This edition of Cochrane Corner looks at some of the work published by the Cochrane Collaboration, covering pharmacological interventions for the prevention of bleeding in people undergoing definitive fixation or joint replacement for hip, pelvic, and long bone fractures; interventions for reducing red blood cell transfusion in adults undergoing hip fracture surgery: an overview of systematic reviews; and pharmacological treatments for low back pain in adults: an overview of Cochrane Reviews
To assess the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a virtual fracture clinic (VFC) model, and supplement the literature regarding this service as recommended by The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the British Orthopaedic Association (BOA). This was a retrospective study including all patients (17 116) referred to fracture clinics in a London District General Hospital from May 2013 to April 2016, using hospital-level data. We used interrupted time series analysis with segmented regression, and direct before-and-after comparison, to study the impact of VFCs introduced in December 2014 on six clinical parameters and on local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) spend. Student’s Objectives
A total of 20 pairs of fresh-frozen cadaver femurs were assigned to four alignment groups consisting of relative varus (10° and 20°) and relative valgus (10° and 20°), 75 composite femurs of two neck geometries were also used. In both the cadaver and the composite femurs, placing the component in 20° of valgus resulted in a significant increase in load to failure. Placing the component in 10° of valgus had no appreciable effect on increasing the load to failure except in the composite femurs with varus native femoral necks. Specimens in 10° of varus were significantly weaker than the neutrally-aligned specimens. The results suggest that retention of the intact proximal femoral strength occurs at an implant angulation of ≥ 142°. However, the benefit of extreme valgus alignment may be outweighed in clinical practice by the risk of superior femoral neck notching, which was avoided in this study.