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How long have you been on the board and how did you first get involved with The Bone & Joint Journal?
My initial involvement was by invitation from Michael Lawrence to undertake book reviews in the late 1990s, when he was a locum colleague at the Royal London Hospital. Subsequently, I was recruited to review for the Journal which led to an invitation to join the Editorial Board of JBJS Br in 2002. When I completed a seven-year period as head of service at RLH I commenced my ‘apprenticeship’ in rewriting in 2004 under the guidance of Nina Kim. In 2005 I was invited to be Associate Editor for Content.
What is the best thing about being on the board?
The best aspect of being a member of the board is the opportunity to critique original work and enjoy the stimulating company of a learned group of colleagues who are experts in the field.
What one piece of advice would you give to others who might like to get more involved with The Bone & Joint Journal?
Make your self known by contributing to the journal as constructive reviewer and/or submitting author.
What song is top of your operating room playlist?
I am completely oblivious to the presence or absence of any background music in the operating theatre as I get completely absorbed in my work. However, ‘If I Had a Hammer’ by Trini Lopez would be appropriate.