1. A large Caucasian kindred in South Africa are affected by a previously undescribed inherited deformity of the hands and feet called digito-talar dysmorphism. 2. The principal features of digito-talar dysmorphism are flexion deformities, narrowing and ulnar deviation of the fingers. The thumb may be held in an abnormal position by a soft-tissue web. Rocker-bottom foot may develop, due to vertical talus. The facies is normal and the mentality is unimpaired. 3. The general health is good but orthopaedic measures may be needed for function and cosmesis. 4. The condition is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait, with varying clinical expression of the abnormal gene.
1. Primary pollicisation of an injured middle finger is described. 2. The value of stellate ganglion block in preserving the blood supply is emphasised.
1. Partial diastasis of the tibio-fibular syndesmosis is believed to be common, but it is often overlooked as a cause of recurrent sprains of the ankle. 2. The treatment of recurrent sprains of the ankle by stabilising the inferior tibio-fibular joint with a lag screw is described. The method has been used in seventy-five patients aged between sixteen and sixty-five years. The longest follow-up has been six years.