Joint laxity was quantified by measuring the distance from the
We reviewed the records and radiographs of 381 patients with rheumatoid arthritis who had undergone silastic metacarpophalangeal joint replacement during the past 17 years. The number of implants was 1336 in the course of 404 operations. Implant failure was defined as either revision or fracture of the implant as seen on radiography. At 17 years, the survivorship was 63%, although on radiographs two-thirds of the implants were seen to be broken. Factors which improved survival included soft-tissue balancing, crossed intrinsic transfer and realignment of the wrist. Surgery to the
The aim of this study was to identify the minimal clinically important difference (MCID), minimal important change (MIC), minimal detectable change (MDC), and patient-acceptable symptom state (PASS) threshold in the Forgotten Joint Score (FJS) according to patient satisfaction six months following total knee arthroplasty (TKA). During a one-year period 484 patients underwent a primary TKA and completed preoperative and six-month FJS and OKS. At six months patients were asked, “How satisfied are you with your operated knee?” Their response was recorded as: very satisfied, satisfied, neutral, dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied. The difference between patients recording neutral (n = 44) and satisfied (n = 153) was used to define the MCID. MIC for a cohort was defined as the change in the FJS for those patients declaring their outcome as satisfied, whereas receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was used to determine the MIC for an individual and the PASS threshold. Distribution-based methodology was used to calculate the MDC.Aims
The case illustrated substantiates the explanation of the rare epiphysial separation of the head of the radius with 90 degrees backward tilting referred to above as Group 2. It suggests also that the initial fall on the hand may loosen the capital epiphysis. The undesirability of reducing dislocations of the elbow merely by pulling on the hand of the injured limb is emphasised. The dislocation should be reduced by gentle traction accompanied by pressure with the
1. A case of local gigantism is described, with enlargement of the left
In ten cases definitive loss of sensibility in an important territory of the hand has been treated by a hetero-digital, neurovascular skin island transfer. Operative technique and results obtained are reported. Although not enough patients have been treated to allow us to give precise indications for the procedure, two such indications clearly emerge: 1) the treatment of insensitive digits; 2) the reconstruction of the
A kindred of 15 affected individuals in five generations is described with autosomal dominant inheritance of bilateral five-fingered hand. Some of them had additional pre-axial polydactyly of the fingers or toes and some had partial or complete absence of the tibia. The range of expression of the gene is variable and genetic advice to these families must take account of the whole spectrum of defects. The function of both upper and lower limbs was improved by surgery. A distinction is drawn between the five-fingered hand shown in this family and the different deformity of a four-fingered hand with a triphalangeal
1. A seven-generation family is described which presented an autosomal dominant hereditary disorder characterised by brachydactyly, hypoplastic nails from the index to the little fingers, normal toe nails, absent middle phalanges in the fingers and lateral four toes, variable degrees of hypoplasia of the distal phalanges in the fingers with normal
1. A large Caucasian kindred in South Africa are affected by a previously undescribed inherited deformity of the hands and feet called digito-talar dysmorphism. 2. The principal features of digito-talar dysmorphism are flexion deformities, narrowing and ulnar deviation of the fingers. The
1. The case notes of 140 patients with a total of 297 severed long flexor tendons in the
We describe four women and two men who had persistent wrist pain and reduced function after minor operations on the dorsum, usually for ganglia. They had diffuse pain and paraesthesia over the dorsum of the wrist,
After brachial plexus injuries, and other forms of paralysis of the upper limb, even when residual paralysis is very grave indeed, and even when the limb is almost flailâa forearm which can project forwards by the construction of a bone-block behind the elbow, with arthrodesis of the shoulder when necessary; a hand with fingers in the form of a claw and a
We randomly selected 39 patients undergoing excision of the trapezium for osteoarthritis of the first carpometacarpal joint into two groups, with mobilisation either at one or at four weeks after operation. The patients were reviewed at a median of six months (6 to 8). The clinical details, the severity of the disease and the preoperative clinical measurements of both groups were similar. Excision of the trapezium resulted in significant improvement in objective and subjective function. Comparison of the outcomes of the two groups showed no differences except that patients found early mobilisation significantly more convenient. Although there was no significant difference in the range of movement between the groups, there was a small loss of movement at the metacarpophalangeal joint in the late mobilisation group. Our findings show that simple excision of the trapezium is an effective procedure for patients with carpometacarpal osteoarthritis of the
The clinical results of 26 digits (18 patients) lengthened by distraction callotasis were evaluated and the factors which influenced healing were analysed. There were 14 men and four women, with a mean age of 39 years. All digits had suffered traumatic amputation. There were eight
We treated 43 patients (38 women and 5 men) with osteoarthritis of the basal joint of the
We reviewed 13 patients with a complex fracture-dislocation of the proximal interphalangeal joint of a finger and one patient with a complex fracture-dislocation of the interphalangeal joint of
This is a retrospective study of primary repairs of flexor pollicis longus in 16 children under 15 years of age. Patients with injuries to the median or ulnar nerve at the wrist, crush injuries, skin loss or fracture were excluded. Repairs were carried out within 24 hours using a modified Kessler technique. The mean follow-up was for two years. The final results were evaluated using the criteria of Buck-Gramko and Tubiana. They were good or excellent in all except one patient who had a secondary tendon rupture. When compared with the non-injured
The condition known as delta phalanx (or longitudinally bracketed epiphysis) is a rare congenital anomaly first described in 1964. The deformity consists of a triangular bone with an epiphysis running along the shortened side of the phalanx in a proximal to distal direction, making longitudinal growth of the digit impossible. Isolated hallux varus congenitus due to a delta phalanx of the proximal phalanges of both great toes is extremely rare: there have been only three such cases reported, two of which were in one family--the only report of a familial occurrence of this deformity. This present report details the occurrence of isolated bilateral hallux varus congenitus in four members of one family, a father and his three eldest children. All three children show bilateral delta phalanx of the proximal phalanges of both great toes. There are associated