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Volume 57-B, Issue 3 August 1975

Rodney Sweetnam

Dillwyn Evans

A discussion of the essential deformity in calcaneo-valgus feet develops a theme originally put forward in 1961 on the relapsed club foot (Evans 1961). Whereas in the normal foot the medial and lateral columns are about equal in length, in talipes equino-varus the lateral column is longer and in calcaneo-valgus shorter than the medial column. The suggestion is that in the treatment of both deformities the length of the columns be made equal. A method is described of treating calcaneo-valgus deformity by inserting cortical bone grafts taken from the tibia to elongate the anterior end of the calcaneus.

FLAT FOOT Pages 279 - 282
B. S. Jones

The pathogenesis of flat foot and its operative correction for severe cases are reviewed. The importance of the medial plantar fascia in maintaining the structural integrity of the foot is emphasised. Reinforcement of an incompetent plantar fascia by separating the inner half of the calcaneal tendon and attaching it to the neck of the first metatarsal has given results in three patients that were satisfactory at two, six and seven years later.

C. G. Attenborough M. T. Reynolds

A method of posterior lumbo-sacral fusion is described in which springs are used to fix the grafts and to maintain immobilisation. Fifty patients with lumbar disc degeneration or spondylolisthesis have been reviewed. The results have been assessed clinically by grading the symptoms before and after operation. Stay in hospital has been short and return to work rapid. There has been a high proportion of good results.

D. Anthony Jones H. Keith Lucas Michael O"Driscoll C. H. G. Price B. Wibberley

The significance of cobalt as a cause of symptoms after McKee hip arthroplasty is discussed. Seven patients are described in whom such arthroplasties became unsatisfactory after periods varying from nine months to four years. Six of these patients were cobalt-positive but nickel-and chrome-negative on patch testing. Macroscopic and histological necrosis of bone, muscle and joint capsule around the prostheses was found in five patients whose hips were explored. The symptoms were progressive pain, a feeling of instability, and in two cases spontaneous dislocation. Radiological features included acetabular fracture, bone resorption, loosening and dislocation of the prosthesis. Increased cobalt concentrations (determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry) in the urine of four patients and in a variety of tissues in one patient are presented. Patch testing is recommended in the investigation of patients with troublesome McKee hip arthroplasties.

The incidence and prognostic significance of fractures of acrylic cement related to the stem of a femoral head prosthesis in total hip replacement are examined. These fractures are demonsfrated when the cement has been rendered radio-opaque by the addition of barium sulphate. One and a half per cent of the radiographs of 6,649 patients showed these fractures, which were sometimes associated with subsidence of the prosthesis. Fracture of the cement was usually evident at the six-month post-operative review, if it occurred at all. This radiological complication was devoid of symptoms in the majority of cases and tended to occur in patients with excellent functional recovery. In a minority of patients pain in the thigh during the first six months seemed likely to be explained by this fracture. Slight subsidence of the prosthesis in the cement bed appeared to result in a new and final position of stability. The prognosis was very good; only when separation of the fracture exceeded about 4 millimetres was the prognosis doubtful, in which case a chronic deep infection might be suspected. Possible mechanical and structural causes of fracture of the cement are discussed.

W. H. Day S. A. V. Swanson M. A. R. Freeman

The purpose of the work described was to find the average pressure on each of several areas of the acetabular cartilage of the cadaver hip under physiological loads. By obtaining load-deflection curves for one chosen area of cartilage, firstly with all the cartilage present and then after the successive removal of other areas, the fractions of the original load carried by the several areas were found, and hence the average pressures on those areas. Seventeen hips (age range twenty. two to eighty-seven years) were examined. Local pressures varied from zero to 3.4 times the average pressure in each hip. The highest pressures in the series (about 4 to 5 megaNewtons per square metre) were on areas of thin fibrocartilage which were identified at the zenith of certain acetabula. The results are too few to establish whether or not the pressure distribution was age-related. The higher pressures found are within the range which in other experiments has led to fatigue failure of femoral head cartilage, and it is suggested that hips in which such pressures exist under loads of three times body weight may be predisposed to osteoarthritis.

A. K. Jeffery

The study describes the topography, morphology and growth of osteophytes in forty femoral heads removed from patients presenting with advanced osteoarthritis of the hip. In addition to standard histological techniques, radiography of serial bone slices and in vivo bone labelling with tetracycline and 32P were used. The pattern of major osteophyte formation appeared to be influenced by the direction, degree and rate of displacement of the femoral head in relation to the acetabulum; four principal patterns of growth were noted. Osteophytes form part of extensive osteogenic processes that involve bone structure in the osteoarthritic joint.

