The use of arthroscopy of the hand and wrist has recently increased sharply in the elective setting and this, not surprisingly, has been followed by an increasing use in the trauma setting. Advocates for the use of arthroscopy in these patients cite the improved assessment of the displacement and reduction of fractures and the early diagnosis of associated injuries, while others temper this with concerns about increased operating time and possible complications. The data relating to patient-reported benefits and costs are limited. The aim of this review was to discuss the current available literature for the use of arthroscopy in the management of injuries of the hand and wrist. Cite this article:
This paper describes the presence of tenodesis effects in normal physiology and explores the uses of operative tenodesis in surgery of the upper limb.
Most proximal humeral fractures are stable injuries of the ageing population, and can be successfully treated non-operatively. The management of the smaller number of more complex displaced fractures is more controversial and new fixation techniques have greatly increased the range of fractures that may benefit from surgery. This article explores current concepts in the classification and clinical aspects of these injuries, reviewing the indications, innovations and outcomes for the most common methods of treatment.
Fractures of the proximal interphalangeal joint include a wide spectrum of injuries, from stable avulsion fractures to complex fracture-dislocations. Stability of the joint is paramount in determining the appropriate treatment, which should aim to facilitate early mobilisation and restoration of function.
The operative treatment of displaced fractures of the tibial plateau is challenging. Recent developments in the techniques of internal fixation, including the development of locked plating and minimal invasive techniques have changed the treatment of these fractures. We review current surgical approaches and techniques, improved devices for internal fixation and the clinical outcome after utilisation of new methods for locked plating.
The management of injury to the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis remains controversial in the treatment of ankle fractures. Operative fixation usually involves the insertion of a metallic diastasis screw. There are a variety of options for the position and characterisation of the screw, the type of cortical fixation, and whether the screw should be removed prior to weight-bearing. This paper reviews the relevant anatomy, the clinical and radiological diagnosis and the mechanism of trauma and alternative methods of treatment for injuries to the syndesmosis.
The anatomical studies, basic to our understanding of lumbar spine innervation through the sinu-vertebral nerves, are reviewed. Research in the 1980s suggested that pain sensation was conducted in part via the sympathetic system. These sensory pathways have now been clarified using sophisticated experimental and histochemical techniques confirming a dual pattern. One route enters the adjacent dorsal root segmentally, whereas the other supply is non-segmental ascending through the paravertebral sympathetic chain with re-entry through the thoracolumbar white rami communicantes. Sensory nerve endings in the degenerative lumbar disc penetrate deep into the disrupted nucleus pulposus, insensitive in the normal lumbar spine. Complex as well as free nerve endings would appear to contribute to pain transmission. The nature and mechanism of discogenic pain is still speculative but there is growing evidence to support a ‘visceral pain’ hypothesis, unique in the muscloskeletal system. This mechanism is open to ‘peripheral sensitisation’ and possibly ‘central sensitisation’ as a potential cause of chronic back pain.
Talipes equinovarus is one of the more common congenital abnormalities affecting the lower limb and can be challenging to manage. This review provides a comprehensive update on idiopathic congenital talipes equinovarus with emphasis on the initial treatment. Current management is moving away from operative towards a more conservative treatment using the Ponseti regime. The long-term results of surgical correction and the recent results of conservative treatment will be discussed.
The sternoclavicular joint is vulnerable to the same disease processes as other synovial joints, the most common of which are instability from injury, osteoarthritis, infection and rheumatoid disease. Patients may also present with other conditions, which are unique to the joint, or are manifestations of a systemic disease process. The surgeon should be aware of these possibilities when assessing a patient with a painful, swollen sternoclavicular joint.