1. Five elderly patients who suffered acute synovitis of one or both knee joints are reported. 2. All showed radiological evidence in several joints of cartilage calcification. 3. It is suggested that the synovitis in each case was due to calcium irritation of the synovial membrane. 4. In three of the patients it is shown that the synovial fluid calcium content was raised during the acute attack. 5. In all patients acute symptoms were relieved by aspiration of the effusion.
1. During two years eighty-five children with supracondylar fractures of the humerus were admitted to a children's hospital. This paper is a study of the severe fractures which occurred in twenty-three children of whom fifteen had a deformity at review. 2. The only deformity found after treatment by closed manipulation was an alteration in the carrying angle. It is considered that cubitus varus was caused by medial angulation of the distal fragment.