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A review was conducted of the records of fifty-five children who were admitted to the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto between 1955 and 1975 with a diagnosis of Volkmann's contracture in fifty-eight limbs. Ten patients had been transferred to this hospital with established ischaemia after Bryant's traction for a fractured femur; all had a very poor outcome. Thirteen other cases of Volkmann's contracture affecting the superficial posterior compartment had been treated with a fixed Thomas' splint and a Bradford frame after fractures of the femoral shaft. Supracondylar fractures of the elbow resulting in Volkmann's contracture frequently had both an arterial injury and a compartment syndrome. Most of the fifty-five children reviewed here had not had early appropriate treatment. For the past twenty-one years the frequency of Volkmann's contracture has not declined in spite of many published reports on the compartment syndrome, and the hazards of supracondylar fractures and of Bryant's traction.
An inner tube was inflated and then surrounded with plaster wool and plaster-of-Paris bandages. The plaster and the wool were next progressively divided. There was no significant reduction of the pressure inside the tube until both the plaster and the wool had been divided and separated from the inner tube along the entire circumference. These findings demonstrated that wool and plaster applied to limbs likely to swell should be split right down to skin and widely separated immediately after their application. A plaster slab is safer still, but the wool must be cut before the crepe bandage is applied.
Ischaemia is a rare complication of injury to a limb but must be excluded in every case. Two distinct types occur: Type I, where a proximal arterial injury gives rise to ischaemia distally; and Type II, where a direct injury gives rise to ischaemia at the site of the injury. Whatever the nature of the insult, an ischaemic contracture only develops as a result of swelling of the soft tissues where these soft tissues are contained in un unyielding osteofascial compartment. This secondary ischaemia can only be relieved by a timely fasciotomy. The diagnosis of ischaemia in an injured limb and the indications to operate on it can usually be made on clinical grounds alone.
A radiographic suvey has been carried out of 147 first-degree relatives of forty-seven patients treated in Edinburgh for spondylolisthesis of the fifth lumbar vertebra; twelve patients had the dysplastic (congenital) type and thirty-five an isthmic defect. The survey identified 19 per cent of relatives with spondylolysis, and index patients with each type of spondylolisthesis had relatives with the opposite type. Index patients with the dysplastic form had a higher proportion of affected relatives (33 per cent) than had those with the isthmic type (15 per cent), but both figures were significantly in excess of the estimated frequency for the general population of under 1 per cent and 5 per cent respectively. Spina bifida occulta at the fifth lumbar or first sacral level or both, and lumbosacral segmental defects were commoner amongst all individuals with spondylolysis than amongst unaffected relatives (dysplastic form 94 per cent, isthmic type 32 per cent, unaffected relatives 7 per cent). However, there was no single instance of a neural tube defect (anencephaly, spina bifida with or without meningocele, other generalised vertebral anomalies or spinal dysraphism) amongst 826 first-, second- or third-degree relatives. It is concluded that the developmental defects of the vertebrae associated with spondylolysis are not aetiologically related to the neural tube defects. The one in three risk of spondylolysis to near relatives of patients with the dysplastic form of spondylolisthesis is emphasised in order that the deformity in their sibs and children can be recognised at any early age.
The spinal stenosis syndrome is a potential hazard when congenital or developmental narrowing of the bony canal, particularly in its lateral recesses where it can be demonstrated by axial tomography, places the emergent nerve root and its blood supply at risk to further small compressive elements. When lumbar disc degeneration allows rotatory and lateral instability, posterolateral bulging of the annulus fibrosus into the root canal occurs when weight is taken on the ipsilateral lower limb. Symptoms of the spinal stenosis syndrome do not arise until the development of this instability. To relieve the symptoms, the nerve root must be freely mobilised and decompressed by full lateral decompression, with partial or total facetectomy if necessary, by enucleation of the intervertebral disc and by removal of the posterolateral portions of the annuli fibrosi.
