Aims. The aim of this study was to explore parents’ experience of their
Aims. It is unclear if a supportive bandage, removable splint, or walking cast offers the best outcome following low-risk ankle fractures in children. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of a randomized controlled trial to compare these treatments. Methods. Children aged five to 15 years with low-risk ankle fractures were recruited to this feasibility trial from 1 February 2020 to 30 March 2023. Children were randomized to supportive bandage, removable splint, or walking cast for two weeks. Follow-up at two, six, and 12 weeks was undertaken to determine feasibility for a definitive trial. Outcomes collected included complications, the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) mobility score, Paediatric Quality of Life Inventory, youth version of the EuroQol five-dimension health questionnaire, and Activities Scale for Kids - Performance. Results. A total of 87 children from six hospitals were randomized at a rate of 0.9 participants per site per month. Two children in the supportive bandage group crossed over to an alternative device. Complications were reported in six children. One
Aims. The aim of this study was to explore parents and young people’s experience of having a medial epicondyle fracture, and their thoughts about the uncertainty regarding the optimal treatment. Methods. Families were identified after being invited to participate in a randomized controlled trial of surgery or no surgery for displaced medial epicondyle fractures of the humerus in children. A purposeful sample of 25 parents (22 females) and five young people (three females, mean age 11 years (7 to 14)) from 15 UK hospitals were interviewed a mean of 39 days (14 to 78) from injury. Qualitative interviews were informed by phenomenology and themes identified to convey participants’ experience. Results. The results identify parents’ desire to do the best for their
The management of closed fractures of the humerus with an associated nerve palsy remains controversial. With very little written about this injury in children, we present the case of a three-year-old
Giant-cell tumour of the synovium is known to affect the fingers or toes of adults. It has seldom been described in the spine and rarely in the thoracic vertebrae or in a
Pyomyositis is rarely seen in temperate climates. Typically, it presents with the formation of an abscess requiring surgical drainage and it has been reported as a differential diagnosis for septic arthritis of the hip. We describe the occurrence of pyomyositis of the iliacus muscle in a ten-year-old girl which was diagnosed by MRI and blood culture. Formation of an abscess did not occur despite marked focal inflammation and swelling of the muscle. Conservative treatment with antibiotics alone led to complete clinical and radiological resolution of the infection. We could find no previous description of pyomyositis in a
A fracture of the neck of the radius when the head is not ossified can be difficult to assess and treat. In a four-year-old
We describe a five-year-old
We investigated the reproducibility of the various radiological methods of assessment of hip dysplasia by making 474 assessments of hips and quantifying the inter-observer and intra-observer variation. There was a wide range of variability between the readings made by different observers and by one observer on two occasions. A measurement of acetabular index has to be given a range of +/- 6 degrees in order to be 95% confident of including the true measurement. We found the most helpful measurements to be the acetabular index, up to the age of eight years; the centre-edge angle, over the age of five years; and Smith's c/b ratio and neck-shaft angle. We feel, however, that the change in value over a series of radiographs in the same
We describe a 15-year-old boy with a posterior dislocation of the hip, fracture of the posterior column of the acetabulum and separation of the femoral capital epiphysis. To our knowledge no previous case in a
This study evaluates the quality of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) reported in childhood fracture trials and recommends outcome measures to assess and report physical function, functional capacity, and quality of life using the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN) standards. A Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)-compliant systematic review of OVID Medline, Embase, and Cochrane CENTRAL was performed to identify all PROMs reported in trials. A search of OVID Medline, Embase, and PsycINFO was performed to identify all PROMs with validation studies in childhood fractures. Development studies were identified through hand-searching. Data extraction was undertaken by two reviewers. Study quality and risk of bias was evaluated by COSMIN guidelines and recorded on standardized checklists.Aims
The Ontario Crippled Children's Centre has completed a two-year research project designed to develop effective strategies for training the preschool
The aim of this study was to review the value of accepting referrals for children with ‘clicky hips’ in a selective screening programme for hip dysplasia. A single-centre prospective database of all referrals to the hip clinic was examined to identify indication for referrals, diagnosis, and treatment. All patients referred received a standardized ultrasound scan and clinical examination by an orthopaedic consultant.Aims
Patients and Methods
Florid reactive periostitis is a pronounced periosteal reaction, usually affecting the hands and feet, for which there is no obvious cause. It is rare in children and in long bones. We report an unusual case of florid reactive periostitis in a ten-year-old girl that involved both bones of the forearm. The lesion resolved over a period of one year, leaving a residual exostosis. She developed a physeal bar in the distal ulna in the region of the lesion at one-year follow-up. This was thought to be a complication of the biopsy procedure and was treated by resection and proximal ulnar lengthening.
The outcome of tibial allograft reconstruction after resection of a tumour is inconsistent and has a high rate of failure. There are few reports on the use of tibial allografts in children with open growth plates. We performed 21 allograft reconstructions (16 osteoarticular, five intercalary) in 19 consecutive patients between seven and 17 years of age. Two had Ewing’s sarcoma, one an adamantinoma and 16 osteosarcoma, one with multifocal disease. Five patients have died; the other 14 were free from disease at the time of follow-up. Six surviving patients (eight allograft reconstructions) continue to have good or excellent function at a mean of 59 months (14 to 132). One patient has poor function at 31 months. The other seven patients have a good or excellent function after additional procedures including exchange of the allograft and resurfacing or revision to an endoprosthesis at a mean of 101 months (43 to 198). The additional operations were performed at a mean of 47 months (20 to 84) after the first reconstruction. With the use of allograft reconstruction in growing children, joints and growth plates may be preserved, at least partially. Although our results remain inconsistent, tibial allograft reconstruction in selected patients may restore complete and durable function of the limb.
A five-day-old boy was referred with a soft-tissue mass in his right upper arm. Plain radiographs and ultrasound demonstrated a lesion extending from the axilla to the elbow on the posterolateral aspect of the humerus. Open biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of congenital haemangiopericytoma. After MRI and selective angiography, excision biopsy was carried out, but no adjuvant therapy was administered. At further examination, four years and ten months later, he was noted to have three small nodules at the site of the original tumour. Excision biopsy confirmed this to be a local recurrence, although the lesion was less cellular with no appreciable mitotic activity. Congenital haemangiopericytoma is a rare cause of a soft-tissue mass in children. Most tumours are benign, and recurrence is uncommon. The treatment is controversial, but most centres recommend the use of adjuvant chemotherapy, combined with complete excision. We recommend treatment with doxorubicin. Orthopaedic surgeons should be familiar with this tumour since 30% to 50% of cases occur in the limbs.
