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We have studied the natural history of spontaneous dislocation of the hip in cerebral palsy, with particular reference to the pattern of neurological involvement. In patients with bilateral hemiplegia and severe involvement of the upper limbs the incidence of dislocation was very high (59%), while in those with diplegia and little involvement of the upper limbs, only 6.5% were affected. There was no evidence of dysplasia or instability of the hip in any of the patients with unilateral hemiplegia. A strong correlation was found between the stability of the hip and the patients' ability to walk. These findings have a bearing on clinical surveillance and also on the indications for prophylactic surgery.
Vascular injuries after total hip arthroplasty are occasionally reported, but we have found only two cases of major arterial occlusion, and none at all involving the common femoral artery. We report two cases of occlusion of the common femoral artery after Charnley arthroplasties, one of which resulted in a below-knee amputation.
Vitamin D deficiency occurs in up to 24% of the Asian immigrant population in the United Kingdom, but pathological fractures are relatively uncommon. We report a case of bilateral fracture of the femoral neck caused by a convulsion secondary to dietary-induced hypocalcaemia. To our knowledge such a sequence has not previously been reported.
A prospective study involving 500 consecutive patients undergoing hip replacement was performed to find out whether a combination of heparin and dihydroergotamine was effective in preventing postoperative fatal and non-fatal emboli. Deep-vein thrombosis was demonstrated in 131 cases (26.2%), in 99 of whom thrombi were confined to the ipsilateral (operated) limb and in 13 to the contralateral limb; 19 patients developed bilateral thrombi. Nine patients (1.8%) died during the first four weeks after operation, before they were discharged from hospital; in one, major emboli were demonstrated in the right pulmonary artery. Three of the 500 patients developed non-fatal pulmonary emboli. Excessive bleeding occurred in 21 (4.2%) and in 19 of these prophylaxis was discontinued. Wound haematomas developed in 25 patients (5.0%); only six required evacuation but in none of these six did deep infection occur while in hospital; in three patients, however, the wound haematoma prolonged the stay in hospital. Thus the combination of heparin and dihydroergotamine proved an effective prophylaxis against pulmonary embolism in patients undergoing total hip replacement. The risk of bleeding complications is wholly acceptable when balanced against the advantages of the therapy.
Human articular cartilage taken from 92 femoral heads at autopsy was examined macroscopically and microscopically. Fifty-two showed no changes except for occasional slight degeneration in the non-pressure areas; these changes were visible only microscopically. In the remaining 40 heads, different degrees of osteoarthrosis were seen; half the heads also showed focal lacunar resorptive lesions in the cartilage. The origin of this focal cartilage resorption is discussed and its possible association with necrosis, pannus formation and enzymatic synovial activities. We conclude that there is no evidence of a direct relationship between focal cartilage resorption and osteoarthrosis.
Seventy-one Geomedic total knee replacements were reviewed retrospectively at a maximum of eight and a half years. The prosthesis was found to be successful in its primary aim of relieving pain. However, there was an overall failure rate of 18.3%. Analysis of the results by an actuarial method allowed comparison with other prostheses. The factors involved in failure are discussed.
We examine the hypothesis that a knee replacement is most likely to survive successfully if it is stable with a coronal tibiofemoral angle close to 7 degrees of valgus, the accepted normal. The records of 428 knee replacements followed up for one to nine years were analysed. The highest success rate was indeed found in those so aligned at operation and such knees were most likely to remain stable. Nevertheless, half of the failures occurred in knees correctly aligned at operation and two-fifths in knees which had remained stable in this alignment; many failures must have been caused by factors other than malalignment. Some knees, well aligned at operation, deteriorated into severely varus or valgus positions; their failure rate was significantly higher than that for knees which remained normally aligned and higher also than for knees severely varus or valgus from operation onwards. Malalignment, in itself, may not be the most important cause of failure, though it probably does compound failure from other causes.
The size and shape of the patella make it suitable for the partial replacement of a femoral or tibial condyle resected for tumour, or destroyed by trauma. It can provide a good articular surface and may give satisfactory knee function. Nineteen cases of patellar grafts are presented, with follow-up from two to nine years. Good consolidation of the graft and fair stability of the joint were obtained; the range of movement was 90 degrees or more in 79% of cases. In contrast with an allograft of a femoral or tibial condyle, the technique described does not need an allograft bank, has a lower risk of infection, and allows better and quicker consolidation and revascularisation of the grafts, as well as a better range of movement at the knee, probably because of the lack of fibrosis from immunological reaction. Merle d'Aubigne's technique, using a patellar graft with a vascular muscle pedicle, is useful only for some cases, requires a longer period of immobilisation and weakens the extensor apparatus. Our series shows that consolidation and revascularisation of a patellar graft can occur in the absence of a pedicle.
Torsion and subsequent ischaemia is a well-recognised cause of symptoms and morbidity in general surgery. We present three cases of solitary pigmented villonodular tumours of the knee which were found to have undergone torsion. We believe these to be the first intra-articular tumours in which torsion has been reported.
