Injuries to the hamstring muscle complex are common in athletes, accounting for between 12% and 26% of all injuries sustained during sporting activities. Acute hamstring injuries often occur during sports that involve repetitive kicking or high-speed sprinting, such as American football, soccer, rugby, and athletics. They are also common in watersports, including waterskiing and surfing. Hamstring injuries can be career-threatening in elite athletes and are associated with an estimated risk of recurrence in between 14% and 63% of patients. The variability in prognosis and treatment of the different injury patterns highlights the importance of prompt diagnosis with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in order to classify injuries accurately and plan the appropriate management. Low-grade hamstring injuries may be treated with nonoperative measures including pain relief, eccentric lengthening exercises, and a graduated return to sport-specific activities. Nonoperative management is associated with highly variable times for convalescence and return to a pre-injury level of sporting function. Nonoperative management of high-grade hamstring injuries is associated with poor return to baseline function, residual muscle weakness and a high-risk of recurrence. Proximal hamstring avulsion injuries, high-grade musculotendinous tears, and chronic injuries with persistent weakness or functional compromise require surgical repair to enable return to a pre-injury level of sporting function and minimize the risk of recurrent injury. This article reviews the optimal diagnostic imaging methods and common classification systems used to guide the treatment of hamstring injuries. In addition, the indications and outcomes for both nonoperative and operative treatment are analyzed to provide an evidence-based management framework for these patients. Cite this article:
‘Big data’ is a term for data sets that are so
large or complex that traditional data processing applications are
inadequate. Billions of dollars have been spent on attempts to build predictive
tools from large sets of poorly controlled healthcare metadata.
Companies often sell reports at a physician or facility level based
on various flawed data sources, and comparative websites of ‘publicly
reported data’ purport to educate the public. Physicians should
be aware of concerns and pitfalls seen in such data definitions,
data clarity, data relevance, data sources and data cleaning when
evaluating analytic reports from metadata in health care. Cite this article:
Previous standards for assessing the reliability
of a measurement tool have lacked consistency. We reviewed the most
current American Society for Testing and Materials and International
Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) recommendations, and propose
an algorithm for orthopaedic surgeons. When assessing a measurement
tool, conditions of the experimental set-up and clear formulae used
to compile the results should be strictly reported. According to
these recent guidelines, accuracy is a confusing word with an overly
broad meaning and should therefore be abandoned. Depending on the
experimental conditions, one should be referring to bias (when the study
protocol involves accepted reference values), and repeatability
(sr, r) or reproducibility (SR, R). In the absence of accepted reference
values, only repeatability (sr, r) or reproducibility (SR, R) should
be provided. Take home message: Assessing the reliability of a measurement
tool involves reporting bias, repeatability and/or reproducibility
depending on the defined conditions, instead of precision or accuracy. Cite this article:
The mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are a group of
inherited lysosomal storage disorders with clinical manifestations relevant
to the orthopaedic surgeon. Our aim was to review the recent advances
in their management and the implications for surgical practice. The current literature about MPSs is summarised, emphasising
orthopaedic complications and their management. Recent advances in the diagnosis and management of MPSs include
the recognition of slowly progressive, late presenting subtypes,
developments in life-prolonging systemic treatment and potentially
new indications for surgical treatment. The outcomes of surgery
in these patients are not yet validated and some procedures have
a high rate of complications which differ from those in patients
who do not have a MPS. The diagnosis of a MPS should be considered in adolescents or
young adults with a previously unrecognised dysplasia of the hip.
Surgeons treating patients with a MPS should report their experience
and studies should include the assessment of function and quality
of life to guide treatment. Cite this article:
The United States and Canada are in the midst
of an epidemic of the use, misuse and overdose of opioids, and deaths
related to overdose. This is the direct result of overstatement
of the benefits and understatement of the risks of using opioids
by advocates and pharmaceutical companies. Massive amounts of prescription
opioids entered the community and were often diverted and misused.
Most other parts of the world achieve comparable pain relief using
fewer opioids. The misconceptions about opioids that created this epidemic are
finding their way around the world. There is particular evidence
of the increased prescription of strong opioids in Europe. Opioids are addictive and dangerous. Evidence is mounting that
the best pain relief is obtained through resilience. Opioids are
often prescribed when treatments to increase resilience would be
more effective. Cite this article: