For over a decade, bisphosphonate administration
has evolved and become the cornerstone of the prevention and treatment
of fragility fractures. Millions of post-menopausal women have relied
on, and continue to depend on, the long-acting, bone density-maintaining
pharmaceutical drug to prevent low-energy fractures. In return,
we have seen the number of fragility fractures decrease, along with
associated costs and emotional benefits. However, with any drug,
there are often concerns with side effects and complications, and
this unique drug class is seeing one such complication in atypical
subtrochanteric femoral fracture, counterproductive to that which
it was designed to prevent. This has created concern over long-term
bisphosphonate administration and its potential link to these atypical
fractures. There is controversial evidence surrounding such a definitive
link, and no protocol for managing these fractures. This review offers the latest information regarding this rare
but increasingly controversial adverse effect and its potential
connection to one of the most successful forms of treatment that
is available for the management of fragility fractures.
We examined the differences in post-operative
functional disability and patient satisfaction between 56 patients who
underwent a lumbar fusion at three or more levels for degenerative
disease (group I) and 69 patients, matched by age and gender, who
had undergone a one or two level fusion (group II). Their mean age
was 66 years (49 to 84) and the mean follow-up was 43 months (24
to 65). The mean pre-operative Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and visual
analogue scale (VAS) for back and leg pain, and the mean post-operative
VAS were similar in both groups (p >
0.05), but post-operatively
the improvement in ODI was significantly less in group I (40.6%)
than in group II (49.5%) (p <
0.001). Of the ten ODI items, patients
in group I showed significant problems with lifting, sitting, standing,
and travelling (p <
0.05). The most significant differences in
the post-operative ODI were observed between patients who had undergone
fusion at four or more levels and those who had undergone fusion
at less than four levels (p = 0.005). The proportion of patients
who were satisfied with their operations was similar in groups I
and II (72.7% and 77.0%, respectively) (p = 0.668). The mean number
of fused levels was associated with the post-operative ODI (r =
0.266, p = 0.003), but not with the post-operative VAS or satisfaction
grade (p >
0.05). Post-operative functional disability was more
severe in those with a long-level lumbar fusion, particularly at
four or more levels, but patient satisfaction remained similar for
those with both long- and short-level fusions.
We undertook a randomised controlled trial to
compare the piriformis-sparing approach with the standard posterior approach
used for total hip replacement (THR). We recruited 100 patients
awaiting THR and randomly allocated them to either the piriformis-sparing
approach or the standard posterior approach. Pre- and post-operative
care programmes and rehabilitation regimes were identical for both
groups. Observers were blinded to the allocation throughout; patients
were blinded until the two-week assessment. Follow-up was at six
weeks, three months, one year and two years. In all 11 patients
died or were lost to follow-up. There was no significant difference between groups for any of
the functional outcomes. However, for patients in the piriformis-sparing
group there was a trend towards a better six-minute walk test at
two weeks and greater patient satisfaction at six weeks. The acetabular
components were less anteverted (p = 0.005) and had a lower mean
inclination angle (p = 0.02) in the piriformis-sparing group. However,
in both groups the mean component positions were within Lewinnek’s
safe zone. Surgeons perceived the piriformis-sparing approach to
be significantly more difficult than the standard approach (p =
0.03), particularly in obese patients. In conclusion, performing THR through a shorter incision involving
sparing piriformis is more difficult and only provides short-term
benefits compared with the standard posterior approach.
Pathological fractures of the humerus are associated with pain, morbidity, loss of function and a diminished quality of life. We report our experience of stabilising these fractures using polymethylmethacrylate and non-locking plates. We undertook a retrospective review over 20 years of patients treated at a tertiary musculoskeletal oncology centre. Those who had undergone surgery for an impending or completed pathological humeral fracture with a diagnosis of metastatic disease or myeloma were identified from our database. There were 63 patients (43 men, 20 women) in the series with a mean age of 63 years (39 to 87). All had undergone intralesional curettage of the tumour followed by fixation with intramedullary polymethylmethacrylate and plating. Complications occurred in 14 patients (22.2%) and seven (11.1%) required re-operation. At the latest follow-up, 47 patients (74.6%) were deceased and 16 (25.4%) were living with a mean follow-up of 75 months (1 to 184). A total of 54 (86%) patients had no or mild pain and 50 (80%) required no or minimal assistance with activities of daily living. Of the 16 living patients none had pain and all could perform activities of daily living without assistance. Intralesional resection of the tumour, filling of the cavity with cement, and plate stabilisation of the pathological fracture gives immediate rigidity and allows an early return of function without the need for bony union. The patient’s local disease burden is reduced, which may alleviate tumour-related pain and slow the progression of the disease. The cemented-plate technique provides a reliable option for the treatment of pathological fractures of the humerus.
