the former, barrier methods remain the mainstay of protection. Puncture wounds of the hand are a potential source of contamination; the protection afforded by surgical gloves has been investigated. Gloves from 280 orthopaedic operations for trauma were tested for perforations; one or more was found after 30% of the operations in gloves worn by the surgeon or scrub nurse. About 60% of the perforations were noticed at the time of penetration and most affected the dominant thumb and index finger. Puncture was more common during operations lasting more than one hour. The incidence of perforation was 19% for the outer of double gloves, 14% for a single glove and 6% for the inner of double gloves. These results indicate that surgical gloves function poorly as a protective barrier, especially in difficult, lengthy, fracture surgery. The practice of double-gloving confers increased but not absolute protection.

MD Stringer CA Steadman AR Hedges EM Thomas TR Morley VV Kakkar

The incidence of venous thromboembolism after elective knee surgery has previously been studied almost exclusively in patients receiving total knee replacements, in whom the risk of a deep vein thrombosis is approximately 60%. We report the results of ipsilateral ascending venography in 312 patients undergoing a wide variety of elective knee operations under tourniquet ischaemia, none of whom received any specific prophylaxis against thromboembolism. Total knee replacement was confirmed to carry a high risk with ipsilateral deep vein thrombosis in 56.4% and symptomatic pulmonary embolism in 1.9%. By contrast, arthroscopy was associated with a low incidence of venous thrombosis (4.2%). Meniscectomy, arthrotomy, patellectomy, synovectomy and arthrodesis were all high-risk procedures, particularly in patients over 40 years of age, and were associated with deep vein thrombosis rates of 25% to 67%. On the basis of these findings, we advise prophylaxis against venous thromboembolism in all patients over 40 years of age undergoing elective knee surgery other than arthroscopy.

We report the results of arthroscopic removal of loose bodies and abnormal synovium from 18 knees with primary synovial chondromatosis. After a mean of three years, six months (range one to 10 years), 14 knees were either symptom-free or had only minor symptoms. Three of these had required two arthroscopic operations. Three patients were improved but not cured and there was one failure. The results were better than the published results of open operation for this condition. Three patterns of macroscopic appearances were noted: four knees had large lesions covered by normal synovium, 10 had small fragments of cartilage lying in or on the synovium and four had only free fragments of cartilage in the joint cavity but none in, on, or under, the synovium. These three appearances may represent three different disease processes.

PR Kay AJ Freemont DR Davies

We report four patients who showed hundreds of brilliant white loose bodies at arthroscopy of the knee after a short history of pain and crepitus. Histological, historical and clinical evidence is presented which indicates that the aetiology of this condition is the culture of chondrocytes in synovial fluid. It is suggested that reversal of the usually accepted order of events in synovial osteochondromatosis could provide a better and unified explanation for both that condition and multiple loose bodies. The term 'snow storm knee' is proposed to describe the dramatic picture seen at arthroscopy.

The Kodama-Yamamoto knee is an uncemented surface replacement which has been used since 1970. The design has been improved twice and this present report concerns the results of the Mark II model. Between 1980 and 1984, 350 knees were replaced in 225 patients. In 1987, a survey of 335 of these knees was conducted at two to seven years after operation. The results were excellent or good in 83% of patients. Many of the failures were because of general disorders unrelated to the operation, but in 5.4% of the knees there were local complications which continue to present problems.

IG Mackie M Green H Clarke DH Isaac

Bone samples from the iliac crest of patients with no signs of bone disorder were treated with collagenase to remove the collagen component and so allow detailed observation of the mineral hydroxyapatite. Both polished and unpolished surfaces were studied in the scanning electron microscope and they showed that the mineral component of bone is composed of small rounded units about 10 nm across which are fused together to form larger spheroidal units roughly 100 nm in diameter. In the unpolished surfaces these 100 nm units are seen to aggregate to form columns approximately parallel to their neighbours and with numerous interconnections forming a continuous mineral phase. The polished sections also show the hydroxyapatite as a continuous phase of contiguous spheroids and the holes from which the collagen fibres were removed are clearly revealed. Lamellations in the surface are interpreted as resulting from adjacent layers of collagen fibres having orientations approximately perpendicular to each other.

P Gebuhr JP Jorgensen B Vollmer-Larsen SL Nielsen B Alsbjorn

Leg amputation levels were decided in 24 patients suffering from atherosclerosis, using the conventional techniques of segmental blood pressure and radioisotope skin clearance. The skin microcirculation was measured and recorded before operation with a laser doppler flowmeter. A high correlation was found between the successful amputation levels and the maximal blood perfusion of the skin measured in this way.

We reviewed lesions of the femoral condyles seen in 5,000 knee arthroscopies, recording the findings and the age and sex of the patients. We were able to distinguish the characteristics of developing and late osteochondritis dissecans, acute and old osteochondral fractures, chondral separations, chondral flaps and idiopathic osteonecrosis, and suggest that these are separate distinct conditions. Haemarthrosis was associated only with acute osteochondral fractures. The characteristic feature of osteochondritis dissecans was an expanding concentric lesion at the 'classical' site on the medial femoral condyle which appeared during the second decade of life and progressed to a concave steep-sided defect in the mature skeleton. Caffey's (1958) classification of epiphyseal dysplasias could not be applied to osteochondritis dissecans, which appeared to have a gradual onset without acute trauma. Much of the controversy about the cause of osteochondritis dissecans is the result of imprecise nomenclature.

JP Hodgkinson P Shelley BM Wroblewski

In a prospective study, a double crossover wire with a compression spring was used to re-attach 52 un-united trochanters at revision operations on total hip arthroplasties. Bony union was achieved in 42 (81%) and was not influenced by the duration of the nonunion or the separation gap. The new method compared favourably with earlier revisions at which other methods of trochanteric re-attachment had been used.

S Fruensgaard HV Johannsen

In a prospective study, 41 consecutive patients with a partial tear of the anterior cruciate ligament, diagnosed by arthroscopy, were reviewed after an average of 17 months, having been in plaster for six weeks after injury. Their average age was 29 years and review included clinical examination, measurement of anterior and posterior laxity with the Stryker knee laxity tester as well as evaluation of knee function and activity level. Twenty-one patients had unstable knees at follow-up; the mean total anteroposterior laxity for these patients was 12.6 +/- 3.9 mm compared with 7.1 +/- 4.3 mm for the normal knee. Most patients had few symptoms, but there was a significant reduction in the mean level of activity in the unstable group.

AD Crocker AL Moss

CR Howie GE Fulford K Stewart

MA Bransby-Zachary DA MacDonald I Singh RJ Newman

H Potts J Noble