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Volume 60-B, Issue 4 November 1978

GC Lloyd-Roberts Pincott P McMeniman IJ Bayley B Kendall

Recent surveys have shown that idiopathic structural scoliosis of mild degree is generally not progressive. We will propose a mechanism which may be responsible for deterioration in the few. It has been observed that the spinal cord, although displaced towards the concavity, does not rotate in company with the vertebrae, thus exposing the emerging nerve roots to the effects of traction and possibly of entrapment. We suggest that progression occurs when the neuraxis is unable to adjust to the change in the anatomy of vertebral column. Our proposition is based upon our findings in a complete spinal column obtained from a baby with structural scoliosis. Support is provided by intercostal angiography, and by observations upon normal anatomy, the pathological anatomy of mature scoliotic spines and the anatomy of contrived scoliosis in normal spines. Although our histological and electrophysiological investigations are incomplete we can demonstrate a significant increase in degenerate cells in the dorsal root ganglia at the apex on the convex side. Lack of suitable necropsy material prevents us from confirming our observations so that our report is inevitably preliminary. We enter a plea that careful examination of the neuraxis be undertaken whenever a specimen of a scoliotic spine becomes available.

RG Burwell PH Dangerfield DJ Hall CL Vernon MH Harrison

DJ Barker E Dixon JF Taylor

Throughout 1976 orthopaedic surgeons in three regions of England forwarded details of all new patients with Perthes' disease attending outpatient clinics or admitted as inpatients. The incidence in the Mersey region (11.1 per 100 000 children under fifteen years) was twice that in Wessex (5.5) with Trent having an intermediate incidence (7.6). The ratio of male to female incidence varied between the regions as did the age distribution of male cases. These findings point to the importance of environmental factors in the aetiology of the disease, and suggest the need for further epidemiological studies.

RW Porter M Wicks D Ottewell

A method is described of measuring the lumbar spinal canal by pulsed echo ultrasound. It is simple, safe and has a high degree of accuracy. The lumbar canal has been measured in over 800 subjects including 100 mining recruits and fifty nurses between the ages of fifteen and eighteen years. Ultrasound can demonstrate the degree and extent of bony stenosis. It may have value in preventive medicine, identifying the subject at risk.

RW Porter CS Hibbert M Wicks

The oblique sagittal diameter of the lumbar spinal canal was measured by diagnostic ultrasound in seventy-three patients with symptomatic disc lesions, and compared with measurements from 200 asymptomatic subjects. Results suggest that the available space in the spinal canal is highly significant in the symptomatology of disc lesions, and in the patient's response to treatment.

The lumbar spines of 485 skeletons of adult South African "Whites" and "Blacks" of both sexes were examined to determine the incidence and morphology of defects in the pars interarticularis. The overall incidence was 3.5%, without significant variation between races and sexes. The incidence of lumbar spina bifida in the whole sample was 1.9%, but was 11.8% in those skeletons with spondylolysis. Some instances of unilateral spondylolysis demonstrated obvious callus formation, suggesting a capability for normal repair. It is possible that the defects in bilateral cases represent established non-union of fractures of the pars interarticularis resulting from excessive mobility, and are not due to dysplasia of bone. It is noted, for the first time, that the superior facets of affected vertebrae are abnormally enlarged, and that the inferior facets of the separate neural arch are characteristically elliptical.

Sixty-six patients are presented who have had a total hip replacement by the Charnley low-friction technique after injuries of the hip, the majority of which were fracture-dislocations. The clinical results of the arthroplasties in this relatively young group of patients are shown to be very good. The selection of young patients for total hip replacement arthroplasty is discussed.

During the years 1971 to 1975, 378 Charnley low-friction arthroplasties of the hip were performed on 278 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The average age at operation was thirty-nine years. The follow-up time ranged from one to six years (mean two and a half years). Forty per cent of patients were receiving steroids at the time of operation. The most common complications were loosening of the prosthesis (3.4%), perforation of the femoral cortex and fracture. Deep infection occurred in 0.7%, dislocation in 0.7%, and thromboembolic episodes in 1.3%. Ninety-five per cent of patients were free of pain at follow-up compared to 84% who were severely handicapped by pain before operation. In addition, the increased mobility in 98.5% of patients and their improved independence makes hip replacement a recommendable procedure in these patients.