The term flat foot is surrounded by confusion and there is little to help the clinician to identify cases which require treatment and to avoid treating many children unnecessarily. Research for 25 years has been aimed at elucidating this problem by identifying and evaluating a series of signs and tests. These tests allow the recognition of the abnormal foot as early as possible, when efficient treatment is likely to be most effective. The results indicate that evaluation of the flat foot should be based on a combination of signs, with most emphasis on the result of the great toe extension test.
The outcome of various types of treatment for femoral fracture in children with head injury was studied retrospectively in 51 patients with 56 fractures. Of these, 36 patients (71 per cent) were in deep coma and scored 5 to 7 on the Glasgow scale. Forty-three children (84 per cent) were eventually able to walk freely. Open reduction and internal fixation proved an attractive solution for femoral fractures in children with head injury who could tolerate general anaesthesia: intramedullary nailing was safe and gave satisfactory results in 16 fractures but infection complicated three of the five fractures which were plated.
We investigated the epidemiology, assessment and outcome of acute atraumatic limp in 243 children under the age of 14 years presenting to a paediatric accident and emergency department (AED) over a period of six months. Data were collected at presentation and medical notes were re-examined after 18 to 21 months. The incidence of limp was 1.8 per thousand. The male:female ratio was 1.7:1 and the median age 4.35 years. Limp was mainly right-sided (54%) and painful (80%); 33.7% of the children had localised pain in the hip. A preceding illness was found in 40%. The main diagnosis was ‘irritable hip’/transient synovitis (39.5%); Perthes’ disease accounted for 2%. Most patients (77%) were managed entirely in the AED. Acute atraumatic limp is a common problem in children presenting to the AED. Most can be safely managed there if guidelines are followed and will have a benign outcome. Further studies are needed to identify the role of preceding illness in the aetiology of acute atraumatic limp.
Eight children with missed Monteggia fracture-dislocations are described. Seven had reconstructive surgery which included resection of scar tissue from the radiohumeral joint, proximal ulnar osteotomy, reduction of the radial head and reconstruction of the annular ligament. One had excision of the radial head. Excellent results were obtained in patients under ten years of age, up to four years after the initial injury.
A case is reported of a young girl who presented with macrodactyly of the right middle finger and tumour masses on the palmar side of both interphalangeal joints. The lesions were fibrocartilaginous and appeared to be hyperplastic palmar plates. The macrodactyly and the hyperplasia of the palmar plates were attributed to trauma.
We describe a symptomatic, progressive restriction
of knee flexion due to an accessory quadriceps femoris in a nine-year-old
girl. There was no history or findings of post-injection fibrosis,
nor any obvious swelling of the affected quadriceps. At arthroscopy
no intra-articular pathology was found. An accessory ‘quinticeps
femoris’ was diagnosed by ultrasonography and MRI. Following excision
of the muscle and tendon full flexion of the knee was regained and
there was no recurrence of the contracture.
Fractures of the femoral neck in children are
rare, high-energy injuries with high complication rates. Their treatment has
become more interventional but evidence of the efficacy of such
measures is limited. We performed a systematic review of studies
examining different types of treatment and their outcomes, including
avascular necrosis (AVN), nonunion, coxa vara, premature physeal
closure (PPC), and Ratliff’s clinical criteria. A total of 30 studies
were included, comprising 935 patients. Operative treatment and
open reduction were associated with higher rates of AVN. Delbet
types I and II fractures were most likely to undergo open reduction
and internal fixation. Coxa vara was reduced in the operative group,
whereas nonunion and PPC were not related to surgical intervention. Nonunion
and coxa vara were unaffected by the method of reduction. Capsular
decompression had no effect on AVN. Although surgery allows a more
anatomical union, it is uncertain whether operative treatment or
the type of reduction affects the rate of AVN, nonunion or PPC,
because more severe fractures were operated upon more frequently.
A delay in treatment beyond 24 hours was associated with a higher
incidence of AVN. Cite this article:
We describe a patient with fractures of both bones of the forearm in whom flexible intramedullary nail fixation of the radius alone led to ulnar malunion and a symptomatic distal radio-ulnar joint subluxation. This was successfully treated by ulnar osteotomy.
Seven children underwent partial meniscectomy for symptomatic discoid lateral meniscus. This procedure, modifying the discoid meniscus to the normal semilunar shape, was indicated only when degeneration or tear was minimal, when the meniscus was not abnormally thickened nor of Wrisberg type, when it was not hypermobile, when the capsular attachment was intact, and when the residual meniscus was free from abnormality. The results were excellent clinically, radiologically and arthroscopically, rehabilitation was shortened to half that required for total meniscectomy and the residual meniscus functioned entirely normally.
Fracture of the atlas is rare in children. We report a case of fracture of the atlas through a synchondrosis of the anterior arch complicated by atlantoaxial rotatory fixation in a four-year-old girl.
Arteriovenous fistula formation after a closed
extremity fracture is rare. We present the case of an 11-year-old
boy who developed an arteriovenous fistula between the anterior
tibial artery and popliteal vein after closed fractures of the proximal
tibia and fibula. The fractures were treated by closed reduction
and casting. A fistula was diagnosed 12 weeks after the injury.
It was treated by embolisation with coils. Subsequent angiography
and ultrasonography confirmed patency of the popliteal vein and
anterior and posterior tibial and peroneal arteries, with no residual shunting
through the fistula. The fractures healed uneventfully and he returned
to full unrestricted activities 21 weeks after his injury.
We present the case of a 15-year-old boy with
symptoms due to Klippel–Feil syndrome. Radiographs and CT scans demonstrated
basilar impression, occipitalisation of C1 and fusion of C2/C3.
MRI showed ventral compression of the medullocervical junction.
Skull traction was undertaken pre-operatively to determine whether
the basilar impression could be safely reduced. During traction,
the C3/C4 junction migrated 12 mm caudally and spasticity resolved.
