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Volume 58-B, Issue 4 November 1976

Sir Harry Platt, Bart Pages 395 - 395
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H Osmond-Clarke
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HJ Seddon
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E Owen
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In two centres in Korea 350 patients with a diagnosis of tuberculosis of the thoracic and/or lumbar spine were allocated at random: in Masan to in-patient rest in bed (IP) for six months followed by out-patient treatment or to ambulatory out-patient treatment (OP) from the start; in Pusan to out-patient treatment with a plaster-of-Paris jacket (J) for nine months or to ambulatory treatment without any support (No J). All patients recieved chemotherapy with PAS with isoniazid for eighteen months, either supplemented with streptomycin for the first three months (SPH) or without this supplement (PH), by random allocation. The main analysis of this report concerns 299 patients (eighty-three IP, eighty-three OP, sixty-three J, seventy No J; 143 SPH, 156 PH). Pre-treatment factors were similar in both centres except that the patients in Pusan had, on average, less extensive lesions although in a greater proportion the disease was radiographically active. One patient (J/SPH) died with active spinal disease and three (all No J/SPH) with paraplegia. A fifth patient (IP/PH) who died from cardio respiratory failure also had pulmonary tuberculosis. Twenty-three patients required operation and/or additional chemotherapy for the spinal lesion. A sinus or clinically evident abscess was either present initially or developed during treatment in 41 per cent of patients. Residual lesions persisted in ten patients (four IP, two OP, one J, three No J; six SPH, four PH) at five years. Thirty-two patients had paraparesis on admission or developing later. Complete resolution occurred in twenty on the allocated regimen and in eight after operation or additional chemotherapy or both. Of the remaining four atients, all of whom had operation and additional chemotherapy, three died and one still had paraparesis at five years. Of 295 patients assessed at five years 89 per cent had a favourable status. The proportions of the patients responding favourably were similar in the IP (91 per cent) and OP (89 per cent) series, in the J (90 per cent) and No J (84 per cent) series and in the SPH (86 per cent) and PH (92 per cent) series.

SE Larsson R Lorentzon L Boquist
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The clinical records, radiographs and histopathological material of all forty-one patients recorded as suffering from fibrosarcoma of bone in the Swedish Cancer Registry for the years 1958 to 1968 have been analysed; in addition, four cases were found on histological review of a series of osteosarcomas. From this re-examination, twenty-four patients with genuine fibrosarcoma of bone were identified; twenty-two had primary neoplasms and two secondary. No sex or geographical differences were found. The tumours showed a prevalence for patients in the adult and older age groups. Half of the tumours arose from femoral or tibial metaphysial bone adjacent to a knee joint. All the tumours were of the medullary type. Almost one-third presented with a pathological fracture, and soft-tissue extension had occurred in all but three tumours. In contrast to previous reports, these tumours were more malignant than osteosarcomas and showed a five-year survival rate of only 4-2 per cent. In accessible sites, ablative surgery was used as the primary treatment, Fibrosarcoma of bone is a distinctive lesion and should be distinguished carefully from periosteal and soft-tissue fibrosarcomas because of differences in prognosis and treatment.

GM Jeffree CH Price
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Of tumours arising in otherwise normal bones, fibrosarcoma is about one-third as common as osteosarcoma and may have a very slightly better prognosis. A comparison of the aetiology and behaviour of forty-nine fibrosarcomata and 152 osteosarcomata indicates several similar features. Fibrosarcoma lacks the characteristic peak incidence in adolescence of osteosarcoma, but the age and sex distributions of both tumour types in patients of middle life--twenty-five to sixty-five years--are remarkably similar, even in their frequency. With fibrosarcoma, perhaps, lung metastases are fewer and appear later, thus contributing to the slightly better survival, but there is some increase in the proportion of extra-pulmonary secondaries. As with osteosarcoma, patients with fibrosarcoma show some increase in the length of post-metastatic survival when metastases are of later appearance. For the whole series the five-year crude survival rate was 21 per cent, better results being recorded for patients with histologically well differentiated tumours (30 per cent) and for long bone tumours when the patient was metastasis-free initially and the tumour was treated by prompt ablation (40 per cent). These are probably the best results one may expect for osseous fibrosarcoma without recourse to adjuvant antimetastatic therapy. Complete control of the primary tumour is likewise mandatory, and can be assured only by complete surgical removal when this is technically feasible.

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NF Kember HA Sissons
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This paper describes a study in the human femur of the relationship between cell division in growth cartilage and overall bone growth. Growth rates for the distal femur from birth to eighteen years were determined from serial radiographs available from the Harpenden Growth Study; An average of 1-4 cm/year was found for the ages of five to eight years. The development of the growth plate is illustrated in a series of photomicrographs of femur sections. These sections were also used for quantitative histology; The length of the proliferation zone was estimated from cell counts to be twenty-four cells per column. On the basis of this value and the measured growth rate, an approximate mean cycle time of twenty days was found for the proliferating cells of the human growth plate. Since the corresponding cycle time is two days for rodent growth plates, which also have a different structure, it is unwise to extrapolate the findings in this tissue from mouse to man.

