Injuries to the quadriceps muscle group are common in athletes performing high-speed running and kicking sports. The complex anatomy of the rectus femoris puts it at greatest risk of injury. There is variability in prognosis in the literature, with reinjury rates as high as 67% in the severe graded proximal tear. Studies have highlighted that athletes can reinjure after nonoperative management, and some benefit may be derived from surgical repair to restore function and return to sport (RTS). This injury is potentially career-threatening in the elite-level athlete, and we aim to highlight the key recent literature on interventions to restore strength and function to allow early RTS while reducing the risk of injury recurrence. This article reviews the optimal diagnostic strategies and classification of quadriceps injuries. We highlight the unique anatomy of each injury on MRI and the outcomes of both nonoperative and operative treatment, providing an evidence-based management framework for athletes. Cite this article:
The use of arthroscopy of the hand and wrist has recently increased sharply in the elective setting and this, not surprisingly, has been followed by an increasing use in the trauma setting. Advocates for the use of arthroscopy in these patients cite the improved assessment of the displacement and reduction of fractures and the early diagnosis of associated injuries, while others temper this with concerns about increased operating time and possible complications. The data relating to patient-reported benefits and costs are limited. The aim of this review was to discuss the current available literature for the use of arthroscopy in the management of injuries of the hand and wrist. Cite this article:
Most proximal humeral fractures are stable injuries of the ageing population, and can be successfully treated non-operatively. The management of the smaller number of more complex
The operative treatment of
The fracture most commonly treated by orthopaedic surgeons is that of the distal radius. However, as yet there is no consensus on what constitutes an ‘acceptable’ radiological position before or after treatment. This should be defined as the position that will predict good function in the majority of cases. In this paper we review the radiological indices that can be measured in fractures of the distal radius and try to identify potential predictors of functional outcome. In patients likely to have high functional demands, we recommend that the articular reconstruction be achieved with less than 2 mm of gap or step-off, the radius be restored to within 2 mm of its normal length, and that carpal alignment be restored. The ultimate aim of treatment is a pain-free, mobile wrist joint without functional limitation.
With the development of systems of trauma care the management of pelvic disruption has evolved and has become increasingly refined. The goal is to achieve an anatomical reduction and stable fixation of the fracture. This requires adequate visualisation for reduction of the fracture and the placement of fixation. Despite the advances in surgical approach and technique, the functional outcomes do not always produce the desired result. New methods of percutaneous treatment in conjunction with innovative computer-based imaging have evolved in an attempt to overcome the existing difficulties. This paper presents an overview of the technical aspects of percutaneous surgery of the pelvis and acetabulum.
High energy fractures of the pelvis are a challenging problem both in the immediate post-injury phase and later when definitive fixation is undertaken. No single management algorithm can be applied because of associated injuries and the wide variety of trauma systems that have evolved around the world. Initial management is aimed at saving life and this is most likely to be achieved with an approach that seeks to identify and treat life-threatening injuries in order of priority. Early mortality after a pelvic fracture is most commonly due to major haemorrhage or catastrophic brain injury. In this article we review the role of pelvic binders, angiographic embolisation, pelvic packing, early internal fixation and blood transfusion with regard to controlling haemorrhage. Definitive fixation seeks to prevent deformity and reduce complications. We believe this should be undertaken by specialist surgeons in a hospital resourced, equipped and staffed to manage the whole spectrum of major trauma. We describe the most common modes of internal fixation by injury type and review the factors that influence delayed mortality, adverse functional outcome, sexual dysfunction and venous thromboembolism.
Fractures of the proximal interphalangeal joint include a wide spectrum of injuries, from stable avulsion fractures to complex fracture-dislocations. Stability of the joint is paramount in determining the appropriate treatment, which should aim to facilitate early mobilisation and restoration of function.
We have reviewed the literature to establish the role of lateral retinacular release in the management of disorders of the extensor apparatus of the knee. The scientific evidence for intervention is explored and reports on outcome are discussed.
The menisci of the knee have an important role in load-bearing and shock absorption within the joint. They may also function as secondary stabilisers, have a proprioceptive role, and aid the lubrication and nutrition of the articular cartilage. Complete or partial loss of a meniscus can have damaging effects on a knee, leading to serious long-term sequelae. This paper reviews the consequences of meniscectomy and summarises the body of evidence in the literature regarding those factors most relevant to long-term outcome.
Despite advances in the prevention and treatment of osteoporotic fractures, their prevalence continues to increase. Their operative treatment remains a challenge for the surgeon, often with unpredictable outcomes. This review highlights the current aspects of management of these fractures and focuses on advances in implant design and surgical technique.
A review of the current literature shows that there is a lack of consensus regarding the treatment of spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis in children and adolescents. Most of the views and recommendations provided in various reports are weakly supported by evidence. There is a limited amount of information about the natural history of the condition, making it difficult to compare the effectiveness of various conservative and operative treatments. This systematic review summarises the current knowledge on spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis and attempts to present a rational approach to the evaluation and management of this condition in children and adolescents.
A comprehensive review of the literature relating to the pathology and management of the diabetic foot is presented. This should provide a guide for the treatment of ulcers, Charcot neuro-arthropathy and fractures involving the foot and ankle in diabetic patients.
The advent of computer-assisted knee replacement surgery has focused interest on the alignment of the components. However, there is confusion at times between the alignment of the limb as a whole and that of the components. The interaction between them is discussed in this article. Alignment is expressed relative to some reference axis or plane and measurements will vary depending on what is selected as the reference. The validity of different reference axes is discussed. Varying prosthetic alignment has direct implications for surrounding soft-tissue tension. In this context the interaction between alignment and soft-tissue balance is explored and the current knowledge of the relationship between alignment and outcome is summarised.
The management of injury to the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis remains controversial in the treatment of ankle fractures. Operative fixation usually involves the insertion of a metallic diastasis screw. There are a variety of options for the position and characterisation of the screw, the type of cortical fixation, and whether the screw should be removed prior to weight-bearing. This paper reviews the relevant anatomy, the clinical and radiological diagnosis and the mechanism of trauma and alternative methods of treatment for injuries to the syndesmosis.
Evaluation of patients with painful total knee replacement requires a thorough clinical examination and relevant investigations in order to reach a diagnosis. Awareness of the common and uncommon problems leading to painful total knee replacement is useful in the diagnostic approach. This review article aims to act as a guide to the evaluation of patients with painful total knee replacement.
The sternoclavicular joint is vulnerable to the same disease processes as other synovial joints, the most common of which are instability from injury, osteoarthritis, infection and rheumatoid disease. Patients may also present with other conditions, which are unique to the joint, or are manifestations of a systemic disease process. The surgeon should be aware of these possibilities when assessing a patient with a painful, swollen sternoclavicular joint.