Peri-operative skull-femoral traction enabled posterior occipitocervical
fixation without decompression. Following surgery, cervical alignment
was restored and spasticity remained absent. One year after surgery
he was not limited in his activities.
Aims. The number of females within the speciality of trauma and orthopaedics (T&O) is increasing. The aim of this study was to identify: 1) current attitudes and behaviours of UK female T&O surgeons towards pregnancy; 2) any barriers faced towards pregnancy with a career in T&O surgery; and 3) areas for improvement. Methods. This is a cross-sectional study using an anonymous 13-section web-based survey distributed to female-identifying T&O trainees, speciality and associate specialist surgeons (SASs) and locally employed doctors (LEDs), fellows, and consultants in the UK. Demographic data was collected as well as closed and open questions with adaptive answering relating to attitudes towards childbearing and experiences of fertility and complications associated with pregnancy. A descriptive data analysis was carried out. Results. A total of 226 UK female T&O surgeons completed the survey. All regions of the UK were represented. Overall, 99/226 (44%) of respondents had at least one
Aims. The management of completely displaced fractures of the distal radius in children remains controversial. This study evaluates the outcomes of surgical and non-surgical management of ‘off-ended’ fractures in children with at least two years of potential growth remaining. Methods. A total of 34 boys and 22 girls aged 0 to ten years with a closed, completely displaced metaphyseal distal radial fracture presented between 1 November 2015 and 1 January 2020. After 2018, children aged ten or under were offered treatment in a straight plaster or manipulation under anaesthesia with Kirschner (K-)wire stabilization. Case notes and radiographs were reviewed to evaluate outcomes. In all, 16 underwent treatment in a straight cast and 40 had manipulation under anaesthesia, including 37 stabilized with K-wires. Results. Of the children treated in a straight cast, all were discharged with good range of mo (ROM). Five children were discharged at six to 12 weeks with no functional limitations at six-month follow-up. A total of 11 children were discharged between 12 and 50 weeks with a normal ROM and radiological evidence of remodelling. One
Aims. To examine the long-term outcome of arthrodesis of the hip undertaken in a paediatric population in treating painful arthritis of the hip. In our patient population, most of whom live rurally in hilly terrain and have limited healthcare access and resources, hip arthrodesis has been an important surgical option for the monoarticular painful hip in a
The April 2023 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup. 360. looks at: Can you treat type IIA supracondylar humerus fractures conservatively?; Bone bruising and anterior cruciate ligament injury in paediatrics; Participation and motor abilities after treatment with the Ponseti method; Does fellowship training help with paediatric supracondylar fractures?; Supracondylar elbow fracture management (Supra Man): a national trainee collaborative evaluation of practice; Magnetically controlled growing rods in early-onset scoliosis; Weightbearing restrictions and weight gain in children with Perthes’ disease?; Injuries and
Aims. Perthes’ disease is an idiopathic avascular necrosis of the developing femoral head, often causing deformity that impairs physical function. Current treatments aim to optimize the joint reaction force across the hip by enhancing congruency between the acetabulum and femoral head. Despite a century of research, there is no consensus regarding the optimal treatment. The aim of this study was to describe the experiences of children, their families, and clinicians when considering the treatment of Perthes’ disease. Methods. A qualitative study gathered information from children and their families affected by Perthes’ disease, along with treating clinicians. Interviews followed a coding framework, with the interview schedule informed by behavioural theory and patient and public involvement. Transcripts were analyzed using the framework method. Results. A total of 24 interviews took place, with 12
Aims. The aim of this study was to identify the information topics that should be addressed according to the parents of children with developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) in the diagnostic and treatment phase during the first year of life. Second, we explored parental recommendations to further optimize the information provision in DDH care. Methods. A qualitative study with semi-structured interviews was conducted between September and December 2020. A purposive sample of parents of children aged younger than one year, who were treated for DDH with a Pavlik harness, were interviewed until data saturation was achieved. A total of 20 interviews with 22 parents were conducted. Interviews were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim, independently reviewed, and coded into categories and themes. Results. Interviews revealed four fundamental information topics that should be addressed in the different phases of the DDH healthcare trajectory: general information (screening phase), patient-specific information (diagnostic and treatment phase), practical information (treatment phase), and future perspectives (treatment and follow-up phase). To further optimize the information provision in DDH care, parents wished for more accessible and trustworthy general information prior to the first hospital visit to be better prepared for the diagnosis. Furthermore, parents wanted more personalized and visually supported information for a better understanding of the nature of the disease and the reason for treatment. Conclusion. This study offers novel insights to optimize the information provision in DDH care. The main finding is the shift in information need from general information in the screening phase to patient-specific information in the diagnostic and treatment phase of DDH. Parents prefer visually-supported information, provided in a timely fashion, and tailored to their
Aims. The aim of this study was to inform the epidemiology and treatment of slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE). Methods. This was an anonymized comprehensive cohort study, with a nested consented cohort, following the the Idea, Development, Exploration, Assessment, Long-term study (IDEAL) framework. A total of 143 of 144 hospitals treating SCFE in Great Britain participated over an 18-month period. Patients were cross-checked against national administrative data and potential missing patients were identified. Clinician-reported outcomes were collected until two years. Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) were collected for a subset of participants. Results. A total of 486 children (513 hips) were newly affected, with a median of two patients (interquartile range 0 to 4) per hospital. The annual incidence was 3.34 (95% confidence interval (CI) 3.01 to 3.67) per 100,000 six- to 18-year-olds. Time to diagnosis in stable disease was increased in severe deformity. There was considerable variation in surgical strategy among those unable to walk at diagnosis (66 urgent surgery vs 43 surgery after interval delay), those with severe radiological deformity (34 fixation with deformity correction vs 36 without correction) and those with unaffected opposite hips (120 prophylactic fixation vs 286 no fixation). Independent risk factors for avascular necrosis (AVN) were the inability of the