LE Lanyon DG Baggott
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Rosette strain gauges were attached to the cranial and caudal aspects of the proximal half of the radius in eight skeletally mature female sheep; The sheep's radius has a slight cranially convex curvature. During walking it was deformed so that the cranial surface was subjected to tension aligned along the bone's lon axis, and the caudal surface to compression similarly aligned. The compressive strain on the caudal aspect of the bone was consistently larger (X 1-9) than the tensile strain on the cranial aspect. The thickness of the cortex did not reflect this difference but in younger animals the process of osteonal remodelling seemed further advanced in the cortex which was customarily subject to the larger deformation. The relevance of these findings is discussed in relation to the technique of internal fixation and to our understanding of the basis of the mechanical adaptability of bone.

RL Newell FC Durbin
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It is suggested that there is a group of cases of congenital angulation of tubular bones in which the lesion is a defect of ossification of the primary cartilaginous anlage and in which neurofibromatosis is not implicated. It appears that in this group the prognosis with regard to the resolution of deformity and the prevention of pseudarthrosis with conservative treatment or relatively simple surgical procedures is better than that in the neurofibromatous type.

MB Menelaus
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The hip problems in 116 children with myelomeningocele are discussed. The management described stresses the importance of selection of the type of operation; major surgery is appropriate only for those children who benefit significantly, and this generally means only those with strong quadriceps muscles on both sides. Some children with acetabular dysplasia gain immediate stability if acetabuloplasty is combined with other hip operations. Children who lack strong quadriceps muscles are best served by simpler procedures, such as tendon excision, designed to rid them of fixed deformity and to prevent recurrent deformity. The operations described are performed whenever possible under one anaesthetic and are combined with any other limb operation that may be necessary. It is suggested that the aim in management is not the treatment of paralytic dislocation of the hip but the correction of fixed deformity so that the child can stand with a stable posture. Subluxation and dislocation are treated incidentally to procedures designed to prevent or correct fixed deformity.

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A Inoue MA Freeman B Vernon-Roberts S Mizuno
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It has been shown that in the puppy, two infarcts separated by an interval of four weeks produce a disorder of long duration which results in flattening and broadening of the femoral head and which reproduces the radiological changes seen in Perthes' disease in man. The histological appearances produced by two infarcts are characteristic. In this study the histological appearance of fifty-seven femoral head biopsy specimens in Perthes' disease in man have been studied. In 51 per cent of hips histopathological changes characteristic of double infarction were present, and there were grounds for postulating that double infarction might eventually occur in all cases. The findings support the concept that the deformation of the femoral head and the chronicity of Perthes' disease in man may be due at least as much or even more to repeated episodes of infarction and the ensuing abnormalities of growth as to mechanical factors related to weight-bearing.

Spondylolytic fractures Pages 462 - 466
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BM Cyron WC Hutton JD Troup
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A method is described whereby fractures of the neural arch similar to those in spondylolysis are produced experimentally. The forces, bending moments and displacements required to initiate the fractures are given; The mechanical aspects in the aetiology of spondylolysis are explained by a simplified two-dimensional force analysis.

TM Bucknill JS Blackburne
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The pattern of fracture-dislocation of the upper part of the sacrum is demonstrated in three patients. The fracture line followed the segmental form of the sacrum and was usually caused by a posterior force against the pelvis which had been locked by hip flexion and knee extension. Fractures of the lumbar transverse processes also occurred, presumably from avulsion by the quadratus lumborum muscle. The damage to the sacral plexus found in all three cases recovered after several months. Radiographs of the injury are difficult to obtain in severely injured patients but oblique views of the sacrum help to determine the extent of the forward dislocation.

R Acland P Smith
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A case is described in which a large area of unstable skin overlying a tibial fracture was replaced by a single stage skin flap transfer, using microvascular surgical techniques. The shortening of treatment time and the improvement in the local blood supply compared to that provided by orthodox skin flaps are noted. The improved blood supply at the fracture site may have encouraged bony union.

V Meyer G Maillard D Maass Z Azzoni
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A successful replantation is reported of a hand completely severed by a circular saw through all five metacarpals. The sequence of primary reconstruction of all important structures beginning three hours after the injury and the functional results eighteen months later are presented.