One hundred and two fractures of the femoral shaft, including eighteen pathological fractures, in 100 patients were internally fixed by closed Kuntscher nailing. Sixty-eight fractures resulted from motor vehicle accidents; ten were compound. Seventy-five patients were under the age of thirty years and thirty-four had multiple injuries. Sixty-nine fractures were nailed on the day of the accident and the operative technique is described. Complications during and after operations were few. Fifty-eight patients left hospital within four weeks and 77% of those working returned to work in less than four months. There were no wound or bone infections. The results are discussed and it is concluded that, with the correct equipment and careful attention to detail, closed nailing is a straightforward procedure with few complications. Advantages include the wide range of fractures that can be nailed, the short hospitalisation, the rapid return of function to the knee, the early return to work and the absence of infection.

RD Fraser GA Hunter JP Waddell

The hospital records of 222 cases of ipsilateral fractures of the femur and tibia were reviewed, and patients were grouped according to the type of fracture and the method of treatment. Thirty-five per cent of patients required late operation for delayed union or non-union, osteomyelitis, refracture and malunion, regardless of the treatment group. A disturbing factor was the 30% incidence of osteomyelitis in patients treated by fixation of both fractures, almost three times the incidence when only one fracture was fixed. A 30% incidence of delayed union or non-union occurred in patients managed conservatively. Of sixty-three patients personally examined, the worst results found were those following conservative management of both fractures. More use of rigid external fixation and of cast bracing is recommended in the management of the fractured tibia, combined with internal fixation of the femoral fracture. Examination of the knee suggested that, with ipsilateral fractures, disruption of ligaments is a common occurrence and should always be suspected.

JP Browett AN Gibbs SA Copeland LJ Deliss

A prospective trial has been carried out to determine the value of suction drainage in the operation of meniscectomy. One hundred operations were analysed, in half of which drains had been used. The use of the drain could not be shown to result in any sustained advantages. The demand for analgesics after the operation was reduced but not to a statistically significant level. The size of the early effusion was significantly reduced, but this benefit was lost when the knee was mobilised. The return of power to the quadriceps and of movement to the knee were not hastened. The average volume of fluid drained was 134 millilitres and it has been shown that forty-eight hours is a suitable time for removal of the drain. The use of suction drainage is not advocated for the uncomplicated operation of meniscectomy.

Carbon fibre appears to induce the formation of tendon in both animals and humans. Experiments have been conducted in sheep in which new anterior cruciate ligaments have been induced in response to the implantation of filamentous carbon fibre. Long-term studies indicate that the carbon fibre slowly breaks up at the site of implantation and later begins to appear in the regional lymph nodes.

Chronic non-specific tenosynovitis of the posterior tibial tendon is a well-known clinical entity, characterised by pain, swelling and tenderness behind the medial malleolus. There are no reports in the literature of any case associated with any radiological abnormality. Three such cases are discussed, each presenting with the clinical findings typical of the syndrome but with associated radiological changes. These changes may pose diagnostic problems and several primary conditions need to be excluded. Surgical decompression of the tendon may be necessary to relieve symptoms, to prevent erosion and rupture of the tendon, and to establish the diagnosis.

A series of patients treated by osteotomy of the os calcis for the relief of peroneal spastic flat foot is reviewed. The late results have been evaluated, and the literature reviewed. It is suggested that this is an effective method of treatment which has advantages over tarsal fusions.

GF Rushforth

This paper reports on a prospective study undertaken to determine the natural history of untreated idiopathic hooked forefoot. The progress of 130 affected feet in eighty-three children was followed for an average of seven years. At review 86% of the feet were normal or only mildly deformed and all were fully mobile; 10% were still moderately deformed but were asymptomatic; 4% remained deformed and stiff. It was not possible to detect these resistant cases before the age of three years, but the low failure rate would seem to justify a policy of expectant treatment.

Adults with deformities of the lower limb due to spasticity may be considerably improved by operation, but thorough pre-operative assessment as an inpatient is essential in order to pinpoint the disability. The commonest deformity is equinovarus which often responds to simple operative procedures. The results of seventy-seven operative procedures in fifty patients are recorded. Correction once achieved is stable and the deformity does not recur.

The contributions made by metatarsus primus varus, medial subluxation of the navicular, and angulation of the neck of the talus to the residual deformity in treated club feet were assessed from radiographs. Their relation to the appearance of the feet, to the age of the patient, to the results of operations, and to the age at the time of the first operation were investigated. Lateral rotation of the ankle and flattening of the talus were also studied. Medial subluxation of the navicular was found to be the most important factor influencing both the appearance of the feet and the lateral rotation of the ankle. Relocation of the talonavicular joint correlated with the success of operative treatment; and the timing of the primary operation determined the degree of relocation which could be achieved. Metatarsus primus varus and angulation of the talus were of little importance. Increased emphasis is given to the need for early relocation of the talonavicular joint.