Aims. Paediatric fractures are highly prevalent and are most often treated with plaster. The application and removal of plaster is often an anxiety-inducing experience for children. Decreasing the anxiety level may improve the patients’ satisfaction and the quality of healthcare. Virtual reality (VR) has proven to effectively distract children and reduce their anxiety in other clinical settings, and it seems to have a similar effect during plaster treatment. This study aims to further investigate the effect of VR on the anxiety level of children with fractures who undergo plaster removal or replacement in the plaster room. Methods. A randomized controlled trial was conducted. A total of 255 patients were included, aged five to 17 years, who needed plaster treatment for a fracture of the upper or lower limb. Randomization was stratified for age (five to 11 and 12 to 17 years). The intervention group was distracted with VR goggles and headphones during the plaster treatment, whereas the control group received standard care. As the primary outcome, the post-procedural level of anxiety was measured with the
Aims. Worldwide controversy exists on the optimal treatment of stable dysplastic hips. The most common treatment options are abduction brace treatment and active surveillance. The primary aim of this study was to assess the effect of active surveillance in stable hip dysplasia, by investigating the percentage of Graf IIb stable dysplastic hips that recover spontaneously without abduction brace treatment. The second aim was to identify prognostic factors for spontaneous recovery of stable dysplastic hips. Methods. A single-centre, prospective cohort study was conducted at the Máxima Medical Center between 1 March 2019 and 1 March 2023. Infants aged three to 4.5 months at the first outpatient clinic visit, diagnosed with Graf IIb hip dysplasia, and treated with active surveillance were included. Spontaneous recovery was defined as infants who had a normalized hip on ultrasound (α-angle ≥ 60°) after six weeks of active surveillance without receiving abduction brace treatment. Baseline infant characteristics and ultrasound measurements were used as potential predictor variables for spontaneous recovery in logistic regression analyses. Results. A total of 508 infants with Graf IIb stable dysplastic hips were included. Overall, 473 infants (93.1%) recovered spontaneously with active surveillance. Of the remaining 35 infants, 25 infants (4.9%) received six weeks and ten infants (2.0%) received 12 weeks of additional Pavlik harness treatment until hip normalization. In univariate and multivariate analyses, an impaired hip abduction was negatively associated (OR 0.43 (95% CI 0.20 to 0.93); p = 0.033) and being a firstborn
Aims. The management of fractures of the medial epicondyle is one of the greatest controversies in paediatric fracture care, with uncertainty concerning the need for surgery. The British Society of Children’s Orthopaedic Surgery prioritized this as their most important research question in paediatric trauma. This is the protocol for a randomized controlled, multicentre, prospective superiority trial of operative fixation versus nonoperative treatment for displaced medial epicondyle fractures: the Surgery or Cast of the EpicoNdyle in Children’s Elbows (SCIENCE) trial. Methods. Children aged seven to 15 years old inclusive, who have sustained a displaced fracture of the medial epicondyle, are eligible to take part. Baseline function using the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) upper limb score, pain measured using the Wong Baker FACES pain scale, and quality of life (QoL) assessed with the EuroQol five-dimension questionnaire for younger patients (EQ-5D-Y) will be collected. Each patient will be randomly allocated (1:1, stratified using a minimization algorithm by centre and initial elbow dislocation status (i.e. dislocated or not-dislocated at presentation to the emergency department)) to either a regimen of the operative fixation or non-surgical treatment. Outcomes. At six weeks, and three, six, and 12 months, data on function, pain, sports/music participation, QoL, immobilization, and analgesia will be collected. These will also be repeated annually until the
Aims. The ‘pink, pulseless hand’ is often used to describe the clinical situation in which a
Aims. In this study, we aimed to evaluate incidence trends and potential risk factors associated with Perthes’ disease in Denmark, using publicly available data. Methods. Our population-based case-control study used data from the Danish National Patient Register and Danish Civil Registration System, accessed through the publicly available Danish Biobank Register, to identify 1,924,292 infants born between 1985 and 2016. We estimated age-specific incidence rates for four birth periods of equal duration (1985 to 1992, 1993 to 2000, 2001 to 2008, and 2009 to 2016) and investigated associations with perinatal conditions, congenital malformations, coagulation defects, autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD). Results. We identified 2,374 (81.6% male) diagnosed with Perthes’ disease aged between two and 12 years, corresponding to an overall incidence of 12.1 per 100,000 live births relative to the year of birth. The incidence declined across all four birth periods, irrespective of sex or age at diagnosis. Several perinatal conditions were associated with higher Perthes’ disease risk. Children with reported birth injuries (vs no reported injuries) exhibited the highest risk (relative risk (RR) 7.48 (95% CI 3.37 to 16.63)) followed by those with versus without coagulation defects (RR 4.77 (95% CI 1.79 to 12.69)). Children diagnosed with syndromic (RR 2.90 (95% CI 2.08 to 4.04)) or non-syndromic major congenital malformations (RR 1.86 (95% CI 1.55 to 2.23)) (vs those with no malformation diagnosis) were also associated with higher Perthes’ disease risk. The development of Perthes’ disease was positively associated with several ASD and ADHD diagnoses. However, once adjusting for the sex of the
Aims. The aim of this study was to understand the experience of mature patients who undergo a periacetabular osteotomy (PAO), a major hip-preserving surgical procedure that treats symptomatic hip dysplasia by realigning the acetabulum. Our aim was to improve our understanding of how the operation affected the lives of patients and their families, with a long-term goal of improving their experience. Methods. We used a phenomenological approach with in-depth, semi-structured interviews to investigate the experience of seven female patients, aged between 25 and 40 years, who underwent a PAO. A modified homogeneity sampling approach coupled with criterion sampling was used. Inclusion criteria involved having at least one
Aims. The Uppföljningsprogram för cerebral pares (CPUP) Hip Score distinguishes between children with cerebral palsy (CP) at different levels of risk for displacement of the hip. The score was constructed using data from Swedish children with CP, but has not been confirmed in any other population. The aim of this study was to determine the calibration and discriminatory accuracy of this score in children with CP in Scotland. Methods. This was a total population-based study of children registered with the Cerebral Palsy Integrated Pathway Scotland. Displacement of the hip was defined as a migration percentage (MP) of > 40%. Inclusion criteria were children in Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels III to V. The calibration slope was estimated and Kaplan-Meier curves produced for five strata of CPUP scores to compare the observed with the predicted risk of displacement of the hip at five years. For discriminatory accuracy, the time-dependent area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was estimated. In order to analyze differences in the performance of the score between cohorts, score weights, and subsequently the AUC, were re-estimated using the variables of the original score: the