K Bose KC Chong
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Experience with thirty-eight Asian children and adolescents who presented with either stiffness of the knee, genu recurvatum, habitual dislocation of the patella or congenital lateral dislocation of the patella showed that all those disorders were manifestations of contracture of the extensor mechanism, which fell into two groups according to the components involved. In Group I the main components affected were in the midline of the limb, namely rectus femoris and vastus intermedius; these patients presented with varying degrees of stiffness of the knee, or worse, with genu recurvatum. In Group II the main components involved were lateral to the midline of the limb, namely vastus lateralis and the ilio-tibial band; these patients presented with habitual dislocation of the patella, or worse, congenital lateral dislocation of the patella. In both groups untreated patients developed secondary adaptive changes such as subluxation of the tibia or marked genu valgum which made operative procedures more formidable and less effective. Release of the contracture should therefore be performed as early as possible.

AR Taylor SK Mukerjea NA Rana
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The results of excision of the head of the radius in forty-four elbows affected by rheumatoid arthritis are presented. Relief of pain was obtained in 90 per cent and an increase in the range of flexion and extension was seen in 70 per cent. Involvement of the humero-ulnar joint seen radiologically is no contra-indication to the operation; simple excision of the radial head often gives gratifying results; In our experience the relief of pain and increased range of movement have greatly reduced the need for total replacement arthroplasty.

MB Menelaus
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Two children with radial club hand and absence of the biceps muscle were treated by centralisation of the ulna into the carpus and triceps transfer. The two operations were performed only a short time apart so that the period between the procedures could be used to stretch the triceps and to enable the children to adapt to an altered position of the wrist and to mobility of the elbow at one step and following a single period of plaster immobilisation. It is very likely that function is better than it would have been had the condition remained untreated. Before operation the children had only a crude hook function of the hand against the forearm and could not bring the hand to the mouth. Even if function is not much improved, the improvement in appearance is considerable and is by itself sufficient to justify the procedures.

Whence the arthrogrypotics? Pages 492 - 495
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J Davidson P Beighton
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During the course of a nation-wide survey of patients with bone and joint deformities, twenty-six individuals with arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, in the narrow and precise sense of the term, were investigated. No patient was more than twenty-four years of age. However, on a basis of the figures of population, it can be estimated that 21-0 +/- 6-5 older affected individuals should have been encountered. Furthermore, there was a relative excess of younger children. The series was reasonably unbiased, and as arthrogryposis is non-lethal the deficiency of affected adults is an anomalous finding. It is tentatively suggested that arthrogryposis might result from the intra-uterine influence of an unknown environmental agent which has been present in South Africa for only a limited period of time. Detection of this factor could be an important step in the prevention of the disease.

H Stein R Yarom GC Robin PD Peters TA Hall M Makin
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This study shows that after intra-articular injection, aurothiomalate and colloidal gold of small (200 A) particle size were rapidly absorbed from joints while the larger, 300 A, particle size colloidal radioactive gold could not be found outside them. Larger particle size suspensions seem therefore more likely to remain localised in the joint and its lining synovium after intra-articular injection, the systemic absorption from the joint cavity diminishing with increasing particle size. It was also found that the intra-articular injection of small amounts of aurothiomalate, of colloidal gold and of colloidal radioactive gold produces identical degenerative lesions in the lining cells of the proximal convoluted tubules of the kidneys. These lesions were always found, although gold particles were demonstrated only in sampled kidney tissues of the animals injected with the soluble gold preparation whereas no gold could be detected in the tissues of animals injected with colloidal non-radioactive or radioactive gold. Electron microscopic evidence is presented to suggest the possibility that the mitochondria are the "target" organelles of the gold-induced cellular damage. Mitochondrial damage was demonstrated in liver and spleen in addition to the already described kidney damage. The correlation between structure and function of the mitochondrial changes is not clear, and ionic shifts may be both a cause and a result of damage.

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JB Quayle MP Robinson
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An operation for chronic prepatellar bursitis is described in which only the posterior wall of the bursa is excised, thus preserving, undamaged, healthy and normally sensitive skin. This procedure is easier and less traumatic than complete excision of the bursa and results in fewer complications. It is suggested that removal of tha anterior wall of the bursa results in unnecessary and harmful interference with the underlying skin. The operation described gives a good functional and structural result; leaving the anterior wall of the bursa does not predispose to recurrence.

WG Dennyson GE Fulford
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A technique of subtalar arthrodesis by means of metallic internal stabilisation and autogenous cancellous bone grafting is described. Of forty-eight feet with mobile pes planus treated by this method forty-five gained union after an average of seven and a half weeks in a below-knee weight-bearing plaster, and forty-three had satisfactory correction of the deformity.

CE Ackroyd RJ Dinley
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Mechanical derangements of the knee are an uncommon complication of chronic haemophiliac arthropathy. Two patients with locking of the patella were treated by manipulation. The mechanism of the injury was forced flexion of the knee joint beyond the limit of its restricted range. The injury is a serious one and may take six months to recover.