In two cases of partial closure of an epiphysial plate causing angular deformity, one of a finger and one of the lower end of a femur, the deformities were corrected by growth after resection of a small peripheral bone bridge and its replacement with a free transplant of fat. This procedure has a firm basis on experimental work. Thus, when part of a growth plate in the rabbit is destroyed but the formation of a bone bridge uniting epiphysis and metaphysis is prevented, the destroyed part is replaced by regeneration of cartilage from the adjacent parts of the plate. Moreover, it has been proved in rabbits that when a bone bridge is induced and later resected and replaced with fat, recurrence of the bridge can be prevented and subsequent growth may correct the deformity.

EWING'S TUMOUR Pages 331 - 340
D. J. Macintosh C. H. G. Price G. M. Jeffree

Forty-seven histologically confirmed cases of Ewing's tumour are reported, with typical age, sex and skeletal distributions. The disease-free survival curves are like those for osteosarcoma of corresponding types of bone, but with higher mortality. The two-year disease-free survival rates were 24 per cent for tumours of long bones and 5 per cent for those of other bones. Osseous metastases were most frequent, although the lung was the commonest single site involved. There were secondary deposits in lymph nodes in nine patients, possibly also in four more with mediastinal enlargement. Although initially radiosensitive, one-third of tumours recurred locally, almost always with the appearance of metastases. Neither whole bone irradiation nor high dosage alone ensures complete control of the primary tumour, and it is suggested that recently reported improved results of treatment should be attributed to adjuvant multi-drug chemotherapy. Inadequate control of the primary tumour diminishes the chance of survival and for some sites radical operation merits reconsideration.

C. H. G. Price K. Zhuber M. Salzer-Kuntschik M. Salzer H. G. Willert M. Immenkamp P. Groh Z. Matêjovský W. Keyl

A study is presented of the aetiology and results of treatment in a group of 125 proven osteosarcomas present in children under fifteen years of age. These cases have been collected from the records of one English and six European treatment centres. There is a slight male preponderance, but the striking aetiological feature is the very high proportion of tumours of the long bones of the limbs (96 per cent).

The two and a half and five year disease-free survival rates were respectively 15 and 12 per cent, with a further 9 per cent still living, but under observation for less than two and a half years. Evidence of metastasis after two and a half years is very unusual, but no child with a tumour of an axial or girdle bone lived this length of time.

Although the differences in the results of the different methods of treatment employed are not statistically valid, the largest number of long survivors had been treated by early amputation, which method also provided the lowest rate of local tumour recurrences. Reasons are discussed which indicate that prompt ablation is the treatment of choice, perhaps with certain advantages in the light of recent advances in adjuvant treatment. The past situation in connection with childhood osteosarcoma certainly provides strong support for immediate carefully designed clinical trials of the new adjuvant methods cited.

A study has been made of 800 consecutive arthroscopic examinations of the knee with special emphasis on the changes in management that resulted. Of 614 knees that would have been operated upon if arthroscopy had not been available, open operation was avoided in 32 per cent, a different operation was done or planned in 27 per cent, and there was no important change in the remaining 41 per cent. Of 186 knees that would have been treated conservatively if arthroscopy had not been available, the examination resulted in some immediate benefit to 30 per cent of the patients. There were no wound infections after arthroscopy alone, and the known incidence of incorrect interpretation was 1.4 per cent.

D. J. Dandy R. W. Jackson

The causes of persistent symptoms after meniscectomy have been assessed clinically, radiologically and arthroscopically in 174 knees. The commonest finding was early degenerative arthritis (chondromalacia) of the femoral condyle (40 per cent). Retained fragments of meniscus were less common than expected (13 per cent), and lesions of the other meniscus were rare (5 per cent). The clinical diagnosis was altered in 42 per cent by arthroscopic examination. Arthroscopy was found to be a valuable technique in this group of patients with problems of diagnosis.

C. S. B. Galasko

Skeletal scintigraphy, which has now been established as a useful and accurate method of detecting early skeletal metastases and assessing their response to treatment, has been investigated for its pathological basis.

Histological examination of several hundred necropsy specimens, from sixty-eight patients who died from malignant disease, showed a significant increase of osteoid and immature woven bone in the presence of metastatic cancer.