Segmental spinal reflexes (stretch reflexes) were studied in patients with scoliosis. The proprioceptive responses to the phasic stretch of the paraspinal muscles were asymmetric in all patients, and were increased on the convex side. The asymmetry was more pronounced when the patients were standing. The observed asymmetry of the reflex responses was taken to indicate asymmetry in the tone and postural activity of the superficial layer of the paraspinal muscles. A reciprocal relationship was found in the segmental reflex organisation between the superficial and deep layers of the paraspinal muscles. The increase in reflex response of the superficial muscles on the convex side can be due to diminished reciprocal inhibition from weak, deep muscles. Thus a segmental neurogenic disorder involving predominantly the deep paraspinal muscles of the convexity of the curve may be the primary lesion responsible for the development of scoliosis.
The orthopaedic surgeon is often the first consultant to whom a patient with syringomyelia is referred. The disease is not as rare as he may suppose, but its early presenting features are very variable; if he relies solely on such familiar features as pes cavus and scoliosis, he may well miss the diagnosis. The commonest presenting symptom is pain in the head, neck, trunk or limbs; headache or neckache made worse by straining is particularly significant. A history of birth injury also may suggest the possibility of syringomyelia, especially if any spasticity subsequently worsens. Neurological features which may be diagnostic include nystagmus, dissociated sensory loss, muscle wasting, spasticity of the lower limbs or Charcot's joints. Radiographic features include erosion of the bodies of cervical vertebrae and widening of the spinal canal; if, at C5, the size of the canal exceeds that of the body by 6 millimetres in the adult, pathological dilatation is present. The presence of basilar invagination or other abnormalities of the foramen magnum, of spina bifida occulta and of scoliosis are further pointers. Thermography is a useful way of showing asymmetrical sympathetic involvement in early cases. A greater awareness of the prevalence of syringomyelia may lead to earlier diagnosis and to early operation, which appears to hold out the best hope of arresting what is all too commonly a severely disabling and progressive condition.
Sixty patients with congenital deformities of the spine were operated upon in the past fifteen years using a two-stage procedure. In the fifty patients with scoliosis half of the deformities were due to hemivertebrae and half to unilateral bars. The average correction of the deformity was 47 per cent. Early neurological signs observed in two patients with a diastematomyelia resolved. Of the ten patients with kyphosis nine had neurological signs of impending paraplegia and one was completely paraplegic before operation; all improved markedly. Posterior spinal fusion alone in the rapidly progressing congenital deformity may not prevent further progression, particularly in those cases iwth unilateral bars. Anterior resection of the vertebral body with later posterior fusion with Harrington instrumentation is safe and effective.
Twenty-four hips in twenty children affected by Group 1 Perthes' disease have been reviewed to assess the radiographic result after a minimum follow-up of four years. The children were allocated to Group 1 prospectively after examination of the early radiographs and no specific treatment of the affected hip was provided. The radiographic end results assessed by three methods were good even in those cases in which the additional stress of containment splintage of the contralateral hip was applied.
Fifty-four adults with eighty hips affected by congenital disease which had not been treated have been reviewed. Fifty-nine per cent of forty-two dislocated hips had fair or poor grading scores. The incidence of osteoarthritis was markedly increased in the presence of a well-developed false acetabulum. Unilateral dislocation led to valgus deformity and degenerative changes in the ipsilateral knee in seven of twenty-two patients. Dislocation did not increase the incidence of symptomatic lumbar spondylosis. The height of the dislocated head on the ilium was not found to be related to the prognosis for the hip, the knee or the lumbar spine and did not correlate with the development of the false acetabulum. Frank congenital subluxation eventually led to osteoarthritis of the hip.
The hips of twenty full-term African neonates have been examined in detail to determine any anatomical factors which might explain the difference in the incidence of congenital dislocation of the hip in the African and in the Caucasian. Measurements included the degree of anteversion of the femoral neck and the acetabulum and the diameter and depth of the acetabulum. The acetabulum tended to be deeper and to vary within a much narrower range than that reported for Caucasians, lending indirect support to the theoretical role of acetabular dysplasia in the aetiology of congenital dislocation of the hip. Measurements of the anteversion of the acetabulum and femoral neck were similar to those given for Caucasians.