Aims. The aim of this study was to evaluate the epidemiology and treatment of Perthes’ disease of the hip. Methods. This was an anonymized comprehensive cohort study of Perthes’ disease, with a nested consented cohort. A total of 143 of 144 hospitals treating children’s hip disease in the UK participated over an 18-month period. Cases were cross-checked using a secondary independent reporting network of trainee surgeons to minimize those missing. Clinician-reported outcomes were collected until two years. Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) were collected for a subset of participants. Results. Overall, 371 children (396 hips) were newly affected by Perthes’ disease arising from 63 hospitals, with a median of two patients (interquartile range 1.0 to 5.5) per hospital. The annual incidence was 2.48 patients (95% confidence interval (CI) 2.20 to 2.76) per 100,000 zero- to 14-year-olds. Of these, 117 hips (36.4%) were treated surgically. There was considerable variation in the treatment strategy, and an optimized decision tree identified joint stiffness and age above eight years as the key determinants for containment surgery. A total of 348 hips (88.5%) had outcomes to two years, of which 227 were in the late reossification stage for which a hip shape outcome (Stulberg grade) was assigned. The independent predictors of a poorer radiological outcome were female sex (odds ratio (OR) 2.27 (95% CI 1.19 to 4.35)), age above six years (OR 2.62 (95% CI (1.30 to 5.28)), and over 50% radiological collapse at inclusion (OR 2.19 (95% CI 0.99 to 4.83)). Surgery had no effect on radiological outcomes (OR 1.03 (95% CI 0.55 to 1.96)). PROMs indicated the marked effect of the disease on the
Aims. The epiphyseal approach to a chondroblastoma of the intercondylar notch of a
Aims. This observational study examines the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic upon the paediatric trauma burden of a district general hospital. We aim to compare the nature and volume of the paediatric trauma during the first 2020 UK lockdown period with the same period in 2019. Methods. Prospective data was collected from 23 March 2020 to 14 June 2020 and compared with retrospective data collected from 23 March 2019 to 14 June 2019. Patient demographics, mechanism of injury, nature of the injury, and details of any surgery were tabulated and statistically analyzed using the independent-samples t-test for normally distributed data and the Mann-Whitney-U test for non-parametric data. Additionally, patients were contacted by telephone to further explore the mechanism of injury where required, to gain some qualitative insight into the risk factors for injury. Results. The 2020 lockdown resulted in 30% fewer paediatric trauma presentations (441 vs 306), but no significant change in the number of patients requiring surgery (47 vs 51; p = 0.686). Trampolining injuries increased in absolute numbers by 168% (p < 0.001), almost four times more common when considered as percentage of all injuries observed in 2020 vs 2019. There was a decrease in high energy trauma from road traffic accidents and falls from height (21.5% decrease, p < 0.001). Despite a shift towards more conservative treatment options, trampolining injuries continued to require surgery in similar proportions (19.4 vs 20%; p = 0.708). Qualitative investigation revealed that the most common risk factor for trampolining injury was concurrent usage, especially with an older
Aims. The migration percentage (MP) is one criterion used for surgery in dislocated or displaced hips in children with cerebral palsy (CP). The MP at which a displaced hip can no longer return to normal is unclear. The aim of this paper was to identify the point of no return of the MP through a large population-based study. Methods. All children registered on the Cerebral Palsy Integrated Pathway Scotland surveillance programme undergo regular pelvic radiographs. Any
Aims. To compare changes in gait kinematics and walking speed 24 months after conventional (C-MLS) and minimally invasive (MI-MLS) multilevel surgery for children with diplegic cerebral palsy (CP). Methods. A retrospective analysis of 19 children following C-MLS, with mean age at surgery of 12 years five months (seven years ten months to 15 years 11 months), and 36 children following MI-MLS, with mean age at surgery of ten years seven months (seven years one month to 14 years ten months), was performed. The Gait Profile Score (GPS) and walking speed were collected preoperatively and six, 12 and 24 months postoperatively. Type and frequency of procedures as part of MLS, surgical adverse events, and subsequent surgery were recorded. Results. In both groups, GPS improved from the preoperative gait analysis to the six-month assessment with maintenance at 12 and 24 months postoperatively. While reduced at six months in both groups, walking speed returned to preoperative speed by 12 months. The overall pattern of change in GPS and walking speed was similar over time following C-MLS and MI-MLS. There was a median of ten procedures per
Aims. Current American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) guidelines for treating femoral fractures in children aged two to six years recommend early spica casting although some individuals have recommended intramedullary stabilization in this age group. The purpose of this study was to compare the treatment and family burden of care of spica casting and flexible intramedullary nailing in this age group. Methods. Patients aged two to six years old with acute, non-pathological femur fractures were prospectively enrolled at one of three tertiary children’s hospitals. Either early closed reduction with spica cast application or flexible intramedullary nailing was accomplished under general anaesthesia. The treatment method was selected after discussion of the options by the surgeon with the family. Data were prospectively collected on patient demographics, fracture characteristics, complications, pain medication, and union. The Impact on Family Scale was obtained at the six-week follow-up visit. In all, 75 patients were included in the study: 39 in the spica group and 36 in the nailing group. The mean age of the spica group was 2.71 (2.0 to 6.9) years and the mean age of the nailing group was 3.16 (2.0 to 6.9) years. Results. All fractures healed without evidence of malunion or more than 2.0 cm of shortening. The mean Impact on Family score was 70.2 for the spica group and 63.2 (55 to 99) for the nailing group, a statistically significant difference (p = 0.024) in a univariate analysis suggesting less impairment of the family in the intramedullary nailing group. There was no significant difference between pain medication requirements in the first 24 hours postoperatively. Two patients in the spica group and one patient in the intramedullary nailing group required additional treatment under anaesthesia. Conclusion. Both early spica casting and intramedullary nailing were effective methods for treating femoral fractures in children two to six years of age. Intramedullary stabilization provides an option in this age group that may be advantageous in some social situations that depend on the
We present two children with massive defects of the tibia and an associated active infection who were treated by medial transport of the fibula using the Ilizarov device. The first
Aims. Although atlantoaxial rotatory fixation (AARF) is a common cause
of torticollis in children, the diagnosis may be delayed. The condition
is characterised by a lack of rotation at the atlantoaxial joint
which becomes fixed in a rotated and subluxed position. The management of
children with a delayed presentation of this condition is controversial.