Tumour-cell suspensions of the VX2 carcinoma were injected into the medullary cavity or on to the periosteal surface of the ilia or tibiae of New Zealand white rabbits. A combination of bone destruction and new bone formation, similar to the autopsy material, was seen. There were at least two mechanisms for the new bone production. Initially, intramembranous ossification was seen in the fibrous stroma surrounding the tumour. Once the cortex was involved and cortical bone destruction had occurred, large amounts of woven bone resembling fracture callus were laid down. The new bone had a markedly increased avidity for boneseeking isotopes, indicating why skeletal scintigraphy was useful.

A further twenty rabbits, in whose ilia the VX2 carcinoma was growing, were treated by local irradiation. When treatment was successful the tumour was destroyed, the production of new bone ceased, and the lesion lost its increased avidity for bone-seeking isotopes, indicating that skeletal scintigraphy could be used to assess the response of skeletal metastases to therapy.

Carl C. Arnoldi Rudolf K. Lemperg Hêkan Linderholm C. A. Arnoldi Rudolf K. Lemperg Hêkan Linderholm

The intraosseous pressure in the femur and tibia near the knee and in the internal saphenous vein at knee level was measured in fifty-three patients with suspected knee lesions. There were four groups: with and without degenerative osteoarthritis and with and without aching rest pain of the knee region. Low intraosseous pressures were found in patients with neither osteoarthritis nor rest pain, and in half the patients with osteoarthritis but without rest pain. Low pressures were found in the tibia, but very high intraosseous pressures were found in the femur in most patients with osteoarthritis and rest pain. Patients with no osteoarthritis but with rest pain mostly had high pressures in both the tibia and the femur.

John C. Cullen

The case histories of five young children are presented to demonstrate the radiological appearances of trauma to the spine thought to be the result of maltreatment by either parent or guardian. Four of the children were admitted to hospital within a period of three years, all being under the age of two years.

Three cases of the Nievergelt-Pearlman syndrome occurring in a family are presented. In addition to the major features of the syndrome (symphalangism, carpal fusion, atypical club foot with massive tarsal fusion, and congenital dislocation of the head of the radius), all three patients exhibited conductive deafness, which had not been recorded in previous reports. The clinical findings strongly suggested that the loss of hearing was due to fusion of the ossicles of the middle ear.

A white child with a long history of illness from the age of six was thought at first to have Hodgkin's disease. There followed an acute illness with lesions involving glands, lungs, bone and skin. Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare group (Battey) was isolated from various lesions at the age of thirteen. After six years of continuous treatment the patient, now eighteen, is living a normal life.

A retrospective survey of 135 posterior dislocations and fracture-dislocations of the hip was carried out in order to define the pattern of associated knee injuries. Thirty-five patients had sustained a significant injury to the knee, of which twenty-five were clearly attributable to a direct blow on the front of the knee (fractured patella, traumatic chondromalacia, fractures of femoral and tibial condyles) and ten were compatible with valgus, yams or rotational forces (medial, lateral and cruciate ligament tears). The second type of injury has not been widely recognised but it is important that it should not be overlooked.

G. F. Cassie A. S. Dawson E. Sheville

A boy aged fourteen trapped and tore at its origin a branch of the terminal part of the superficial femoral artery over a cancellous exostosis during extension of the knee from the position of full flexion. Three months later an expanding false aneurysm necessitated arteriography, after which suture of the tear gave a successful result.

A. S. Braidwood

Isolated neuropathy of the cutaneous branch of the radial nerve is a rarely recognised condition. Five cases were described in 1932 by Wartenberg, who suggested the name cheiralgia paraesthetica. The condition has also been described as Wartenberg's disease. Twelve cases of isolated neuropathy of the cutaneous branch of the radial nerve are described, the literature is reviewed and the clinical picture outlined. In six of the cases the condition subsided without treatment, in two there was a good response to local injection of hydrocortisone, and in four cases a satisfactory result followed resection of the nerve. The course and distribution of the superficial branch of the radial nerve are described. The need to avoid the nerve during operations around the wrist is stressed.

A. C. Giannikas G. Papachristou N. Papavasiliou P. Nikiforidis G. Hartofilakidis-Garofalidis

The anatomy of the first metatarso-phalangealjoint and of dorsal dislocation of the phalanx are described. As with similar lesions in the hand, closed reduction is impossible because of interposition of the volar plate. Open reduction is essential and should be performed as soon as possible after the injury.

H. J. B.

H. J. B. F. C. D. R. I. W.

FRANCIS GLEN ALLAN Pages 390 - 390
M. H. M. H. G. C. S.

A. G.

W. L. M.

ANTHON MONBERG Pages 392 - 392
J. M.

George Bentley

Pain Relief Pages 408 - 408
C. D. T. James