M Watson

Twenty-three patients with a severe refractory painful arc syndrome have been treated by excision of the outer end of the clavicle and division of the coracoacromial ligament through a deltoid-splitting approach. After a follow-up of more than six months all patients have been relieved of night pain. Six still have slight pain on movement, but the rest are symptom-free.

SA Copeland RC Howard

Eleven thoracoscapular fusion operations have been done on six patients. The indication is symptomatic winging of the scapula caused by thoracoscapular muscle paresis with intact function in the deltoid. This situation almost exclusively occurs in facioscapulohumeral dystrophy. The operation is successful in achieving stability of the scapula and in greatly improving function and cosmesis. Although the course of this type of muscular dystrophy is variable, the benefits of operation have not deteriorated with progression of the disease over a maximum follow-up period of twenty-three years.

P Herberts C Almstrom K Caine

A control system for a multifunctional hand prosthesis, which requires a minimum of training for the amputee, has been developed. The great advantage of the pattern recognition technique in making it possible to control as many as six prosthetic movements has prompted this study. The development of a complete miniaturised system has allowed a clinical trial on four patients. Two different tests have been employed to evaluate this system: an objective computer test and a test representing activities of daily living (ADL test). The computer test shows that a high rate of correct recognition is obtained immediately after the prosthesis is applied to the amputee. The ADL test shows that forearm rotation, and flexion and extension of the wrist are used in most activities, indicating that few compensatory movements are performed. It is suggested that this control system is feasible and that long periods of training are unnecessary.

Allografts of immature joint cartilage from the knees of lambs were transferred heterotopically into an intramuscular site in animals which had been presensitised by two sets of skin grafts from the same donors. All of these grafts were found to be largely destroyed by the immune response as early as four weeks after transfer. Similar grafts transferred orthotopically into the knees of the recipients, on the other hand, were found to be thriving even after twelve weeks and evoked a minimal response. Heterotopic autografts also provoked a mild though non-specific inflammatory reaction which the orthotopic grafts did not. It is concluded that cartilage matrix is capable of protecting grafts to a remarkable degree even from a severe immunological assault but only when the nutrition is adequate. It is suggested that the conflicting results of similar previous experiments may be explained by variations in the nutritional state of the graft which may be affected by the technique of transplantation used.

The results are presented of thirty-seven patients with Ewing's sarcoma; ten were treated by a combination of operation, radiotherapy and cyclic chemotherapy, the remainder by radiotherapy and chemotherapy but without operation. The drugs, vincristine, cyclophosphamide and adriamycin were used in combination and were continued for two years. The follow-up ranged from twelve to sixty-two months. The mortality rate and the incidence of metastases were both markedly lower than in a comparable previous series treated by radiotherapy alone, or by operation plus radiotherapy, but all without chemotherapy. The percentage of local recurrences and of metastases was much higher in the twenty-seven patients who had radiotherapy and adjuvant chemotherapy, than in the ten in whom operation was also performed. It is suggested that on the basis of these results (and on theoretical grounds) treatment should consist of radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy plus, whenever feasible, operative excision of the primary tumour.

Calvaria from six-day-old infant mice were grown on a grid culture in a chemically defined medium under varying oxygen tensions. Quantitative isotope studies demonstrated a linear association between bone resorption and oxygen tension in the physiological range. This result was supported by histological, histochemical and vital staining experiments. The clinical finding of osteoporosis in areas of hyperaemia could therefore be attributed to a rise in oxygen tension causing increased bone resorption.

The residue and extraction of technetium-labelled methylene diphosphonate (99mTc-MDP), a substance used in bone scanning, was examined in the canine tibia and found to be low. Examination of washout curves suggested that there were four compartments in cortical bone, a vascular, a perivascular, a bone fluid and a bone compartment. After an osteotomy in the canine tibia the residue of 99mTc-MDP increased. This was believed to be due to an increase in the blood supply to the bone and to an associated increase in new bone available for exchange. Bone scanning in a fracture is therefore a reflection of the vascular status of the bone being examined and of the uptake by bone. This is dependent on there being an adequate blood supply to the bone and an increased number of mineral-binding sites.