A retrospective study of 200 cases of subcapital fracture of the neck of the femur treated by sliding nail-plate fixation has been carried out. Failure of fixation within three months occurred in forty-two cases (21 per cent). These failures could, in part, be attributed to a combination of the severity of the fracture and various imperfections in technique. The age of the patient and the angle of the nail-plate had no significant effect on the result.
The stress-tenogram is a radiological technique for the investigation of injuries to the lateral ligament of the ankle, and combines the information previously provided by inversion and anterior stress radiographs, and the peroneal tenogram. It is designed to differentiate between stable and unstable ankles, and between isolated ruptures of the anterior talofibular ligament and combined tears of the anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments. A high degree of diagnostic accuracy has been confirmed at operative repair in a group of thirty-two patients.
Chronic instability of the ankle is frequently due to disruption of the fibres of the anterior talofibular ligament and the anterolateral capsule. This allows momentary subluxations at the ankle joint; the talus tilts into an abnormal varus position and rotates forwards and inwards about a vertical axis which passes through the medial malleolus. The use of a free tendon graft to reconstruct the anterior talofibular ligament restores the stability of the ankle without restricting movement at the subtalar level.
Studies derived from analyses of radiographs and dissections of cadaveric wrists have been directed at testing and disproving the commonly held theories that link chip fractures of the os triquetrum with avulsion. The authors found that the mechanism of such injuries involved a chisel action of the ulnar styloid upon the dorsum of the os triquetrum; furthermore, the impact of a fall on the outstretched arm with the hand rigidly held in strong dorsiflexion and ulnar deviation could be forceful enough to fracture the body of the os triquetrum as well. In all cases a striking prolongation of the ulnar styloid, beyond the surface of the ulnar head, was consistently noted.
Seventy-five Freeman-Swanson (ICLH) Mark I total knee replacements, all performed in one orthopaedic unit between 1972 and 1975, were independently reviewed. The fifty-eight surviving patients, with sixty-eight arthroplasties, have been interviewed and examined and the clinical records of the deceased patients inspected. Sixty arthroplasties (80 per cent) were successful and fifteen failed (20 per cent). There were no disasters. Twenty (33.8 per cent) of the successful arthroplasties were excellent. It is expected that modification of the prosthesis and improved instrumentation will increase this percentage of excellent results and reduce the failure rate.
An operation is described in which a microvascular technique was used to transfer a living fibula, with its vascular pedicle intact, to replace the lower end of the radius after massive resection for giant-cell tumour. Angiography carried out six weeks later showed that the grafted bone was viable. Six months after operation the transplanted fibula showed no osteoporosis or bone resorption and bony union at the junction of host and graft.
Six cases are reported in which a fibrosarcoma or malignant fibrous histiocytoma developed in relation to an enchondroma in a long bone. Four of the tumours were fibrosarcomata, and two were malignant fibrous histiocytomata. Five of the six cases were in the distal femur, which is a common site for old calcified enchondromata or "cartilage rests". The age of the patients was between fifty-six and eighty-six with a mean of seventy. Four were women, Five died less than one year after presentation. The fibrosarcomata and malignant fibrous histiocytomata do not appear to have arisen directly from the tumour cartilage but from the dense fibrous tissue surrounding necrotic areas in the enchondromata by a process analogous to that responsible for the development of fibrosarcomata in bone infarcts and chronic osteomyelitis. The possibility that some "dedifferentiated" chondrosarcomata are forms of collision tumour is discussed.
Desmoid tumours are not common but have a distinct resemblance to fibrosarcomata. Their clinical appearance and progress should be recognised since failure to distinguish them from sarcomata could result in extensive and unnecessarily mutilating operations. Three cases of extra-abdominal desmoid tumours are reported. Two of the patients had tumours arising from multicentric foci in the same limb. The disappearance of the tumours in two patients after the menopause, and the variation in the tumours during the menstrual cycle in the third patient, add weight to the theories about endocrine control.