In a double-blind, randomised, prospective study of 139 patients undergoing arthroscopic meniscectomy, those receiving a prostaglandin inhibitor (naproxen sodium) had significantly less pain, less synovitis and less effusion. They had significantly more rapid return of movement and of quadriceps function; their return to work and to sport also was significantly faster. It is recommended that, provided there are no contraindications, a prostaglandin inhibitor should be used after arthroscopic procedures.
The clinical and radiological features of 12 knees (10 patients) with congenital absence of the anterior cruciate ligament are presented. The high frequency of this condition in association with other more easily recognised congenital abnormalities of the knee is discussed. It is concluded that congenital absence of the anterior cruciate ligament is more common than generally suspected and is associated with other developmental abnormalities of both bone and soft tissue in the lower limb, particularly around the knee joint.
A prospective study of 141 patients with 143 tibial shaft fractures has been carried out; 102 fractures were closed and 41 open. All the patients were treated by Ender's nailing and early weight-bearing. The average healing time was 15.2 weeks. There were no cases of bone infection and complications were minimal, the commonest being slight malalignment. Using this method, rapid restoration of bone continuity was achieved, combined with almost normal limb function during treatment.
The late results of treatment of 24 legs in 21 children with congenital deficiency of the tibia are presented. A new classification is proposed which correlates well with recommendations for treatment and with the final functional result. Three types of deficiency were recognised: Type I, total absence of the tibia; Type II, distal absence; Type III, distal deficiency with tibiofibular diastasis. The early radiographic appearances, the functional status of the quadriceps and the severity of flexion contracture of the knee were important factors in the selection of the operations likely to give the best function.
A lesion similar to that described by Bankart in recurrent dislocation of the shoulder was seen in seven patients with recurrent dislocation of the peroneal tendons. Detachment of the periosteum had resulted in the formation of a false pouch on the surface of the lower end of the fibula; into this pouch the peroneal tendons could easily dislocate. Reattachment of the periosteum to drill holes in the fibula prevented dislocation, and this anatomical method of repair is described. This lesion is one of the causes of recurrent dislocation of the peroneal tendons.
Seventy resistant club feet in 46 patients were treated within the first six months of life by posterior release as an incident in continuing conservative care and were later assessed at an average age of 15 years. Assessment was made upon strict clinical criteria, including appearance, function and degree of pain during activity; the results were excellent in 22 feet, good in 19, and poor in 29. We also studied the correlation between the radiographs and the final outcome. From these data we propose certain indications for the timing and technique of this type of management, and also discuss the relative merits of this approach compared with more conventional radical release operations.
Stature and its components were examined in 143 girls aged 11 to 15 years with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Correction was made for loss of height due to the lateral spinal curvature, and the findings were compared with those from 202 healthy girls of similar age. Using three components of stature (suprapelvic, pelvic and subischial heights) we were able to show that the relatively greater stature of girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis was due to changes in the pelvis and lower limbs but not significantly in the spine. Suprapelvic height was reduced relative to subischial height; this probably represents the growth pattern of predominantly ectomorphic individuals, reflecting the physique of many of these girls. Pelvic height was disproportionately increased, and this is considered to be a true rather than an apparent difference. Cephalocaudal disproportion involving two segments suggests a common mechanism of causation which is unlikely to be secondary to the scoliosis. These physical features may in some way be associated with a predisposition to progression of the scoliosis.
Study of 16 patients with Type III osteogenesis imperfecta showed marked elongation of the pedicles of the vertebrae in all cases, a deformity which was not seen in other types of the disease. Posterior rib angulation was also noted in Type III disease. These features have proved useful in suggesting the diagnosis of osteogenesis imperfecta even before long bones have fractured and in categorizing patients with osteogenesis imperfecta into the correct type for prognostic purposes.
We report 11 patients who, over a five-year period, were treated for pyogenic infection of the sacro-iliac joint. This condition is uncommon and difficult to assess, so that diagnosis is liable to be delayed and morbidity increased. Skeletal scintigraphy, with perfusion phase imaging, is usually positive in early lesions and prompt antibiotic treatment reduces complications.
Over the past 19 years we have operated on 269 patients with myelopathy associated with cervical spondylosis. We report our results in 191 cases which we have followed up for 1 to 12 years (average 31 months). The clinical state before and after operation was recorded using the criteria of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association. Posterior operations gave better results than anterior for the more advanced myelopathies such as transverse lesions, the Brown-Sequard syndrome and the motor syndromes, but the brachialgia and cord syndrome and the central cord syndrome were satisfactorily treated by anterior operations. Of the three anterior and three posterior techniques used, no single one showed an overall superiority. A short duration of symptoms before operation was associated with better results, but these were not influenced by the age of the patients.
Traditional posterior approaches to the neck use a vertical craniocaudal incision which often leaves an unsightly scar. An incision along Langer's transverse lines of tension divides only the cross-fibres of the dermis and we have found the results of this approach encouraging: wound healing was uncomplicated and the cosmetic appearance excellent.
