External fixation is useful for the treatment of selected
Restoration of hand function is rarely achieved after a complete closed traction lesion of the supraclavicular brachial plexus. We describe the injury, treatment, rehabilitation and long-term results of two patients who regained good function of the upper limb and useful function in the
We evaluated 100 consecutive patients with a suspected scaphoid fracture but without evidence of a fracture on plain radiographs using MRI within 24 hours of injury, and bone scintigraphy three to five days after injury. The reference standard for a true radiologically-occult scaphoid fracture was either a diagnosis of fracture on both MRI and bone scintigraphy, or, in the case of discrepancy, clinical and/or radiological evidence of a fracture. MRI revealed 16 scaphoid and 24 other fractures. Bone scintigraphy showed 28 scaphoid and 40 other fractures. According to the reference standard there were 20 scaphoid fractures. MRI was falsely negative for scaphoid fracture in four patients and bone scintigraphy falsely positive in eight. MRI had a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 100%. Bone scintigraphy had a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 90%. This study did not confirm that early, short-sequence MRI was superior to bone scintigraphy for the diagnosis of a suspected scaphoid fracture. Bone scintigraphy remains a highly sensitive and reasonably specific investigation for the diagnosis of an occult scaphoid fracture.
The diagnosis of nerve injury using thermotropic liquid crystal temperature strips was compared blindly and prospectively against operative findings in 36 patients requiring surgical exploration for unilateral upper limb lacerations with suspected nerve injury. Thermotropic liquid crystal strips were applied to affected and non-affected segments in both hands in all subjects. A pilot study showed that a simple unilateral laceration without nerve injury results in a cutaneous temperature difference between limbs, but not within each limb. Thus, for detection of a nerve injury, comparison was made against the unaffected nerve distribution in the same hand. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis showed that an absolute temperature difference ≥ 1.0°C was diagnostic of a nerve injury (area under the curve = 0.985, sensitivity = 100%, specificity = 93.8%). Thermotropic liquid crystal strip assessment is a new, reliable and objective method for the diagnosis of traumatic peripheral nerve injuries. If implemented in the acute setting, it could improve the reliability of clinical assessment and reduce the number of negative surgical explorations.
Linburg-Comstock syndrome is characterised by an anomalous tendon slip from the flexor pollicis longus to the flexor digitorum profundus, usually of the index finger. An incidence as high as 60% to 70% has been reported. Post-traumatic inflammation of inter-tendinous connections between the flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum profundus, usually of the index finger, may cause unexplained chronic pain in the distal forearm. A total of 11 patients (eight females, three males), mean age 29.1 years (14 to 47) with a clinical diagnosis of Linburg-Comstock syndrome underwent surgical release of the inter-tendinous connection. The mean follow-up was for 27 months (2 to 48). Ten patients reported excellent relief of pain in the forearm, with independent flexion of flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum profundus to the index finger. Surgical release was an effective treatment for the Linburg-Comstock syndrome in this series.
Antegrade intramedullary nailing of fractures of the shaft of the humerus is reported to cause impairment of the shoulder joint. We have reviewed 33 patients with such fractures to assess how many had injuries to the ipsilateral shoulder. All had an MR scan of the shoulder within 11 days of injury. The unaffected shoulder was also scanned as a control. There was evidence of abnormality in 21 of the shoulders (63.6%) on the injured side; ten had bursitis of the subacromial space, five evidence of a partial tear of the rotator cuff, one a complete rupture of the supraspinatus tendon, four inflammatory changes in the acromioclavicular joint and one a fracture of the coracoid process. These injuries may contribute to pain and dysfunction of the shoulder following treatment, and their presence indicates that antegrade nailing is only partly, if at all, responsible for these symptoms.
Hand function was evaluated in 105 patients who had been operated on in early infancy for brachial plexus birth palsy. The mean follow-up after surgery was for 13.4 years (5.0 to 31.5). Fine sensation, stereognosis, grip and pinch strength and the Raimondi scale were recorded. Fine sensation was normal in 34 of 49 patients (69%) with C5–6 injury, 15 of 31 (48%) with C5–7 and in 8 of 25 (32%) with total injury. Loss of protective sensation or absent sensation was noted in some palmar areas of the hand in 12 of 105 patients (11%). Normal stereognosis was recorded in 88 of the 105 patients (84%), whereas only 9 of the 105 (9%) had normal grip strength. The mean Raimondi scale scores were 4.57 (3 to 5) (C5–6), 4.26 (1 to 5) (C5–7) and 2.16 (0 to 5) in patients with total injury. The location of impaired sensation was related to the distribution of the root injury. Avulsion type of injury correlated with poor recovery of hand function.