This is a retrospective study of a group of such children. Patients and Methods. Children who were admitted to two institutions between 1988 and
2014 with a diagnosis of AARF were included. We identified 12 children
(four boys, eight girls), with a mean age of 7.3 years (1.5 to 13.4),
in whom the duration of symptoms on presentation was at least four weeks
(four to 39). All were treated with halo traction followed by a
period of cervical immobilisation in a halo vest or a Minerva jacket.
We describe a simple modification to the halo traction that allows
Aims. The aim of this study was to compare the surgical and quality-of-life outcomes of children with skeletal dysplasia to those in children with idiopathic early-onset scoliosis (EOS) undergoing growth-friendly management. Patients and Methods. A retrospective review of two prospective multicentre EOS databases identified 33 children with skeletal dysplasia and EOS (major curve ≥ 30°) who were treated with growth-friendly instrumentation at younger than ten years of age, had a minimum two years of postoperative follow-up, and had undergone three or more lengthening procedures. From the same registries, 33 matched controls with idiopathic EOS were identified. A total of 20 children in both groups were treated with growing rods and 13 children were treated with vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib (VEPTR) instrumentation. Results. Mean preoperative major curves were 76° (34° to 115°) in the skeletal dysplasia group and 75° (51° to 113°) in the idiopathic group (p = 0.55), which were corrected at final follow-up to 49° (13° to 113°) and 46° (12° to 112°; p = 0.68), respectively. T1-S1 height increased by a mean of 36 mm (0 to 105) in the skeletal dysplasia group and 38 mm (7 to 104) in the idiopathic group at the index surgery (p = 0.40), and by 21 mm (1 to 68) and 46 mm (7 to 157), respectively, during the distraction period (p = 0.0085). The skeletal dysplasia group had significantly worse scores in the physical function, daily living, financial impact, and parent satisfaction preoperatively, as well as on financial impact and
Aims. The aim of this study was to quantify the risk of developing cancer from the exposure to radiation associated with surgery to correct limb deformities in children. Patients and Methods. A total of 35 children were studied. There were 19 girls and 16 boys. Their mean age was 11.9 years (2 to 18) at the time of surgery. Details of the radiological examinations were recorded during gradual correction using a Taylor Spatial Frame. The dose area product for each radiograph was obtained from the Computerised Radiology Information System database. The effective dose in millisieverts (mSv) was calculated using conversion coefficients for the anatomical area. The lifetime risk of developing cancer was calculated using government-approved Health Protection Agency reports, accounting for the age and gender of the
Aims. There is increasing evidence that flexible flatfoot (FF) can
lead to symptoms and impairment in health-related quality of life.
As such we undertook an observational study investigating the aetiology
of this condition, to help inform management. The hypothesis was
that as well as increased body mass index (BMI) and increased flexibility of
the lower limb, an absent anterior subtalar articulation would be
associated with a flatter foot posture. . Patients and Methods. A total of 84 children aged between eight and 15 years old were
prospectively recruited. The BMI for each
The Bracing Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (BASIS) study is a randomized controlled non-inferiority pragmatic trial of ‘full-time bracing’ (FTB) compared to ‘night-time bracing’ (NTB) for the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). We anticipated that recruiting patients to BASIS would be challenging, as it is a paediatric trial comparing two markedly different bracing pathways. No previous studies have compared the experiences of AIS patients treated with FTB to those treated with NTB. This qualitative study was embedded in BASIS to explore families’ perspectives of BASIS, to inform trial communication, and to identify strategies to support patients treated in a brace. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with parents (n = 26) and young people (n = 21) who had been invited to participate in BASIS at ten of the 22 UK paediatric spine services in hospitals recruiting to BASIS. Audio-recorded interviews were transcribed and analyzed thematically.Aims
Congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia remains one of the most difficult orthopaedic problems. We describe early excision and the use of the Masquelet technique to reconstruct the bone defect in a
A total of 25 children (37 legs and 51 segments) with coronal plane deformities around the knee were treated with the extraperiosteal application of a flexible two-hole plate and screws. The mean age was 11.6 years (5.5 to 14.9), the median angle of deformity treated was 8.3° and mean time for correction was 16.1 months (7 to 37.3). There was a mean rate of correction of 0.7° per month in the femur (0.3° to 1.5°), 0.5° per month in the tibia (0.1° to 0.9°) and 1.2° per month (0.1° to 2.2°) if femur and tibia were treated concurrently. Correction was faster if the
The aim of this study was to explore clinicians’ experience of a paediatric randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing surgical reduction with non-surgical casting for displaced distal radius fractures. Overall, 22 staff from 15 hospitals who participated in the RCT took part in an interview. Interviews were informed by phenomenology and analyzed using thematic analysis.Aims
A series of 26 children was referred to our specialist unit with a ‘pink pulseless hand’ following a supracondylar fracture of the distal humerus after a mean period of three months (4 days to 12 months) except for one referred after almost three years. They were followed up for a mean of 15.5 years (4 to 26). The neurovascular injuries and resulting impairment in function and salvage procedures were recorded. The mean age at presentation was 8.6 years (2 to 12). There were eight girls and 18 boys. Only four of the 26 patients had undergone immediate surgical exploration before referral and three of these four had a satisfactory outcome. In one
The aim of this study was to determine the consensus best practice approach for the investigation and management of children (aged 0 to 15 years) in the UK with musculoskeletal infection (including septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, pyomyositis, tenosynovitis, fasciitis, and discitis). This consensus can then be used to ensure consistent, safe care for children in UK hospitals and those elsewhere with similar healthcare systems. A Delphi approach was used to determine consensus in three core aspects of care: 1) assessment, investigation, and diagnosis; 2) treatment; and 3) service, pathways, and networks. A steering group of paediatric orthopaedic surgeons created statements which were then evaluated through a two-round Delphi survey sent to all members of the British Society for Children’s Orthopaedic Surgery (BSCOS). Statements were only included (‘consensus in’) in the final agreed consensus if at least 75% of respondents scored the statement as critical for inclusion. Statements were discarded (‘consensus out’) if at least 75% of respondents scored them as not important for inclusion. Reporting these results followed the Appraisal Guidelines for Research and Evaluation.Aims
Aims. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the performance
and safety of magnetically controlled growth rods in the treatment
of early onset scoliosis. Secondary aims were to evaluate the clinical
outcome, the rate of further surgery, the rate of complications,
and the durability of correction. Patients and Methods. We undertook an observational prospective cohort study of children
with early onset scoliosis, who were recruited over a one-year period
and followed up for a minimum of two years. Magnetically controlled
rods were introduced in a standardized manner with distractions
performed three-monthly thereafter. Adverse events which were both related
and unrelated to the device were recorded. Ten children, for whom
relevant key data points (such as demographic information, growth
parameters, Cobb angles, and functional outcomes) were available,
were recruited and followed up over the period of the study. There
were five boys and five girls. Their mean age was 6.2 years (2.5
to 10). Results. The mean coronal Cobb angle improved from 57.6° (40° to 81°)
preoperatively, 32.8° (28° to 46°) postoperatively, and 41° (19°
to 57°) at two years. Five children had an adverse event, with four
requiring return to theatre, but none were related to the device.