Major ruptures of the rotator cuff were repaired in 89 patients over a six-year period, using an approach through the split deltoid muscle and the bed of the excised outer centimetre of the clavicle. Review of these patients showed that poor results were associated with larger cuff defects, with more pre-operative steroid injections and with pre-operative weakness of the deltoid muscle. A randomised prospective study showed that repair followed by splinting in abduction gave no better results than repair followed by resting the arm at the side. Excision of the coraco-acromial ligament was associated with worse results than leaving its divided halves in situ. Follow-up showed that the results continued to improve for two years after operation; their quality was maintained in patients less than 60 years old, but in those over 60 there was deterioration with time.
A series of experiments showing how posture affects the lumbar spine is reviewed. Postures which flatten (that is, flex) the lumbar spine are compared with those that preserve the lumbar lordosis. Our review shows that flexed postures have several advantages: flexion improves the transport of metabolites in the intervertebral discs, reduces the stresses on the apophyseal joints and on the posterior half of the annulus fibrosus, and gives the spine a high compressive strength. Flexion also has disadvantages: it increases the stress on the anterior annulus and increases the hydrostatic pressure in the nucleus pulposus at low load levels. The disadvantages are not of much significance and we conclude that it is mechanically and nutritionally advantageous to flatten the lumbar spine when sitting and when lifting heavy weights.
Non-operative management has frequently been adopted for closed injuries of the infraclavicular brachial plexus and its branches in the belief that spontaneous recovery is likely to occur, and surgical exploration is performed only if recovery has not occurred in the expected time. This paper correlates the clinical and electrophysiological features with the operative findings in six patients with such injuries. The axillary nerve was ruptured in all six patients, the musculocutaneous nerve in two and the radial nerve in two. When the muscles supplied by a branch of the plexus were denervated, the differentiation between rupture of that branch and a lesion in continuity could only be made by surgical exploration, which should be performed as soon as other injuries permit.
Three patients referred for rehabilitation of brachial plexus lesions and two referred with leg weakness associated with sciatica were found to have conversion paralysis. The diagnosis was made by demonstrating normal motor nerve conduction to the clinically weak muscles. The weakness was treated by intensive physical rehabilitation with complete and sustained recovery in all cases.
Seven pectoralis major transfers in children suffering from bilateral paralysis of elbow flexion due to arthrogryposis or to trauma are reported. A technique is described in which the muscle is mobilised from the clavicle to allow the tendon of insertion to be attached to the biceps tendon at the elbow. The biceps tendon was found to be present and could be mobilised forwards in all the arthrogrypotic elbows. Subjectively, the results were considered by patients or parents to be very good in six cases and fair in one. Elbow flexion power against gravity and against some resistance was achieved in all patients except one. The overall function was very good in one elbow, good in two, fair in three and poor in only one. The merits of the various procedures described for the restoration of elbow flexion in arthrogryposis are discussed. It is concluded that total pectoralis major transfer by the method described here has given the best results.
The soft tissue response to carbon fibre was studied histologically one and a half years after being used to reconstruct the lateral collateral ligament of the human knee. A remarkably consistent pattern was seen in the induced ligament. The basic pattern was a "composite unit", consisting of a core of carbon fibre enveloped in a concentric manner by coherent layers of fibroblasts and collagen fibres. This new structure seemed to have been induced by continuous irritation caused by the physical structure of the carbon fibres; it is unlikely ever to acquire the structure of a natural ligament. However, it is biologically compatible and is biomechanically sufficient as long as the entire tow of carbon fibres is preserved.
Although it has been well established that fracture healing is influenced by the mechanical environment, the optimal parameters have not yet been established. In two groups of sheep an experimental tibial diaphysial fracture was created, and stabilised using external skeletal fixation. In one group rigid fixation was maintained throughout fracture healing; in the other group controlled axial micromovement, with a loading regime known to be osteogenic in intact bones, was applied for a short period daily. A significant improvement in healing was associated with the application of controlled micromovement. Data from these experiments provide the basis for improving the conditions for fracture healing and may assist in the prevention of delayed union.
The tissue surrounding carbon fibre reinforced epoxy resin plates applied to forearm and tibial fractures was biopsied in 32 patients at the time the plates were removed. The reaction was minimal and was compared with that in a control group of 16 similar patients in whom stainless steel plates were used. No significant histological differences were found. A series of experiments on rats, in which the histology was studied from 2 to 78 weeks, also showed that there was very little reaction to carbon fibre reinforced plastic.
Magnetic resonance images (MRI) were obtained of 10 healthy volunteers and 70 patients suffering from various orthopaedic disorders. Selected images of soft tissue, joint, bone and spinal abnormalities are presented and their interpretation is described. Although we have been using MRI for only a very short time, it is already possible to see its advantages: it provides good images of soft-tissues, detailed pictures of bone marrow, and excellent visualisation of the spine and spinal cord. The decision-making process in surgical procedures will in the future be influenced by this technique.