Pelvic discontinuity with associated bone loss is a complex challenge in acetabular revision surgery. Reconstruction using ilio-ischial cages combined with trabecular metal acetabular components and morsellised bone (the component-cage technique) is a relatively new method of treatment. We reviewed a consecutive series of 26 cases of acetabular revision reconstructions in 24 patients with pelvic discontinuity who had been treated by the component-cage technique. The mean follow-up was 44.6 months (24 to 68). Failure was defined as migration of a component of >
5 mm. In 23 hips (88.5%) there was no clinical or radiological evidence of loosening at the last follow-up. The mean Harris hip score improved significantly from 46.6 points (29.5 to 68.5) to 76.6 points (55.5 to 92.0) at two years (p <
0.001). In three hips (11.5%) the construct had migrated at one year after operation. The complications included two dislocations, one infection and one partial palsy of the peroneal nerve. Our findings indicate that treatment of pelvic discontinuity using the component-cage construct is a reliable option.
Femoroacetabular impingement is a cause of hip pain in adults and is potentially a precursor of osteoarthritis. Our aim in this study was to determine the prevalence of bilateral deformity in patients with symptomatic cam-type femoroacetabular impingement as well as the presence of associated acetabular abnormalities and hip pain. We included all patients aged 55 years or less seen by the senior author for hip pain, with at least one anteroposterior and lateral pelvic radiograph available. All patients with dysplasia and/or arthritis were excluded. A total of 113 patients with a symptomatic cam-impingement deformity of at least one hip was evaluated. There were 82 men and 31 women with a mean age of 37.9 years (16 to 55). Bilateral cam-type deformity was present in 88 patients (77.8%) while only 23 of those (26.1%) had bilateral hip pain. Painful hips had a statistically significant higher mean alpha angle than asymptomatic hips (69.9° vs 63.1°, p <
0.001). Hips with an alpha angle of more than 60° had an odds ratio of being painful of 2.59 (95% confidence interval 1.32 to 5.08, p = 0.006) compared with those with an alpha angle of less than 60°. Of the 201 hips with a cam-impingement deformity 42% (84) also had a pincer deformity. Most patients with cam-type femoroacetabular impingement had bilateral deformities and there was an associated acetabular deformity in 84 of 201 patients (42%). This information is important in order to define the natural history of these deformities, and to determine treatment.
From a global point of view, chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis in children remains a major cause of musculoskeletal morbidity. We have reviewed the literature with the aim of estimating the scale of the problem and summarising the existing research, including that from our institution. We have highlighted areas where well-conducted research might improve our understanding of this condition and its treatment.
Orientation of the native acetabular plane as defined by the transverse acetabular ligament (TAL) and the posterior labrum was measured intra-operatively using computer-assisted navigation in 39 hips. In order to assess the influence of alignment on impingement, the range of movement was calculated for that defined by the TAL and the posterior labrum and compared with a standard acetabular component position (abduction 45°/anteversion 15°). With respect to the registration of the plane defined by the TAL and the posterior labrum, there was moderate interobserver agreement (r = 0.64, p <
0.001) and intra-observer reproducibility (r = 0.73, p <
0.001). The mean acetabular component orientation achieved was abduction of 41° (32° to 51°) and anteversion of 18° (−1° to 36°). With respect to the Lewinnek safe zone (abduction 40° ±10°, anteversion 15° ±10°), 35 of the 39 acetabular components were within this zone. However, there was no improvement in the range of movement (p = 0.94) and no significant difference in impingement (p = 0.085). Alignment of the acetabular component with the TAL and the posterior labrum might reduce the variability of acetabular component placement in total hip replacement. However, there is only a moderate interobserver agreement and intra-observer reliability in the alignment of the acetabular component using the TAL and the posterior labrum. No reduction in impingement was found when the acetabular component was aligned with the TAL and the posterior labrum, compared with a standard acetabular component position.
Increased femoral head size may reduce dislocation rates following total hip replacement. The National Joint Registry for England and Wales has highlighted a statistically significant increase in the use of femoral heads ≥ 36 mm in diameter from 5% in 2005 to 26% in 2009, together with an increase in the use of the posterior approach. The aim of this study was to determine whether rates of dislocation have fallen over the same period. National data for England for 247 546 procedures were analysed in order to determine trends in the rate of dislocation at three, six, 12 and 18 months after operation during this time. The 18-month revision rates were also examined. Between 2005 and 2009 there were significant decreases in cumulative dislocations at three months (1.12% to 0.86%), six months (1.25% to 0.96%) and 12 months (1.42% to 1.11%) (all p <
0.001), and at 18 months (1.56% to 1.31%) for the period 2005 to 2008 (p <
0.001). The 18-month revision rates did not significantly change during the study period (1.26% to 1.39%, odds ratio 1.10 (95% confidence interval 0.98 to 1.24), p = 0.118). There was no evidence of changes in the coding of dislocations during this time. These data have revealed a significant reduction in dislocations associated with the use of large femoral head sizes, with no change in the 18-month revision rate.