There were no neurological complications or infections. No devices
failed. One
The gold standard for percutaneous Achilles tendon tenotomy during the Ponseti treatment for idiopathic clubfoot is a tenotomy with a No. 15 blade. This trial aims to establish the technique where the tenotomy is performed with a large-bore needle as noninferior to the gold standard. We randomized feet from children aged below 36 months with idiopathic clubfoot on a 1:1 basis in either the blade or needle group. Follow-up was conducted at three weeks and three months postoperatively, where dorsiflexion range, Pirani scores, and complications were recorded. The noninferiority margin was set at 4° difference in dorsiflexion range at three months postoperatively.Aims
It has been reported that there is an association between Perthes’ disease and poverty. We examined the demographic data of a group of 240 children (263 hips) who presented with Perthes’ disease in Greater Glasgow, where the mean deprivation scores are substantially greater than in the rest of Scotland, to see if this association applied and whether other clues to the aetiology of Perthes’ disease could be found. There were 197 boys and 43 girls; 39 (16.25%) had a family history of Perthes’ disease. Bone age in this series was heavily skewed towards the lower percentiles. The mean number of siblings was 1.9, with 31 (12.9%) being an only
Children with spinal dysraphism can develop various musculoskeletal deformities, necessitating a range of orthopaedic interventions, causing significant morbidity, and making considerable demands on resources. This systematic review aimed to identify what outcome measures have been reported in the literature for children with spinal dysraphism who undergo orthopaedic interventions involving the lower limbs. A PROSPERO-registered systematic literature review was performed following PRISMA guidelines. All relevant studies published until January 2023 were identified. Individual outcomes and outcome measurement tools were extracted verbatim. The measurement tools were assessed for reliability and validity, and all outcomes were grouped according to the Outcome Measures Recommended for use in Randomized Clinical Trials (OMERACT) filters.Aims
Displaced fractures of the distal radius in children are usually reduced under sedation or general anaesthesia to restore anatomical alignment before the limb is immobilized. However, there is growing evidence of the ability of the distal radius to remodel rapidly, raising doubts over the benefit to these children of restoring alignment. There is now clinical equipoise concerning whether or not young children with displaced distal radial fractures benefit from reduction, as they have the greatest ability to remodel. The Children’s Radius Acute Fracture Fixation Trial (CRAFFT), funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research, aims to definitively answer this question and determine how best to manage severely displaced distal radial fractures in children aged up to ten years. Cite this article:
Aims. A clicky hip is a common referral for clinical and sonographic
screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). There is
controversy regarding whether it represents a true risk factor for
pathological DDH. Therefore a 20-year prospective, longitudinal,
observational study was undertaken to assess the relationship between
the presence of a neonatal clicky hip and pathological DDH. Patients and Methods. A total of 362 infants from 1997 to 2016 were referred with clicky
hips to our ‘one-stop’ paediatric hip screening clinic. Hips were
assessed clinically for instability and by ultrasound imaging using
a simplified Graf/Harcke classification. Dislocated or dislocatable
hips were classified as Graf Type IV hips. Results. The mean age at presentation was 13.8 weeks (12.8 to 14.7). In
all 351 out of 362 children (97.0%) had Graf Type I hips (normal)
that required no treatment. Nine children (2.5%) had Graf Type II
hips but all resolved to Graf Type I hips on follow-up scans. One
child (0.3%) had Graf Type III hip dysplasia and one
The August 2024 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: Antibiotic prophylaxis and infection rates in paediatric supracondylar humerus fractures; Clinical consensus recommendations for the non-surgical treatment of children with Perthes’ disease in the UK; Health-related quality of life in idiopathic toe walkers: a multicentre prospective cross-sectional study; Children with spinal dysraphism: a systematic review of reported outcomes; No delay in age of crawling, standing, or walking with Pavlik harness treatment: a prospective cohort study; No value found with routine early postoperative radiographs after implant removal in paediatric patients; What do we know about the natural history of spastic hip dysplasia and pain in total-involvement cerebral palsy?; Evaluating the efficacy and safety of preoperative gallows traction for hip open reduction in infants
To establish cut-off values for lateral pubofemoral distance (PFD) measurements for detecting hip dysplasia in early (four days) and standard care (six weeks) screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). All newborns, during a one-year period (October 2021 to October 2022), were offered a PFD ultrasound (US) examination in addition to the existing screening programme for DDH. Newborns who were referred for standard care hip US, suspected for DDH, received a secondary PFD US examination in conjunction with the standard care Graf/Harcke hip US examination. Receiver operating characteristic curves and empirically optimal cut-off values were calculated with a true positive defined as a Graf type ≥ IIc hip.Aims
The December 2023 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: A comprehensive nonoperative treatment protocol for developmental dysplasia of the hip in infants; How common are refractures in childhood?; Femoral nailing for paediatric femoral shaft fracture in children aged eight to ten years; Who benefits from allowing the physis to grow in slipped capital femoral epiphysis?; Paediatric patients with an extremity bone tumour: a secondary analysis of the PARITY trial data; Split tibial tendon transfers in cerebral palsy equinovarus foot deformities; Liposomal bupivacaine nerve block: an answer to opioid use?; Correction with distal femoral transphyseal screws in hemiepiphysiodesis for coronal-plane knee deformity.
