1. Six cases of infection of wounds with actinomyces are described alld tile cultural characteristics of tile organisms are discussed. 2. In three patients the infecting organism was an unusual aerobic form. 3. Possible sources of infection are considered. 4. The chronicity of the condition and the difficulty in treatment are stressed. 5. Penicillin and X-radiation hold out most hope of cure.
1. In the first 1600 of the series of peripheral nerve injuries treated during the years 1940-45 at the Peripheral Nerve Injuries Unit, Oxford, 52 per cent. were due to penetrating wounds, and 6 per cent. of these involved the brachial plexus. 2. A specific method of grouping and grading recovery is described: Group Iâlesions of the roots and trunk of C.5, 6; Group IIâlesions of the posterior cord; Group IIIâlesions of C.8, T.1, and the medial cord. 3. The recovery of cases in Group I was good, in Group II fair, and in Group III poor. 4. The brachial plexus was explored on twenty-two occasions. Only in four instances was there interruption of continuityâwhich is in striking contrast with the frequency in more distal degenerative nerve lesions in open wounds. 5. There is no evidence to suggest that neurolysis influenced motor or sensory recovery, but on one occasion it relieved persistent pain in the limb. In general the correlation between operative findings and prognosis was not precise. 6. With one exception, no recovery of consequence took place in the small muscles of the hand after a lesion in continuity, although galvanic stimulation to all paralysed muscles had been given regularly. 7. There is evidence to suggest that innervation of the biceps may not always be limited to C.5 and 6 and that in a proportion of cases C.7 may make a substantial contribution. 8. In five cases (12 per cent.) Horner's syndrome was present; the causation is discussed. 9. In every case of damage to a main vessel there was a marked tendency to joint stiffness, particularly in the hand, but on one occasion only was there evidence of ischaemic changes in the muscles and nerves. 10. The good spontaneous recovery which occurred in Groups I and II; the poor recovery in Group III even in cases where there was an apparently favourable lesion in continuity; the rarity with which division of nerves was found at operation; and the discouraging results of repair in three cases; make it necessary to conclude that routine exploration of open wounds of the brachial plexus is neither profitable nor justifiable.
A patient with a chronic discharging sinus or an extensive adherent scar is never safe from the risk of malignant change. Examples are still occurring more than thirty years after the end of the first world war. The possibility should be kept in mind by those concerned with the long-term treatment of wounds of this kind. Reasonable prophylactic measures would be: excision of adherent or unstable scars with, if necessary, their replacement by suitable pedicle flaps having a good blood supply; and earlier amputation if a osteomyelitic sinus persists for several years and does not yield to treatment. Supervision of doubtful cases should be frequent and should not be relaxed with the passage of the years. Warty changes or indolent ulceration of scars should be regarded with grave suspicion and investigated by biopsy. Any increase in pain or discharge in association with a sinus should receive prompt attention. Finally, if malignant change supervenes, treatment should be as speedy and as radical as with any other cancer. At least thirteen of our twenty-four patients have died of cancer.
Over 200 high-velocity missile injuries treated in a low-technology environment were audited under the aegis of the International Committee of the Red Cross Hospitals in Afghanistan and Northern Kenya. Femoral fractures were treated either by traction or external fixation using a uniaxial frame. The results showed that patients treated by external fixation remained in hospital longer than those treated on traction. The positional outcome was identical in both groups. In tibial fractures the external fixator was only of extra benefit in those of the lower third when compared with simple plaster slabs unless more complex procedures such as flaps or vascular repair were to be performed. In complex humeral fractures, external fixation resulted in long stays in hospital and a large number of interventions when compared with simple treatment in a sling. We conclude therefore that in an environment where facilities are limited and surgeons have only general experience very careful initial wound excision is the most important factor determining outcome. The application of complex holding techniques was generally inappropriate.