Most cases of club foot (congenital talipes equinovarus) respond to non-operative treatment but resistant cases may need surgery. It is broadly accepted that lengthening of tendo Achillis, the tendon of tibialis posterior and capsulotomy of the ankle and subtalar joints are necessary during surgical release, but there is no consensus as to whether lengthening of the tendons of flexor hallucis longus and flexor digitorum longus is required. We randomised 13 children with severe bilateral club foot deformities to undergo lengthening of the flexor hallucis longus and flexor digitorum longus tendons on one side and simple decompression on the other. We found no difference in the deformities of the toes between the lengthened and non-lengthened sides at a mean follow-up of four years (2 to 6). We conclude that routine lengthening of the tendons of flexor hallucis longus and flexor digitorum longus during soft-tissue surgery for resistant club foot is not necessary.
We report the results of 79 patients (81 hips)
who underwent impaction grafting at revision hip replacement using the
Exeter femoral stem. Their mean age was 64 years (31 to 83). According
to the Endoklinik classification, 20 hips had a type 2 bone defect,
40 had type 3, and 21 had type 4. The mean follow-up for unrevised
stems was 10.4 years (5 to 17). There were 12 re-operations due to intra- and post-operative
fractures, infection (one hip) and aseptic loosening (one hip).
All re-operations affected type 3 (6 hips) and 4 (6 hips) bone defects.
The survival rate for re-operation for any cause was 100% for type
2, 81.2% (95% confidence interval (CI) 67.1 to 95.3) for type 3,
and 70.8% (95% CI 51.1 to 90.5) for type 4 defects at 14 years.
The survival rate with further revision for aseptic loosening as
the end point was 98.6% (95% CI 95.8 to 100). The final clinical
score was higher for patients with type 2 bone defects than type
4 regarding pain, function and range of movement. Limp was most
frequent in the type 4 group (p <
0.001). The mean subsidence
of the stem was 2.3 mm ( The impacted bone grafting technique has good clinical results
in femoral revision. However, major bone defects affect clinical
outcome and also result in more operative complications.
Septicaemia resulting from meningococcal infection is a devastating illness affecting children. Those who survive can develop late orthopaedic sequelae from growth plate arrests, with resultant complex deformities. Our aim in this study was to review the case histories of a series of patients with late orthopaedic sequelae, all treated by the senior author (CFB). We also describe a treatment strategy to address the multiple deformities that may occur in these patients. Between 1997 and 2009, ten patients (seven girls and three boys) were treated for late orthopaedic sequelae following meningococcal septicaemia. All had involvement of the lower limbs, and one also had involvement of the upper limbs. Each patient had a median of three operations (one to nine). Methods of treatment included a combination of angular deformity correction, limb lengthening and epiphysiodesis. All patients were skeletally mature at the final follow-up. One patient with bilateral below-knee amputations had satisfactory correction of her right amputation stump deformity, and has complete ablation of both her proximal tibial growth plates. In eight patients length discrepancy in the lower limb was corrected to within 1 cm, with normalisation of the mechanical axis of the lower limb. Meningococcal septicaemia can lead to late orthopaedic sequelae due to growth plate arrests. Central growth plate arrests lead to limb-length discrepancy and the need for lengthening procedures, and peripheral growth plate arrests lead to angular deformities requiring corrective osteotomies and ablation of the damaged physis. In addition, limb amputations may be necessary and there may be altered growth of the stump requiring further surgery. Long-term follow-up of these patients is essential to recognise and treat any recurrence of deformity.
This study compared the effect of a computer-assisted and a traditional surgical technique on the kinematics of the glenohumeral joint during passive abduction after hemiarthroplasty of the shoulder for the treatment of fractures. We used seven pairs of fresh-frozen cadaver shoulders to create simulated four-part fractures of the proximal humerus, which were then reconstructed with hemiarthroplasty and reattachment of the tuberosities. The specimens were randomised, so that one from each pair was repaired using the computer-assisted technique, whereas a traditional hemiarthroplasty without navigation was performed in the contralateral shoulder. Kinematic data were obtained using an electromagnetic tracking device. The traditional technique resulted in posterior and inferior translation of the humeral head. No statistical differences were observed before or after computer-assisted surgery. Although it requires further improvement, the computer-assisted approach appears to allow glenohumeral kinematics to more closely replicate those of the native joint, potentially improving the function of the shoulder and extending the longevity of the prosthesis.