As an increasing number of female surgeons are choosing orthopaedics, it is important to recognize the impact of pregnancy within this cohort. The aim of this review was to examine common themes and data surrounding pregnancy, parenthood, and fertility within orthopaedics. A systematic review was conducted by searching Medline, Emcare, Embase, PsycINFO, OrthoSearch, and the Cochrane Library in November 2022. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analysis were adhered to. Original research papers that focused on pregnancy and/or parenthood within orthopaedic surgery were included for review.Aims
Aims. Magnetically controlled growing rods (MCGRs) allow non-invasive
correction of the spinal deformity in the treatment of early-onset
scoliosis. Conventional growing rod systems (CGRS) need repeated
surgical distractions: these are associated with the effect of the
‘law of diminishing returns’. The primary aim of this study was to quantify this effect in
MCGRs over sequential distractions. . Patients and Methods. A total of 35 patients with a maximum follow-up of 57 months
were included in the study. There were 17 boys and 18 girls with
a mean age of 7.4 years (2 to 14). True Distraction (TD) was determined
by measuring the expansion gap on fluoroscopy. This was compared
with Intended Distraction (ID) and expressed as the ‘T/I’ ratio.
The T/I ratio and the Cobb angle were calculated at several time
points during follow-up. Results. The mean follow-up was 30 months (6 to 57). There was a significant
decrease in the mean T/I ratio over time (convex rod at 3 months
0.81, . sd. 0.58 vs 51 months 0.17, . sd . 0.16,
p = 0.0001; concave rod at 3 months 0.93, . sd. 0.67 vs 51
months 0.18, . sd. 0.15, p = 0.0001). A linear decline of
the mean T/I ratios was noted for both convex rods (r. 2. =
0.90, p = 0.004) and concave rods (r. 2. = 0.81, p = 0.015)
over 51 months. At the 24-month follow-up stage, there was a significant
negative correlation between the mean T/I ratio of the concave rod
with weight (r = -0.59, p = 0.01), age (r = -0.59, p = 0.01), and
BMI of the
The aim of this trial was to assess the cost-effectiveness of a soft bandage and immediate discharge, compared with rigid immobilization, in children aged four to 15 years with a torus fracture of the distal radius. A within-trial economic evaluation was conducted from the UK NHS and personal social services (PSS) perspective, as well as a broader societal point of view. Health resources and quality of life (the youth version of the EuroQol five-dimension questionnaire (EQ-5D-Y)) data were collected, as part of the Forearm Recovery in Children Evaluation (FORCE) multicentre randomized controlled trial over a six-week period, using trial case report forms and patient-completed questionnaires. Costs and health gains (quality-adjusted life years (QALYs)) were estimated for the two trial treatment groups. Regression was used to estimate the probability of the new treatment being cost-effective at a range of ‘willingness-to-pay’ thresholds, which reflect a range of costs per QALY at which governments are typically prepared to reimburse for treatment.Aims
The April 2023 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: CT scan of the ipsilateral femoral neck in paediatric shaft fractures; Meniscal injuries in skeletally immature children with tibial eminence fractures: a systematic literature review; Post-maturity progression in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis curves of 40° to 50°; Prospective, randomized Ponseti treatment for clubfoot: orthopaedic surgeons versus physical therapists; FIFA 11+ Kids: challenges in implementing a prevention programme; The management of developmental dysplasia of the hip in children aged under three months: a consensus study from the British Society for Children's Orthopaedic Surgery; Early investigation and bracing in developmental dysplasia of the hip impacts maternal wellbeing and breastfeeding; Hip arthrodesis in children: a review of 26 cases with a mean of 20 years’ follow-up
Ganz’s studies made it possible to address joint deformities on both the femoral and acetabular side brought about by Perthes’ disease. Femoral head reduction osteotomy (FHRO) was developed to improve joint congruency, along with periacetabular osteotomy (PAO), which may enhance coverage and containment. The purpose of this study is to show the clinical and morphological outcomes of the technique and the use of an implemented planning approach. From September 2015 to December 2021, 13 FHROs were performed on 11 patients for Perthes’ disease in two centres. Of these, 11 hips had an associated PAO. A specific CT- and MRI-based protocol for virtual simulation of the corrections was developed. Outcomes were assessed with radiological parameters (sphericity index, extrusion index, integrity of the Shenton’s line, lateral centre-edge angle (LCEA), Tönnis angle), and clinical parameters (range of motion, visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain, Merle d'Aubigné-Postel score, modified Harris Hip Score (mHHS), and EuroQol five-dimension five-level health questionnaire (EQ-5D-5L)). Early and late complications were reported.Aims
The paediatric trigger thumb is a distinct clinical entity with unique anatomical abnormalities. The aim of this study was to present the long-term outcomes of A1 pulley release in idiopathic paediatric trigger thumbs based on established patient-reported outcome measures. This study was a cross-sectional, questionnaire-based study conducted at a tertiary care orthopaedic centre. All cases of idiopathic paediatric trigger thumbs which underwent A1 pulley release between 2004 and 2011 and had a minimum follow-up period of ten years were included in the study. The abbreviated version of the Disabilities of Arm, Shoulder and Hand questionnaire (QuickDASH) was administered as an online survey, and ipsi- and contralateral thumb motion was assessed.Aims
The aim of this study was to produce clinical consensus recommendations about the non-surgical treatment of children with Perthes’ disease. The recommendations are intended to support clinical practice in a condition for which there is no robust evidence to guide optimal care. A two-round, modified Delphi study was conducted online. An advisory group of children’s orthopaedic specialists consisting of physiotherapists, surgeons, and clinical nurse specialists designed a survey. In the first round, participants also had the opportunity to suggest new statements. The survey included statements related to ‘Exercises’, ‘Physical activity’, ‘Education/information sharing’, ‘Input from other services’, and ‘Monitoring assessments’. The survey was shared with clinicians who regularly treat children with Perthes’ disease in the UK using clinically relevant specialist groups and social media. A predetermined threshold of ≥ 75% for consensus was used for recommendation, with a threshold of between 70% and 75% being considered as ‘points to consider’.Aims