1. The background to the work of Australian medical teams in South Vietnam is described. 2. The types of limb wounds seen among the Vietnamese civilian population are classified and described, and the methods of treatment used are reported.
This is a case series of prospectively gathered
data characterising the injuries, surgical treatment and outcomes
of consecutive British service personnel who underwent a unilateral
lower limb amputation following combat injury. Patients with primary,
unilateral loss of the lower limb sustained between March 2004 and
March 2010 were identified from the United Kingdom Military Trauma
Registry. Patients were asked to complete a Short-Form (SF)-36 questionnaire.
A total of 48 patients were identified: 21 had a trans-tibial amputation,
nine had a knee disarticulation and 18 had an amputation at the
trans-femoral level. The median New Injury Severity Score was 24 (mean
27.4 (9 to 75)) and the median number of procedures per residual
limb was 4 (mean 5 (2 to 11)). Minimum two-year SF-36 scores were
completed by 39 patients (81%) at a mean follow-up of 40 months
(25 to 75). The physical component of the SF-36 varied significantly
between different levels of amputation (p = 0.01). Mental component
scores did not vary between amputation levels (p = 0.114). Pain
(p = 0.332), use of prosthesis (p = 0.503), rate of re-admission
(p = 0.228) and mobility (p = 0.087) did not vary between amputation
levels. These findings illustrate the significant impact of these injuries
and the considerable surgical burden associated with their treatment.
Quality of life is improved with a longer residual limb, and these
results support surgical attempts to maximise residual limb length. Cite this article:
The aim of this study was to report the pattern
of severe open diaphyseal tibial fractures sustained by military personnel,
and their orthopaedic–plastic surgical management. Cite this article:
Aims. The Open-Fracture Patient Evaluation Nationwide (OPEN) study was performed to provide clarity in open fracture management previously skewed by small, specialist centre studies and large, unfocused registry investigations. We report the current management metrics of open fractures across the UK. Method. Patients admitted to hospital with an open fracture (excluding phalanges or isolated hand injuries) between 1 June 2021 and 30 September 2021 were included. Institutional information governance approval was obtained at the lead site and all data entered using Research Electronic Data Capture software. All domains of the British Orthopaedic Association Standard for Open Fracture Management were recorded. Results. Across 51 centres, 1,175 patients were analyzed. Antibiotics were given to 754 (69.0%) in the emergency department, 240 (22.0%) pre-hospital, and 99 (9.1%) as inpatients.
Aims. To evaluate the impact of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) on the odds of having deep infections and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) following open fractures. Methods. Patients from the Fluid Lavage in Open Fracture
Aims. The Fluid Lavage in Open Fracture
Aims. The aims of this study were to quantify health state utility
values (HSUVs) after a tibial fracture, investigate the effect of
complications, to determine the trajectory in HSUVs that result
in these differences and to quantify the quality-adjusted life years
(QALYs) experienced by patients. Patients and Methods. This is an analysis of 2138 tibial fractures enrolled in the
Fluid Lavage of Open
Aims. It has been generally accepted that open fractures require early skeletal stabilization and soft-tissue reconstruction. Traditionally, a standard gauze dressing was applied to open wounds. There has been a recent shift in this paradigm towards negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT). The aim of this study was to compare the clinical outcomes in patients with open tibial fractures receiving standard dressing versus NPWT. Methods. This multicentre randomized controlled trial was approved by the ethical review board of a public sector tertiary care institute.
We report a prospective single-blind controlled
study of the incidence of early wound infection after internal fixation for
trauma in 609 patients, of whom 132 were HIV-positive.
Objectives. After an injury, the biological reattachment of tendon to bone is a challenge because healing takes place between a soft (tendon) and a hard (bone) tissue. Even after healing, the transition zone in the enthesis is not completely regenerated, making it susceptible to re-injury. In this study, we aimed to regenerate Achilles tendon entheses (ATEs) in wounded rats using a combination of kartogenin (KGN) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Methods.