We report the results of intramedullary leg lengthening conducted between 2002 and 2009 using the Intramedullary Skeletal Kinetic Distractor in 69 unilateral lengthenings involving 58 femora and 11 tibiae. We identified difficulties that occurred during the treatment and assessed whether they were specifically due to the implant or independent of it. Paley’s classification for evaluating problems, obstacles and complications with external fixators was adopted, and implant-specific difficulties were continuously noted. There were seven failures requiring premature removal of the device, in four due to nail breakage and three for other reasons, and five unsuccessful outcomes after completion of the lengthening. In all, 116 difficulties were noted in 45 patients, with only 24 having problem-free courses. In addition to the difficulties arising from the use of external fixators, there were almost the same number again of implant-specific difficulties. Nevertheless, successful femoral lengthening was achieved in 52 of the 58 patients (90%). However, successful tibial lengthening was only achieved in five of 11 patients (45%).
Muscle atrophy has been demonstrated in patients suffering from osteoarthritis of the hip, but little is known about muscular recovery after total hip replacement (THR). A total of 20 patients with unilateral osteoarthritis of the hip were assessed before, six months and two years after THR. The cross-sectional area and radiological density of the muscles of the hip, thigh, calf and back were measured using CT. We hypothesised that the muscles would not recover fully after operation. After two years comparison of the limb with the THR with the healthy limb showed that there was such a reduction in the cross-sectional area in iliopsoas (7.0%; p = 0.006) and the hip adductors (8.4%, p = 0.003) and in the radiological density in gluteus maximus (10.1 Hounsfield units; p <
0.001), gluteus medius/minimus (5.6 Hounsfield units; p = 0.011), iliopsoas (3.9 Hounsfield units; p <
0.001) and the adductors (2.4 Hounsfield units; p = 0.022). Thus, there was persistent muscle atrophy in muscles acting about the hip two years after THR. We suggest that an earlier operation or a more intensive rehabilitation may reverse these changes.
Balancing service provision and surgical training is a challenging issue that affects all healthcare systems. A multicentre prospective study of 1501 total hip replacements was undertaken to investigate whether there is an association between surgical outcome and the grade of the operating surgeon, and whether there is any difference in outcome if surgeons’ assistants assist with the operation, rather than orthopaedic trainees. The primary outcome measure was the change in the Oxford hip score (OHS) at five years. Secondary outcomes included the rate of revision and dislocation, operating time, and length of hospital stay. There was no significant difference in ΔOHS or complication rates between operations undertaken by trainers and trainees, or those at which surgeons’ assistants and trainees were the assistant. However, there was a significant difference in the duration of surgery, with a mean reduction of 28 minutes in those in which a surgeons’ assistant was the assistant. This study provides evidence that total hip replacements can be performed safely and effectively by appropriately trained surgeons in training, and that there are potential benefits of using surgeons’ assistants in orthopaedic surgery.
Arthritis of the hip in the young adult can be a disabling condition. Recent years have witnessed extensive research related to the management of this condition. This article reviews the current status with regard to aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of arthritis of the hip in the young adult.
Our aim was to evaluate the efficacy of a two-level reconstruction technique using subchondral miniscrews for the stabilisation of comminuted posterior-wall marginal acetabular fragments before applying lag screws and a buttress plate to the main overlying posterior fragment. Between 1995 and 2003, 29 consecutive patients with acute comminuted displaced posterior-wall fractures of the acetabulum were treated operatively using this technique. The quality of reduction measured from three standard plain radiographs was graded as anatomical in all 29 hips. The clinical outcome at a mean follow-up of 35 months (24 to 90) was considered to be excellent in five patients (17%), very good in 16 (55%), good in six (21%) and poor in two (7%). The use of the two-level reconstruction technique appears to provide stable fixation and is associated with favourable results in terms of the incidence of post-traumatic osteoarthritis and the clinical outcome. However, poor results may occur in patients over the age of 55 years.
Morbid obesity and its association with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome have been increasingly recognised in children. Orthopaedic surgeons are often the primary medical contact for older children with tibia vara, which has long been associated with obesity, but are unfamiliar with the evaluation and treatment of sleep apnoea in children. We reviewed all children with tibia vara treated surgically at one of our institutions over a period of five years. Thirty-seven patients were identified; 18 were nine years of age or older and 13 of these (72%) had morbid obesity and a history of snoring. Eleven children were diagnosed as having sleep apnoea on polysomnography. The incidence of this syndrome in the 18 children aged nine years or older with tibia vara, was 61%. All these patients required pre-operative non-invasive positive-pressure ventilation; tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy were necessary in five (45%). No peri-operative complications related to the airway occurred. There is a high incidence of sleep apnoea in morbidly obese patients with tibia vara. These patients should be screened for snoring and, if present, should be further evaluated for sleep apnoea before corrective surgery is undertaken.